Summary: The story of the Gibeonites is a reminder of the importance of choosing God's way over deception. Today, we delve into Joshua's narrative, unveiling timeless lessons for our faith journey. From deception to surrender, we find guidance for our modern walk with God.

Gibeon - Hivites: Choosing God's Way over Deception


Good morning/afternoon, dear congregation. Today, we delve into the powerful and enlightening narrative of Joshua, Chapters 9-11, centered around the Gibeonites, a group of people known as the Hivites, and their remarkable choice to prioritize God's way over deception. The story of Gibeon teaches us valuable lessons about discernment, obedience, and the sovereignty of God. Let us explore seven essential topics along this journey, each accompanied by suitable Bible references, stories, and illustrations.

1. The Deceptive Scheme (Joshua 9:3-6)

In Joshua 9, we encounter the Gibeonites' cunning plan to deceive the Israelites. They dressed in old clothes and presented moldy bread, pretending to be travelers from a distant land. Their motive was to escape destruction by forming an alliance through deceit. This reminds us of how the enemy can manipulate circumstances to lead us astray. Just as the Israelites faced deception, we too must remain vigilant against the enemy's schemes and seek God's wisdom in every situation.

A. Understanding the Deceptive Scheme:

In Joshua 9:3-6, we encounter a cunning plan orchestrated by the Gibeonites, a group of Hivites living in the land of Canaan. Fearing the might of the Israelites and their God, the Gibeonites resorted to a deceptive scheme. They dressed in worn-out clothes, took old sacks and wineskins, and filled them with cracked, dry bread. With these props, they approached Joshua and the Israelites, posing as travelers from a distant land. Their intention was to deceive the Israelites into forming a treaty and alliance with them, thus sparing themselves from destruction.

B. Lessons from the Deceptive Scheme:

a. The Reality of Deception:

The Gibeonites' scheme serves as a reminder that deception is a tool the enemy often employs to divert us from God's path. Just as the Gibeonites used outward appearances to mislead, the enemy disguises his lies with alluring facades. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to be vigilant, for the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

b. The Danger of Relying on Appearances:

The Israelites' mistake was relying solely on their sight and human judgment. They did not inquire of the Lord before making a decision. Similarly, we can be deceived when we rely solely on what we see, hear, or think. Proverbs 3:5-6 exhorts us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our understanding.

C. Application in Our Lives:

a. Seeking Discernment:

In a world filled with deception, we must seek discernment from God. James 1:5 promises that if anyone lacks wisdom, they should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. Let us cultivate a habit of seeking God's wisdom through prayer and His Word.

b. Trusting God's Word:

The Word of God is a sure foundation against deception. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, we equip ourselves to recognize falsehood. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that the Word is living and active, discerning our thoughts and intentions.

c. Obedience to God's Guidance:

The Israelites' error arose from failing to consult the Lord. Obedience to God's guidance is our shield against deception. Psalm 25:4-5 implores, "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

2. A Rash Decision (Joshua 9:14-15)

Despite God's command to not make alliances with the Canaanite nations, Joshua and the Israelite leaders failed to consult the Lord before agreeing to the Gibeonites' proposal. Their haste led to a rash decision that resulted in a binding agreement. This highlights the importance of seeking God's guidance and not relying solely on our own understanding. As Proverbs 16:25 warns, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death."

A. The Hasty Pact and God's Command:

In Joshua 9:14-15, we find the Israelite leaders faced with a decision that would impact their destiny. The Gibeonites had deceived them with their worn-out appearance and old provisions, leading the leaders to believe they were from a distant land. Without seeking God's guidance, Joshua and the leaders made a pact with the Gibeonites, unknowingly violating God's command not to make alliances with the inhabitants of Canaan.

B. Lessons from a Rash Decision:

a. Ignoring God's Wisdom:

The Israelite leaders' haste in making a pact with the Gibeonites illustrates the danger of ignoring God's wisdom. Proverbs 14:12 reminds us, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death." Relying on our own understanding without consulting God can lead to grave consequences.

b. The Cost of Impulsivity:

Rash decisions often come with unforeseen costs. The Israelites' agreement with the Gibeonites led to a binding pact that affected their relationships with other nations and altered their path in the Promised Land. Similarly, our impulsive choices can alter the course of our lives, causing us to deviate from God's intended plan.

C. Application in Our Lives:

a. Seeking God's Guidance:

Before making decisions, big or small, let us seek God's guidance through prayer and meditating on His Word. Proverbs 3:6 encourages us to acknowledge God in all our ways, and He will direct our paths. Seeking His wisdom ensures that our choices align with His plan.

b. Patience in Decision-Making:

Proverbs 21:5 teaches, "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." Taking time to consider the implications of our decisions can spare us from unnecessary hardships. Let's cultivate patience and remember that God's timing is perfect.

c. Repentance and Redemption:

Despite their mistake, the Israelites chose to honor their commitment to the Gibeonites. This teaches us the importance of integrity and fulfilling our obligations, even when they arise from hasty decisions. Similarly, when we make wrong choices, we can repent and seek God's redemption, trusting in His ability to work all things for good (Romans 8:28).

The tale of the Israelites' rash decision with the Gibeonites teaches us that hasty choices can have far-reaching consequences. In our own lives, let's remember to seek God's guidance, exercise patience, and trust in His wisdom. God is gracious and forgiving, offering us opportunities for growth and redemption even in the face of our mistakes. As we continue our journey through Joshua's story, let us learn from their experiences and endeavor to align our decisions with God's perfect will.

3. God's Loyalty, Our Mistakes (Joshua 9:16-27)

Joshua and the leaders realized the deception, but they honored their agreement due to their fear of breaking an oath made in God's name. While they had made a mistake, God's faithfulness was still evident as He protected the Gibeonites despite their deception. This showcases God's grace and His ability to turn our mistakes into opportunities for His glory. Romans 8:28 reassures us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

A. A Binding Mistake:

In Joshua 9:16-27, we witness the Israelites' discovery of the Gibeonites' deception. Upon realizing their error, the Israelite leaders found themselves in a challenging situation. They had made a binding agreement with the Gibeonites in the name of the Lord, and they felt compelled to honor their oath, despite the deception.

B. Lessons from God's Faithfulness Amidst Mistakes:

a. God's Faithfulness Beyond Our Mistakes:

The Israelites' mistake did not negate God's faithfulness. He honored the oath made in His name, protecting the Gibeonites despite their deception. This reminds us that God's faithfulness remains steadfast even when we make errors. 2 Timothy 2:13 assures us that even if we are faithless, God remains faithful.

b. Honoring Commitments:

The Israelites' commitment to their oath teaches us the importance of integrity and keeping our promises, even when they stem from mistakes. Psalm 15:4 tells us that those who keep their oaths even when it hurts are truly honorable.

C. Application in Our Lives:

a. Repentance and Restoration:

When we recognize our mistakes, it is crucial to turn to God in repentance and seek His forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 assures us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

b. Honoring Our Commitments:

Our commitment to God is paramount. Let us be people of our word, upholding our commitments even when it may inconvenience us. Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 advises that it is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.

c. Trusting in God's Redemptive Power:

Even in the face of our mistakes, let us trust in God's redemptive power. He can turn our errors into opportunities for His glory. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

The story of the Israelites and the Gibeonites in Joshua 9:16-27 reveals God's remarkable faithfulness amidst human mistakes. It teaches us that God's fidelity remains unwavering, and our errors do not diminish His grace. As we navigate our own journeys, let us be quick to repent, honor our commitments, and trust in God's redemptive power. Just as God upheld His promise to protect the Gibeonites, we can be confident that He will honor His promises to us, even when we falter. Our God is indeed faithful beyond measure, and His love endures forever.

4. Gibeon's Surrender (Joshua 10:1-5)

As news of the Gibeonites' alliance spread, other Canaanite kings united against Gibeon. The Gibeonites, facing a formidable enemy, cried out to Joshua for help. Their decision to surrender and seek refuge with the Israelites demonstrates humility and a willingness to choose God's protection over their own strength. Similarly, when we surrender our lives to God, we find safety and strength in His mighty arms. (Psalm 91:1-2, Matthew 11:28-30)

A. The Cry for Help (Joshua 10:1-5):

In Joshua 10:1-5, we discover that the neighboring Canaanite kings united against Gibeon because of their treaty with the Israelites. Faced with a formidable enemy alliance, the Gibeonites chose a path of surrender and sought refuge with the Israelites. Their decision demonstrated humility and a willingness to choose God's protection over their own strength.

B. Lessons from Gibeon's Surrender:

a. Humility in Times of Trouble:

Gibeon's surrender teaches us the power of humility in times of trouble. When faced with overwhelming challenges, the Gibeonites did not rely on their own might but humbly turned to the Israelites for help. Proverbs 22:4 tells us that humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth, honor, and life.

b. Choosing God's Protection:

The Gibeonites' choice to surrender revealed their trust in the God of Israel. They recognized that God's protection was superior to any human alliance or military might. This aligns with Psalm 91:1-2, which assures us that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

C. Application in Our Lives:

a. Surrendering to God's Sovereignty:

In our lives, we often face challenges that seem insurmountable. Gibeon's surrender teaches us to surrender ourselves to God's sovereignty and seek refuge in Him. Psalm 34:17-18 assures us that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

b. Recognizing Our Need for Help:

Surrendering, like the Gibeonites, also involves recognizing our need for help. In our self-sufficient world, this can be challenging, but Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding.

c. Choosing God's Way:

When we face adversity, let us choose God's way over relying solely on our strength or worldly solutions. Just as the Gibeonites chose the path of surrender and alignment with God, we can find strength and refuge in Him (Psalm 46:1).

The story of Gibeon's surrender reminds us of the importance of humility, surrender, and choosing God's way in our lives. In moments of trouble, when we recognize our need for help and trust in God's protection, we position ourselves to experience His grace and deliverance. May we learn from the Gibeonites' example and, in times of trouble, turn to God with humble hearts, finding our refuge in the shadow of the Almighty.

5. God's Miraculous Intervention (Joshua 10:10-14)

Joshua led the Israelites in a daring battle to rescue Gibeon. In response to Joshua's faith and obedience, God performed a supernatural miracle by causing the sun to stand still, granting them victory. This extraordinary event emphasizes that when we align our choices with God's will, He can do the impossible on our behalf. God's power is not limited by natural circumstances. (Mark 10:27, Jeremiah 32:27)

A. The Battle and the Miracle (Joshua 10:10-14):

In Joshua 10:10-14, we find Joshua leading the Israelites in a daring battle against the Canaanite coalition. As the battle raged, Joshua realized the need for more time to secure victory. In a bold act of faith, he prayed for the sun to stand still, and God intervened miraculously. The sun stopped in its tracks, and the moon halted until Israel had defeated its enemies.

B. Lessons from God's Miraculous Intervention:

a. The Power of Faith-Filled Prayer:

Joshua's prayer for the sun and moon to stand still is a powerful reminder of the potential of faith-filled prayer. James 5:16 assures us that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. When we approach God with unwavering faith, miracles can happen.

b. God's Sovereignty Over Creation:

The sun and moon obeyed God's command, illustrating His sovereignty over creation. This miracle reminds us that nothing is too difficult for our God. Jeremiah 32:27 assures us, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"

C. Application in Our Lives:

a. Bold Faith in Prayer:

Just as Joshua prayed boldly, we too should approach God with faith-filled prayers. When we encounter challenges and battles in life, let's remember that our God is the God of the impossible (Mark 9:23).

b. Trusting in God's Sovereignty:

This miracle underscores the importance of trusting in God's sovereignty. In moments of uncertainty, we can find peace knowing that God is in control of all things (Psalm 46:10).

c. Recognizing God's Miraculous Acts:

Often, God's miraculous interventions go unnoticed or unacknowledged. Let's cultivate a heart of gratitude and attentiveness to recognize His extraordinary works in our lives (Psalm 107:8-9).

The account of God's miraculous intervention in Joshua 10:10-14 serves as a reminder of the power of faith-filled prayer, God's sovereignty over creation, and His willingness to intervene on behalf of His people. As we navigate the battles and challenges of life, let us approach God with bold faith, trust in His sovereignty, and remain vigilant to recognize His miraculous acts. Just as God stopped the sun and moon to secure victory for the Israelites, He is ready to work miracles in our lives when we place our trust in Him. Our God is the God of the impossible, and nothing is too hard for Him.

6. Conquering the Promised Land (Joshua 11:23)

As we progress to Joshua 11, we witness God fulfilling His promise of victory by granting the Israelites success in conquering the land. Through Gibeon's choice to follow God's way, they became part of the greater plan for Israel's triumph. Just as Gibeon's obedience played a role in God's victory, our choices to align with God's ways contribute to His larger purposes in our lives and the world. (Romans 8:37, 1 Corinthians 15:57)

A. Conquering the Promised Land (Joshua 11:23):

In Joshua 11:23, we read a concise yet powerful statement: "So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses." This verse signifies the fulfillment of God's promise to give the Israelites the land of Canaan. It demonstrates that when the Israelites followed God's guidance and obeyed His commands, they experienced victory and fulfillment of His promises.

B. Lessons from Conquering the Promised Land:

a. God's Faithfulness in Fulfilling Promises:

Joshua 11:23 underscores the unwavering faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises. Throughout their journey, the Israelites faced numerous challenges, but God remained true to His word. 2 Corinthians 1:20 reminds us that all God's promises are "Yes" and "Amen" in Christ.

b. Aligning Our Choices with God's Plan:

The Israelites' conquest of the Promised Land was a result of aligning their choices and actions with God's plan. Their obedience to His commands led to victory. In our lives, too, we must align our choices with God's will, trusting that His way is best (Proverbs 3:5-6).

C. Application in Our Lives:

a. Trusting God's Promises:

Just as God fulfilled His promise to the Israelites, we can trust in His promises to us. Whether it's the promise of eternal life, His presence with us, or His guidance, His word is true and reliable (Hebrews 10:23).

b. Obedience and Victory:

The Israelites' obedience led to victory. When we obey God's commands and follow His guidance, we position ourselves for spiritual victory and the fulfillment of His purpose in our lives (1 John 5:3).

c. Patience and Perseverance:

The conquest of the Promised Land didn't happen overnight. It required patience and perseverance. In our journey, let us be patient, knowing that God's timing is perfect, and His plans will be fulfilled in His time (Galatians 6:9).

The story of conquering the Promised Land in Joshua 11:23 serves as a profound reminder of God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises and the importance of aligning our choices with His divine plan. As we navigate our own spiritual journeys, let us trust in God's promises, obey His commands, and patiently persevere, knowing that victory and fulfillment await those who walk in His ways. Just as Joshua and the Israelites took possession of the Promised Land, we can embrace the abundant life that God has promised to us through faith and obedience.

7. Lessons for Today's Believers

The story of Gibeon teaches us that choosing God's way over deception requires discernment, seeking God's guidance, acknowledging our mistakes, and surrendering to His will. Just as the Gibeonites made a choice that altered their destiny, our choices today impact our spiritual journey and the lives of those around us. Let us remember the words of Joshua 24:15, "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

A. The Power of Discernment:

The Gibeonites' deceptive scheme in Joshua 9 teaches us the importance of discernment in our faith journey. In a world filled with deceit and false teachings, we must be vigilant and discerning. As 1 John 4:1 advises, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God."

B. The Necessity of Seeking God's Guidance:

Joshua's hasty decision in making an alliance with the Gibeonites reminds us of the critical need to seek God's guidance in every aspect of our lives. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding but to acknowledge Him in all our ways.

C. God's Faithfulness Despite Our Mistakes:

The story of the Gibeonites' deception and the Israelites' binding agreement, despite the mistake, underscores God's faithfulness even when we err. In our lives, we may make wrong choices, but God's grace is sufficient. As 2 Corinthians 12:9 reassures, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

D. Surrendering to God in Times of Trouble:

Gibeon's surrender in Joshua 10 reflects the wisdom of surrendering to God in times of trouble. When faced with insurmountable challenges, we can find refuge and strength in God. Psalm 46:1 reminds us, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

E. Belief in God's Miraculous Power:

The miraculous intervention of God in Joshua 10:10-14 reminds us to believe in His miraculous power. We serve a God who can intervene in extraordinary ways in our lives. Mark 9:23 reminds us, "All things are possible for one who believes."

F. Aligning Our Choices with God's Plan:

The conquest of the Promised Land in Joshua 11:23 emphasizes the importance of aligning our choices with God's plan. As believers, our lives are most fulfilling when we walk in obedience to His Word and purpose. Romans 12:2 encourages us to "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

G. Trusting in God's Faithfulness and Promises:

Throughout these chapters, we witness God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. For us today, this underscores the importance of trusting in God's faithfulness and clinging to His promises. Hebrews 10:23 reminds us, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful."

As we conclude our journey through Joshua Chapters 9-11, may these lessons serve as beacons of guidance and inspiration in our daily walk with God. Let us be discerning, seek God's guidance, trust in His faithfulness, and align our choices with His plan. In doing so, we can experience the abundant life that God has prepared for His beloved children. As we continue in faith, may we echo the words of Joshua, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).


The story of Gibeon invites us to evaluate our choices, motives, and the importance of aligning our lives with God's ways. Like the Gibeonites, let us choose humility, surrender, and obedience, trusting that God's faithfulness and miraculous interventions will guide us through the battles of life. As we stand on the precipice of our own spiritual conquests, may we echo the resolute declaration of Joshua and proclaim, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

In closing, dear brothers and sisters, we have embarked on a profound journey through the pages of the Book of Joshua, specifically exploring Chapters 9-11. These chapters have unveiled for us a tapestry of timeless lessons that resonate with our lives today. From the cunning deception of the Gibeonites to Joshua's hasty decision, from God's unwavering faithfulness amidst human mistakes to the powerful act of surrender by Gibeon, and from the awe-inspiring miracle of God's intervention to the ultimate conquest of the Promised Land, we have gleaned wisdom and insight for our own spiritual pilgrimage.

As modern-day believers, we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. The stories of Joshua's leadership and the Israelites' journey remind us that our faith is not isolated from history but deeply connected to a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We are challenged to exercise discernment in a world fraught with deception, to seek God's guidance in every decision we make, and to embrace His faithfulness even when we falter. Just as Gibeon surrendered to God in times of trouble, we too can find refuge in Him, and as we trust in His miraculous power and align our choices with His divine plan, we walk the path toward the ultimate fulfillment of His promises.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, may the lessons from the book of Joshua resonate deeply within our hearts. As we leave this sanctuary today, let us remember that we are called to choose God's way over deception, to trust in His faithfulness, and to march forward in faith, knowing that the God who guided the Israelites through their journey will also guide us through ours. As Joshua declared, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." May this proclamation be etched in our hearts as we continue to serve the God who leads us into abundant life and eternal victory. Amen.