Summary: God always gives us an unswerving and reliable path to follow: fear and worship Him. Even during the Great Tribulation, He is still calling humanity to revere and praise Him in everything we do.

Alpha and Omega, Part 40, Revelation Part 17

The Lamb of God and the Mission of the 144,000

Revelation 14:1-7


- Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation

-- REM: Redemption of sin is granted through Jesus; and yes, we have a choice

- Last time, we concluded our exploration of the False Prophet (religious ldr.)

-- Before that, we examined his partner, the Antichrist – Satan’s political leader

- See this: From his resurrecting in Rev 13:3, to now, he imitates God

-- He is so desperate to be accepted that he does the things of God to fool us

-- REM: His desire is to hurt God, to get back at God, so he attacks humanity

-- Why? For being cast out of Heaven – and the False Prophet is his spokesman

- Today, we again get the privilege of looking at the glory of Heaven

-- It is important that we see this – as an encouragement to what is coming

- Something to remember here: The world in these days will be horrifying

-- The terrors that afflict humanity will be truly without measure or compare

-- It’ll be the most devastating scary movie that has ever been written or seen

- And even still, we see a terrible man rise to power to make it even worse

-- See: The tribulation is NOT all about the Antichrist – but actually about God

-- It is about God’s wrath on humanity for our sin and wickedness through time

- Yet, while this happening – or being revealed to John – something is shown

-- God, in His great mercy, knows the mind of man can only take so much

-- Truly, if you were seeing this for yourself you may not be able to handle it

- It’s probably why (lightbulb moment) we often tune biblical truth out

-- We choose to stop seeing application because of the effect it has (call to change)

-- REM: To evangelize and tell about Jesus IS our #1 priority and job

- So, what God does is take this chapter to bring encouragement to believers

-- His desire is for us to see that comfort is coming – His grace brings His reward

-- Faithfulness to Him ought to be our goal – our motivation – our desire!

- Read Revelation 14:1-7 / Pray for wisdom

-- TR: Let’s start with this incredible vision we see in Heaven …

Point 1 – God’s Evangelists during the Great Tribulation

- When it comes to knowing the truth, we must see this (tie to Ch. 4 and 7)

-- FACT: The Lamb is Jesus, the Lord of Hosts – the Redeemer we are given

-- The redeemed will be seen with Jesus, in Heaven: picture of security (v1)

- He is seen standing on Mount Zion – another name for Heaven

-- More specifically refers to the heavenly city of God, the new Jerusalem

-- In no other place in scripture does this refer to anything but God’s city

-- APP: Those who have found their trust in Him are seen with Him

- But, specifically, look who is seen: the 144,000 (redeemed Jews from Trib.)

-- These are those who’ve taken a vow to be faithful to Christ (without blemish)

-- They are Christians who will not deny Christ even in the face of the Antichrist

- They are sealed with God’s name, the name of the Lamb’s Father

-- This is why they are there – they are joined with Him forever

-- They refused the seal of the Antichrist, and vowed to only serve God

- Now, don’t miss this … these redeemed will hear the voice of God (v2)

-- Imagine having the privilege of hearing God speak directly to them!

- Notice how John hears God’s powerful voice – he is very descriptive

• His voice is the sound of rushing waters (forceful and majestic)

o GR: hudór; water

• His voice is like the sound of thunder (rumbling and mighty)

o GR: bronté; thunder

• His voice is also like the sound of many harps (restful, comforting)

o GR: kithara; a harp

- So, not only are they identified with Jesus, but they will hear from God

-- They also have the privilege of bearing God’s mark of salvation

-- Their ministry will be one of salvation – and God alone directs them

- The point: the 144,000 will receive commission from God – His own words

-- BIG: God is the source of their “want to” – He speaks, they respond!

- Notice how they respond: They respond in worship! In obedience! In glory!

-- They sing a new song, a song of praise and worship that is unknow today

-- Better than any song on K-Love or The Message – it is their song to sing

- What is the topic of their song? Adoration! Worship! Praise! (v3)

-- They sing of victory, of being rescued and ready to respond / obey

-- Psalm 9:1, “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.”

-- Big Q: Why can only they sing this song? Because it is their act of worship

-- No one will know this song until that day of redemption; it’s their offering

- We’ve talked about this before: Who are the 144,000 seen?

-- They are 144,000 Jews who have been identified and called by Christ

-- They are Jews who previously denied the Messiah, and now accept Him

-- Know this: They are not part of a religion that calls itself “chosen” today

- How can I be so clear about this statement? Read the next sentence! (v4)

-- They will be virgins, they will never marry, they will never defile themselves

-- GR: parthenos; a maiden, virgin; extended to men who have not known women

-- GR: phrase: “emolynthesan” which means have not been defiled

-- They will be chosen from the Jewish population which hasn’t happened yet!

-- Free: When you know scripture, you can refute nonsense quickly

- Why is this important? Because …

-- The last days will require a very special commitment to God

-- These people commit themselves to Christ in a way that He is their only want

-- Why? Because they are the witnesses of what Christ can do for the lost

- They are dedicated to following the Lamb, refusing the lusts of the world

-- Their lives, much like ours should be, are to make Him their first priority

-- Luke 9:23, “Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.”

- They are redeemed from among men, offered as first fruits to God

-- Simple meaning here: They are among the first Jews saved in the tribulation

-- They are called specifically for one reason: to evangelize and proclaim Christ

- APP: The call of today is fruitfulness – to make disciples – to witness and share

-- We (Seasons) desperately need men & women (TODAY) who will serve Him

-- Need followers who will choose Christ and uphold Him fully before the world

-- We do not have to wait until the end times to do so … this is OUR calling too!

-- See: There is always a need for you to fill (child church, nursery: being faithful)

-- Having an idea is great, following through to bring others to Jesus is better!

- Paul understood this: Romans 12:1-2, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

- TR: These 144,000 in the tribulation see their reward as worth it b/c of Christ

-- It is why they are seen following the lamb, being obedient to neglect themselves

-- CHALL: Why should we wait until eternity to love and be obedient to Him?

- Might ask: What is the message in eternity that is sent from Heaven?

Point 2 – God’s Rescue continues to be Proclaimed

- The end will be so unimaginably terrifying that many will run and hide (v6)

-- Jesus said in Matt 24 that in those days, many should flee and go into hiding

-- REM: Every tribe, every language, every people who have survived are either:

1. Loyal to the Antichrist (taken his mark), or,

2. Hiding in fear of what will happen if they are discovered (choose or die)

- Knowing this, God sends a proclamation to all who are alive! Re-read verse 7

-- An angel (GR: aggelos; messenger), is sent to proclaim most imp. truth ever

-- BIG: The purpose of life, the rescue from all of this, is through God only!

- Remember the time it took Noah to build the ark? (120 yrs., Gen 6:3)

-- Through all that time, God was patient, and you know Noah was a witness

-- But all people could do was laugh, scoff, and declare Noah insane, right?

-- Right up until, I am sure, it started raining where no rain had ever fallen …

- Church – it’s raining fire and destruction from Heaven – and still God calls

-- He sends a messenger to declare His glory, to give another opp. for rescue

-- APP: Many have asked if the Holy Spirit will be at work in the Tribulation

-- Remember this: John 6:44, “For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up.”

-- FREE: GR: helkó; draw, pull, persuade

-- Here you go … if God is calling humanity, then the Spirit is still at work!

- FACT: The gospel is (still) being proclaimed by this angel, to all who will hear it

-- Jesus said of being asked to silence worshipers in Luke 19:40, “He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”

-- Know this: The message of the gospel, the salvation of God, won’t be hushed

- Tune in here: The message (or encouragement) proclaimed is the same as today:

1. Fear God

- Know this: There is no stronger exhortation to mankind than to “fear the Lord”

-- GR: phobeó; dread, reverence, terrified

-- The first step in coming to the Lord is to know who He is and who you are

-- IMP: This is the same gospel proclaimed throughout the Bible; it’s about Him!

- There is consistency in God’s word:

-- OT: Joshua 24:14, “So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone.”

-- NT: Matthew 10:28, “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul & body in hell.”

2. Worship God

- Two Greek words used here: didómi; offer doxa; honor, renown; glory

-- This is more than a 25-minute music set on a Sunday morning

-- It is a lifetime devotion – a choice to put aside what you want and desire Him

-- APP: It is showing those around you who matters more: God or you

- There is consistency in God’s word:

-- OT: 1 Chronicles 16:29, “Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his presence. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor.”

-- NT: Matthew 4:10, “Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’”


- I bet you’re wondering why this matters – it’s because God’s word is the same!

-- He gives us an unswerving and reliable path to follow: fear and worship Him

- He is still calling us to fear and worship, to revere and praise, to submit and love

-- The result is the hope that He offers (v2), which is eternity with Him (Heaven)

- This is what the 144,000 have found in Him, and why He is so precious

-- They’ve seen in Him what matters, and nothing else takes that place in life

- How are you at following? BIG: This is why Revelation is pertinent to today

-- It is not just a prediction of things to come, but a roadmap of how to live today

- Let’s pray together … Obedience to God, trust in His eternal reward