Summary: Everything in relationships rises and falls on trust! Do you believe that? Many authors and the Bible say it is a true statement! Trust is essential component to build and to experience if we desire to live “The Abundant life” in 2023.Proverbs

Video Transition: Faith in the Desert!

Theme: Abundant 2023 – Living Abundantly-Growing in Christ-Walking in freedom!

This year’s Scripture Verse: John 10:10: NKJV (Jesus said)

10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Sermon: Trust pt 2

Thesis: Everything in relationships rises and falls on trust! Do you believe that? Many authors and the Bible say it is a true statement! Trust is essential component to build and to experience if we desire to live “The Abundant life” in 2023 that Jesus spoke about. To engage with others requires trust and to have trust is also essential in our relationship with God.

How well do you trust God? Do you trust God? Would you be willing to trust God if he gave you a dream – a dream that reveals your divine destiny?

The Bible exhorts us over and over to trust God – in the good – in the bad and in the ugly!

Scriptures on Trust”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 17: 7-8

7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.

8 They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Psalm 9:10

10 Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 20:7

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Psalm 31:14

14 But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.”

Psalm 56:3

3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.


The Bible tells us to Trust God – in life – in direction for your life – in trials – in storms – in times of fear – in uncertain times – in success and in failure – we need to Trust Him!

We have all heard the words “Just Trust Me!” Some people say these words expecting others to immediately respond, “Yes, I will trust you!” But if you are wise or discerning sirens, flashing lights, and other warning signs should be going off in your mind and spirit.” Trust is a big character issue and must be entered into wisely and with prayer. We need to be wise in who we trust.

Dr. Cloud says, “These words often fall short. They can disappoint, sometimes terribly. Neuroscience tells us there’s a good reason we should not “just trust” someone…the entire human nervous system and brain are wired to scan our environment and quickly assess each person with whom we interact.” (Page 1, Trust).

We as humans are intently designed on the inside to ask the question of others internally, “Can I trust you?”

David Horsager in his book Trusted Leader states there are 8 things or 8 pillars which create a trusted leader – these 8 pillars create a trusted environment and therefore create positive results.

1. Clarity – We trust people who have a clear vision and communication – ambiguity creates distrust!

2. Compassion- We trust people who have compassion for us and others but distrust people who do not have compassion on others.

3. Character- We trust people who have character – good godly character – but we do trust people without character.

4. Competency- We trust people who reveal this character of competency – knowing what to do and when to do it – showing they have a handle on unexpected situations.

5. Commitment – We trust someone is committed to mission, the vision or even the cause and show it with how they sacrifice for the mission.

6. Connection- We trust people who we are connected to – who we have worked side by side with. Who we connect to personally!

7. Contribution- We trust people who contribute – give to others – give to the mission – we trust people produce good fruit with their contributions.

8. Consistency- We trust people who build trust by repetition and – predictability creates trust.

But when it comes to God – to following His direction, visions, dreams for our life we should trust God. We are created in the image of God and it’s wired into our DNA to be in connection and in a trust relationship with The Lord. Our inner soul and spirit tells us to trust God – to trust Him with our dreams, our destinies, our lives and even our families lives.

Joseph was the great grandson of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac. Isaac was the father of Jacob, who was also known as Israel – which by the way is how Israel got its name today. Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob had four wives and 12 sons and Joseph was the 11th son. He had one full brother named Benjamin and during his birth his mother died.

In the fifty chapters of Genesis Joseph’s life story takes up one-fourth of the chapters. His life can be divided up into three sections says Chuck Swindoll:

• Birth to Seventeen Years (Genesis 30:24-37:2)

• During this time Joseph’s family was is transition-everyone was unsettled, on the move. A low-level antagonism was brewing as his family clashed and argued in jealousy and hatred.

• Seventeen to Thirty years (Genesis 37:2-41:46)

• This second segment occurs as Joseph reaches young adulthood – or manhood. It seems as though his life becomes out of control. Betrayal by family, Enslavement, unfair accusations, injustice, and even imprisonment assault him.

• Thirty Years to Death (Genesis 41:46-50:26)

• Joseph’s last eighty years of prosperity and reward under God’s blessing. He had the classic opportunity to get even with his brothers, to ruin them forever, but he refused. Instead he blessed, protected, and forgave.( Swindoll (pg. 4)

I have grouped his three time periods into a series called “Trust and a man named Joe!”

I. Joe is a teenager and receives divine dreams about his call and future! (Genesis 37:1-12)

a. Trust comes from clarity – God was clear to our young immature teenager he has a great plan for his life! He showed him the specific plan he had for him!

i. God gave joe a mission statement for His life – he gave him clarity of where he would end up.

ii. God was not ambiguous with him! He gave him a glimpse into his future!

iii. The journey to this point of the dream would come in an unexpected way. Not like Joe thought or even his brothers!

1. Seems a harsh way to be what God told him he would be!

b. I want to make it clear - These dreams are from God by the way – to joe – he received them at the hand of God to highlight to this young teenager that God has a call on His life! No matter what happens in the journey – no matter what unexpected events take place – he has a plan for his life, and he will be a great leader one day.

i. The dreams reveal that all his family will one day bow down to him! So, being a foolish teenager and being consumed with himself – he tells his family his dreams and how they will all bow to him. Not a wise move by the way!

1. Joseph as we see has an ego problem – His dad treated him better than any other of his siblings – this did not help this teenager’s ego at all especially giving him a special robe – see Genesis 37:3-4.

ii. How many have ever had teenagers and or a teenage brother?

1. If your teenager (family member) told you, that they would be your master – you would bow down to them – what would you have done?

a. If it was one of my brothers, I would have punched them!

i. Just being honest here. I don’t think I would have sold him off into slavery – but you never know how much they got for him?

b. Talk about getting a dream – having to trust God that the dreams were from Him – but not having the wisdom to keep quiet about the dreams – he brags about them and in the process all trust is finally broken with his family – yes, trust is broken in this family – it is shattered – the unit becomes fragmented.

i. Breaking trust will always fragment a family and breed lies, anger, jealousy, rage, deception and depression. Heart break and sin.

iii. Joe and his brothers suffered from the disease of favoritism.

1. There was the robed and the unrobed, the haves and the have nots.

2. There was a spoiled prideful brat and the unloved sons driven to rage by their father’s favoritism.

a. It’s amazing but a fact the brothers do not get mad at their father Jacob who is in the wrong but at Joseph.

b. Maybe they just wanted to believe that their father did love them as much as Joseph, but Joseph kept him from loving them like he should.

i. This thought pattern would be much less painful for the other kids.

ii. Jacob’s favoritism breeds distrust in his own family and Joe paid the price!

c. Favoritism and the special robe just added to this dysfunctional family the green-eyed monster of jealousy grew – when this monster is unleashed all trust is gone in a relationship. All evil breaks lose – trust keeps being smashed and crushed.

i. It made a mess that breed a deep-seated envy and anger that affected the other brothers so badly- that the Bible states, “They would not be friendly to him or speak nice words to him.”

3. Joe has a problem: The robe needs to be removed in Joe’s life and he needs disrobed of his pride and arrogance because these emotions and mindsets will destroy any trust factor in Joe’s life with others – even with God – if he really is going to learn to trust God the robe has to go!

a. Do you have a robe which needs to be stripped off?

i. The ones who never got to wear robe must admit it, deal with it and move on in life too but they break trust with Joseph and sell him off – the problem is solved – but trust is broken – joe’s dream from God is also looking like it’s in jeopardy – but does Joe lose His trust in God or the dreams – never says one way or the other – but his actions speak louder than words.

II. Joe’s life span of Seventeen to Thirty years (Genesis 37:12-41:46)

a. Joe learned from God that he needed to say NO to temptation and stay committed to him through the journey.

i. This meant Joe had to over and over guard his character!

1. Joe was connected to God and therefore wanted to honor God with this godly character!

ii. He also learned here that if you say “No” there could be repercussions but don’t worry God is with you.

1. Character is more important than short term gratification or compromise – compromise for a short cut never works!

b. Joe learned through his adverse circumstance and even though he could have become bitter he chose to become better.

i. Joe chose to grow and in midst of his trial he showed compassion and concern for others.

1. His attitude and trust in God promoted him even in prison.

2. He contributed to others in prison like he did at Mr. Pots house – he was a person of value – he brought things to the mission that touched other people.

c. Joe’s humility before pharaoh helped him rise to the top.

i. He chose to honor God in front of Pharoah.

1. He was always consistent in giving God the glory even it meant repercussions.

ii. He gave credit to God for the interpretation.

1. He came to pharaoh all cleaned up – wisdom – he wanted to connect with pharaoh so come cleaned up.

2. His humility and trust in God set him free.

iii. His ability to learn through his ordeals helped him to become set free.

1. Pharoah realized quickly how competent Joseph was and rewarded him for it. I am sure he heard from others how well he managed the prison and Mr. Pots house – remember he was Pharoah’s captain of the guard.

iv. His care for others paid great rewards – even though it was not immediate. Joe went from low Joe to go Joe!

1. Joe was on the go for God because he was a humble servant leader filled with the spirit of God. He was on the go because he was dispenser of grace and a forgiving individual.

v. Overcoming success: Years ago, Erwin Lutzer wrote a very helpful little book titled Failure: The Back Door To Success, it could have been written about Joseph. Many times, it takes years of failures and setbacks to become an “overnight success.”

1. Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. He had two failed businesses, one nervous breakdown, endured the death of a sweetheart, and was defeated for public office no less than ten times over the space of 30 years. Then, incredibly, he was elected President of the United States. Years of failure had equipped him to deal with the heady air of the heights of power.

a. Those repeated reversals, apparent failures, and personal tragedies did not defeat Lincoln. They strengthened his character and commitment. So it was with Joseph.

2. So here we find or hero a man who experienced setbacks and more setbacks but the key was his defeats equipped him and developed him into a man who could handle success. We should never look at setbacks as failure but as a backdoor to success. In reality a person who has gone through the process of loss and recovery is more able to handle the successes in life.

d. Joe was on the go because he served as a leader filled with the spirit of God which produced in him humility (Genesis 41). Pharaoh himself saw this quality in Joseph (Genesis 41:37, 38)

i. When the world can see the Spirit of God in you they will take notice.

ii. Do you want to be a man/woman of God –then you need to ask yourself can others see the Spirit of God in me.

iii. The main characteristic of an individual filled with the spirit of God is humility and a trust in God which is unwavering.

1. Murray states it well “We can never have more faith than we have humility” (45).

2. Murray also adds, “The promises made to faith are so free and sure, the invitations and encouragements are so strong, and the mighty power of God on which it may count is so near and free, that only something which hinders faith can hinder blessing from being ours…Jesus discloses to us that it is indeed pride which makes faith impossible” (45).

3. What does it mean to humble – it means that you live at the foot of the cross. It means that you always pay attention to the Lord. You see pride hates the cross and does not even want to be in the shadow of the cross.

4. Key here do you want to be on the go like Joe then it takes the willingness to allow the spirit of God grow in you and for it to produce humility – which means you die to self.

a. Then you win over any circumstance in life and receive the blessing of God.

b. Pharaoh rewards Joe with a lot of authority because he saw Godly – humble character in Joe.

c. Why do you think pharaoh gave him such a position because he saw a man with the Spirit of God and its fruit humility.

i. Pharaoh trusted Joe!

1. Character – breeds trust from others – godly character.

2. 1 Corinthians 11:1

ii. Humility and faith (trust in God) brings the blessings of God! Humility is the ticket to success in life and gaining the trust of others.

d. Joe had developed his character in prison and as a slave into one who was a Godly servant leader with humility. It’s amazing how humility and being in touch with the Spirit of the Lord makes it easier to de a dispenser of grace.

III. Joe in his later years becomes a dispenser of grace building more and more trust with God and others (Genesis 42-44, 50).

a. Joe dispensed grace as freely as he dispensed grain.

i. David Horsager in his book “Trusted leader stated – compassion for others builds trust with others –

1. Colossians 3:12 NIV “ Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

2. 1 Peter 4:8 New International Version 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

ii. Grace is defined by Swindoll, “To show grace is to extend favor or kindness to one who doesn’t deserve it and can never earn it. Receiving God’s acceptance by grace always stands in sharp contrast to earning it based on works. Every time the thought of grace appears, there is the idea of its being undeserved. In no way is the recipient getting what he or she deserves. Favor is being extended simply out of the goodness of the heart of the giver “(9).

1. When you dispense grace, you get more of God in your life! When you show grace, you receive grace.

2. Joe discovered that grace led to inner happiness and communion with God. He is in touch with the spirit of God – touched grace and it taught him to return the favor to those who did him wrong.

3. Stanley Jones states,” Grace binds you with far stronger cords than the cords of duty or obligation can bind you. Grace is free, but when you take it you are bound forever to the Giver, and bound to catch the spirit of the Giver. Like produces like. Grace makes you gracious, the Giver makes you give.”

4. Joe dispensed grace wisely like he dispensed grain wisely.

a. He did take his time moving cautiously with his brothers – he did give them grain for no money – they did not deserve it but you see that’s what is so amazing about grace- it gives with no expectation in return.

5. Joe’s dispensing of grace resulted in changed individuals – Brothers.

6. Look at how Judah changed – the result of grace.

7. Grace from Joe helped his brothers to take responsibility.

a. Grace is connected, intertwined with Joe’s other character trait “Forgiveness”.

b. Joe was a respected leader and given more by God because he forgave (Genesis 45).

i. The definition of forgiveness - McGinniss defines it this way “Forgiveness is not forgetting or denying the pain, it is giving the person who caused you pain permission to forget.”

1. Lincoln had this quality- He was a man known for issuing many pardons during the civil war – “He granted more pardons, for example, than any president had before him-or has since” (Phillips 59).

2. Joseph did this with his brothers he gave permission to forget listen to what he said in 45:4-8:

a. Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” when they had done so, he said” I am your brother Joseph the one you sold into Egypt! And now do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. “ So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God…”

b. Joseph had such a relationship with the Lord that he knew God was in control during his whole ordeal. You see if you understand God’s sovereignty and trust him then forgiveness comes easier.

i. Joseph also reaffirms this though later in chapter 50:19-21 “But, Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid, Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.’ And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.”

ii. “The doctrine of the sovereignty of God assures us that while men may do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons, God can cause that “evil” to accomplish His good and perfect will.”

1. Forgiveness is an act that is not earned by the recipient. If our forgiveness comes with conditions, it’s not really forgiveness. One pastor state, “If our forgiveness is the kind that demands that the person “pay for it” before we will forgive, then we are not giving forgiveness. That may be justice, but it is not mercy. It may be law, but not grace. Just as we can in no way contribute to the forgiveness and salvation which Christ has accomplished on the cross of Calvary, so no one we forgive can be forgiven and yet forced to pay for their offense against us.”

2. The impact of forgiveness

a. Yancey states, “Forgiveness offers a way out. It does not settle all questions of blame and fairness-often it pointedly evades those questions-but I do allow a relationship to start over, to begin anew. In that way, said Solzhenitsyn, we differ from animals. Not our capacity to think, but our capacity to repent and to forgive makes us different. Only humans can perform that most unnatural act, which transcends the relentless law of nature. If we do not transcend nature, we remain bound to the people we cannot forgive, held in their vise grip”(98).

b. The three areas impacted by forgiveness:

i. Yancey also notes, “When we genuinely forgive, we set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner we set free was us “(98).

1. You will be set free from forgiving. The person you forgive will no longer control you like a puppet on a string.

ii. When you forgive you start to heal on the inside then this forgiving attitude produces joy-peace-gentleness.

1. McGinniss states, “Doesn’t joy, peace and gentleness sound a lot better than malice, rage and bitterness?”

iii. When you forgive you become closer to God, and you sense him more.

1. His voice becomes clearer.

2. His face gets brighter.

3. His touch softer

4. His fragrance sweeter

5. His taste more delightful

iii. The Biblical act of forgiveness (info- from Biblical Studies Foundation)

1. Joseph in chapter 45 teaches us that forgiveness should be granted quickly.

a. Joseph’s life and attitude revealed a man who could forgive quickly. He did not hold grudges against those who hurt him.

b. Joseph forgave Mrs. Po and Mr. Po.

c. Joseph forgave the cupbearer for forgetting him.

d. Joseph forgave his brothers long before he saw them.

i. Somewhere in the caravan as a slave and in slavery and in prison Joseph in his heart forgave his brothers.

ii. Joseph had long before his brothers been set free by forgiving his brothers –who by the way still 20 years later suffered from their action.

iii. See 42:21-28

iv. The truth of the matter is that the sooner forgiveness is given, and reconciliation embraced, the better for both parties involved.

2. Joseph also teaches us that Biblical forgiveness is to be done in private (Genesis 45:1).

a. Joseph dealt with his brothers in private. This shows me that he forgave long before the actual verbal acknowledgement. He also was prudent in making it a private matter with no guilt, shaming, or blaming.

b. Matthew 18:15 “And if your brother sins, go and reprove him in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.” It’s not a public spectacle!

3. Joseph teaches us in our text that Biblical forgiveness is given with no strings attached.

a. “Forgiveness is free in that the forgiver willingly accepts the loss or pain personally. In brief, forgiveness is a matter of grace, not works, and grace does not make demands upon the one who receives it.”

b. Joseph’s brothers received forgiveness rooted in grace and humility from Joseph.

4. Joseph shows us that Biblical forgiveness is not easy it’s hard. He demonstrated that it costs –Genuine forgiveness costs the one giving but the reward far outweighs the cost paid to forgive.

5. Joseph forgave permanently it was not based on the condition - I forgive you as long as dad is alive- it was forever-it was forgotten! (Gen. 50:15-21)

6. Joseph forgave him but he also sought to restore his brothers. It took him about a year to unveil his identity-I believe he tested his brothers to see if they would change-they did and reopened even Judah took responsibility for Benjamin over the cup. These are different brothers in the end.

a. Why do we need forgiveness? Do we need to trust God that we need to forgive Him – it is the best way to live and lead.

i. Because the Word make it a command not an option

1. Ephesians 4:25-32

2. Colossians 3:12-17

ii. Because we need to recall how we have been forgiven by Jesus freely with no strings attached and we are expected to do the same to others.

1. Luke 7:40-48

2. The more aware we are of our own sinfulness and the forgiveness we received, the easier it is to forgive others.

iii. Because we need to understand that God is in control, and he is sovereign. God uses suffering in our lives for our good and for his glory.

iv. Because Jesus forgave on the cross “Father forgives them they know not what they do!”

v. Because we need to consider that Jesus was a servant leader who modeled this Phil. 2:3-8

1. Usually, we find that when others offend us or hurt us we get mad because of pride. We immediately cry foul because our rights have been violated. But this act of forgiveness surfaces from a heart of servant-like attitude.

a. Because forgiveness is not an emotion – it is a decision based on the will –it is based on Agape love- I Cor. 13 shows us it’s a decision.


Do you want to trust God like Joseph? Do you want to become a person who others can trust? Then learn from Joseph’s life and imitate him!

1. Be connected to God and filled with God’s spirit and let it produce humility in your life and through the journey.

a. Trust God in the unexpected twists and turns of life!

b. In those unexpected twists or injustice keep your character and connection with God.

c. In those times show people how competent you are because of God’s touch on your life and His wisdom.

2. Then when you become that leader become a dispenser of grace!

a. You do this by being committed to God and His ways and not your ways.

b. You do this by giving forgiveness to those around you and from your past.

c. You must contribute to the mission and sacrifice for the message because trust grows from this act of giving.

d. When you show compassion for others it builds trust and pleases God.

3. Be consistent with the mission and the message so you finish strong like Joseph.

a. When you stay consistent and committed it changes the people around you and it may even save and change a nation.