Summary: Imagine a terrible tragedy coming upon the Earth in the form of 4 trumpets, and yet there’s still hope. God sends a messenger to proclaim that you/we can be rescued, but for today, those who know the truth must stand ready to proclaim the Gospel!

Alpha and Omega, Part 32, Revelation Part 9

The Seventh Seal and the First Four Trumpets

Revelation 8:1-13


- Been study together, chapter by chapter, to understand God’s plan for creation

- Last week, we discussed the 144,000 and their primary mission: Evangelize

-- These would be 144,000, of Jewish descent, who come to Christ by faith

-- Chapter 7 was a bit of a parenthesis, and interlude to the judgments

-- The purpose was to show God’s continued mercy, even during His wrath

-- Why? 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”

- Today we will resume the events with Jesus opening the seventh seal

-- Note: This unveils what is contained within the scroll (the one God held)

-- It is God’s plan for humanity, imp for us to lean in and understand this

-- CHART: Timeline wise, this is just before the mid-point of the Tribulation

-- It is also referred to as the “Wrath of the Lamb”

- Read Revelation 8:1-13 / Pray

Point 1 – Jesus opens the Seventh Seal

- When the 7th seal is broken, there is a time of deafening silence in Heaven

-- But see this – when the seal is opened … nothing actually happens! Instead …

-- Heaven stands in amazement of the Lamb! Think: nearly afraid of what’s next

-- This is reverence response to Jesus – they are in awe at His great authority

- Consider: Trembling before Him, they see His wrath being prepared

-- APP: The holiness of God ought to cause us to pause; to check ourselves!

-- Habakkuk 2:20, “But the Lord is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him.”

- When it’s opened, prepared are two instruments of judgment for the world:

• First: Seven angels come from the scroll in Christ’s hand

- As they appear, they’re handed seven trumpets (to announce His judgment)

-- After all that Heaven has witnessed, it’s nothing compared to what’s coming

-- The power they possess is clearly in their position – stand before God

-- But not just before Him, with His authority to act being handed to them

- Greek: salpigx; trumpet. (pronounced Sal-Pinx)

-- Trumpets always signify God stepping into intervene in human history

-- God is about to move against the godless, the rejectors of His Son / salvation

-- The psalmist captured God’s judgment in these words: Psalm 58:11, “Then at last (when God’s avenges) everyone will say, “There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.”

• Second: The prayers of the believers / saints are prepared to be used

- These are the prayers of ALL the saints (important that we see this)

--- Some are in Heaven, and some are on Earth – all the prayers are gathered

-- Why? Because all have suffered or been through trials – God knows them all

- Consider: Who has caused the suffering? The father of lies – the deceiver

-- RE: Garden of Eden, He put these things into motion by intervening

-- He introduced sin into the world, and while we have our part, here we are…

- APP: The day is coming when God will answer the prayers of all His people

-- All those who have rejected, denied, cursed, or ignored Jesus will be judged

- Why? Because we have a consistent command about we are to live:

-- Leviticus 19:2, “Give the following instructions to the entire community of Israel. You must be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” (repeated in)

-- 1 Peter 1:16, “For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”

- An angel takes the fire from the altar, and mixes it with the prayers of saints

-- These are the prayers of those who are calling out for rescue, for vindication

-- Incense is mixed with fire; they are presented as an offering to God

-- Greek: libanótos; frankincense, a censer (think catholic church, incense)

-- Then … they are then thrown down upon this godless society!

- APP: Don’t miss this: God will not allow mankind to mock Him forever

-- He will avenge His name, and His commands, purposefully with His creation

-- This is the launching of the “great” tribulation – mankind’s punishment for sin

-- Jude 1:14-15, “Enoch, who lived in the seventh generation after Adam, prophesied about these people. He said, “Listen! The Lord is coming with countless thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment on the people of the world. He will convict every person of all the ungodly things they have done and for all the insults that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

- TR: Most of us would think this would be enough to get man’s attention!

-- But God’s angels prepare to announce the arrival of God’s judgment with …

Point 2 – The Results of the First Four Trumpets

- These are used as an announcement to all of creation – a declaration from royalty

-- Referred to as the Wrath of the Lamb, RE: Jesus has opened the scroll

• The first trumpet (v7)

- Brings a fierce storm & defies the things we know about physics and nature

-- APP: The things happening in the heavens will cause massive disruptions

- This storm will rain hail that looks like fire mixed with blood

-- The reddish color will be a mixture of sand & dirt in the storm

-- The winds will be fiercer than anything seen to date; affects 1/3 of the Earth

- A storm this powerful will disrupt the food supply by destroying crops

-- 1/3 of the trees being destroyed will cause fertile lands to become wasted

-- It will likely ruin the ability to ever plant again: all grass destroyed

- Judgment will be similar to what was seen towards enemies of Joshua & Israel

-- Joshua 10:1, “As the Amorites retreated down the road from Beth-horon, the Lord destroyed them with a terrible hailstorm from heaven that continued until they reached Azekah. The hail killed more of the enemy than the Israelites killed with the sword.”

• The second trumpet (v8)

- Likely a never-before experienced volcanic eruption; think: “mountain of fire”

-- It will be forceful enough to launch a rock as large as a mountain into the sky

--- It may come from underneath the sea of somewhere close to the seashore

- This rock will be thrown into the ocean causing a massive tidal wave and:

• 1/3 of the sea life will be destroyed

• 1/3 of the sea will be turned blood red

• 1/3 of the ships in the ocean will be destroyed

- Picture the shortage of sea life for food (both within and on land)

-- It will be devastating to the fishing industry, to those whose lives depend on it

-- The destruction of the cargo in ships will ruin companies financially

- This destruction will be similar to what was seen during the plague of Egypt

-- See this: Judgment of mankind was predicted long ago (about 630 B.C.)

-- (prophet) Zephaniah 1:2-3, “I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth,” says the Lord. “I will sweep away people and animals alike. I will sweep away the birds of the sky and the fish in the sea. I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble, and I will wipe humanity from the face of the earth,” says the Lord.”

• The third trumpet (v10)

- This will be a huge meteor that fractures before Earth (particles rain down)

-- It will fall into the rivers and springs of water - changing them forever

-- It will scatter over 1/3 of entire world and will poison the water supply

-- However, before men become aware of its danger, it will be too late

- Many will die from drinking it, because they don’t know it’s toxic!

-- The water will have a bitter taste to it; why other translations use “wormwood”

-- Greek: apsinthos; wormwood

-- APP: Wormwood is a plant that is very bitter; commonly consumed in foods

--- Often used lightly in absinthe and other bitters for flavor

-- Contains a chemical called “thujone” - which is unsafe in large doses

-- Thujone can cause seizures, kidney failure, and severe vomiting

- Wormwood is also used to symbolize idolatry, the effect of sin in one’s life

-- When our sin takes the place of faithfulness to God, this is the picture here

-- It is also a symbol of the way people dismiss and treat God with disdain

- RE: This is judgment on the Antichrist and for those who deny Jesus

-- Those who are sealed will not be punished in this – they are protected

-- RE: The 4 angels who held back God’s wrath until they were sealed (Ch 7:3)

-- Know this: The most basic need in life (water) will be removed from 1/3

• The fourth trumpet (v12)

- This trumpet will cause some sort of an eclipse to occur

-- 1/3 of the light from the sun, moon, and stars will be affected

-- For many, darkness represents depression, a feeling of isolation

-- Consider: An eclipse that darkens the earth 1/3 more of each day

-- APP: If there are 12 hrs. of light and darkness, add 4 more hrs. of darkness

- God is attempting to call mankind to repent and seek Him

-- And, God is moving against Satan, to affect his ability to operate

-- Yet, God still calls others to repent; calls those who do not follow Antichrist

-- How do we know? We have this book – this prediction of events to come

-- BIG: While these things are happening – God is still calling men to Himself

- Why? Because He is still merciful, still willing to draw people

-- Has to mean that the Spirit will still at work (Wed eve), God is still calling

-- Yet there is NO guarantee He will call YOU! Today is your day of salvation!

-- How? By accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, by repenting of sin!

-- Must know this: Jesus predicted this time of trial and destruction to come:

-- Luke 21:25-28, “And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!”

- Now watch this – God sends another warning to those on Earth (v13)

-- It’s in the form of an eagle who proclaims the truth of God’s forgiveness

-- Re-read verse 13

-- Greek: aetos; bird of prey

- Some versions refer to this as an angel – but only in that it’s a messenger

-- The idea is that it soars through the sky to warn those remaining on Earth

-- It also flies at the height of the day so all will have the opportunity to see it

- His proclamation is to announce the horror of what is about to be unleashed

-- Might think: “About to”? What about what we’ve just witnessed God do?

- Well, look at the message of the eagle as it soars above:

-- Greek: ouai; Alas! Woe! (expression of grief)

-- Greek: kato-i-kountas epi tes ges (those who inhabit the Earth)

-- EMPH: “Woe, woe, woe to those who inhabit the Earth!”

-- What is coming will be far worse – implication: the time to repent is now!

-- There are three more trumpets to be sounded, it’s a certainty of destruction!


- Imagine: This terrible tragedy coming upon the Earth, and there’s still hope

-- There is still salvation – still an encouragement to escape what’s coming

-- God still sends a messenger to proclaim that you/we can be rescued

- APP: Those who know the truth must stand ready to proclaim the Gospel

-- Why? To rescue others, to be found at the throne, to avoid this terrible time

-- If we are truly to show others the way, we must be devoted to Him now!

- Don’t skip this: What is coming is FAR worse than what we’ve seen …

-- So, why not accept Him today and avoid all this? Repent, church …

- Pray