Summary: To every man in this room, you wear several different hats. For some you wear the hat of a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend, and a man among many other things. Each of these hats requires you to react in a different mode, different style and a different manner.

To every man in this room, you wear several different hats. For some you wear the hat of a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend, and a man among many other things. Each of these hats requires you to react in a different mode, different style and a different manner.

As a man you stand on a firm foundation

As a friend you stick to the end.

As brother you stand side by side.

As a son you are obedient to the voice.

But as a father you are the Priest, the Provider, and the Protector.

As a father you are a leading example to your children on how to serve the Lord, how to work to make ends meet and how to be the defender of your families. And mothers we know that you love the children, and we know that you care for the children, but there is a lion within the man that is stirred when someone messes with a father’s family.

This passage, this text exposes three sides of the life of this man named Abraham. In this scriptural section of the bible, this ancient Holy writ, this passage, he has a visit from the Lord. In this visit we are allowed to see three sides of this man's life.

As this scripture unfolds, we see some very valuable characteristics in his life that need to be seen in every man in this room need.

For a few minutes, I want to look into this personal encounter between the Abraham and the Lord.

On this particular day Abraham had some visitors. One of these beings was the Lord Jesus Himself. The other two were angels. It seems that Abraham recognized the heavenly origin of his guests, because we see that he spranged into action to serve them when they appeared. That reaction sets a good example for us because you never know when the Lord will show up at your house. We know not the day nor the time when the Lord shall appear, this is why we must always be ready like he’s coming today. We don’t know when he’s coming, but whenever he shows up, He is looking for the same servant heart He found in Abraham.

Notice three aspects of that servant's heart.

In verses 1-6 Abraham springs into action speedily trying to supply every need of his heavenly visitors. He may be a 100 years old, but there is no hesitation as he goes from one task to the next, until all of them are completed.

Notice that he is a man who recognized his duty, and fixed on doing them as quickly as he can. Men may I suggest to you that the Lord deserves our very best.

When we are serving Him, regardless of how tedious the task, we should do our best to recognize who we are serving and we should seek to do the best possible job for the glory of the Lord, and if it’s worth doing for the Lord, it is worth doing right.

Even in the Word of God we are given instruction on how to treat our families, as husbands Ephesians 5:25 it says “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” And if we go over just one chapter in chapter 6 and verse 4 it tells us fathers “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Not only was Abraham swift in his service to the Lord, but he was also sacrificial in his service to the Lord. This means that there was the quality of His ministry. When he provided for those that were visiting, he didn’t get the worse that he had he went got the best. The Bible says that He went to his flock and personally selected, killed and prepared a calf for their meal.

And here’s a secret, we haven't really become a servant until our service costs us personally. Being willing to sacrifice for your master, and being willing to sacrifice for our children is a sign that you are possessed of a servant's heart.

Whether the service is time, tithe or talents, it is the willingly rendered at the request of the Master and for His glory. The greatest sacrifice you can offer, of course, is yourself. It alright to work and to bring home the bacon, it alright to do some overtime, but the true sacrifice is when we give of ourselves to those who look up to us as their father, as we look up to the Lord as our father.

In verse 8 we see the quietness of His Ministry - While his visitors were eating their meal, Abraham stood quietly by to serve them in any way they might need.

He simply stood beside them, adopting the posture of a servant, listening for the voice of his Lord! Imagine the reaction of Abraham's servants as they watched him assume the role of a servant to the Lord. What a powerful testimony it was to them.

And believe it or not there are those who are watching us to see if we are going to be a servant or not. Fathers we must make sure that our service and testimony are we don’t mind being a servant. Real servants of God are those individuals who make themselves available to the Lord and His Word and his work.

Servants are those who make themselves ready and willing to serve Him at moment notice, and when there are no orders to follow, we are to continue to do the last thing He told us to do until new orders come.

And when we do God will always rewards the faithful service that is rendered to Him. In Abraham's case, He does this by reassuring Abraham regarding the birth of Isaac. And this is where I have been trying to get to all morning.

Verses 18-19 God tell us of the great affection, knowledge and care God possessed for this man Abraham. God knew what caliber of man Abraham was. He knew that Abraham would stand the test and be all that God wanted him to be. He is a clear picture of what God is looking for.

In verse 9-15 Abraham receives a message about fatherhood, he receives a about a child. God had given this promise repeatedly to Abraham. The last time it was given was in Gen.17:17, Abraham had laughed for joy when he heard again the promise of hope from the Lord.

But this time, the promise is repeated for the benefit of Sarah. All she had heard was second hand promises from Abraham, all she had was hear say, but this time she hears the promise directly from the mouth of God. Her reaction is vastly different from that of her husband. He laughed for joy, she laughs from doubt. She is confronted and rebuked. But we must know that when God promises a thing, we can rest assure that it will come to pass.

This is a treasurable time in Abraham's life and relationship with the Lord. Because of whom he is, how he has conducted himself and the future he is to enjoy,

God is determined to share His heart with Abraham. Imagine being in a position of closeness to the Lord that motivated Him to share His heart with you. No doubt this is among the passage that prompted the Jews to refer to Abraham as "the friend of God.

And may I tell you that God wants to have that same kind of relationship with each and every one of us this morning. When we are in a position of closeness to Him, He will share His heart and His will with us.

So here it is, Abraham is sitting there in the doorway of his tent and he looked up; and immediately he saw three men standing nearby, who were the three men? It was the Lord and two angels. Abraham knew that it was the Lord. he knew it was the Lord when the Lord reconfirmed the promise of the promised seed or son.

The Bible said that Abraham ran to meet the men He did not have to do this:

He could have ignored them, and just let them pass by, or sent one of his servants out to them, but Abraham cared about people: he knew the travelers were walking out in the noon day heat and had most likely been travelling all morning. He knew they would be tired, thirsty, hungry, and dirty. He could not fail to offer them help and refreshment.

The Bible says that Abraham bowed, he was humble and courteous.

Bowing to the ground indicates that Abraham knew that it was the Lord and the angels of the Lord.

Abraham gave the best he had, and because of that God blessed him.

In fact in verse 9 they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, (paraphrased) she’s around here somewhere. And he said, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

Now even though Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; they thought that they were too old. But when it comes down to God we are never too old.

While they were there trying to explain their abilities, and their non-abilities, the question was asked, is there anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

And may I tell you that just as the Lord promised they had a baby boy the one that God intended on him having. Not only did he become the father of Isaac but he became the father of many nations.

Let me just drop this in your spirit this morning fathers. You are important to the world.

You are important to the kingdom of God.

You are more important than just being a handy man.

You are more than being a bread winner.

You are more important than being the head of the household; you are blessed and highly favored. You are God’s chosen to be a father.