Summary: At this very moment there is a wailing in the spirit like a woman in travail. All of creation seems to be travailing and moaning like a woman on the verge of giving birth… Can you hear it.

For some time now I’ve been hearing a sound in my spirit. there is a sound that is being heard in the heavenlies and its reverberating across the entire globe. It’s a sound that seems to be emanating from the very foundations of the earth…. The earth itself seems to be crying out with guttural sounds which cannot be put into words. It is a wailing in the spirit like a woman in travail. The whole of creation is travailing and moaning like a woman on the verge of giving birth.

From Genesis to Revelation the Bible mentions a trouble which is to come upon mankind in the last days as of a woman in travail.

Now when we hear the word travail, some of us think of working and toiling all day in the fields. It’s thought of as extreme physical and mental exertion, hardship and struggle,

As a matter of fact the Miriam Webster dictionary states the word travail means “work that is full of pain and hard labor.” Given that context some individuals serving time in prisons and internment camps around the world including here in the US could be considered as being in travail.

But please excuse me if I do not wholeheartedly ascribe to that particular assertion.

For the majority of us, the word travail automatically conjures images of pregnancy, agony, childbirth and hours upon hours of excruciating pain… And rightfully so.

The World Health Organization has declared that maternal mortality rates are drastically increasing world wide. Here in the U.S., women are more likely to die from complications of pregnancy, and childbirth, than any other High Income Nation in the world. Much of these deaths are attributed to a severe ongoing shortage of skilled maternal health providers — especially midwives. We’ll take a closer look at that as we go deeper in the message.

Having given birth to 3 children, including one that weighed over 8 lbs I think the portion about the agony comes pretty close. But unless you are a woman who has given birth or unless you have ever been severely tortured you will never know what it’s like to be in travail.

And the last I checked, try as they might, science still has not managed to find a way for a man to give birth to a child.

Definition of travail:

The Greek transliteration of the word travail:-

The intense pain necessary to open up and introduce something new as in childbirth

Now the Hebrew form is the word telaah

Phonetic Spelling: (tel-aw-aw')

Meaning Hardship or distress

So then, In layman’s terms, we understand that the most accurate definition of travail is to experience intense extreme pain and suffering as in the pangs of childbirth or in other words, to be in labor.

Any woman who has ever given birth can testify that it is one of the most intense pain that you will ever experience in your entire life. Not only is it a painful process, some labor can literally last up to 18 hours. But most women you talk to will tell you that they would do it again for the joy of seeing and holding their child in their arms.

But this is not a message on the physical anatomy of a woman… It is a message about the need, the power, the efficacy and the potency of prayer. If ever there was a time to pray, and travail in the spirit, that time is now. . .

This message is a Macedonian call today. I’m calling for the mothers in Zion to rise up in power and authority and begin to lead the charge against the kingdom of hell. It’s time the mothers begin to go down on their knees and seek the face of God for the souls of a lost and dying generation.

I believe that right now we are at a pivotal time in the plan of God. At this very moment, this sound is resonating all across the world. As I hear the sound I am reminded of when I was a kid coming up in the church. We used to have a special service for new converts and other individuals who had not yet received the Holy Spirit. It was called a tarrying service. The candidates would be given teachings and instructions on the person and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Teaching them how to seek the face of God

Teaching them how to wait on God until they received a breakthrough in the spirit.

Teaching them how to pray until they were able to break down their barriers and touch God

At a certain point in each service the candidates would be lead into prayer. The prayer warriors would stay with them, praying for them and interceding for them in the spirit. They would be travailing and crying out in the spirit, crying out like a woman in labor. Crying out to God on behalf of these individuals, for these new converts to receive the infilled of the Holy Spirit. They were intercessors, spiritual midwives who would stand in the gap and pray with you till you broke through in the spirit. The sound of prayer would fill the room. You could hear them interceding and tarrying before you even got to the door.

Say what you want about how unnecessary it was and how it doesn’t take all that.

But Those women would pray until the power of God came down in that little prayer room and our lives were changed and altered for the better.

I say women… because most of these prayer warriors were women, which was pretty normal since women have traditionally outnumbered the men in our black and brown churches. Even to this day women make up appx 61% of our congregations every Sunday morning.

The prayers of those anointed women of God would create a sense of reverence in the entire atmosphere of the building.

The presence of God would be so strong that you felt like you could literally reach out and touch Him.

When the women prayed it brought about real change.

Yokes would be broken.

Lives would be changed.

Souls would be delivered and

Those that were bound would be set free

The sick would be healed

When the women prayed, the power of God would move mightily in our midst. Whenever there was a need in the church or a need in the country my old pastor would call for the prayer mothers to go down in a time of prayer and fasting. Whether it was 7 days, 21 days or 30 days, when the women travailed victories were won...

Hear me my brothers and my sisters if there was ever a time for us to turn our plates down and to seek the face of God, that time is now.

It’s time for the women of God to hear the sound and take up their place in Zion. Its time for the women to begin to tap into the spirit and remember that we have the power to access heaven and effect real change in the earth. There is a cause and there is a need.

We need to repent for our nation (forgive us God)

We need to stand in the gap and intercede for the people of our country

We need to cry out “God send a revival”.

Pour out your spirit upon us once again.

Let revival sweep through the land God. Lord let your spirit to take up residence in your house again.

We need the mothers in Zion to take up their places and assume the birthing position. It’s time for those that have been impregnated by the spirit of God for this season to get down on their hands and knees and begin travailing in the spirit. But not only do we need the mothers, we need the spiritual midwives to hear the sound and take up their place in the body of Christ.

Listen church, the sound of travailing always signifies that something is taking place in the heavenlies. It lets you know that Heaven is mobilizing and It’s time for the church to begin to mobilize in response.

The sound of travail lets you know that birthing is about to take place. It lets you know that new life is about to come forth. And it’s time to assume the position and get ready to push.

There are ministries that need to be birthed,

businesses that need to be brought forth,

new ideas that need to be realized for the advancement of the Kingdom.

A. There is a pandemic that’s still taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals across the world on a daily basis.

B. People are dying of starvation all across the world and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

C. Right now in our present world we are literally experiencing what Matthew and Mark spoke about concerning the things that are to come upon the earth in the end times … nation rising against nations, and kingdom against kingdom; wars and rumors of war, earthquakes and famines in diverse places.

And John says the woman is in travail, because her hour is come: In other words its time for her to give birth. And God is calling for the true worshippers, the praying warriors, the spiritual midwifes to begin to intercede and stand in the gap on behalf of the church and on behalf of our nation.

Let me take a moment to break this down.

You see midwifery is a medical specialty. You can’t just make anybody a midwife. It’s a specialized field. You have to be trained and educated in the field. You’ve got to have a degree which says that you have completed the required courses and have earned the required credits to practice as a midwife. In other words you must have the proper qualifications that authorizes you to perform the functions of a midwife. As it is in the natural, so it is in the spirit. A spiritual midwife must be properly vetted. She must be qualified and be set forth by leadership. she must be one who knows how to be subjected to authority. So she’ll move orderly and appropriately according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Her job is to facilitate and ensure a viable birth. To make sure that there are no stillbirths, no spiritual abortions. She is there to ensure a live delivery. A healthy manifestation of the promise. Her job is to help bring the vision to fruition. She is necessary to help bring it to life.

The sound of travail signifies that The time for incubation has past. Labor pains re in full effect. The amniotic sac has been breached. The birth canal has achieved Maximum dilation. God is about to use you as the conduit through which he will deliver your family. He’s about to use you to deliver your children, your church, your community and your country.

Its time to rise up women of God and take back our place in Zion! Take back our authority over the plan of the enemy, take back our families. We need to begin warring in the spirit and take back our nation from the demonic forces of hell that are running rampant across the land. Knowing that we are the head and not the tail. We are the lenders and not the borrowers and we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

Listen the Bible tells us that to everything there is time and there is a season. I believe in my spirit that this is the time when we will begin to see the manifestation of the power of God in our midst once again. Miracles , signs and wonders are getting ready to take place among us once again. Revival is coming to your home, to your church, to your town, to our country and to the world. It is the time of the latter rain. God is calling for the spiritual midwives in Zion to tap into the spirit and begin to minister to those that are carrying this next level manifestation.

And I hear the Lord saying “enough of the dead things in my house. It’s time for new life to spring forth again.” And the reason why there’s a wailing in your spirit is because I have a remnant that have been impregnated with divine vision and purpose for this next season and because of that the enemy has opened up the flood gates and pulled out all the stops to try and derail what is in store but I have prepared a remnant that refuses to let anything stop them. They’re feeling the urgency and they understand that it is time to push!

Somebody shout push!!!

God has a remnant that can’t be satisfied with the same old thing. They have caught a glimpse of the glory which is to come. And their birthing pains have begun.

Somebody shout push!!!

They have to give birth. They must be delivered, They must see the manifestation of the vision. You see, every season of travailing is always followed by a season of delivery.

Let me hear you shout push!!!

Some of you have been expecting for a long time and now your time of expectation has brought you to your manifestation season. You’re in your season of breakthrough. It’s revival time, not just individually but corporately. Its time for the global church to catch the vision and begin to corporately storm heaven for a global deliverance. Its time to storm the forces of hell and destroy the enemy’s agenda.

Shout push!!!

Its time for all who are expecting, to get in the birthing position. Medically speaking, one of the main birthing positions is kneeling upright or kneeling on all four hands and knees. Whether it be in the natural or in the spirit if you’re going to give birth kneeling is a good place to start.


God is about to manifest himself and allow you to see Him like you’ve never seen him before. The word Manifestation means to show, to put on display or to demonstrate. It simply means God is getting ready to magnify himself in your life. He’s getting ready to enlarge you, to blow you up. To bring you to prominence. He’s getting ready to bring out your true potential. It means in doing what he’s about to do, everything about you is getting ready to change. He’s about to unveil you, He’s about to make you visible. He’s about to take you out of obscurity into a position of prominence.

Tell somebody PUSH!!!

He’s about to unveil your business, and unveil your ministry, He's bringing you out of the shadows and into the forefront for the advancement of the Kingdom. PUSH!!!

Some of you, your baby is overdue because up until this very moment the timing hasn’t been right, but touch somebody and tell them this is your birthing season, you’re getting ready to deliver. You’re about to give birth.


See when you’re in your birthing season and you can either speed up or delay the delivery process by how you respond to the movement of the Holy Spirit.


You see delivery is the hardest part of the birthing process. The gestational period has times of discomfort and difficulties but delivery is where the real work comes in. Sometimes during delivery you wish you could stop the whole process and not have to go through with it. But once you’re pregnant you’ve got to deliver one way or another. One way or another that baby has to come out. That’s why the writer said that the woman when she is delivered of the child her anguish is replaced by joy because she has given birth. Because she can finally hold her child. Listen church its time to give birth.

I don’t care what know body say… if you would see the manifestation of what God has in store in this next season…. You gon have to make it up In Your mind to PUSH!!!

I stopped by here to tell you that Its deliverance time. PUSH!!!

Its time to give birth to that which you have been carrying. PUSH!!!!!!

Its manifestation time. push!!!

Its time to birth that thing that God has placed in side of you for such a time as this.

Come on push!!!!

Its time to deliver your baby

You’re gonna be afraid sometimes but don’t let fear stop you. Push!!!

You’re gonna be uncomfortable sometimes but don’t let discomfort stop you… Push!!!

Its gonna be painful sometimes but don’t let pain stop you. Push!!! Weeping endures for a night but joy comes…

The fear is just temporary

The pain is just temporary…. Once the process is over it’ll all be worth it. Push!!!

Don’t quit now…PUSH!!!

you’ve come too far not to see this thing through PUSH!!!

You’ve got to deliver this thing. The devil is a liar. PUSH!!!

Your deliverance is in your belly. PUSH!!!

All this time Its been closer than you think. PUSH!!! Open your mouth and shout PUSH!!!!!!

Speak it into existence. PUSH!!!

Pray it into existence, PUSH!!!

Cry if you have to, but one way or another this baby has got to come out. PUSH!!!