Summary: This is the 32nd Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#32]


Matthew 23:37


We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.

Matthew 23:37

Almost every year, the Sunday before Easter means that you are going to hear about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This year, instead of hearing about Palm Sunday from a preacher’s view, let’s hear about Palm Sunday from Jesus’ view. This historic day is found in all 4 of the Gospels: Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; and John 12:12-19. Tonight, we are going to study the Luke passage.

Luke 19:28-34

Jesus saw…

1. Obedience.

Jesus sent 2 of His disciples to get a donkey. Jesus also told them what to say if they were questioned about it. This would be like Jesus asking you to go get inside a stranger’s vehicle, take the keys, and leave in their vehicle. Sometimes, God asks you to do things that don’t make sense to you. What He needs from you, is not to understand what He is telling you to do; but simply obey Him.

Luke 19:35

Jesus saw…

2. Selfless giving.

Often, we look at this from everyone’s viewpoint except for the owner of the donkey. The owner asked them what they were doing; and their answer was, “The Lord needs it”. Honestly, I think I would have said, “Me too. If you want a donkey, go buy one yourself”; but that’s not what happened. He simply let them take his donkey.

Luke 19:36-38

Jesus saw…

3. True worshippers.

People focused on Jesus. They worshipped Him through the actions of placing their cloaks on the road. They worshipped Him with their voices.

Luke 19:39-40

Jesus saw…

4. Religious frauds.

The Pharisees told Jesus to shut everyone up. They couldn’t stand to see Jesus worshipped and praised. Whether they liked it or not, Jesus was going to be praised.

Luke 19:41-44

Jesus saw…

5. Tears.

At that point, the disciples saw Jesus being honored. I’m sure that they began to have a feeling of relief. Maybe things were going to turn around for them. That’s not what Jesus saw. He saw people who were very fickle. He saw the Holy City of Jerusalem and cried. He knew that Jerusalem would soon lie in ruins. The Temple would be taken apart stone by stone.


As we are here this morning, how does Jesus see you? Does He see you as obedient? Does He see you as a giver? Does He see you as a worshipper? Does He see you as a fraud? Do you make Him cry?