Summary: The filling of the Holy Spirit was done according to Acts 1:8. The message will help identify the filling and work that the Holy Spirit does in the believers life.

What does this mean? Be filled with the Spirit. This is a doctrine that is usually looked upon in two different extremes. Some refuse to consider the indwelling of God's Spirit while others go to the other extreme and base their entire belief around it. Paul is talking about Spirit filled, New Testament Christianity.

I. When Does the Believer Receive God’s Spirit?

1. John 14:16-18 comes with salvation. It doesn't come and go but He is with us forever.

2. Romans 8:9, man without God's Spirit is not saved.

II. Receiving the Holy Ghost is not what some Think.

1. Acts 2:1-8, not an unknown language, but one which was known. Tongue means language. They were heard in 16 different languages.

2. In verses 12-21, they were walking around testifying of Jesus.

3. Not something received for themselves, but to glorify God.

III. New Testament Christianity is Filled with the Spirit and Winning Souls to Christ

1. Luke 1:15-16, John the Baptist, no tongues.

2. Luke 3:21-22, Jesus Christ, no tongues.

3. Acts 1:8, Jesus said the evidence would be in witnessing. We would receive power and told to wait for that power.

4. Acts 2:37-41, Spirit filled preaching, 3000 souls saved.

5. Acts 2:42-47, people continued in the same doctrine, winning souls to Christ. Verse 47.

6. Acts 4:8-12, Peter filled, testifying, no tongues.

7. Acts 4:31, Disciples filled. Spoke boldly the Word, no tongues. Same 9 words in Acts 2:4.

8. Acts 9:17-22, Paul filled, witnessing, saving souls, no tongues.

9. Acts 6:5, Stephen & Phillip, full of the Holy Ghost testifying, winning souls, no tongues.

10. Acts 11:21-24, Barnabas, Spirit filled, winning souls, no tongues.

IV. What Does This Mean to Us

1. God means for you to be a witness and a soul winner.

2. You can't win souls without the help of Jesus Christ.

3. Put yourself in the center of God's will by prayer, Luke 11:13.

4. Take the sword of the spirit, the word of God. Ephesians 6.

5. Let the word of Christ dwell in you, Colossians 3:16.

6. Fill yourself with God's word. You can't be filled with God's word and not be filled with the Spirit, John 1:1-2, 14.

7. Be a soul winner, Ephesians 5:18.