Summary: This is the 142nd sermon in the series "Action". This is the 22nd sermon from Romans.

Series: Action [#142]


Romans 13:1-14


As we heard last week, it is easy to listen to God’s Word; but following God’s Word is something all together different. How do you live your life for Jesus?

Romans 13:1

You live for Jesus by…

1. Following the laws of the land.

This Scripture is plain, Christians need to follow the laws where they live. There are several truths here concerning following the laws of the land.

* Submit to those in governing authority.

We are to not only show respect; but put ourselves under the submission of the government. You may not like the President; but you are still supposed to submit to his authority. How many of you know someone that is in authority over you; but is corrupt? Does that mean you don’t submit?

Now there are times when the government is doing the opposite of God’s Word and you have to choose which one you will follow. Although you are to submit to the governing authorities; if you have to choose whether you follow Jesus Christ or those authorities- Always choose Jesus.

Romans 13:2-5

* Understand that there are consequences for breaking the law.

There is a penalty for breaking the law. You can ask God for forgiveness, and He will forgive you; but you will still face the consequences. Now, this goes back to what I said earlier, there are times that you must choose to follow Christ instead of the government; but you will still face the consequences.

Romans 13:6-8

* Pay your taxes.

This is pretty simple- Pay what you owe.

Romans 13:8-10

You live for Jesus by…

2. Loving others like you love yourself.

Now this is easy to say; but what does it really mean?

You love others by…

* Paying up.

Money has destroyed more friendships than any other thing. If you owe someone money, pay them.

You love others by…

* Building them up.

When you encourage others and do right by them, they are built up. All of these commandments listed here can be followed by loving others as you love yourself.

Romans 13:11-14

You live for Jesus by…

3. Watching and being ready.

No one knows when Jesus will return. It’s not our job to try to figure out when He is coming back. It’s our responsibility to be ready.

You get ready by…

* Waking up.

Christians, we need to pay attention. We need to understand the importance of living in a way that brings glory and honor to God.

You get ready by…

* Clothing yourself with Jesus Christ.

What’s that mean? That means that you live your life in a way that causes you to look like Jesus. You do the same things that Jesus did. You handle things like Jesus would handle them. You imitate Jesus.


How we live matters. Many Christians think that once they are saved it doesn’t matter how they live; but it matters greatly. Each of us should strive to follow the laws of the land, love others like you love yourself, and watch and be ready.