Summary: Have you ever noticed how saying "thank you" doesn't always come naturally? We see this even in young children who often expect things without appreciating them. As adults, we might struggle with expressing gratitude, especially when it comes to thanking the Lord.

------ OUTLINE -------


Hey there, friends! Have you ever noticed how saying "thank you" doesn't always come naturally? We see this even in young children who often expect things without appreciating them. As adults, we might struggle with expressing gratitude, especially when it comes to thanking the Lord. Today, let's explore the story of the grateful leper from Luke 17 and discover the importance of cultivating a thankful heart.

I. Spiritually Leper: Difficulty in Expressing Gratitude

A. Thankfulness is not a natural response.

B. Reflecting on scenarios where we often forget to thank the Lord.

C. James 1:17 reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from above.

II. The Story of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

A. Ten lepers encounter Jesus on their journey.

B. They cry out for mercy, and Jesus instructs them to show themselves to the priests.

C. As they obeyed, all ten were cleansed, but only one returns to express gratitude.

III. Point #1: Remembering our Past and Being Thankful

A. The grateful leper remembers his life in the leper's camp, isolated and deemed unclean.

B. He recognizes the transformation Jesus brought to his life.

C. Gratitude is rooted in remembering where we came from.

IV. Point #2: Recognizing Jesus as the Source of Change

A. All ten lepers called out to Jesus for healing.

B. Only one returns to give thanks, acknowledging Jesus' role in their transformation.

C. Giving credit where credit is due—every good and perfect gift is from above.

V. Point #3: The Ungratefulness of the Nine

A. Jesus notices the absence of the other nine lepers.

B. Though He didn't explicitly ask them to return, their lack of gratitude is evident.

C. Unfinished business—taking time to express gratitude to God.

VI. Point #4: The Power of Appreciation and Opening Doors to Blessings

A. The one grateful leper receives not only physical healing but also spiritual healing.

B. Gratitude paves the way for more blessings in our lives.

C. Checking our gratitude as a key to experiencing God's continued blessings.

VII. Point #5: The Story of John's Life Transformation

A. Share a personal story of John, who experienced a life-changing encounter with God.

B. John reflects on his past, filled with struggles and brokenness.

C. He recognizes the incredible transformation and blessings that God has brought into his life.

D. Expressing deep gratitude for God's love, forgiveness, and restoration.

VIII. Point #6: Embracing a Lifestyle of Gratitude

A. Encouragement to develop a habit of thankfulness in our daily lives.

B. Practical tips for expressing gratitude to God, including prayer, journaling, and acts of kindness.

C. The impact of gratitude on our spiritual growth, relationships, and overall well-being.


Today, my friends, let's take a moment to examine our own hearts. Are we truly grateful for the goodness of God in our lives? Like the grateful leper, may we remember our past, recognize Jesus as the source of transformation, and express gratitude to Him. Let us not be among the ungrateful nine but instead cultivate a spirit of thankfulness that opens doors to more blessings from above.

Remember, it is God's will for us to give thanks. So, let us commit to saying "thank you" to the Lord in all circumstances and for every good gift He bestows upon us. As we do so, we will experience the joy and peace that come from a heart overflowing with gratitude.

------------------ Full Sermon -----------------


Hey there, friends! Have you ever noticed how saying "thank you" doesn't always come naturally? We see this even in young children who often expect things without appreciating them. As adults, we might struggle with expressing gratitude, especially when it comes to thanking the Lord. Today, let's explore the story of the grateful leper from Luke 17 and discover the importance of cultivating a thankful heart.

I. Spiritually Leper: Difficulty in Expressing Gratitude

Saying "thank you" can be a challenge for many of us. We live in a society that often fosters a sense of entitlement. We're accustomed to instant gratification and take things for granted. Thankfulness is not a natural response; it must be learned and nurtured. Even as mature Christians, we may find ourselves struggling to express gratitude to the Lord.

Take a moment to think about scenarios in your own life where you forget to say "thank you" to God. Perhaps it's when you fill up your gas tank, enjoy your favorite music on the radio, or experience a peaceful night's sleep. These everyday blessings often go unnoticed and unappreciated. But James 1:17 reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

II. The Story of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

Let's turn our attention to the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19. These individuals were afflicted with a dreadful disease that isolated them from society. When they saw Jesus passing by, they cried out, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" Moved with compassion, Jesus instructed them to go and show themselves to the priests. As they obeyed His command, they were miraculously cleansed.

III. Point #1: Remembering our Past and Being Thankful

Out of the ten lepers, only one returned to express gratitude to Jesus. This particular leper remembered his past, the life he had led in the leper's camp. He recalled the isolation, the pain, and the stigma attached to his condition. It was this memory that fueled his gratitude. He recognized the incredible transformation Jesus brought to his life. Gratitude is rooted in remembering where we came from.

IV. Point #2: Recognizing Jesus as the Source of Change

All ten lepers called out to Jesus for healing, but only one returned to give thanks. This grateful leper understood the significance of Jesus' role in their transformation. He recognized that Jesus was not just a healer but the ultimate source of their change. Giving credit where credit is due is essential. Every good and perfect gift we receive, whether physical or spiritual, comes from above. It is crucial to acknowledge Jesus as the true source of our blessings.

V. Point #3: The Ungratefulness of the Nine

Jesus noticed that the other nine lepers did not come back to express gratitude. Although He didn't explicitly ask them to return, their lack of gratitude was evident. They missed out on an opportunity to give thanks to the One who had blessed them. How often do we resemble the nine lepers? We receive blessings from God but fail to acknowledge and appreciate them. Unfinished business lingers as we neglect to express gratitude to our Heavenly Father.

VI. Point #4: The Power of Appreciation and Opening Doors to Blessings

The one grateful leper not only received physical healing but also experienced spiritual healing. Jesus affirmed the power of gratitude by telling him, "Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well." Gratitude paves the way for more blessings in our lives. When we cultivate a thankful heart, we position ourselves to receive even greater spiritual blessings. Gratitude opens doors that ungratefulness keeps shut.


Dear friends, today we have explored the story of the grateful leper and the importance of expressing gratitude. Remember, saying "thank you" is more than just good manners; it's an expression of our faith and recognition of God's goodness in our lives. Let us strive to be like the one leper who returned to thank Jesus, remembering our past, recognizing Jesus as the source of change, and opening ourselves to even greater blessings through appreciation.

As we conclude, let's take a moment to reflect on our lives and express heartfelt gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His abundant blessings. Let us learn to say "thank you" not only in words but also in our actions, living a life that honors and glorifies the One who deserves all our praise. May gratitude become a natural response, flowing from our hearts as we acknowledge God's faithfulness and love.

Now, let's take a moment to pray and express our gratitude to our loving Father in Heaven.