Summary: Wicked hearts do not appreciate your hard work but are ready to throw stones at you at the drop of a hat.

Surveillance team

Mark 3:2 “They were watching Him to see if He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him.”

People don’t look at what all you go through before climbing the pulpit! They have not seen the work you do in the kitchen/office before you take the microphone to preach. They have not seen the sick child you had to attend to, they did not know your physical ailments, tiredness, exhaustion, they did not know the criticism, humiliation you had to endure, they did not know your rejection, they know nothing of your disappointments, they did not know how you were rejected by your own siblings and loved ones….they did not know the pain at all. Wicked hearts do not appreciate your hard work but are ready to throw stones at you at the drop of a hat. Waiting for you to let your guard down and do something wrong – even if it is small, they are ready to pounce on you.

Jesus was going inside the synagogue to do good; however, the evil eyes were looking for him to slipup. Are we not also surrounded by surveillance team who keep monitoring us so that they had find fault with us? It’s been 23 years since I joined the Lord’s vineyard to serve Him, many times I had felt like throwing in the towel and run away because of this constant accusation and pointing fingers.

When you decide to stand up for God in your family or at your work place, be sure to be attacked and mocked. When I decided to start free school for the poor, I thought I would be appreciated, but instead I was mocked by people close to me. During such times, do not say, ”I cannot stay here anymore”; it is ‘here’ that God is going to polish your character, refine you in the midst of affliction and pain and make you a strong tower. Do you hear me?

Allow God to operate on you. I remember when I was facing problems at my work spot, there were times that I wanted to run away. I was hurt, I was rejected, I was ignored and I was lonely. But my close relationship with God strengthened me to endure the pain. I did not discuss the issue with anyone in the office or at home, I silently cried to God who knew all that I was going through. There were times that I cried in the wash room at my office, but I still stayed in the same place for nearly five years, before I quit the job to work full-time for my Lord. God had to work in my heart and prepare me for the work that was ahead of me. As Paul says in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind (attitude or spirit) be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,”