Summary: Words our words carry the power to create a positive environment or a negative environment. Words create worlds – yes- the world’s around us are created by our words. What do your words sound like each day?

Series: “The Healing Church 2023”

Sermon #2: Healing Church – Words

Thesis: Words our words carry the power to create a positive environment or a negative environment. Words create worlds – yes- the world’s around us are created by our words. What do your words sound like each day?


Today we are celebrating our Fall Fest with a country western theme attached to it! We have ponies, petting zoo, hayrides, bumper cars and even a mechanical bull! So, I thought I would open up my message speaking about “Cowboy Proverbs!” or “Cowboy words of wisdom.”

I watch a show I love called “Ultimate Cowboy Showdown” hosted by Trace Atkins – It is a competition of the best cowboys and cowgirls in the country and it seeks to pick out the ultimate cowboy from a hand-picked bunch of the best of the best cowboys in the country – it’s a tough competition between tough cowboys and cowgirls but I have noticed something about these cowboys and cowgirls – there words!

Here are some famous words from Cowboy’s or I could call them Cowboy Proverbs (some I heard from watching the show): Note: Cowboy proverbs are words which are like a breeze blowing back the curtains over the window of time given insight and wisdom. All these sayings combined together, reveal a picture of respect for others, freedom, good humor, and camaraderie with fellow cowboys. So, listen carefully to these cowboy sayings and words:

• Don’t fret about biting off more than you can chew. Likely, your mouth’s a whole lot bigger than you think.

• When your horse dies, get off.

• How to ride a horse—first you mount the horse; second you stay mounted.

• Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, and a fool from any direction.

• A man, a dog, and a horse never tire of each other’s company.

• When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

• Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse.

• If you’re not making dust, you’re eating it.

• Always drink upstream from the herd.

• Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

• If you ain’t made up your mind, don’t use your spurs.

• If your horse don’t want to go there, then neither should you.

• It’ll feel a whole lot better, soon as it quits hurtin’.

• Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

• The worst troublemaker you’re ever likely to meet, watches you shave your face every morning.

• A bad day roping beats a good day at any other work.

• Just because it’s a well-marked trail doesn’t mean whoever made it knew where he was going.

Who knew that cowpoke had such thought provoking and powerful words. The truth is “Words” create environments – they can create a healthy and whole environment or a unhealthy and toxic environment.

Words are powerful and create other worlds around us. Your words matter and I have been impressed with the show Ultimate Cowboy Showdown and the words these cowboys use – I hear words like “Please, yes sir, Thank you, and I hear words like” I am sorry - I messed up!” and in the midst of a tough competition over four seasons - I am blown away by their words! When they even get cut off from the show they are respectful! When they are at odds with others most of them still use their words cautiously! To me it seems that cowboy culture puts using words correctly at a premium.

Cowboys who are not known for being chatter boxes have learned to use their words well! We should learn from these individuals and how words matter! We need to hear what James says in his letter about words in the Bible – James the ½ bother of Jesus says, “Your tongue – that wild thing – can release words which have the power to bring healing or hurt!” He adds. “And you better make sure your tongue is in check because if it is not your religion (your faith in Jesus) is worthless!” Solomon said in the Bible there is “Death and Life” in our words. Other places say, there are “blessings and cursing” from our words. The Bible itself has a lot to say about our words and especially God’s Word!

Words – we all use them every day! Have you listened to your words lately?

Scripture Text: James 3

1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4 Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

Words – your words – my words they have the power to bring blessings or curses!

Quote opening thoughts from Mark Batterson: Book “Please – Sorry - Thanks.”

According to linguists, “abracadabra” is the most universally used word that doesn’t need translation. It’s a word employed by magicians, but the etymology is more spiritual than magical. The ancient words A’bra K’dabra mean “As I speak, I shall create.” In other words, words create worlds! “Words,” said the Jewish theologian Abraham Heschel, “are themselves sacred, God’s tool for creating the universe, and our tools for bringing holiness—or evil—into the world.” In a series of studies conducted at the University of Chicago, the recordings of thousands of counseling sessions were analyzed. Some sessions were successful, resulting in sustained change. Others were unsuccessful. The differentiating factor? It wasn’t the therapist’s technique. “The difference,” said Dr. Eugene Gendlin, “is in how [the counselees] talk.” Life is a grand game of Simon Says, and you’re Simon! If you want to change your life, you have to change your words! Our words don’t represent the world objectively. Rather, our words create the world subjectively! For better or for worse, our words can function as self-fulfilling prophecies. They have the power to bless or to curse, to heal or to hurt, to give life or to cause death. Scientific studies have found that negative words spoken to plants cause them to languish while positive words help them flourish. It’s as true of people as it is of plants! Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. ix-x). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

T.S. - So, a Question: “What do your words say each day – do they heal or hurt?”

I. Do you use the magical words to bring healing and not hurt each day?

a. Mark’s book “Please, Sorry, Thanks” is a powerful book describing the power of our words to heal or to hurt: Here is his intent in writing this book: “This book is about three small yet powerful words: please, sorry, and thanks. Often referred to as magic words, they can work wonders. Nothing opens doors like please. Nothing mends fences like sorry. Nothing builds bridges like thanks. These three words have the power to change your life.” Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. xii). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

b. Does your tongue speak these three powerful words?

i. Do you even agree with Mark and the Bible – that healing is in the power of your words? But do you also agree with our premise today hurting or healing is in the power of your words?

ii. I know, “Your words can bring life or death. Your words can create a positive environment or a negative critical environment!” What are you creating around you each day with your words?

c. Mark goes on to add this thought about our three power words: “The best predictor of success in life, in love, and in leadership is your proficiency at please, sorry, and thanks.” Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. xv). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

i. Do you agree with this statement – I do – I have seen it play out in the church 100’s of times!

d. More Scripture Texts about our words:

i. Philippians 2:1-5: 14, 15: 1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus… 14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.

ii. Philippians 4: 8, 9: 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

e. Last week as I mentioned Pastor Marlon and myself had attended the AACC Convention in Nashville Tn. We heard Mark Batterson speak on his book “Please, Sorry, Thanks.”

i. Caring for people God’s Way quote: “Our world is spinning out of control and sin is devouring our society. Ask anyone today and they will tell you that we are headed in the wrong direction as a nation. We are a nation of hurried, stressed, confused, mentally injured, emotionally drained, hopeless, and hurting people. We have lost our way and our health, and we are desperately searching for places that can help us heal and find hope for the future. This help is to be the church of Jesus Christ – that is our main mission and purpose as the Body of Christ.”

f. Doug Murren from his book Churches that Heal helps us to see a clear picture of a healthy and a healing church by reminding us what the Bible says we as the Body of Christ should be literally doing:

i. The Believers are devoted to one another and give preference to one another (Romans 12:10).

ii. They love one another (Romans 13:8).

iii. They refrain from judging one another (Romans 14:13).

iv. They edify one another (Romans 15:14).

v. They serve one another (Galatians 5:13).

vi. They don’t hurt one another (Galatians 5:15).

vii. They don’t provoke one another through conceit (Galatians 5:26)

viii. They help carry one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2).

ix. They are patient with one another (Ephesians 4:2).

x. They are kind and forgiving toward one another (Ephesians 4:32).

xi. They submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21).

xii. They esteem one another (Philippians 2:3)

xiii. They stimulate one another to do good works (Hebrews 10:24).

xiv. They don’t slander one another (James 4:11).

xv. They don’t complain against one another (James 5:9).

xvi. They confess their sins to one another and pray for one another (James 5:16).

xvii. They extend hospitality to one another (1 Peter 4:9).

1. This is what a church that heals looks like and acts like according to God’s Word.

T.S.- To be a healing church we have to be a people who see the good in others, we need to be positive and not negative toward others and toward life. We need to speak words of life and not death.

II. We the church must mind our words and learn the greatest life changing words that are out there (Please, Sorry, Thank you).

a. To create a healing church, we must focus on the good going on in the church and not be centered on the bad. We need to look at people with a positive mindset and not a negative mindset. We need to look at people the way Jesus looked at people! He saw their potential and overlooked their shortcomings.

I. We must build thoughts and words of hope not negative and critical thoughts of despair and criticism.

1. We need the church to grab a hold of the positive attitude of Jesus and then learn to approach things from this positive angle in life.

2. We need to look at the wounded with the right mindset and heart of Jesus Christ.

3. We need to think positively instead of negatively – we need to look for the good in people and not the bad.

4. We need to speak uplifting words and use the words “Please, sorry and thank you.”

b. The truth is we should have 7 positives for every negative thought and word in our lives so that we seek to keep one another encouraged in the healing process.

I. Too many people come to church and all they hear is the negative critical comments and they then decide “I don’t need this!”

1. Would you want to return to a place where all you heard were complaints and criticism?

a. About leadership, other people, teachers, students – the pastor?

i. Share story of visiting other churches on Sabbatical!

2. Do you want to go to a church, be a part of a family and school to be uplifted or torn down?

a. What words are you using in these environments?

3. Many people who claim they want nothing to do with the church were or are caught up in gossip, negative comments, picking people apart for their flaws and in the process, they are creating a toxic environment for themselves and for the church, their family and or school Sadly many have created these negative environments in their own family and it spills out into other places.

a. James says this ought not be!

II. Doug Murren states, “They really don’t care how badly the church budget is doing. And even if they did, we should be sensitive enough to know that that’s not what they need to hear…Do you find yourself taking care of dirty laundry in public services? If so, you are detracting from a more positive healing environment in your congregation” (173).

1. Words are unleashed on others by hurt, misunderstandings and situations of life.

a. Hurt people use words to hurt other people.

2. Jesus told us to forgive others or we ourselves face the reality of not being forgiven by Him!

a. Read Matthew 6:14, 15: “14For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

i. Jesus is straight to the point here – You must forgive or you will not be forgiven!

ii. Your words clearly will reveal if you have forgiven others or not.

c. To create a healing church, family, office, or school means we must guard our tongues – listen to our own words.

I. Christians must emphasize the affirming good news of the Gospel to one another – we are told not to gossip and to not be reckless with our words and remarks about others.

1. Proverbs 12:18: “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

a. Do you want to hurt people with your words, or do you want to bring healing to your environment?

2. James 1:26: “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.”

a. Catch what James says, “Be reckless with your tongue and it will make your religion worthless!”

i. Your words reveal what you believe about Jesus and your words reveal your spiritual maturity and the condition of your heart.

ii. Quote from leading pastor of a great revival: He said revival will come to the church when the people of God get the revelation of the tongue. He stated, “When people begin to curve their tongue and the curses stop against their church, their ministers, their choir, their leadership, and other people’s families and homes then God will unleash the revival of the revelation of blessings.” But I add not before we receive the revelation of the tongue and repent and change.”

iii. James tells us our tongues must be kept under control!

b. Mark Batterson States, “The tongue,” said Solomon, “has the power of life and death.” The Jewish sage Akila the Translator “defined the tongue as a tool having a knife at one end and a spoon at the other”—death and life.”

c. Mark adds, “The tongue is a two-edged sword. “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father,” said James, the half brother of Jesus, “and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.” He likened the tongue to the rudder of a ship, which determines its direction. Your destiny, to a large degree, is a derivative of your words. “Out of the overflow of the heart,” Jesus said, “the mouth speaks.”

i. Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. x). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

d. What has been the pattern of the environments you are associated with – are they bringing life or death – healing or hurt – blessing or cursing?

3. Our words are a verbal force and they can heal our marriage or destroy our marriages and relationships. Sadly more families have been destroyed by words than the bombing of the World trade Center.

a. Your Words – my words are a deadly force and each of us needs to understand how lethal our tongues can be when they are out of control.

i. They are a wild thing which can start forest fires or prevent forest fire.

b. How is your tongue doing?

i. Here is an Exercise to consider – listen to your words tomorrow – what is coming out of your mouth?

1. Count the negative words and the positive words which one is winning?

ii. Also be intentional to incorporate the words “Please, Sorry and Thank you” into more of your conversations over the next week – see what happens in your environment and mindset?

4. The tongue has the power to start wars and to stop wars!

a. Yes, we are talking about our tongues – the wild thing in your mouth – is it creating a healing environment or a toxic environment?

II. I have personally watched and observed the tongue literally destroy other people’s lives in my 40 years of ministry.

1. I have heard statements like these:

a. “You are worthless!’

b. “You are stupid!”

c. “Your lack of faith has made you sick!”

d. “Your lack of faith has made you poor!”

e. “You must be perfect or God does not love you!’

f. “You are a loser!”

g. “You cannot do anything right!”

h. “It’s your fault!”

i. “I wish you were never born!”

j. “I hate you!”

k. “It’s their fault that I am angry!”

l. “Our marriage takes so much work. We must not be right for each other.”

m. “You are the one responsible for all our problems!’

n. “You will never change!”

o. “You should never have been born!”

p. “You don’t need to go to church!’

q. “You don’t have to tithe!”

r. “You don’t have to obey the Ten Commandments!”

s. “You can’t do anything right!”

i. Proverbs 12:18 “…reckless words pierce like a sword.”

1. How about your words? What do they do - heal or hurt?

d. Mark Batterson states, “Dr. John Gottman is famous for his ability to predict divorce with more than 90 percent accuracy. How? He examines language in thin slices and analyzes the way people argue. In doing so, Dr. Gottman identified negative communication patterns that he called “the four horsemen of the apocalypse”—criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. If you want to change your relationships, you have to change your words.”

I. What do your words sound like? What rolls off your tongue each day?

II. Mark Batterson did a self-test talk and found out the reason he was overwhelmed, depressed and emotionally spent was rooted in his own words: Listen to his comments:

1. Batterson: “You know what I realized? I was speaking negativity into existence and giving it power. By emphasizing how hard leadership was during that season (covid), I was making it harder than it had to be! My words became a self-fulfilling fulfilling prophecy that reinforced a vicious cycle of negativity. The same thing happens when you complain about people behind their backs, which was a second revelation. Want to change that dynamic? You flip the script by catching people doing things right, then bragging about them behind their backs! If you want to change your attitude, you must change your words.

a. Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. x-xi). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

III. The truth be told - I have heard and read stories of people committing suicide because of the force of another person’s negative tongue.

1. I have watched others use their tongues to lead people away from Jesus and His word. All the time saying, ‘I speak for God!”

a. But their words were not words from God!

b. They were fleshly words of hurt and criticism!

2. I have observed people misquote Scripture (twist God’s Words) and deceive people! I have seen people twist God’s Word and even lead others to their destruction.

3. I have watched and observed people misuse the name of the Lord with their evil tongue’s way too often.

a. All the time breaking one of the 10 Commandments.

i. “Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain!”

ii. Remember this Commandment applies to saying things like “God told me do something that is contrary to His word!”

iii. This does not just apply to cursing!

IV. Don’t underestimate the power of your tongue. It’s usually quick to destroy and slow to build others up. The Bible states that this should not be – especially in the Body of Christ!

1. Friends, we need to take a reality check and check our tongues and evaluate if they are building others up or tearing others down.

2. Quote: “Francis Schaeffer once noted that if we were all forced to wear a voice recorder that captured all our conversations and if those conversations were made public for the whole world to hear, all of us would go into hiding for the rest of our lives!”

a. Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. 44). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

3. Idea: “If you struggle with negative self-talk, give yourself a gag order!” Speak less!

a. Yes, put a gag order on your tongue – if you cannot say something positive – take a vow of silence!

i. The story of the monk!

b. Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. 44). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

e. To create a healing church means you commit to affirming others and the first way to do this is with your words.

I. The truth is people, want to be affirmed.

1. They want to know that they are doing the right thing and they want to be encouraged to keep on doing the right things in life.

II. The truth is we can deliver the message of Jesus in a positive way without always beating people up with the Bible and with twisted tongues.

1. People want to know that others can see what they are doing right and they want to be affirmed for it.

2. We are not to primarily focus on the areas they we are doing wrong but see the things we and others are doing right and point it out for encouragement of all.

3. Want to change your environment change you words!

f. To create a healing church means we communicate what we are “for” not always what we are “against”.

I. The Christian people must learn to share why they are pro-something.

1. We need to tell people why we are pro-life.

2. We need to tell people why we are pro-marriage.

3. We need to tell people why we are pro-Bible.

4. We need to tell people why we are pro-conservative.

5. We need to tell people why we are pro-giving.

a. We need to tell others why we are pro something instead of just talking about why we are against something. This approach to the good news will impact and heal more people.

b. We need to approach things in this life from a positive angle more so than from a negative angle in life.

g. To create a healing church, we need to be intentional about blessing people!

I. Blessing is the deepest longing of the human heart. Why? It’s our oldest collective memory! The first thing God did after creating humankind in His image was to bless them: “Then God blessed them.” Original blessing precedes original sin, and that sequence is not insignificant. It sets the tone. It sets the table. God’s default setting is blessing! Blessing is His most ancient instinct. It’s who God is. It’s what God does.

1. Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. 45). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

2. The Story of Jacob and Esau!

a. Genesis 25

II. We as Christians should be blessing the people around us if we desire to be like Jesus! Jesus blessed people – he healed people – he showed compassion for the people! He forgave people – he placed value in people!

1. Cases in point:

a. The woman caught in adultery!

b. Jesus weeping over Jerusalem.

c. The healing of the leper and even touching them.

d. The setting free of the demonically possessed’ man.

e. Reinstating Peter after his denial of Him.

f. Calling Paul to follow him.

III. Logos states: In the NT the word “blessed” often translates makarios, meaning “blessed, fortunate, happy.” It occurs 50 times in the NT, most familiarly in the “beatitudes” in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:3–11).

1. Thus the NT concept stresses the joy people experience as children of God and citizens of his kingdom of God (Rom. 4:7–8; Rev. 1:3; 14:13).

2. Blessing others with words is crucial and necessary! It changes the world around you.

IV. Quote: “For the act of “blessing,” the NT generally used the verb eulogeo, whose etymology reflects the meaning “to speak well of” or “praise” (Luke 1:64). The related adjective eulogetos was especially used with this sense (Luke 1:68; Eph. 1:3). More often the verb refers to bestowing benefits (Gal. 3:9) or asking God to do so (Heb. 7:1). The noun eulogia, “blessing,” has a range of meaning similar to the verb (e.g., Rev. 5:12; James 3:10; Heb. 6:7).”

1. From E. Ray Clendenen, “Blessing and Cursing,” ed. Chad Brand et al., Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003), 224.

h. To create a healing church means we commit to sharing our testimonies with others.

I. We must tell people about how we have been healed and transformed.

1. We need to tell people about our testimony and even share others’ testimony’s.

a. Revelation 12:11: “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”

i. In today’s culture and society people want to hear true-to-life stories about others not just word studies or hermeneutics they want real life dramas with miracles endings.

2. They want reality life stories.

a. Share Paulleta’s story, BJ’s story, Waynes’ story – reference the New Life Testimony book.

II. They want to hear that Jesus still heals today and here is proof – look at this real-life person.

1. 1 Corinthians 5:17: 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

T.S. – To create a church with a healing environment means we must emphasize the good news and cut out the bad news which is associated with gossip and divisionary statements. The church must guard their words!


Murren states, “It’s true: A church that is consciously pursues a healing environment by encouraging optimistic, hope-filled thinking will positively affect the physical health of its members. According to scientific studies, the body’s T cells (the kind that drive the immune system) actually increase when optimistic thinking is applied. In a positive environment, the immune system works better, and overall health is approved” (177).

When love is central in the church a healing environment rolls in and it mends the broken hearts. So we must commit to do our part as the Body of Christ to see to it that our church is known as a place that brings healing and not hurt.

The church people must be committed to promoting good news and overlooking the bad news for the sake of healing in the church. Creating a healing environment starts with your words and my words.

Words matter – your words create worlds around you! It’s time to take inventory.

• Are your words reconciling or dividing?

• Are your words encouraging or discouraging?

• Are your words helpful or hurtful?

• Are your words blessing or cursing?

Do you need to put a gag order on your words?

Story from mark Batterson: “There is a Jewish story about a woman who visited a rabbi and confessed to spreading falsehoods about another person. The rabbi gave her two tasks. The first task was to take feathers from a pillow and put one at the doorstep of every home in the village. After doing this, she returned to the rabbi and said, “What’s the second task?” The rabbi said, “Go and gather up all the feathers from each of the houses.” “But, Rabbi, that’s impossible,” the woman objected. “The wind has spread them far and wide.” “Indeed it has,” said the rabbi. “To gather those feathers is as impossible as taking back the harsh words you have spoken. You would do well to remember that before you speak in the future.”

Batterson, Mark. Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words That Change Everything (p. 43). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Closing words from the Code of the West – yes, I have more cowboy sayings and words:

• Never ask a man about his past.

• Look after yourself and those you love.

• Remove guns before sitting down to dine.

• Only make a threat if you’re prepared to take the consequences.

• On the trail, greet others before you come into shooting range, especially when approaching from behind.

• When greeting a person on horseback, nod rather than wave to avoid spooking the horse.

• Looking back at someone you pass on the trail implies a lack of trust.

• Riding a horse without permission is akin to violating his wife.

• A real cowman saves his breath for breathing rather than talking.

• Tend your horse’s needs before your own.

• Never cuss in front of a woman.

• Complaining about the cooking earns you a stint as the cook.

• Help those in need, even enemies.

• Never steal another man's hat.

• Show hospitality to strangers

• Fight fair.

• To avoid being shot, never shake a sleeping man awake.

• Help a friend in need.

• Never brag.

• Be loyal.

• Be grateful.

• Don't complain.

• Never quit.

• Show your grit.

• Never shoot an unarmed man.

• Never shoot a woman for any reason.

• Let your word be your bond.

• Uphold the Golden Rule.