Summary: Based on Genesis 41:38 - Challenges men to Spirit-filled men of God.

“CAN WE FIND A MAN LIKE THIS?” Genesis 41:38

FBCF – 6/18/23

Jon Daniels

INTRO – 1985 TV commercial for USMC – “We’re looking for a few good men.”

The Marines may be looking for a FEW good men, but God is looking for MANY Godly men!

EXPLANATION – Genesis 41:38 (p. 35)

Where are we in Joseph’s story?

- #11 out of 12 of Jacob’s sons

- His father’s favorite – coat of many colors

- Dreams about his brothers & family – they would one day bow down to him

- Despised by his brothers b/c of his favored status & his dreams

- Sold into slavery by his brothers when he was 17 yrs old

- Spurned Potiphar’s wife’s sexual advances which led to her falsely accusing him of sexual assault which led to him being thrown into prison

- Interprets 2 royal officials’ dreams while in prison. Then interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams – Through his interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, God revealed that there would be 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine, & that it was coming soon (Genesis 41:32).

- He then gave wise counsel to Pharaoh that he should “select a wise & discerning man & set him over the land of Egypt” (v. 33).

o TLB – “My suggestion is that you find the wisest man in Egypt & put him in charge of administering a nationwide farm program.”

All of that led to Pharaoh huddling up w/ his servants & asking the question that is the basis for the sermon today – “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?”

- This is the 1st mention in the Bible of the Holy Spirit coming upon a man. Notice that Joseph didn’t preach a sermon or lead a prayer for Pharaoh to see the Spirit of God actively working in Joseph’s life. He could see it in his character, in his message, in his knowledge & wisdom, & in his humility.

- And b/c of His Spirit working in Joseph’s life, God kicked open some major doors for Joseph (v. 42-43):

o He gave Joseph his signet ring (like having the King’s credit card).

o He gave him linen clothing (a sign of high honor).

o He gave him a gold chain (another sign of royal authority).

o He gave him a chariot for transportation (so he could go wherever he wished).

o He had the soldiers call out “Bow the knee!” when Joseph passed by (so everyone got the message). (

APPLICATION – There’s a HUGE need in our world today for men who are filled w/ the Spirit of God.

This isn’t a “Beat up Dad today” sermon, but is a challenge to all the men here today. It’s a call for men to step up & live out the calling that God has placed on your life. And that calling is to be a man filled w/ the Spirit of God. I’m not talking about some kind of charismatic experience of speaking in tongues. I’m talking about Christian men stepping up & just living a life of radical obedience to Christ. In other words: living a normal, biblical Christian life! That’s what a Spirit-filled life is all about!

What does that mean for every man here today? What does that look like in your life & my life today? 4 simple statements about Spirit-filled men:

SPIRIT-FILLED MEN KNOW JESUS – Over & over again in Joseph’s life, we see that God was w/ him. Simply put: God is not w/ you if you don’t know Jesus. And you don’t have the Holy Spirit if you don’t know Jesus. You have to be saved to have the Holy Spirit’s presence & power in your life.

The moment you give your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes in & takes up permanent, eternal residence in your heart. You are instantaneously baptized in the Spirit, plunged into the Body of Christ, & sealed in Christ Jesus forever!

- Titus 3:5-6 – “[God] saved us through the washing of rebirth & renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior” (NIV)

- Ephesians 1:13 – “It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit.” (MSG)

So, if you don’t know Jesus, come to Him RIGHT NOW & be saved! The Holy Spirit is convicting you, drawing you, & enabling you right now to be saved! Don’t miss this chance!

SPIRIT-FILLED MEN DON’T WANT TO QUENCH OR GRIEVE THE SPIRIT – It’s obvious that the Holy Spirit was working in Joseph’s life in a big way. If a pagan king can see the evidence, then the Holy Spirit is definitely working.

If you want to be a Spirit-filled man where it’s obvious that God’s Spirit is at work in you, then:

DON’T QUENCH THE SPIRIT – The Spirit is a fire that impassions & energizes our life. But when we resist Him, turn away from Him, ignore Him, dismiss His prompting, & refuse to listen to His voice, we quench that fire. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 – “Do not quench the Holy Spirit.” And secondly…

DON’T GRIEVE THE SPIRIT – Ephesians 4:30 – “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit…” – The context of Eph 4 lets us know that when we are living in an ungodly way, we grieve the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 63:10 – When we rebel against the Lord, we grieve His Spirit.

SPIRIT-FILLED MEN WANT TO GLORIFY GOD – 1 Corinthians 10:31 – “So whether you eat or drink or WHATEVER you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

Several weeks ago, I preached on having a Life Verse. You want a good one? This verse right here would be an awesome life verse! It just drives home the truth that every aspect of our lives – “WHATEVER YOU DO” – should glorify God. The Holy Spirit is the one who lets you know if you’re doing that or not.

SPIRIT-FILLED MEN ARE NEEDED AS LEADERS – Many men are known as “natural-born leaders.” Just seem to have that presence about them that causes people to want to follow them.

We don’t need “natural-born leaders”; we need to be “twice-born leaders” – born once physically, & then born again spiritually. Because when you are born again, you can then be a Spirit-filled leader…

- In your marriage b/c you’ll lead your wife by loving her as Christ loved the Church & gave Himself up for us. Lead her by serving her like Jesus sacrificially served. PK speaker: “If you want to know if a man is a man of character, look into his wife’s face & countenance.”

- With your kids b/c you’ll lead your kids by showing them that Jesus is the priority of your life. Lead them by making church a priority in your life. Lead them by loving their mom.

- In your church b/c, to be a leader doesn’t mean to be a bully, a powerbroker who wants the spotlight, a people-pleaser, or a mover & shaker.

o Doesn’t mean that you have to teach a Life Group, although some of you should.

o Doesn’t mean that you have to go on every mission trip, although some of you should go on one.

o Doesn’t mean that you have to serve as a deacon, although more of you should. And those of you who are already ordained should step back up & actively serve again – not to run the church & tell the preacher & staff what to do, but to humbly SERVE the Body of Christ.

o To be a leader in this church means that you just want to do whatever you are called on to do to help us continue making much of Jesus – serve, give, sacrifice, go, obey, build up, walk in unity, love others, be committed, be a prayer warrior.

CONCLUSION - Who here today wants to step up & be a Spirit-filled man?