Summary: An answer to the question: "What does heaven look like?"

Visionary View: What Does Heaven Look Like?


We embark on a journey of faith to explore the concept of a "visionary view" of heaven. We'll seek to answer the question: "What does heaven look like?" Let's turn our hearts and minds to the New Living Translation Bible and consider Revelation 21:1-5:

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, 'Look, God's home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.' And the one sitting on the throne said, 'Look, I am making everything new!'"

Point 1: A New Heaven and Earth

Our first point illuminates the promise of a new heaven and earth. The passage from Revelation paints a picture of transformation, where the old gives way to the new. Imagine the most breathtaking sunrise you've ever witnessed. Now, amplify that beauty a thousandfold—that's the glory of God's new creation.

Illustration: Think of a caterpillar transforming into a magnificent butterfly. Just as the caterpillar's old form is replaced by something entirely new and beautiful, so too will God bring forth a new heaven and earth.

Point 2: The Holy City, New Jerusalem

Continuing on, our second point centres on the holy city, New Jerusalem. This heavenly city is described as coming down from God, adorned like a bride. It's a symbol of the intimate relationship between God and His people, a dwelling place where His presence is undeniably known.

Illustration: Consider a loving couple on their wedding day, full of joy and anticipation. Just as the bride is adorned and prepared to be with her groom, so too is the New Jerusalem beautifully prepared to be with God.

Point 3: God's Presence and the End of Suffering

Our final point focuses on the most glorious aspect of heaven: God's presence and the end of suffering. Revelation tells us that God will dwell among His people, wiping away every tear and erasing the pain that plagues our earthly existence.

Illustration: Picture a child's face lighting up when reunited with a loving parent after a long separation. In heaven, we will experience an eternal, unbroken connection with our Heavenly Father, and all suffering will vanish in His presence.


In conclusion, my dear brothers and sisters, the vision of heaven is a profound source of hope for us. It's a reminder that God is making everything new, that His presence will be our eternal joy, and that all suffering will be banished forever.

But this message isn't just about hearing; it's about applying these truths to our lives. Heaven isn't a distant dream; it's our future reality. So, I encourage you today to live with the assurance of heaven in your hearts. Let this vision of heaven guide your choices, giving you hope in times of difficulty, and a longing for the day when we will dwell in the new heaven and earth, in the presence of our loving God.

May we strive to live in a way that reflects the beauty and glory of that heavenly vision in our daily lives. Amen.