Summary: This pouring out of the Spirit enables the servant to carry out their duties with divine strength and wisdom. It signifies a deep connection and partnership between the servant and God, allowing them to fulfill their purpose in serving others.


Written by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije Misigaro Joel, July 25, 2023

"Even on My bondslaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit. And they shall prophesy" Acts 2:18


The servant with the poured-out Spirit of the Lord is empowered to carry out God's work with wisdom and discernment. They are filled with divine guidance and can bring forth healing, deliverance, and transformation in the lives of others.

This pouring out of the Spirit enables the servant to carry out their duties with divine strength and wisdom. It signifies a deep connection and partnership between the servant and God, allowing them to fulfill their purpose in serving others.

The pouring out of the Spirit of the Lord is not limited to a select few but extends to all believers, regardless of gender or social status. It emphasizes that both men and women who serve the Lord will receive this outpouring and be empowered to prophesy, speaking forth God's messages and revelations. This outpouring of the Spirit also equips believers with spiritual gifts such as teaching, serving, and leadership, enabling them to effectively minister to others and build up the body of Christ. It highlights the importance of unity and collaboration among believers, as everyone’s unique gifts and abilities contribute to the overall growth and edification of the church. This demonstrates God's Spirit's inclusive nature and desire for all His servants to participate in His work.

Furthermore, the outpouring of the Spirit empowers believers with spiritual gifts and fosters a sense of community and mutual support within the body of Christ. As believers work together, utilizing their diverse gifts, they create an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to the collective mission of spreading God's love and truth. This unity reflects God's desire for His people to unite, showcasing His power and love through their collaborative efforts.


A servant is someone who voluntarily gives up their own desires and will in order to fully serve and obey God. Following Jesus and making His teachings your top priority, allowing Him to be your ultimate authority in life, takes a serious commitment. Being a bondslave necessitates humility, selflessness, and a readiness to sacrifice individual goals in order to further God's kingdom.

By accepting the call to unity and realizing that their group efforts have a greater impact than their individual ones, people accept the bond slave lifestyle.

By making this commitment, Christians can effectively show the world God's power and love and foster a sense of community. They demonstrate the transformative power of yielding to God's will and the servant's selflessness through their cooperative efforts.

This level of devotion enables believers to have a closer relationship with God and to become conduits for His love and grace to others.

Together, believers can accomplish things that are impossible for one person to do alone by combining their resources, skills, and strengths. Their cooperation not only strengthens their own faith but also acts as a potent witness to unbelievers, demonstrating to them the strength of God's love. Believers can ultimately glorify God and have a lasting impact on the world through their combined efforts.

How did Jesus demonstrate the bondslave?

Jesus demonstrated the bondslave by humbling Himself and serving others selflessly. He washed His disciples' feet, showing them that true greatness comes from serving others. Jesus also taught His followers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, exemplifying the sacrificial love and grace that believers are called to extend to others.


By seeking understanding and studying God's testimonies, believers can deepen their knowledge of His teachings and gain insight into His plans and purposes. This not only strengthens their own faith but also equips them to share the truth with others and effectively communicate God's love and grace. Additionally, seeking understanding allows believers to discern God's will for their lives and align their actions with His desires, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful journey of faith.

"I am Your servant; give me understanding, That I may know Your testimonies." Psalm 119:125

It takes humility and surrender to seek understanding because it acknowledges our reliance on God's knowledge and direction. We invite God to reveal Himself to us in deeper ways as we ask for understanding, and He does so by transforming our hearts and minds to reflect His truth.

Our journey of faith becomes more fulfilling and purposeful when we align our actions with God's intentions through this process of seeking understanding. It ultimately draws us closer to Him and allows us to experience His abundant blessings by assisting us in navigating the challenges of life and making choices that are in accordance with His will.

The psalmist's desire to learn God's testimony is reflected in this verse from Psalm 119. The psalmist understood that true understanding comes from a place of surrender and a sincere hunger for God's word. In order to live a righteous and obedient life, we can acquire wisdom and discernment by seeking understanding. As we delve into God's truths and teachings, it also strengthens our relationship with Him and enables us to develop spiritually and resemble Him more. In the end, our quest for understanding takes us on a transformative journey that makes us carriers of God's love and grace.

How did Jesus seek understanding and God's testimony?

Jesus sought understanding and God's testimony through prayer and studying the Scriptures. In Luke 4:16-21, Jesus went to the synagogue and read from the book of Isaiah, showing his commitment to seeking and understanding God's word. This passage demonstrates Jesus' deep reverence for Scripture and his desire to align his life with God's teachings.


These are also key components of seeking understanding. When we truly fear God and turn away from evil, we position ourselves to receive His wisdom and discernment.

By humbling ourselves before God and acknowledging His authority, we open ourselves up to His guidance and revelation. This mindset of reverence and obedience allows us to align our thoughts and actions with His truth, leading to a deeper understanding of His ways. Ultimately, seeking understanding requires a genuine commitment to living in accordance with God's principles and a willingness to let go of our own desires and agendas.

It is through this reverence and obedience that we can fully grasp the depths of His truth and experience the transformative power of understanding.

"The Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil.” Job 1:8

The book of Job showcases the commendation that God gives to Job, highlighting his fear of God and his commitment to turning away from evil. It serves as a reminder that true righteousness is not just about following rules but about having a genuine reverence for God and actively choosing to reject sinful behaviour.

To strive for the same level of devotion and obedience as Job can lead to a deeper understanding of God's expectations and a stronger faith in Him.

Additionally, Job's example teaches us that maintaining our faith and trust in God is essential even in the face of extreme suffering and loss.

One example of Jesus showing reverence for God the Father and rejecting sinful behaviour is found in Matthew 4:1–11 when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. Despite being offered power, fame, and worldly possessions, Jesus remained steadfast in His devotion to God and refused to give in to temptation. This example highlights Jesus' unwavering commitment to following God's will and serves as a reminder for us to prioritize our relationship with God above all else.


"And we sent Timothy, our brother, and God’s fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you as to your faith." 1 Thessalonians 3:2

Encouraging others and fellow believers is an important aspect of living out our faith. Just as Timothy was sent to strengthen and encourage the Thessalonians in their faith, we should also seek to uplift and support one another in our spiritual journeys. By doing so, we can build a community of believers who are steadfast in their devotion to God and can find solace and inspiration in each other's experiences.

By offering encouragement and support, we can help each other navigate the challenges and doubts that may arise. Together, we can build a strong community of believers who uplift and inspire one another to continue growing in their faith.

How did Jesus encourage the disciples? Jesus encouraged the disciples by constantly reminding them of God's love and faithfulness. He reassured them of their purpose and reminded them of the power of their faith. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus said, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." This verse served as a source of comfort and encouragement for the disciples, reminding them that Jesus would never leave their side and that they were not alone in their journey.

He reassured them that they were not alone in their journey and that God would always be with them. Additionally, Jesus led by example, demonstrating humility, compassion, and forgiveness, which inspired the disciples to do the same.


Admitting what God instructs you to do requires humility and obedience. It means acknowledging that God's plans and guidance are far greater than our own understanding. By admitting and following God's instructions, we open ourselves up to His wisdom and guidance, allowing Him to work through us for His purpose. Trusting in God's instructions also strengthens our faith and deepens our relationship with Him.

"And Mary said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her." Luke 1:38

Mary's response to the angel Gabriel demonstrates her complete surrender to God's will. She humbly accepts her role as a servant of the Lord, showing her trust in His plans for her life. This act of obedience sets an example for believers to trust and submit to God's instructions, even when they may not fully understand them.

By submitting herself to God's will, Mary exemplifies the importance of obedience and humility in our relationship with Him. Her unwavering faith serves as an inspiration for us to trust in God's guidance and surrender our own desires for His greater purpose.

Another biblical figure who submitted himself to God's will is Abraham. (Genesis 22:2): When God commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham demonstrated unwavering obedience and trust in God's plan, even though it seemed contradictory and challenging. This act of submission showcased Abraham's faith and serves as a powerful example for believers to trust in God's guidance, even in the face of difficult circumstances.


"The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome but be kind to all, able to teach, and patient when wronged." 2 Timothy 2:24

This verse highlights the significance of maintaining a calm and gentle demeanour while disseminating God's teachings. Even in the face of hostility or mistreatment, it exhorts believers to treat others with kindness and patience. Believers who exhibit these characteristics can effectively share the love and truth of God with others without resorting to pointless debates or conflicts.

The teaching ministry of the apostle Paul served as an example of submission to God's will. Paul persisted in his mission to spread the gospel and instruct people about Christ in the face of opposition and persecution. Instead of engaging in fruitless arguments, his ability to teach without arguing showed his humility and reliance on God's wisdom. This serves as a reminder to Christians to put the emphasis on unity and to speak the truth in love rather than getting entangled in pointless arguments.

How did Jesus model his teaching without being quarrelsome?

Jesus modeled teaching without quarreling through his actions and teachings. In Matthew 5:39, Jesus taught his followers to turn the other cheek when faced with aggression, emphasizing the importance of responding with love and humility. Additionally, Jesus demonstrated this in his interactions with the Pharisees and religious leaders, where he often responded to their challenges with wisdom and grace instead of engaging in pointless arguments. This example highlights the significance of teaching with patience, kindness, and a focus on unity rather than getting caught

In several instances throughout the Bible. In Matthew 22:15–22, when the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with a question about paying taxes, he responded wisely and avoided getting into a heated argument. Additionally, in John 8:1–11, when the teachers of the law brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, instead of engaging in a debate about the law, he responded with compassion and forgiveness. These examples demonstrate Jesus's ability to navigate difficult situations with grace and wisdom. Rather than getting caught up in arguments or divisive debates, Jesus prioritized unity and showed a willingness to understand and forgive others. His actions serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion and forgiveness in our own interactions with others.

A servant can still teach at a higher level even if they are unable to speak. Character and good deeds always speak louder and show others the righteous path.