Summary: Jesus shed tears for many reasons. We, as Christians, should shed tears for the same. Is our heart sensitive to the things of God?

Chemists say that tears are a combination of sodium chloride, phosphate of lime, mucus, and water. The Bible reveals that tears are the expressions of a broken heart. The Bible is splattered with tears from Genesis to Revelation. In the Old Testament, Esther fell down before the King's and wept tears for the preservation of her people. The Psalmist David watered his couch with tears over his personal condition. Hezekiah’s prayer with tears caused God to lengthen his life 15 years. Jeremiah prayed that his eyes might be a fountain of tears, that he might weep day and night for his people.

In the New Testament, a father cried out with tears, “Lord, I believe. Help thou, my nonbelief.” Mary washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. The apostle Paul served the Lord with tears and ceased not to warn the people with his tears.

Jesus left only two things on earth: tears and blood. Tears reveal that his heart was touched by our condition and his love for us. His blood bears testimony of his desire to cleanse us from sin and iniquity.

I. Tears at the Gate of Death

1. John 11:35

2. These were tears of sympathy. Not for Lazarus, but for his sisters. Jesus is the death destroyer. Hebrews 2:14.

3. Tears of grief. Hebrews 4:14-16, Jesus understands every grief and burden we must bear. Take it to him.

II. Jesus Weeping over a Doomed City

1. Luke 19:41-44

2. Jesus performed miracles to prove he was the son of God. Yet he was rejected.

3. Luke 13:34-35, he saw their spiritual condition.

a. They were spiritually blinded: 2 Corinthians 4:4.

b. They would not come to Jesus: John 6:63-69.

c. Jesus, the only source of salvation, John 5:39-40

4. I believe if Jesus were to come back today, He would weep over the city of Casper.

III. Jesus Weeping over a Lost World

1. Luke 23:34, Hebrews 5:7-9, Matthew 9:36

2. Weeping because He knew their destiny, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

3. Psalm 9:17, the wicked shall be turned into Hell.

4. Isaiah 5:14, Hell has been enlarged to receive the multitude.

5. Matthew 25:41, one day the multitudes will hear Him say depart.

6. Many loved ones and friends will be doomed to Hell, because Christians didn’t care enough to weep for their soul. Live and be a testimony.

7. Two sides to the cross: Reject Christ and It’s Hell or Accept Him and It’s Heaven.

8. Two ways that lead to two destinations, Psalm 55:15-16

IV. Two Things Unsaved will Face in Eternity

1. Jesus wept over your lost condition.

2. Jesus died and shed His blood that you might not be lost, John 3:16, John 1:12, Romans 10:9-10

3. Won’t You accept Him today?