Summary: The spiritual fog which has rolled in over the western church and Christian culture and it is rooted in what Paul and David said in the Bible, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Series – Reflections from sabbatical!

Over the next few months I will be sharing what the Holy Spirit spoke to me during my Sabbatical.

Summary from Kathy message last week!

Power points 1-4

During my two months of sabbatical - I read and listened to 8 books – meditated thru Psalms and Romans – edited my own books – wrote sermon outlines – these all spoke to me in unison by the power of Holy Spirit at the “Intimacy Conference” which Kathy and I attended - two weeks ago!

Power points 5-8

Opening Illustration: Fog rolls in at CHC

In the preparing for today’s message “The Fog” and event happened which helped me with an illustrate the spiritual fog which has descended on the western culture and church:

I came to work early Wednesday morning 8/9 it was fairly clear -a little cloudy but as I was engulfed in re-writing this message and thinking how I could illustrate the fog to all of you – I looked up and looked out my window and what do I see a dense fog had rolled in around the church on the hill – so I grabbed my phone and took a few pictures to show you.

Power Point 9

I really felt the Lord was showing me – spiritually with a real fog the current spiritual crisis in the western world and church. I was excited – a little in awe of how God speaks to me – I was speaking to the Lord “I know this is you Lord - what are the chances of this happening at this moment when I am writing and rewriting this message?” I was so excited the Lord would provide me with a literal illustration to open your eyes and my eyes to the reality of this spiritual fog which has rolled into our society.

Illustration of Clingman’s Dome and fog: Then I reflected back to our Sabbatical - One day Kathy and I decided to ascend to the highest point on the Smokey Mountains called, “Clingman’s Dome” – we had met a couple on the trails hiking a few days prior who told us we needed to go hike this and see the great sights! So, we loaded up and headed up the mountain – it had been raining and the first thing we noticed was how all the streams had turned to raging rivers and many brand-new waterfalls had appeared. Kathy talked about this last week. As we ascended higher up the mountain it got cloudy, then foggy and foggier to the point that as I was driving you could hardly see in front of the car. We watched the temperature go from 80 to 57 by the time we reached the top and came into the parking lot of Clingman’s Dome – it had also started raining and lightening very severely – but we wanted to go to do this hike – I had wanted to hike every day on Sabbatical if possible – I did have reservations about doing this and expressed them to Kathy – the crazy one who still wanted to do it – But I had a check in my Spirit that this was not a good idea! She still wanted to go! So, I saw a ranger in his car and asked him if we could go to the dome – he said I would very much advise against it! Why? “The lightening is very dangerous, and you are totally exposed up there on the lookout platform – do not do it – besides he said you will never be able to see anything but fog!” So we heeded his advice after standing outside the car and the rain was very cold and we experienced a few more lightening cracks – we got back int the car and descended the mountain.

Power Point 10

Illustration Ocean city in Maine and the Fog: I recall another time a few years back when I experienced fog, we were vacationing off the coast of Maine and I went for a walk one morning. I watched this fog roll in from the sea and noticed that it rapidly engulfed the quaint little Maine town I was in. A short time before this event it was crystal clear, and you could see for miles but now it was choked out by the fog. The scenic view was covered over and within minutes you could only see a few feet in front of you. My scenic walk became a walk in a foggy cloud. I almost tripped over a bench – almost banged my head into a streetlight post. The fog made everything more dangerous because you could not see that far in front of you. I observed near misses between cars and trucks all because the visibility has vanished. Clarity had been veiled. Everyone should have been more careful, but they were in a hurry – speeding along in the morning rush hour and so a few accidents started happening! First one then two. You could not see much of the accident but then I heard the crash – I would think that did not sound good - The fogginess was so thick you could plow right into people in front of you on the road and never see them until you hit them. Fog brings hindered vision and clarity. It's dangerous to speed along in the fog and not slow down to ponder what it’s doing, obscuring your visibility. Blocking out the sunlight and the ability to see clearly.

Fog has caused a lot of accidents in the history of time and severe consequences of crashes have led to many deaths. In my research I discovered how bad the fog can really be:

The worst foggy accidents can be found at

Let me pick out a few of the worst from wiki!

Power Point 11

December 11,1990 - Heavy fog caused by the neighboring Bowater paper mill led to a fiery crash involving 99 vehicles, leaving 12 dead and 42 injured on Interstate 75 in Calhoun, Tennessee, United States, between Chattanooga and Knoxville near the Hiwassee River. The Bowater paper mill paid out more than $10M in settlements. A fog warning system has since been installed, and the highway patrol enforces speed limits aggressively.

February 27, 1996 – 10 died, 80 injured and it involved 200 vehicles. The Fog caused this accident on E17 motorway near Nazareth, Belgium.

March 14, 2002 - One-time sudden fog caused a pileup on Interstate 75 in Catoosa County, Georgia, United States, involving 125 vehicles and killing four people and injuring 39 more.

October 11, 2002 – 10 died, 36 injured and it involved 50 vehicles. Dense fog caused a collision on Interstate 43 in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, United States, just north of the Ozaukee-Sheboygan County line, involving 50 vehicles. It is considered the worst multiple-vehicle collision in Wisconsin history.

We have seen and now heard about the danger of fog. But I want to talk about the other spiritual fog that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to on sabbatical.

Power Point 12

The eerie spiritual fog of spiritual fogginess has descended on America today and seeped its way into many families, many churches, and many communities. This fog has been creeping into our society and many of our churches for about 40 years. I have seen it hinder perspectives, block out the truth of God’s Word, hinder the ability to see clearly, it has distorted people’s vision spiritually and has engulfed our society in an eerie evil and twisted way. Many people are engulfed in this dense fog of evil and they have no idea of the dangers around them. They speed along doing life with no clue that they are headed for a horrendous deadly crash.

John Bevere stated in his book “The Awe of God” this fact of what has happened to the Christian Church in America over the last 20 years. John quotes a George Barna survey which came out in 2021: “The Barna Group reported that more than forty million Americans departed from the faith from the years 2000 to 2020! Half now profess to be non-Christians-atheists and agnostics.”

We see the result of this falling away which is caused by the eerie spiritual fog which has descended on this nation spiritually.

John Bevere wonders if this is what was predicted in the Bible as the great falling away, he writes, “Paul writes that the antichrist cannot be revealed until “the apostasy comes first (this is the predicted great falling away of those who professed to be Christians has occurred)” 2 Thessalonians 2:3. John has wondered if this falling away has occurred because the message of truth – the Word of God has been twisted and dumbed down – I think of the book “The Bible for dummies” – We have heard things preached all over the western world that say, “Out salvation is worked out with love and kindness, rather than as Scriptures says with fear and trembling” We have eliminated from many pulpits “eternal judgment” having a “holy healthy fear of God.”

Jonathan Cahn in his book “Return of the Gods” has also addressed this deceptive spiritual fog which has come over the western church – its origin is demonic – he even looks at Old Testament examples of specific demonic spirits and aspects of idol worship from Israels past sins and falling away as an example. Cahn says these same demonic spirits have been unleased on the western church and society. Blinding people to truth – to common sense – to biological science – to what is natural – to God – to the truth of Jesus.

One editor reviewed the book this way, “Summed up in a sentence, this book describes how the United States, is kicking God out of the schools and public life in the 1960s, has since replaced the one True God with three ancient deities (Baal, Ishtar, and Molech), each of whom has wreaked havoc upon our culture and morality.” (Just like it did Israel) … It’s a book meant to open our eyes to the “principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:10-13)


Then I read the book “Irresistible” by Andy Stanley who in the middle of his book tells us Christians we need to unhitch our faith from the OT. No, he seriously said it in the book and in other sermons – I love to read – I have read some of Stanley’s others books great reads – but I cannot agree that Christians need to unhitch their faith from the OT – It’s God’s Word – Jesus quoted from it! History teaches us valuable lessons to learn spiritually, and Stanley is saying using these lessons is dangerous to our faith - we should only be in the New Testament. I am like what happened to you Stanley. Then it dawned on me the fog is spreading to churches and pastors too – do you see it? I then thought about Andy, “I learned from your dad! I grew spiritually from his ministry! I have read his books, I have listened to him on the radio for years. Andy’s dad Charles Stanley would not approve of this statement. I thought to myself “What is going on – Lord?” – then I saw the fog again – no not the literal fog – the spiritual fog of deception over our society and churches. Over some clergy and politicians!

Then I reflected back to Jonathan Cahn’s book “Return of the Gods” He wrote this book – inspired by the Lord – it was written by him because he is a messianic rabbi - it is a prophetic book to clarify what’s happening in America today and how we need to open our eyes – we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers – we need to learn from the failures of Israel – we need to see through the fog of deception with the help of the Holy Spirit!

Illustration Baker and Bevere: Then I listened to John Bevere’s sermon about the “Awe of God” and in the message he shares a story about him and Jim Baker. They meet when Jim is in prison and John asks him “When did you fall out of love with Jesus? Jim responds, “I never did!” John responds with a confused look to him, Jim states, “I lost my fear of God” in summary I say it this way “That was my problem – I did not believe God would judge my sin – but he did in his merciful way, and he put me in this prison to save my soul from going to Hell.”

Years ago, I read Jim Bakers book, “I was Wrong.” He described how his fall from grace was a slow fall – the fog just kept getting denser and denser to were he could not see spiritually- the truth of God was blurred and eventually totally blocked – he thought in his sin “I love Jesus” this is why I am successful and I have the largest ministry in the world – I have a great ministry God is using it – So, God must be okay with me and my sin! Warning - This is the deception of the fog!

The warning: I want to shout to Christians and Un-Christians: “Stop” “Slow down” “Wake up” “The hurry up sickness will kill you!” “Look and see you are about to have a fatal crash!” – “Warning the evil fog is blinding you to the danger ahead!” “Danger – Danger - the fog is hindering your vision and perception!” I wish I could say it in a way that caused a spiritual urgency and people really slowed down, opened their spiritual eyes, opened their Bibles, connected with Jesus - why? Because this fog is really the enemy of your soul, your spirit, and your body! Your family? So please stop, become aware of the danger of the eerie fog, and go to the higher ground to get out of the fog!” So that you can see clearly! Rise up – get out of the valleys – climb out of the lowlands!

Question – Do you see the fog? Do you see how it obscures your spiritual vision? Are you aware of it hindering your view of the Bible and truth? Have you noticed how the fog has washed out Jesus from your life?

Sermon 1: The Fog

Thesis: The spiritual fog which has rolled in over the western church and Christian culture and it is rooted in what Paul and David said in the Bible, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Main Scriptures: Romans 3:18, and Psalms 36:1

Power Points 13-15

Romans 3:18: “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Psalm 36:1: “An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes.”

Scripture Texts:

Romans 1-3 and Psalm 32-34

Summary of Romans 1-3: I read this at IHOP in Kansas City.

Paul makes the case in Romans 1-3 that God will judge and condemn sinful humanity and all who practice sin – some of the sins are highlighted – sexual impurity – homosexuality, LGBT sins are addressed here, idol worshippers, refusing to believe and obey God’s truth, people thinking they are wiser than God but yet they were actually fools (prideful/arrogant toward God), a refusal to retain the knowledge of God, greedy, envious, murderers (abortion), filled with strife, deceit, God haters, prideful, disobedient to parents, no love and no mercy for others, and even people who approve of other people’s sins as if it’s okay. Paul notes God’s kindness is to lead you to repentance not into more sin. Their unrepentant hearts are storing up God’s wrath on them for when the day of judgment come, He also addresses religious traditions – the misrepresentation of God’s law and salvation by works, which is not rooted in God. Paul concludes no one is righteous for all have sinned and fall short. Therefore, they need God! But Paul makes it clear the big problem is there is no fear of God. He pushes faith as the key for salvation not religious works. But we do need to repent and seek to live a holy life with the help of God.

Summary of Psalms 32-34: I was reading this at our bed and breakfast in Tn.

Blessed is the one who is forgiven by God when they repent of their sins. God’s word will direct and keep you from sin and bring blessing in your life. The Lord is to be feared and revered throughout the earth. Be aware His eyes are on those who fear him and revere Him. When you seek God with a pure heart he will answer, and he will deliver you from the fear of the world. David reminds his readers that The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he will deliver them from evil. David continues saying “Fear the Lord” you his holy people because those who fear God will lack nothing from Him. He also says come and let me teach you the truth of the goodness of the fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 9:10: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Proverbs 10:27: “The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.”

Hebrews 12:28-29: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”


When I was at Ihop I was reading Romans 1-3 and I saw something as I read:

Paul changes his thought to a quote from David in Psalm 36:1 after revealing the current condition of sin in the Romans empire and the church. Paula Jewish rabbi and scholar looks back to what King David says in, Psalm 36:1-4 David describes the makeup of a wicked person; he reveals that wickedness begins by not fearing God.

I did a little research and found - The Greek word translated fear is “Phobos” which is the root of our English word “phobia.” It originally meant “flight” as in the Greek poet Homer’s characters fleeing in fear. Phobos is usually translated “fear” but is also translated “awe, reverence, and intimidation.”

The Holy Spirit spoke once again through John Bevere’s book and the Bible:

When we do not fear God, it means we are not concerned with what God thinks. We are also not concerned about following His advice (The Bible). We give it no value, and only value our own opinions. These attitudes toward God are at the very heart of wickedness and evil. Paul saw it in the Romans Culture and even church and David saw it the nation of Israel and the nations around them.

Power Point 16

I am seeing the danger of the fog rolling over western culture and the western church. This spiritual fog brings with it spiritual destruction and death – Why? Because people are racing through the fog – clueless and heading for a dangerous crash with their spiritual lives. This fog is saturated with deception, deceit, and denial of the things of God. Its mission is to blind people to the truth of Jesus and God’s Word. The fog is all around them for the purpose of keeping them from seeing the Son! It’s as real as the literal fog!

T.S. - The fog (which I will define todays as - “Having no respect, awe or fear of God”) – Remember this when the fog engulfs a life it will always bring the 3d’s of death to a person’s spiritual life:

Power Point 17

I. Deception always leads to and is connected to the Darkside.

a. Deception - is what the Devil has been using from the beginning of time as a strategy to separate God’s children from Him. Satan in his rebellion against God uses this tactic to break up the family of God. His process of recruiting humans (God’s children) to participate with him in the deception and rebellion has not changed in centuries. We saw this scenario with Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. He always uses deception to get people to question God’s Word!

i. Deception blinds people to the truth of God.

1. It always will – deception when embraced robs people of the blessings of God and a relationship with God.

2. Let’s recall the definition of deception - the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid: the act of deceiving. resorting to falsehood and deception. Example: He used deception to leak classified information. b: the fact or condition of being deceived (Webster Dictionary)

ii. In the Bible, there are many stories of deception. The Lord placed them in the Bible to make us aware of the fog deception and the destructive power of deception to a life and their spiritual destiny.

1. One of the most famous stories is that of Adam and Eve. They were deceived by the serpent into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This caused them to be banned from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).

a. Satan’s plan of deception is separate God’s children from Him!

b. Satan’s strategy is still the same separate Christian children from their parents.

i. Look at what is happening in public schools and education – this is the fog at work in the education world of today.

ii. It’s connected with pushing and promoting all the LBGT lies of deception.

iii. It’s gone so far to want to expose your children to porn stories. To tell them God made a mistake they are not what they were created to be male or female. They are deceptively exposing your children to drag queens without your permission.

2. There are stories of deception in the book of Genesis, (The Word of God) such as when Jacob deceives his father into giving him Esau’s birthright (Genesis 27).

a. The mother helped with this – by the way deception never leads to God’s blessings for a family!

b. God will never bless sin – you can be a proud of your sin as you want but God will never bless sin.

i. This applies to all kinds of sins – you will see this if you read the New Testament!

3. Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Joseph- In Genesis 39, Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph, but he refuses her advances. She then falsely accuses him of attempted rape, and he is sent to prison as a result.

4. In the Old Testament, Satan is called the father of Lies, deceiving religious people of the ancient world and in the New Testament thru False Prophets, false teachers, false apostles, even comes disguised as an angel of light.

5. These stories teach us about the dangers of deception and how it can lead to disaster and eternal judgment.

a. From

iii. I read an article called: Spiritual Warfare & Satan, The Master of Deception

1. It stated, “Webster defines a strategy as “a careful plan or method: a clever stratagem.” Strategies in general can be applied to every area of our lives. Strategies invoke plans, goals and achieving ultimate purposes. A stratagem goes a step further in definition and means “an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy, a cleverly contrived trick or scheme for gaining an end.” Satan is the master of deception, tricks and schemes and he will do anything he can to win the battle. Satan waged war against the Lord the moment he was cast out of heaven. We entered that war the moment Adam and Eve succumbed to his temptation to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Genesis 3:1 says, “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.” The Bible is clear in its description of Satan from Genesis to Revelation and we have no excuse for our ignorance of his strategies. We must shine the light of truth into the darkness of Satan’s lies and deceptions. The Word of God is our light of truth and we are the soldiers who must know it and live it out everyday.”

a. (from

iv. The Deceiver Satan - He gets people to be fixated on their problems and in the process he gets their eyes off of God’s truth and God’s presence in their life.

1. Satan said to Eve and Adam, “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1-5)

a. Interesting his choice of deceptive words – you will know good and evil – why because when you listen to lies you discover the power and deception of evil.

2. Craig states, “In 2 Corinthians 11:3, our thoughtology professor Paul said, “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpents cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” Satan will whisper accusing questions and deceptive statements. He schemes to twist your mind, because if he can, he then:

a. Diverts you from your purpose.

i. The Devil is always out to steal people’s identity away!

1. This is what is happening in the secular educational world today.

2. This is what is happening in the political world today.

3. This is what is happening through mainstream media today.

a. They are engulfed and saturated by the evil fog of deception and lies.

ii. The Devil does not want you to know who you are in Christ.

iii. He wants you separated from your Father and isolated so he can manipulate you to promote evil and cause more destruction.

b. Distracts you from God’s voice.

i. The Devil is always trying to get you to doubt God’s voice – deny God’s voice – he is there to distort God’s voice to you.

ii. He is also out to deafen you to God’s voice as well.

iii. He is out there trying to get you to dismiss God’s voice!

c. Destroys your potential.

i. When you take God out of a person’s life you remove all their God given potential to change and transform this world.

ii. The Devils knows this so he works hard to breakup your relations with the Lord and break from the family.

iii. If he can’t get you to believe a lie, your life will be affected as if that lie was true. (Groeschel, Winning the War in Your Mind, page 44).

1. Romans 12:2 CEV: “Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.”

2. Colossians 2:8 CEV: “Don’t let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ.”

b. The eerie spiritual fog of spiritual fogginess has descended on America today and seeped its way into many families, many churches, and many communities. It has taken root in politics, government, education, media and the list go on. Open your spiritual eyes! Many people are being engulfed in this dense fog and they have no idea of the dangers all around them. They speed along doing life with no clue that they are headed for a horrendous crash.

i. I wish I could say it in a way that caused a spiritual urgency for people and people really slowed down opened their eyes and their Bibles. Because the fog is really the enemy of your soul, spirit and body! So please stop, become aware of the danger of the fog and go to the higher ground to get out of the fog!”

ii. So, I have preached about the fog – I have never called it “The Fog” – but I talked about it – discussed it with others – went to seminars on it. But it seems that “The Fog” is not being burned off by the Son any more. To me it seems to have rolled in and its staying put engulfing people in it. I look around and the valleys are filled with this thick fog! We all know fog hovers in the Valleys and in the low places. Christian and non-Christian alike are trapped in it and speeding around hurriedly heading for a disaster.

1. Illustration from Radio personality Paul Harvey tells the story of how an Eskimo kills a wolf. The account is grisly, yet it offers fresh insight into the consuming, self-destructive nature of sin. "First, the Eskimo coats his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. Then he adds another layer of blood, and another, until the blade is completely concealed by frozen blood. "Next, the hunter fixes his knife in the ground with the blade up. When a wolf follows his sensitive nose to the source of the scent and discovers the bait, he licks it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more and more vigorously, lapping the blade until the keen edge is bare. Feverishly now, harder and harder the wolf licks the blade in the arctic night. So great becomes his craving for blood that the wolf does not notice the razor-sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue, nor does he recognize the instant at which his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his OWN warm blood. His carnivorous appetite just craves more--until the dawn finds him dead in the snow!" It is a fearful thing that people can be "consumed by their own lusts." Only God's grace keeps us from the wolf's fate. - Chris T. Zwingelberg.

c. I guess I will say it again (but not sure anyone is listening): “Open your eyes – be cautious – go to higher ground!” “Don’t run around in a foggy haze – in the thick fog – leave the spiritual fogginess!” Find the road to higher ground!

i. Understand the fog tells you “You don’t have to fear God – you don’t have to live holy! You don’t have to have a reverence and awe for God! It tells you God will bless sin – no he will not! It tells you there is no God – there is no judgement of God- not true people!

ii. So, I have said it, I have written about it, even preached about it and yes I have been in the fog too – but I am amazed how many people like the spiritual fogginess. They like being surprised by what’s around the corner as they plow into it. They like tripping over things and banging their heads into lamp posts and even others. Some have even lost their lives in the fog but still people speed through the fog!

1. Let me define another aspect of the fog and what I mean by the spiritual fog of this world:

a. The fog of deception to Biblical Values and to a Biblical Worldview is increasing in the Western world at a rapid rate. So, as a pastor for the last 40 years I have watched this spiritual fog engulf so many people – businesses – schools – sports - marriages – recreation - politics – TV shows – movies – music – magazines - communities – country’s and yes even churches. This all leads to having no fear of God.

2. I keep shouting, “Don’t you see that you have been engulfed in the spiritual fog – you are speeding to a great pile up and many people are going to die and be hurt!” Stop in the name of love – God is love! But people continue speeding in the spiritual fog and choose to live in the foggy haze clueless to what is right around the corner. Death – spiritual death!

3. Personal Story - I have a relative who was always fun to wake up because he wakes up in a haze of fogginess and usually wanders around for a while in a cloud for a while after waking up. My family would love to wake him up suddenly because of his funny reactions. On time we were traveling to New Hampshire and I was driving – it was about a 20 plus hour drive – my wife was sleeping in the back with the girls and He was in the passenger seat. The still small whisper spoke to me do something to him – I looked at the road, I looked into the darkness. I glazed over at him sound asleep in the front seat. I heard that still small voice say it again “go ahead do it!” I just had to do it! So, I screamed and slammed on breaks! He came out of his sleep waving his arms in sheer panic, saying what’s going on, he was freaking out! I was laughing quietly, giggling and thinking, “I got you!” Now remember he was not the only one in the car! My wife and girls were in the back sleeping too. So, my wife came to life not in a foggy daze like her brother but as sharp as a mama bear concerned about her children. She spoke to me with a sentiment of disgust in her voice, “Really Mike have you lost your mind?” I looked at her with a smile and said, “I had to do it, a quiet voice told me too!” I knew her brother’s reaction would be hilarious. But I got the look from her and the girls and to them it was not funny! After about 5 minutes everyone was asleep again and I am laughing at myself, quietly, proud of my joke, it amused me for hours in the middle of the night. It kept me wide awake for the drive!

iii. Now when I talk about other dimensions of “The Fog” and about what I really want to say to the Christians and even Un-Christians today it is - “Wake up – see thru the fog with the help of the Son - Jesus!”

1. Sadly, I have done this in a gentle way and usually they look at me with a yawn and their reaction is one of apathy. There is no great reaction, no alarm, but unlike that night on the dark road to New Hampshire which had no danger, no reason to be alarmed, there is reason to be alarmed today! Many are heading for a head on collision which will hurt them and their families, but they don’t see it because of the fog.

a. It will negatively impact your church, your school, and yes, your community!

d. Today I see the sinister fog of darkness rolling in over many Christians lives – it’s like the fog that eerily creeps over the land off the sea engulfing everyone into spiritual fogginess.

i. Christians - don’t see clearly because the fog engulfs them, and they don’t see the danger of the fog! The fog is diminishing their 20 20 spiritual vision, but they are okay being in the spiritual fog.

ii. The sinister fog does not really look like real fog – but it does look like this:

1. Distorted and deceit filled news is eroding the value system of America each day and night.

2. Many Tv shows and movies are releasing the fog of a sin filled agenda, trapping people into the fog of sexual immorality, loos of God given identity and even selfishness.

3. Some Cartoons are releasing the fog on the younger generation to get them confused about who they are or who they were created by God to be. These so called, harmless cartoons are challenging biblical mindsets and even challenging their identity. This dark fog is lurking – engulfing – distorting – clamping on to young hearts and minds with the purpose to distort their view of life and of themselves.

4. Many Newspapers have joined the band wagon of changing the American Biblical value system, luring people away from their Christian values, actually shaming them against their Biblical value system.

5. Books are being written and published seeking to dismantle Christian and Biblical values today.

6. Movie and TV stars are on a mission to undermine Biblical values front what I see – they are on the attack to distort Christians and a Biblical mindset and Biblical worldview.

7. Public education has joined the band wagon of releasing the fog on the students they are in trusted with. They “Anything goes cloud.” Has replaced science and biology with doubt and fog. The so called, educators release thoughts of there are no absolutes in life! They proclaim that kid’s foggy imagination tells them what is right and wrong. It’s up to you!

8. Business are consumed with the fogginess of greed and making money, forcing their employees to work holidays and Sundays. Forcing them to choose between family and work. It’s all about show me the money cloud! It’s not about one of the Big Ten – the 10 Commandments of honoring the Lord’s Day!

9. Some parents are even advocating their parenting to the state and the state in some cases believes the parents have no rights over their children. The fog continues to drift into families lives and causing blindness to it’s destruction.

10. Materialism is at an all time high and this supposedly determines if you are successful or not in life. Many Christian people worship the rich and famous and look down on those who sacrifice their finances for the good of others.

11. Video games are filled with graphic violence and profanity and the fog roles on pouring into more and more young mindsets.

12. We see the American work ethic changing in some areas were people no longer feel they have to work. The fog of entitlement has overtaken some people’s minds and heart. They really believe others should pay their way. Others should pay their bills because it’s their entitlement for living here in America.

13. The spiritual dark fog of deception and the attack on Biblical Values and a Biblical worldview are raging forward and the church people don’t stop it, they get on board with it! I have had people tell me I need to become more culturally relevant – I say “no” because what they are saying is I need to lose by Biblical Value system and Biblical worldview.

a. But they tell me as a pastor if I want to grow my church numerically, I must do this. I scratch my head in amazement – thinking – don’t they see they are in the spiritual dark fog – but I remind myself you cannot clearly see when you are engulfed in the fog! It surrounds and desensitizes you to the real spiritual world around you. So, I am going to say it again “Wake up – Go to higher ground – get out of the dark spiritual fog!” You are in danger! Your soul is in danger!

II. Denial is tactic Satan uses to get you to doubt Jesus and God existence and truths.

a. Definition: denial - NOUN

i. Refusal to satisfy a request or desire.

ii. Refusal to admit the truth or reality of something (such as a statement or charge) assertion that an allegation is false.

iii. Refusal to acknowledge a person or a thing: disavowal.

b. The following statements pushed in the secular world reveal the sinister fog:

i. God is not real?

ii. God is not with you?

iii. The Gospel is outdated and not true!

1. Jesus did not rise from the grave.

a. How far will some go to deny Jesus – read the story of Jesus resurrection and the paying off of the guards to keep the truth quiet.

b. Matthew 28:11-15: While the women were going with the GOOD NEWS to the disciples, the guards went to report to the chief priests, who concocted an unlikely piece of FAKE NEWS with them. The guards were bribed with “MUCH MONEY” by the ‘religious’ leaders to say quite specifically that they WERE asleep, and that “WHILE THEY WERE ASLEEP” Jesus’ disciples came by night and stole His body (Matthew 28:11-13). But if they were asleep, how could they know that?

i. Quote from

2. The truth is some people can be bought to lie and deny the truth! Yes, they are still buying people’s silence to the truth of who Jesus is, was and will be.

iv. Examples I can think of today are:

? The Ten commandments are psychologically harmful to kids to read them.

? There are more than two genders.

? Jesus does not care if we get married or not.

? Jesus is not God in the flesh.

? Jesus is not the only way to Heaven.

• They deny Jesus words who said he is the way the truth and the life and no man comes to father except through him!

• They say this instead – all faiths lead to Heaven – I heard a so called Christian pastor say this – she was Lutheran.

III. Deceit is ramped up in our society – lies are the way of the world today.

a. Definition: The act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid: the act or practice of deceiving: deception. achieving one's goals through a web of deceit. 2: an attempt or device to deceive: trick. Example - Her excuse turned out to be a deceit (Merriam-Webster).

b. An example of deceit:

i. By Patricia Tolson – Epoch Times – “What began as drag queen story hour evolved into drag shows for children. Now, naked men peddle bikes in front of children at pride parades in Seattle while LGBT activists in New York City marched through the streets chanting: “We're here. We're queer. We’re coming for your children.” As previously reported by The Epoch Times, the tide is turning on tolerance for transgender ideology. Biological science has been replaced by internal feelings and chosen identities. The clarity of one's sex has been blurred by the ambiguity of "gender." There are now an infinite number of pronouns. Failure to use the correct pronoun can result in losing your job.

Men are claiming titles, trophies, scholarships, and accolades in women’s sports. Men are named Woman of the Year and crowned in women's pageants. The backlash started when Anheuser-Busch chose a transgender influence to become a spokesperson for Bud Light. It became a revolt when Target took aim at children. Now, recent surveys confirm that Americans have had their fill of harmful transgender indoctrination and "woke" corporate pride campaigns.

According to a recent survey conducted by, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates, 61 percent of likely voters believe that "introducing young children to ideas like transgenderism, drag shows, and LGBTQ+ themes hurts their emotional and psychological development." Still more, 63 percent believe that the activists pushing transgenderism, drag shows, and LGBT themes to children have an ulterior motive.

Conversely, the survey also found that 50.3 percent of TikTok users believe introducing children to transgenderism, drag shows, and LGBT themes is helpful for their emotional and psychological development. Only 33.8 of Facebook users feel the same. In addition, 44.9 percent of TikTok users say introducing children to transgenderism, drag shows, and LGBT themes is "motivated by a desire to help children." Only 31.4 percent of Facebook users believe the effort has altruistic intentions…” From

c. Deceit is part of the Fog generated by the enemy of our souls, our family and yes even our children.

i. He deceived Adam and Eve in genesis to by into his lie – He is doing the same today on this current issue and many others.

ii. Romans 1 speaks to this:

1. 18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

iii. Satan and His host of demons are at the center of “Wokeism” in the world – these people are being used by demonic forces to destroy society:

1. Remember He is a master of deceit. Because the people of the world are so ignorant of God, Satan can tell them virtually anything, and they will believe it. But with us he generally does not directly challenge or obviously and blatantly misquote Scripture. His confrontation with Jesus, beginning in Matthew 4:1, is a classic example.

2. Proverbs 26:24-26:

a. 24A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. 25Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven abominations fill his heart. 26His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

iv. The Bible makes it clear that deceit is an act that God hates!

1. 1 Peter 2:1

a. 1Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.

2. 1 Peter 3:10

a. 10For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.

3. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15

a. 13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.

b. 14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

c. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

4. Ephesians 5:6-7

a. 6Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.

b. 7Therefore do not be partners with them.

5. Psalm 5:6

a. 6You destroy those who tell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors.

6. Psalm 101:7:

a. 7No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence.

7. Revelation 21:6-8:

a. 6He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.

b. 7He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

c. 8But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

d. Illustration: Someone has estimated that the average member of the church has heard 6,000 sermons, 8,000 congregational songs and led zero people to Jesus Christ! Here is the way the problem stacks up in a Church with 200 members:

i. 20 are too old to work, that leaves 180 left to work, but of the rest, 18 are too timid to accept much responsibility that leaves 162 left to work, but 12 are out of town or away for school, so that leaves 150 left to work, but 25 of those work long hours six or seven days a week, so that leaves 125 left to work, but 20 of those are tied down with children that leaves 105 left to work, but 20 of those are unable to work because of poor health, that leaves 85 left to work, but 55 are unfaithful, do not attend regularly, or don’t care... that leaves 30 left to work, but 20 of those will attend church...but they refuse to work...that leaves 10 left to work, 8 of those are very tired of doing all the work and have asked to be relieved. That leaves 2 people, you and me...But I’m too busy with other things, so you do the work. (author unknown)

Power Point 18


What do we need to know from this message?

Answer: Many have no fear of God or respect and or awe for God today.

Why do we need to know this?

Answer: We need to have that healthy and holy fear of God, so the fog of deception does not engulf us and cause us to crash and burn with our life.

What do they need to do?

Answer: We need to have a healthy respect, awe and fear of God. We need to be aware of the fog and not ignore it.

Why do they need to do this?

Answer: So we keep from crashing and burning with our life and our families lives.