Summary: This timeless story carries a message of hope, redemption, and restoration that is relevant to each one of us, whether we are saved, backslidden, or seeking a deeper connection with God. Let us embark on a journey of inspiration and exhortation, as we look to this profound parable.

Point 1: The Shepherd's Love and Care

In Matthew 18:10, Jesus begins by emphasizing the preciousness of each individual soul. Our Heavenly Father cares deeply for every person, regardless of their current spiritual state. Just as a shepherd would leave the ninety-nine sheep to search for the one that went astray, God's love for the lost is immeasurable. You are not forgotten or abandoned; you are cherished by the Creator of the universe.

Point 2: The Wanderer's Path

We must acknowledge that we have all, at some point, found ourselves on the path of wandering. The lost sheep wandered away from the safety and guidance of the shepherd. Similarly, we may have strayed from the path of righteousness, lured by the temptations and distractions of the world. But take heart, for God is relentless in His pursuit of you, seeking to bring you back into His loving embrace.

Point 3: The Shepherd's Determination

Verse 12 tells us that the shepherd left the ninety-nine sheep and embarked on a perilous search for the lost one. It signifies the determination and persistence of our Heavenly Father to find us and bring us back into His fold. Even when others may deem us unworthy or hopeless, God's love does not waver. He is willing to go to great lengths to rescue and restore His children.

Point 4: The Rejoicing in Heaven

Verse 13 reveals the joy in heaven when the lost sheep is found. The celebration is not merely earthly but resonates in the heavenly realms. Imagine the exultation of the angels as they witness the repentance and restoration of a wayward soul. Remember, your return to the Father's arms brings immeasurable joy to heaven, for you are precious and irreplaceable in His sight.

Point 5: The Power of Repentance

The parable teaches us the power of repentance and its role in our spiritual journey. The lost sheep recognized its state and humbly returned to the shepherd. Likewise, we must acknowledge our need for forgiveness and turn away from our sinful ways. Repentance opens the floodgates of God's mercy, washing away our transgressions and setting us on the path of righteousness.

Point 6: The Shepherd's Unfailing Love

Verse 14 assures us that our Father in heaven does not desire that any should perish. His love is boundless, reaching out to the darkest corners and the hardest hearts. No matter how far you may have strayed, God's love remains constant, ready to embrace you with open arms. He longs for your return and yearns to restore your relationship with Him.

Point 7: A Call to Seek the Lost

As a Pentecostal church, we are called to be vessels of God's love and agents of reconciliation. The parable challenges us to actively seek the lost, to extend a helping hand to those who have strayed. Let us not judge or condemn, but rather, let us emulate the compassionate heart of our Savior. May our church be a haven of hope and restoration for those in need.

Point 8: Rejoicing with the Backslidden

When a backslidden believer finds their way back to the fold, we must celebrate their return with joy and gratitude. Our response should mirror the heavenly rejoicing, as we witness the miraculous work of God's grace. Let us offer love, support, and encouragement to those who have experienced a season of spiritual wandering, reminding them of their immeasurable worth in Christ.

Point 9: Embracing Personal Transformation

The parable of the lost sheep challenges us not only to seek out others but also to examine our own hearts. Are there areas in our lives where we have strayed from God's path? Let us be willing to undergo personal transformation, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us back into alignment with God's will. Through self-reflection and surrender, we can experience a renewed fervor for God.

Point 10: A Homecoming Celebration

Finally, let us envision the joyous celebration that awaits us when we arrive in our eternal home. The parable of the lost sheep reminds us that our journey is not just about the here and now but about our ultimate destination. The day will come when we will stand before our Heavenly Father, and all the lost will be found, all the broken will be made whole, and all tears will be wiped away. What a glorious day that will be!


The parable of the lost sheep offers us a glimpse into the depth of God's love and His relentless pursuit of the lost. Today, if you find yourself in need of forgiveness and restoration, know that the Good Shepherd is calling out to you. Surrender to His loving arms and experience the transformative power of His grace.