Summary: Job began to speak in great detail about his current circumstances and about God. These words had no knowledge of God and brought a misunderstanding or wrong understanding about God. It revealed a lack of comprehension about God.

Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: “Who is this who darkens counsel By words without knowledge?” Job 38:1

Darkens counsel means to confuse an issue by introducing irrelevant or ill-founded considerations about God.

Job began to speak in great detail about his current circumstances and about God. These words had no knowledge of God and brought a misunderstanding or wrong understanding about God. It revealed a lack of comprehension about God. Job was surrounded by both physical and spiritual dark clouds of confusion and chaos as a result of these words. Words without the knowledge of Jesus create dark clouds of uncertainty or confusion. These gloomy clouds and dark councils obstruct the way out of a difficult situation. In order to clear away all of these dark clouds created by words spoken without knowledge of Jesus, the Lord had to arrive in a whirlwind—a column of air that is swiftly whirling in a cylindrical or funnel shape. Only a whirlwind moving quickly can chase away these dark clouds.

Job has a history of experiencing God’s blessings. God made Job prosperous for many years. There was a season of hardship following a time of God’s blessing. Job experienced various afflictions in this season.

In this difficult season, Job did not accuse God of being the cause of his troubles or curse him. Job has a deep respect and awe for God. But his understanding/conception about God is incorrect. Job blamed the days of his birth and himself for the situation.

Job began to indirectly blame God the creator for creating the situation when he started to blame himself and the days of his birth. However, he lacked the understanding that when God was the creator, if God permitted a circumstance, God was always in complete control.

God allowed a difficult situation in Job’s life to expose Job’s heart. Job had an indwelling sin of having an incorrect or insufficient understanding about God. So, he spoke many words without knowledge of God. These words created dark clouds. As a result, Job believed himself to be too correct in his own eyes. Incorrect or insufficient understanding about God created a self-righteous attitude in Job.

Job’s situation changed after his self-righteousness was exposed by God. In Job 38:1, while Job was facing a challenging circumstance, God’s focus was on Job’s self-righteous attitude rather than the circumstance itself. He received twice as many blessings when he repented of his self-righteous attitude and misunderstanding about God.

Blessings are a direct result of God’s mercy. They are independent of your hard work. To win God’s favour, we put in a lot of effort. Even when you do hard work, God’s mercy will only bring the blessings of God.

Hard work can produce a certain amount of blessings, but God’s mercy can multiply those blessings twice over.

In all of Job’s trials, first time when the Lord speaks, was about words without a knowledge of God and Job’s self-righteous attitude once. It was not about Job’s trials.

Inadvertently, Job began to question God’s decision and plan. God’s decision to allow suffering is also a part of his grand plan.

God had to explain His magnificence in the chapter 38 about his decision-making and planning to create and sustain the universe. If God was able to plan the universe, imagine how much easy it is for God to plan to bring Job out of a difficult situation. God’s explanation of his omniscient planning and decision-making humbled Job.

Nowadays, we still hear a lot of words which are without the knowledge of Jesus. These words bring with them dark clouds of despair, uncertainty, confusion and discouragement. They pose a serious threat. God himself said it was a dark counsel.

Words without the knowledge about Jesus, i.e., His nature and character, are what cause these black clouds.

Many people are suffering and being stuck as a result of these dark clouds and darkened counsels.

People suffer more during difficult seasons as a result of the words without knowledge about Jesus. Start speaking the right words with knowledge about Jesus.

God is exposing the dark clouds by revealing the true nature and character of Jesus. As we grow in knowledge and character of Jesus, we expose the darken counsels.

God physically descends in a whirlwind to clear the sky of the dark clouds. The real knowledge of Jesus is the whirlwind. The dark counsels/clouds will be swiftly destroyed by this Knowledge of Jesus.

The words without knowledge about Jesus brought dark clouds which obstruct the way out of a difficult situation.

Whirlwind clears away all physical dark clouds and paves the way to come out of a difficult situation. God sends a whirlwind and communicates through it to quickly clear the dark clouds.

In this season, lot of words without knowledge of Jesus have brought a spiritual darkness or dark clouds over the nation. God is sending a tornado or whirlwind of knowledge about Jesus that will purge all false perceptions with the truth about Jesus.

Fill your situation with numerous words of knowledge about Jesus in order to clear away the dark clouds.

God waited until Job had finished explaining what he knew/understood about God. Then God makes the understanding clear and blesses Job.

Get your understanding about God clarified with God himself. Sometimes this clears your blockages/way to receive God’s blessing.