Summary: This is the 34th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#34]


Matthew 23:37


We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.

Matthew 23:37

It seems that the older I get, the more I have to deal with confrontation. I have learned that some battles must be fought and some battles left alone. I have also learned that sometimes I need to keep my opinion to myself.

In my preparation for the youth last Wednesday, I learned something that goes with this morning’s sermon. In the Gospels you will find that Jesus asked 307 questions and was asked 183 questions. Out of all of those questions you will find that Jesus only directly answered 3 of them. Why? We will see this morning that often times, just giving people answers is not the right way to go. When asked questions, Jesus usually answered them with either a parable or another question.

This morning, we are going to look at several situations in which Jesus was asked questions and put in situations that He needed to respond to. I want us to notice His examples to us in using the right words for the right time.

Mark 11:27-32

What are the right words to say when…

1. Your enemy questions your authority?

They were questioning Jesus’ authority to preach, teach, heal, etc… They were trying to make Him look like some kind of crazy, fanatical teacher that was just leading everyone astray. They were trying to make Him look like He was just making things up.

When your enemy questions your authority…

* Ask questions back.

Jesus could have immediately said that His authority came from God; but what good would that had done? That’s exactly what they were expecting Him to say so that they could then accuse Him of blasphemy and drag Him away. Instead He asked a question that He knew would make them think. See, if they really wanted to know the truth of their question; they would have based their answer off of what He had already said and done.

When He asked them this question, they were “busted”. They knew that if they answered the question 1 way that Jesus would be proven correct. If they answered it in a negative way, the people would rise up against them because they wouldn’t tolerate John the Baptist’s authority being questioned. All they could do is say they didn’t know.

Mark 11:33

When your enemy questions your authority…

* Don’t give in.

Jesus could have said, “Well since you are too stupid to know, I’ll tell you”. Or- “You punks are just trying to trick me into saying something and you know the truth”. But, Jesus simply said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”

Mark 12:1-12

When your enemy questions your authority…

* Let the truth deal with them.

Jesus tells this parable that obviously shows the corruption of the religious leaders and how they are going to have Him killed. He is telling them the truth of His being the Messiah, the truth of His authority by God, and the truth of the Scriptures that they were the very ones denying the Messiah. Their solution was to figure out a way to get rid of Jesus, but they knew that they couldn’t do it then.

Mark 12:13-17

What are the right words to say when…

2. Your enemy is trying to trap you?

It is obvious here that they are desperately trying to get Jesus to say the wrong thing so they can have Him arrested and shut Him up.

When your enemy is trying to trap you…

* Ignore their flattery.

They immediately began to tell Jesus what a great teacher He was. It must have been difficult for them to say that to someone they hated so badly. They were simply trying to “butter Him up”.

When your enemy is trying to trap you…

* Don’t be lured in.

Jesus immediately let them know that He knew what they were trying to do. He then began to teach them through an object lesson the truth.

When your enemy is trying to trap you…

* Give the facts.

Jesus took the coin, asked whose picture was on the coin, and then gave them the facts. It is Biblical that we obey the laws of the land- Which in this case, was to pay taxes. It is Biblical that we give a portion of what we have to God and that’s simply what Jesus said.

Mark 12:18-27

What are the right words to say when…

3. Your enemy says outlandish things?

When your enemy says outlandish things…

* Don’t be distracted by the “fluff”.

You may wonder what “fluff” is. The Sadducees came up with this elaborate “what if” situation about marriage at the resurrection when they didn’t even believe in the resurrection. This lengthy story was full of twists and details in order to cause Jesus to get confused by the story itself. Stay focused on what’s going on- Don’t be distracted by crazy stories.

When your enemy says outlandish things…

* Don’t be distracted by the names that they drop.

These religious leaders were known for giving Moses credit for the basis of their decisions. They used a portion of what Moses said and tried to apply it to a different situation. Just because they start saying, “Pastor So & So” said, doesn’t make it true.

When your enemy says outlandish things…

* Don’t be distracted by partial uses of Scripture.

Even the devil quotes Scripture- He just quotes the parts that suit him. Just because someone uses portions of the Bible to prove their point doesn’t make it true. Yes, the Bible is God’s perfect Word; but I can make it say anything I want to, if I misuse it.

Jesus gives them the simple fact of Scripture that there will not be marriage in Heaven. He also tells them that God is not the God of the dead; but the God of the living. Jesus “checked them” on their theology and set them straight. He also used the opportunity to give them the Good News of the Word.

Mark 12:28-34

What are the right words to say when…

4. Your enemy asks a “pure” question?

You may be asking yourself, “What does he mean by a “pure” question”? There will be times that people ask us questions with a pure motive. They aren’t trying to trick us, or trap us, etc… They have just been listening to all of the things said and they are trying to figure out the truth.

When your enemy asks a “pure” question…

* Give a direct answer.

This is 1 of the 3 questions asked that Jesus answered directly. Jesus immediately gave an answer.

When your enemy asks a “pure” question…

* Give the correct answer.

If you don’t know the answer, say so. Do not make stuff up. Jesus’ gave an answer from Scripture. Jesus gave the correct answer and He did it in a way that the teacher understood. Jesus knew that the teacher understood, because the teacher summarized for Jesus what was said.

When your enemy asks a “pure” question…

* Don’t add to the truth.

It is often tempting to us when we give someone the right answer to keep on going. Often times we take this as our opportunity to answer a bunch of other questions we may think they have. Simply give them the truth of the Word to answer their question and trust God to take care of the rest.


When it comes to the way we respond to other people’s statements, questions, etc…; remember that we must control our tongue- The tongue can edify or kill.