Summary: Resurrection Day


For me personally, this is one of my most favorite days of the year. On this day, we celebrate the most important day in the life of a believer; the day of Jesus victory over death, hell, and the grave. It is this victory that gives us the profound description of Jesus Christ, as the Resurrection and the Life.

We see Jesus Christ as the eternal King of kings.

We see Him as the Great I AM whose name is above all names.

We see Him as the Lamb of God who was lifted up on a cross for our sins and salvation.

But the most profound truth about Jesus Christ, is that He is the Resurrection and the Life. What you believe about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so important, that it will determine the outcome of your eternal soul. I humbly ask that you listen carefully and allow this great truth about Jesus Christ as the Resurrection and the Life to speak into your heart.

John 11:25 Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" NKJV

1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… NKJV


When D.L. Moody was a young man and had just started preaching, he was asked to preach a funeral. In preparing for His message, he searched the four Gospels looking to find a sermon that Christ had used at a funeral. However, in his search, he quickly discovered that Christ broken up every funeral he attended, because death could not exist where he was.

Think about this; every time the dead heard His voice, they sprang to life. As the resurrection and the life, Jesus Christ is the author of life and the conqueror of death, for it is impossible for death to stand in His presence. As the conqueror of death, Jesus said…

John 11:26 whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die… NKJV

Those who believe in Jesus Christ may die physically, but you will never die spiritually. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single, most dynamic truth in the word of God. Its importance is so great, that it will take all eternity to realize the riches and the inheritance that is ours through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The world has experienced numerous events that have impacted history, but there is absolutely no event that has ever impacted the world like the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But the great question that is at stake here today is; do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Have you personally experienced the life changing power of His resurrection?

I want you to hear this very clearly, death is not the end. Every person in this room will spend eternity somewhere. The Bible clearly states there are only two choices; eternal life or eternal death. And the decision you make regarding what you believe about Jesus Christ and His resurrection will ultimately determine your eternal destination.

For those who know Jesus Christ, and believe that He lived, died and rose again; we have this

great promise from Jesus when He said… He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. Glory to God, what a promise!


Consider this powerful thought; if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then the Christian message is the biggest hoax in history. If Jesus did not rise from the grave, then we, as Christians, are terribly deceived and the Bible is a total lie.

Christianity is the only religion that has ever claimed its leader rose from the dead.

Archeologists have found the burial sites of Egypt’s greatest kings buried in massive tombs with great wealth. And yet, these kings are still in their tombs and they are still very dead.

The Taj Mahal in India is one of the world’s most dazzling tombs, and its occupants are still there, and are still very dead.

Mohammed died in 632 and he is still in his grave in Medina.

In the Red Square of Moscow lies the preserved body of Lenin, but he is still dead

I have personally visited the burial site of George Washington at Mount Vernon and his body is still there. My point is, all of these men still occupy their graves. But the grave of Jesus Christ is empty. And that makes Christianity the most unique religion in the world.


Have you ever considered what the eternal ramifications would be, IF the resurrection of Jesus were a myth? For example… If the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a hoax… that means…

• Jesus Christ is NOT the Son of God

• The cross of Calvary was a mistake… A huge mistake!...

• There would be no eternal life, and salvation is impossible

• Preaching of the gospel would be a foolish waste of time

• The Bible, and all Bible prophecy would be false

• Those who witnessed the resurrection are liars

• The second coming of Jesus is a false teaching and an empty hope

• There would be no rapture, no resurrection of the dead, and no heaven

• Those who were martyred for their faith in Christ, died in fruitless vain

These are just a few of the many ramifications if the resurrection of Jesus is a lie. This is why the resurrection is central to everything we believe. Paul said it best in 1 Corinthians 15 when he said if the resurrection is not true, then we are to be pitied more than all men.

So, if the resurrection of Jesus Christ is not true, then we are in a big mess.

But glory to God, the evidence proves that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is true. It is not a false hope. Jesus Christ is alive. He is risen and because He is risen, all who believe in Him, have everlasting life.


Jesus said, I AM the Resurrection and the Life.

You cannot have eternal life without the resurrection, and you cannot have the resurrection without Jesus Christ. Have you ever considered the difference between the resurrection of Christ, and the resurrections of others in the Bible who were brought back to life?

For example, Paul writes in I Corinthians 15:20 But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. NKJV

The Bible speaks of other people who were brought back from the dead. The question is, how can

Jesus be the first fruits when the Bible records in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, people

who have been brought back to life?

For example, there is the resurrection of the Sidonian widow’s son by Elijah. (I Kings 17)

There is also the resurrection of the Shunamite woman’s son by Elisha. (2 Kings 4)

There is also the strange and fascinating account of a dead man who suddenly came back to life when his dead body was thrown onto the bones of Elisha. (2 Kings 13)

In the New Testament, the Gospels record that Jesus brought three people back to life.

There is the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus. (Mark 5)

There is the widow’s son in the small village of Nain. (Luke 7)

There is also the well-known resurrection of Lazarus, whom Jesus called forth from gave after he had been dead for four days. (John 11)

What is the difference between these resurrections and the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Why is Jesus called the firstfruits, when these others had been resurrected before Him and why is that important to us?

The big difference is that each one of these people died again, but Jesus didn’t. He is the firstfruits of the resurrection of those who will never die again. He is the firstfruits of eternal life. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not about living and then dying again. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an eternal resurrection to eternal life in His eternal kingdom. That means for all who believe in Jesus Christ, and His resurrection, we have the glorious promise of eternal life, where will never know death again, and that is worth celebrating!

As the resurrection and the Life, Jesus is the only one who has the power to raise you up from the dead, and give you eternal life.


The big question is, do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Listen again to Jesus words to Martha in John 11:25.

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"

All four gospels tell us that the tomb of Jesus is empty and that He is risen from the dead. The world has encountered many great and wonderful discoveries, but the single greatest

discovery in human history is the empty tomb of Jesus Christ.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate demonstration of Jesus power over death, hell and the grave and… that He is the Son of God. It is impossible to believe in Jesus Christ without believing that Jesus literally and physically came back from the dead. You cannot say you believe in Jesus Christ and not believe in His resurrection.

To reject the truth of the resurrection, is to deny the overwhelming evidence of His resurrection.

To reject the resurrection is to reject Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation.

Paul wrote in Romans 10:9 that what you believe about Jesus Christ and His resurrection will ultimately determine your eternal destination.

Romans 10:9 if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God

has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. NKJV

That’s as plain as it can get. You cannot have eternal life without believing in the physical and literal

resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are those who falsely claim to be Christians, and yet, they deny the validity of Christ’s resurrection. Again, it is impossible to believe in Jesus Christ for eternal life and not believe in His resurrection.

John Singleton Copley is remembered as one of the greatest legal minds in British history. He was the attorney general of Great Britain and the high chancellor of England three times. He personally did an intensive and through research of the resurrection and said that the “evidence for the resurrection is so great that it cannot be broken down.”

Why is the world so against the resurrection and the wonderful message of hope that comes from the empty tomb of Jesus Christ? It comes down to one simple thing; if the resurrection is true, then that means Jesus Christ is who He claims to be as the Son of God, which also means that we must submit to Him as Savior and Lord, and for many people submitting to Jesus Christ is not an option.

Submitting to Jesus Christ, is to believe in Christ and follow Christ. It means to turn from our sin, and many people are unwilling to give up their sinful lifestyle. But no matter what the world believes, the resurrection is still true, but it is up to you to believe it.

Jesus said… John 11:26 whoever believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" NKJV

Do you believe in the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord of lords, who will return with power and great glory?

What you believe is so vitally important, because what you believe about Jesus Christ will determine your eternal destination.


In closing, there are many Christians who say they believe in the resurrection, but they do not live like they believe in the resurrection.

My question is, has your belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ changed how you live your life?

If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, and in His resurrection, it should change how you live. It should change us from living like the world, to living like Christ. Your walk with Christ is a living testimony to the world that the powerful truth of Christ’s resurrection has happened in your heart.

On May 28 1914, a ship called the Express of Ireland, collided with another ship in the Atlantic Ocean several miles from shore. Immediately the ship began to sink, and it was discovered there were not enough life belts on board for both the passengers and the crew. On that ship were 130 Salvation Army officers who chose to give up their right to a life belt, and instead gave them to the crew members and other passengers.

It was later discovered that 109 of the 130 Salvation Army officers drowned that day because they choose to give away their life jackets. When their bodies were pulled from the sea, they discovered that not a single Salvation Army Christian had a life jacket, because they gave theirs away.

Those who survived the disaster told how these Salvation Army Christians gave up their life jackets and strapped them on other passengers and crew members, and said, “I am not ashamed or afraid to die because I have faith in Jesus Christ.”

These men and women were not afraid to face death. They demonstrated with their lives what it means

to believe in Jesus Christ as the Resurrection and the Life.

That brings us back to this question; do you believe in Jesus Christ as the Resurrection and the Life? Do you believe with all of your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead?

He either rose from the dead, or He didn’t. You have to choose, and what you choose to believe about the resurrection of Jesus Christ will ultimately determine your eternal destination.

That’s what this day is all about. Today, in Jesus Name, I ask that you look into the tomb and see for yourself that the tomb is empty. See for yourself that Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life.

If you have never surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, then let today can be the greatest day of your life, by choosing to believe in Jesus Christ as the Resurrection and the Life. Ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and then give Him your life and believe in Him as the Son of God who is our resurrection and life.

If you desire eternal life in Jesus Christ, then believe in your heart with these words.

Romans 10:9 if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. NKJV