Summary: Many citizens of this country are preparing to celebrate July 4. This is a very special day in our nation.

America is the greatest country that has ever existed on this earth. I say this

not in arrogance, THAT IS A FACT!

The only nation that can be considered to be equal to America’s greatness would be the nation of Israel.

God blessed them in ways that no other nation can boast. For example they are the only nation that can say that:

• God opened the Red Sea up for them

• God sent Manna from heaven to feed them

• God led them by a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night.

• God supernaturally gave them victory after victory in battle

But they even have current miracles, such as . . .


Because of sin God scattered them around the world. But God promise them He would bring them back according to Isaiah 43:5-6.

Jews from the four points of the compass heard the call to come home on May 14, 1948, stated that Israel "…will be open to the immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion."

• During the first three years of statehood, the average reached 18,000 a month and in some months the figure exceeded 30,000.

• Between May 15, 1948, and June 30, 1953, the Jewish population of the country doubled.

• By the end of 1956, Israel’s population had nearly tripled, reaching 1,667,000.

• In 1984 - 1985 and again in 1991 airlifts brought Ethiopian Jews from utter despair to a Land of hope.

• Finally, the long-expected prophetic fulfillment of Jews from Russia began in 1991.

• By 1998 over 800,000 had returned from the former Soviet Republics and they are still coming. Over a million are expected.

• Israel’s population increased from 650,000 in 1948 to nearly 6,000,000 in 1998.


But also we remember…


• The Arabs boasted that they would destroy Israel.

• However, in six days, Israel overran the combined forces of Syria, Jordan, Egypt and took the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, the West Bank (Samaria and Judea), and the Sinai -- one of the greatest military feats in history.

But overall, God blessed America in ways He did not even bless Israel.

Of all the countries that have ever existed, never has a nation been so blessed with:

• Food,

• Clothing,

• Houses,

• Cars,

• And military strength as this great nation.

This country is the envy of the world.

And today much of the opposition we face from other nations is no more than jealousy for the way God has blessed this country.

We often sing, “God Bless America,” and He certainly has.

But in all honesty, we must confess that some of the opposition that we face today is ALSO from the way we have received the blessings of God on this nation.

• God has richly blessed this nation, but we have not received these blessings WITH GRATITUDE AND HUMILITY BUT WITH ARROGANCE and INGRATITUDE.

• As a nation, we have the reputation around the world as one of the most proud and arrogant people on the face of this earth.

Illus: For a good example of arrogance in this country, all we have to do is take a look at Hollywood and actors and actresses.

These people make their living pretending to be something they are not.

BUT HERE IS THE SAD NEWS! What Hollywood is, America has become!

As we read the history of the birth of this Nation, it is certain that we are not the nation that our forefathers intended for us to become.

To celebrate the occasion:

• Families will come together and have family reunions

• Businesses will close down for several days

• The highways will be filled with cars as people travel from state to state

• There will be parades and picnics

• Fantastic fireworks shows will be displayed all over America

One of the things we do in preparation for this celebration of July 4th we look at the weather report to see if it is going to be raining because much of our celebration is on the outside.

One of the ways we celebrate July 4 is having parades.

But one thing that can really make it difficult for a parade is RAIN!!!

We do not know if it will be raining on the 4th physically but spiritually in this nation it is RAINING ON OUR CELEBRATION.


July 4th is a great day in America, and it should be! What a tremendous thing it is, that God has chosen to bless this nation in the way He has. WE ARE SO BLESSED AS A NATION!

Illus: We are not like some nations that have to put up walls to keep the citizens from escaping. Our problem is just the opposite, we have to put up walls to keep out the multitudes of people who want to invade our borders and enter this great country.

But as we celebrate this wonderful day in America with parades in almost all the major cities, we feel like our parade is being rained on.


• America has never been so far from God as she now is

• America has never been as wicked as she is at the present

• America’s prisons are full of criminals.

• America has never been more bankrupt morally than she is at the present

If the prophets in the Old Testament were here today, they would be preaching on the street corners that God’s patience with America is running out.

Let me show you why I feel God’s patience with this country is running out.

Illus: Let me read an article that was written in World, May 6, 2000. This is a portion of the statement of Brenda Pratt Shafer, R.N., as she appeared on March 21, 1996, at the hearing of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary. The subcommittee was considering the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (HR 1833).

Brenda Pratt Shafer said: "I am a registered nurse, licensed in the State of Ohio, with 14 years of experience. In 1993, I was employed by Kimberly Quality Care, a nursing agency in Dayton, Ohio. In September, 1993, Kimberly Quality Care asked me to accept assignment at the Women's Medical Center, which is operated by Dr. Martin Haskell. I readily accepted the assignment because I was at the time very pro-choice.”

"I stood at a doctor’s side as he performed the partial-birth abortion procedure and what I saw is branded forever on my mind. Dr. Haskell brought the ultrasound in and hooked it up so that he could see the baby. On the ultra sound screen, the babys heartbeat was clearly visible. Dr. Haskell went in with forceps and grabbed the babys legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby’s body and the arms, everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby’s head just inside the uterus. The baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. ... Dr. Haskell delivered the babys head. He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw that baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he'd used. I saw the baby move in the pan. I asked another nurse and she said it was just ‘reflexes.'”

"The woman wanted to see her baby, so they cleaned up the baby and put it in a blanket and handed the baby to her. She cried the whole time, and she kept saying, ‘I'm so sorry, please forgive me!’ I was crying too. I couldn't take it. The baby boy had the most perfect angelic face I have ever seen. I just couldn’t get out of there fast enough. After I left that day, I never went back.”

“That baby boy was only inches, seconds away from being entirely born, when he was killed. What I saw done to that little boy, and to those other babies, should not be allowed in this country."

July 2nd, 2000, the Supreme Court voted that doctors could continue the partial birth abortion.

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor cast the deciding vote.

What a dark day that was for this country. How can this nation do such a thing to a helpless child that is kicking and clasping it’s little hands as they kill it?

Illus: Also, on May 12th, 2000: "Tallahassee - A law requiring parents to be notified when their minor daughter seeks an abortion was overturned Friday by a judge who ruled the measure violates the daughters right to privacy.” (AP, May 12th,2000)

July 4th is a wonderful time in this nation. But while we are rejoicing in our prosperity, we had better come to our senses before it is too late.

• In the past, this nation was blessed because of the godly men and women that stood for godliness. Today this nation is no longer blessed because of its godliness!

• The only reason we are blessed today is because we are riding on the coat tails of our godly ancestors. But those coat tails are running out!

The ancient landmarks this country was founded on have been removed. And if the church and the citizens of this country do not wake up soon, God is going to allow this country to experience some things it has never experienced before---THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD!

There are some things we had better restore soon.


Psalm 33:12 says clearly, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”

The word “Blessed” means happy. Happy is the nation that makes Christ Lord.

But this country is in a mess morally and spiritually today. The government that we live under reflects that.

Illus: When John Tower was nominated as the secretary of defense during the 80’s, his questionable character came into view.

But former Senator Barry Goldwater said: "If they chased every man or woman out of this town who has shacked up with somebody, or gotten drunk, there'd be no government."

This is a very disturbing comment from the leadership of our nation's capital.

Illus: Roger Babson tells us why this country is the greatest nation on the face of the earth. He said a South America president once said, “South America was settled by men who were seeking gold, but North America was settled by men who were seeking God.”

This is true. All you have to do is study the history of this nation and you will find God throughout our history books.

• I guess everyone has seen the picture of George Washington at Valley Forge. It was freezing cold, but Washington and his men are seen on their knees in the snow seeking God.

• When the Continental Congress faced difficulties and they could not find the solution, Benjamin Franklin had the Congress of the United States kneel and seek God for the solution.

Other great nations have existed.

• Medo-Persians,

• Egyptians,

• Greeks,

• And Romans were great,

But most of these have fallen by the wayside as super powers because they were built upon the wrong foundations.

• America was founded upon godly men and women who led this nation in seeking God. They were dedicated to what this Bible taught.

• Shame on Christians who will dedicate themselves to a political party when they should be dedicated to supporting godly men and women in leading this nation.

Just as God used godly men to build this great nation, the devil today is using ungodly men and women to destroy the foundation on which this country was built.

Illus: Not one of us would think about letting a surgeon put us on the operating table when we know this surgeon is known for making bad decisions.


Because we know that once we do this, we have placed ourselves in his care and he might make some bad decisions, like taking out a vital part of our body that we desperately need.

We would not dare do such a thing with a surgeon, yet we put ourselves in the care of ungodly politicians, who rip out our God-given constitutional rights and oppose everything this Bible teaches.

We, as a nation, have allowed these ungodly politicians to make us dependent on them so that they can stay in office.

Wake up America! Already half of our income is being taken from us and many of our rights are being stripped from us.

Illus: What has to happen before we wake up? Already parents are being taken to court because they spank their children. Listen, the children of this nation do not belong to the state, they belong to the parents that God entrusted them to.

Illus: Contrary to what Hillary Clinton says, it does not take a VILLAGE to raise our children. It takes godly parents.

I know we have some failing parents, but this is something that has always been in existence and always will be in existence. They will give account to God for their lack of parenting.

Remember, some of the greatest people in this nation were raised in homes that were less than desirable.

Illus: We hear liberal politicians saying that no one has a right to go into our bedrooms and know about the sex life of the American people, but they do not mind getting into our homes:

• To take half of our pay checks

• To tell us how to raise our children




Someone said, “Preacher, God is in all churches!”

I have a question; where do you find that in the scriptures?

Illus: Many churches make me think of the days when segregation was coming to a close in this country.

Some of the black folks who had not been allowed in some of the white churches were being allowed in.

• But one church that was somewhat reluctant about opening their doors to the blacks was not thrilled about a black man that wanted to join the “First Church” downtown.

• He made several efforts to join the church, and every time something came up that prevented him from joining.

• Finally, he got discouraged about joining the church and he went to the Lord and said, “Lord, I have been trying my best to get in that church for months and they won’t let me in!”

• The Lord spoke to him and said, “Do not feel bad, I have been trying to get in that church for decades and they won’t let me in either!”

Listen, God is not in a lot of the churches today because they do not want Him there.

Word of God is not being preached in these churches because they do not want His Word preached in their church.

Many churches today are no more than SOCIAL GATHERINGS!!!

The apostle Paul said, “Demas hath forsaken me loving this present world.”

Listen, the church today has forsaken God for the same reason - they love the world.

You can go into the average church in America, and there isn’t two cents worth of difference between the people in those churches and the people who are in the nightclubs.

There was a time when a godly preacher got up and preached about worldliness! But many of these liberal preachers know that if they preached on worldliness they would soon be looking for a job.

He can preach on anything he wants to preach, except sin, and no one will ever call his hand.

Why? Because many of our churches today are no more than beautiful buildings of social gatherings where people go to be entertained.

Just because a group of people get together and build a building and call it a church, does not mean God is there.

God said, in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

God has only promised to be in the church where God is wanted He would be in the midst.




Also -


Next to the prisons in this country, the nearest things to hell on this earth are some of our public schools. Not all, but some!

If you want the shock of your life, go to some of the public schools while in session.


• Parents defending their children’s misbehavior

• Students showing disrespect to the teachers

• Students that are wearing clothing that should never be allowed

• Students fighting and threatening each other

• Male students and female students hugging and kissing each other

• Students using foul language

• Male students pinching female students on the rear

• Male students picking up female student’s dresses

I repeat, next to the prisons in this land the nearest thing to hell on earth is some of our public schools, and many times the private and Christian schools are not much better.


Several things:


The only thing the NEA (National Education Association) thinks is going to solve the problems in the public schools is more money.

The politicians know this is a big block of votes. All the politicians have to do is go to the NEA and hold out their hands and promise to pass the legislation the NEA wants.

These sorry politicians and the sorry school administrators do not care a thing about these students’ educations. All they care about is the FAT SALARIES THEY MAKE FOR DOING A SORRY JOB!

Illus: Listen, if a car manufacture produced a car that did not work any better than our schools are working in this country, everyone in the plant would soon be looking for a job because no one would be buying what they are producing.

The school system in America is an embarrassment to this nation, and all you ever hear from that crowd is WE WANT THE TAX PAYERS TO PAY US MORE MONEY!

Illus: Many of us can remember going to an old wooden school house where there was no air conditioned classrooms and buildings that cost millions of dollars, BUT THEY GOT AN EDUCATION. And along with teaching the students how to read and write, they taught them:

• Character counts

• Honesty counts

• Politeness counts

• Tardiness is unacceptable

They taught them to:

• Read the scriptures,

• Pray

• And saluted the flag.

One of the problems today is that schools have become a place to get BIG SALARIES FOR DOING A JOB THAT IS NOT WELL DONE!


But also they have been infiltrated by the-


It is scary when you talk to people in this country that are educating of our children. Many of them do not see anything wrong with:

• The teaching of evolution, and they see no need to balance it out with the teaching of Creationism

• The teaching of sex education

• Passing out condoms to the students and not teaching abstinence

• Teach homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle

• Teach transgenderism is acceptable

Illus: We have parents who will march in protest against a homosexual being a boy scout leader, but yet a homosexual can go to a class room five days a week and teach our children that homosexuality is an alternate lifestyle, using books such as, “Heather has two mommies” or “Daddy’s Roommate.”

You see, these crowds of perverts have finally figured this thing out; they cannot have any children! So they want to adopt the children from the heterosexuals and teach them that homosexuality is acceptable.

And when they can get enough of them, they can vote to make it legal.

But listen, it does not matter how many they get to march in Washington, God’s Word still teaches that this lifestyle is an abomination in His eyes.

And what man thinks really does not make any difference; it is all going to come down to what God says.

II Chricles 7:14 made this promise to Israel. I know I am taking it out of context but I believe other scriptures that applies to us teaches same thing applies to us as a nation.

Let me read it to you. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

This is exactly what we need to do as a nation today.


All over this country, congregations like singing, “God bless America.” But listen, that is a beautiful song that we are praying to God, but like all prayers, unless we are willing to repent of our sins, God is not going to keep blessing this nation that is in opposition to everything this Bible teaches.

Today we need:




And backslider you need God back in your life.

And you that do not know Christ as your Savior you need God in your life.