Summary: Humanity’s sin and depravity only continues to get worse by the day, and we must heed the warning of Jesus in this critical Revelation of what is ahead for mankind. The four horsemen and God's wrath are coming, and we must be prepared to share it to all.

Alpha and Omega, Part 30, Revelation Part 7

The First Six Seals are Opened

Revelation 6:1-17


- Taking this a part, chapter by chapter, to understand God’s ultimate plan

- Last week, we saw the appearance of the Lamb before God’s throne

-- We also saw the reaction of those in Heaven – complete worship!

-- APP: All of heaven responds the same: unconditional (no limits) worship

-- BIG: We are called and exhorted to worship b/c we see Heaven do the same!

- Today … the stage is set for the end of time events, and it requires us to tune in!

- Read Revelation 6:1-17 / Pray

- We have arrived at the beginning of the end told in the future tense (CHART)

-- God’s book of destiny to be opened – His plan for how this all ends

-- Note: The seals opening are the preliminary events to the end of time

-- The actual events are held within the scroll – this chapter sets the stage

- Join us on Wednesday night: Timeline discussion on these things …

- TR: As we dive in, don’t let it be lost Who opens the seals: Jesus!

Point 1 – The First Seal, The White Horse

- The first seal brings the appearance of a white horse and it’s rider (v2)

-- Lots of discussion has been had about this rider – it being one of two people

- The first thought is that its Jesus Christ, but let’s examine him:

• He is revealed to be a great deceiver, see how he appears in white

• Wears crown of a conqueror (GR: stephenos); not royalty (GR: diadema)

o Consider: A crown of invasion vs. a crown of kingly royalty

• The bow symbolizes war – and the OT shows this as “military power”

• Additionally, his bow has no arrows, no way to wage a war (physically)

-- IMP: This rider sets out to conquer; Jesus is not called to conquer mankind

-- RE: Salvation comes as a gift of God, not as a demanded / forced response

- Since he is the one sent to wage war on humanity: conclude he is the Antichrist

-- His method of deception is HOW he conquers - it’s what he uses as his weapon

-- Thus, he does not need weapons of war (arrows); b/c he is a liar and deceiver

-- His method will be tell-tale of his heritage; he comes from the “father of lies”

-- Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, “This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.”

- His deception is easy to pull off, because men do not care about God

-- Men do not believe that they need to repent of sin, so they’ll believe his lies

-- They’ll believe they can have everything their own way, “suits us just fine”!

- APP: The devil knows your weakness; he knows what you want (self-love)

-- Thus, his method of conquering will be to convince you that God is not imp.

-- FACT: He already does this via suggestion – HERE he is given power to do so

Point 2 – The Second Seal, The Red Horse

- The second seal brings the appearance of a red horse and it’s rider (v4)

-- He is a rider who is given great power, with a sword, to cause division and strife

-- He is the one who divides against race, class, neighbor vs. neighbor

-- Religion vs. religion, husband vs. wife, nation against nation

- His actions bring about war and slaughter everywhere as a result of his leadership

-- FACT: The last days will be filled with terrible wars and rumors of wars

-- FACT: The last days will also be filled with evil and truce breaking

- The devil himself is referred to as a “red dragon” in scripture GR: purrhos; red

-- Revelation 12:3, “Then I witnessed in heaven another significant event. I saw a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, with seven crowns on his heads.”

-- FACT: He is a murderer and a great liar – and he has been since the beginning

- This rider represents a complete lack of peace; he is 2nd to the white horse rider

-- His chaos will be world-wide, and will affect governments and nations alike

-- His primary weapon will be war, and his deception of humanity will be powerful

- How does he do this? Simple: He will establish trust and then take it away!

-- We’ll see more about this later, but here is a preview of his ability …

-- Daniel 9:27, “The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.”

- He brings about a false peace, and then undoes it by causing war

-- It is his primary job – deceive to build trust, then destroy (think Trojan horse)

-- Revelation 13:7-8, “And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered before the world was made.”

Point 3 – The Third Seal, The Black Horse

- The third seal brings the appearance of a black horse and it’s rider

-- In the midst of the war, deception, and control – food will now be rationed

-- Why? Because when society breaks down, so does its basic supply chain!

- The result of war is often famine, but this is intentional and has a global impact

-- His cause, or result of appearance, is that of utter starvation / famine

-- Look at even how the four living creatures discuss his effects on society (v6)

- GR: denarius; small coin – think penny was about the worth of a day’s wage

-- A denarius would buy someone about three measures of barley (loaf of bread)

-- Imagine: you’d have enough food, for you, to eat based on one day’s work

-- Now, imagine having a family to feed? Or bills to pay? Rent? Etc.!

-- Notice the oil and wine are not touched? These are for the wealthy …

- APP: If this rider can control cost of food, he can starve out humanity

-- His authority and actions will be to starve out those who are against antichrist

Point 4 – The Fourth Seal, The Pale Horse

- The fourth seal brings the appearance of a pale horse and it’s rider (v8)

-- This rider’s primary focus is that of death, even his appearance is death-like

-- His color is described as (GR) chlóros; meaning green / pale (death-like)

- He is the physical representation of death, of the grave, of a terminal end

-- And he is given authority (read: permission) to kill ¼ of the Earth … how?

• World war can definitely kill that many people

• Hunger and starvation can wipe out that many people

• Pestilence can definitely kill that many people

• Even loosing wild animals on humanity (who hunger for food) can

-- He is given authority to kill ¼ of the planet’s population; Today: 8Bil

- The picture of these four horseman is not a pretty future for mankind

-- And these events are right before the end of time, before God’s judgments

-- GET THIS: We are only seeing a preview of what these four riders will do

-- So, we can conclude that at this moment, the worst still lies ahead …

- TR: Ask: How are we doing? Anyone need a break? ?

Point 5 – The Fifth Seal reveals the Martyrs for Christ

- When the fifth seal is opened, John sees the martyrs under God’s altar

-- Greek: psuché; soul (or breath) Greek: sphazó; slaughter

-- This is a picture of those who have been killed for Christ

-- They are those who have given their life for their refusal to deny Jesus

-- It could be those who lose their life DURING the end times, or from all time

-- Either way, John is seeing those who chose death over denying Christ

- The picture is similar to what we saw in the OT of worship at the temple

-- The priest would spill the blood of slain animals on altar for forgiveness of sin

-- This representation is those who’ve given their life for God’s purposes/altar

-- Don’t Miss: God obviously has a special place for those who are martyred

- These were killed for the Word of God and their testimony to follow Jesus

-- Make no mistake: people will accept Jesus in the end times

-- They will realize the error of their ways and surrender their life to Him

-- But many will give their lives during this time as the antichrist wages war

- Why? Because those who preach Christ will be considered enemies

-- Humanity will want nothing to do with God, or with repentance of their sin

-- They will be hunted down and killed, and John may be seeing their future

- These souls cry out to God for justice – but NOT for revenge for them (v10)

-- They are wanting to see God’s promise to respond; to stop the injustice

-- Their heart’s cry is to see God respond in righteousness; to show His glory

- They are given white robes - which are a sign of purity in Christ (v11)

-- Now, don’t miss this: they are seen AT REST under the altar of God

-- Job 3:17, “For in death the wicked cause no trouble, and the weary are at rest.”

-- They are resting from their work; they are at peace; complete in His presence

-- But they are told to continue resting for a while longer (re-read verse 11)

- This can only mean that more martyrs will be added, giving their life for Jesus

-- Yes, more people are still to die for Christ before the end comes

-- APP: What a challenge for us! Will we live like this? Willing to die for Him?

- TR: Finally, we see the sixth seal opened …

Point 6 – The Sixth Seal unleashes a great Earthquake

- When the sixth seal is opened the day of God’s wrath begins on humanity! (v12)

-- First, a great earthquake will rock this entire planet, and no one can escape

- It is so cataclysmic even the sun and moon will be blotted out

-- Humanity will also see the stars (RE: placed by God) fall to the earth

-- Remember from Genesis 1:16-17, “God made two great lights—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the sky to light the earth…”

- Scripture tells us clearly that the things God put in place will be shaken

-- APP: The things and all that we put trust in (humanity loves to trust in science)

-- Consider: We marvel at our discoveries – but didn’t God establish them?

- His power, His authority, and His wrath begin to be hurled at the Earth

-- Why? Because His plan to show humanity His judgment has arrived!

-- “But I thought God was a God of love?” Yes, Jesus is the rep. of that … but …

- Think: During this, the heavens will disappear, even the hills will be moved!

-- Remember the heavens from Genesis? It represents the sky; all we see above!

-- Prophet Isaiah saw this also: Isaiah 34:4, “The heavens above will melt away and disappear like a rolled-up scroll. The stars will fall from the sky like withered leaves from a grapevine, or shriveled figs from a fig tree.”

- The effect of this is that all unbelievers being struck with complete terror

-- They will beg for relief through death and to have them fall on them!

-- Mankind will know who put those things in place - they were not evolutional!

- It is during this time, that man will understand who is ultimately in charge

-- Some will understand the deception they’ve been living under

-- Some will even turn to God (see they cry out to God for death)

-- But many will rage against God and blame God for these terrible things

- It is no different than the Garden of Eden: “This woman you gave me …”

-- There is no difference in our wanting to blame our sin then or now

-- It is why we need this revelation – to see ourselves – to know what’s coming

-- But not only to see it … to TELL others how to escape (or survive) it!

- If you knew someone would die tomorrow, wouldn’t you tell them today?

-- APP: This is the beginning of the ultimate death sentence on all of humanity!


- The terrible day of the Lord will come, and Ch 6 are the events preceding them

-- What you and I need to know is how to be prepared: by knowing Christ

-- We cannot fear surrendering of our life to Him – done by living FOR Him

- This message is for all – directed at those who deny what God has done

-- BUT … especially for those playing Christian and not really of Christ

-- Humanity’s sin and depravity only continues to get worse by the day

-- And those who pretend to be a Christian will one day know who God is

- We must truly rely on Christ in order to escape this – He is our hope

-- He died on a cross to bring us relief from this – to allow us to rest in Him

- Want to close with the words of Jesus … John 12:44-50, “Jesus shouted to the crowds, “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. I will not judge those who hear me but don’t obey me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. But all who reject me and my message will be judged on the day of judgment by the truth I have spoken. I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it. And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say.”

- Pray