Summary: The parable of "talents"; its connection to the words of Jesus in "holy week", Is the "talent" our "gifts", our "works", or the "mystery" we possess: the free gift of mercy and eternal life, must be shared not buried.

In Jesus Holy Name November 17, 2023

Text: Matthew 25:14-15a Pentecost XVIII - Redeemer

“Gun Fight at the OK Corral: In Jerusalem?”

If you are a western movie buff you probably remember the movie directed by John Ford entitled: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral which was released in 1957.

The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place at about 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, Arizona Territory, Cochise County, of the United States. Frank and Tom McLaury and Billy Clanton were known for being members of group of outlaws called the Cowboys. They had an ongoing conflict with lawmen Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan Earp.

The McLaury brothers repeatedly threatened the Earps because the Earps interfered with the Cowboys' illegal activities. In the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral about 30 shoots were fired in this 30 minute gunfight. Frank and Tom McLaury and Billy Clanton were killed. Morgan Earp, Virgil Earp and Doc Holliday were wounded and survived. Wyatt Earp was the only individual who came through the fight unharmed.

The Gospel of Matthew, Matthew records a biblical gunfight that took place in the Temple in Jerusalem between Jesus, the Pharisees and Sadducees. The bullets used were words. When it was over Jesus was the one who died. Remember, Jesus is in the “temple”, He spoke these parables to the Pharisees and Sadducees two days before he was arrested. Let’s take a journey with the disciples during the last week of Jesus’ life in Jerusalem and listen to the parables.

Matthew 25 records three parables. The parable of the Ten Bridesmaids; Parable of the Talents; The parable of the Sheep and Goats. What do they all have in common?

1st When Jesus returns those who were not prepared will find the door closed. 2nd Those who bury their talent will be cast into outer darkness. And 3rd those who said they believed in Jesus but were selfish and failed to serve their fellowman will also find the door to heaven closed.

Holy Week begins in Matthew 21 –Jesus arrives in Jerusalem – to great acclaim! V 12 Jesus entered the temple… V 14 He healed the blind and lame V 15 Chief priest, teachers of the law were indignant.

The Pharisees question the authority of Jesus. Jesus tells”:

V 28 a parable two sons… V 33 a parable… tenants of a vineyard… but to understand the accuracy of Jesus in this verbal battle He takes the Pharisees to their own “testament”, to Isaiah 51:1-7.

Jesus makes the point that the “landowner” who planted the vineyard is God. The vineyard stands for the people of God, His fellow Jews, and the “temple” is where they come to worship God. The religious leaders are the farmers who were to produce the fruit of the kingdom, which is grace, justice, mercy & love. They are the renters. They do not own the temple. In the parable when the owner of the vineyard sends His Son, the renters kill Him.

Jesus warned: “The kingdom of God…will be taken away from you (Jerusalem destroyed in 70 A.D.)

22:15…. “the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words….”

The day comes to an end and Jesus and his disciples are leaving the beautiful temple area with its white limestone brilliant in the sun.

24:1 – 3 Looking back towards the city from the Mount of Olives….Jesus said: The day is coming when not one stone of the temple will be left. Then the disciple ask: V 36 : “What will be the sign?” Jesus said you will get no sign. Watch. The day and hour no one knows.

Last week Jesus told the parable of the Ten Virgins… is a reminder that “There Is a Deadline” . “You are fools, you are missing the “wedding banquet” of the King.” The “bridegroom has arrived! He is standing in His “temple”. They of course were rejecting Jesus as the Messiah. His message, His words. Watch and be prepared!

Did you hear about the Christmas parade in central North Carolina? Many elaborate floats passed by when suddenly a simple hay wagon pulled by a tractor is the last float in the parade. On the wagon are several fraternity boys from the university. They are madly sawing boards and nailing things together. The puzzled expressions of the onlooker's faces changed to laughter when they read the sign on the back of the wagon. It read: "We thought the parade was next week!"

Isn't that just how it is? There is a time to prepare, and there is a deadline after which nothing will do. Either you're ready or you are not.

The parable of the talents is asking: What's Your Purpose in Life? This parable is not about how you invest your dollars. At first glance it seems the parable is asking about ow you will invest your money. No. The parable is about you and I possessing the “gospel” of salvation by faith in Jesus. Will we share it or bury it?

Almost every sermon you read on this parable has stated that the “parable of the talents” is about doing good works for the kingdom of God. That theme fits well with the final Parable of the Sheep and Goats, when on Judgment day the followers of King Jesus will hear either: “Well done good and faithful servant, or “Depart from me … into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and His angels.” But it is not!

1 talent of gold weights about 75 lbs. At the current price of gold is $2000 per oz. that would make 5 talents $120 million dollars. 2 talents would be 4.8 million. 1 talent 2.4 million. The owner is giving “his” money to be invested by His servants. This is outrageous, so what does Jesus mean?

Earlier in Matthew there was a parable about “the pearl of great price” which cost the buyer every thing he had to possess the pearl. Do you remember what the “pearl of great price” was? It was the message of the kingdom. The words and promises of Jesus.

There for I am suggesting to you that the “parable of the talents” is about the “kingdom of God”, the “kingdom of heaven

The “owner” is going on a journey and giving an outrageous great gift freely as the owner to his servants to invest.

So, then what is “talent”? I am going to suggest that the “talent” is Jesus who brings into reality the “kingdom of God”. It is the message of “God’s salvation”, “His mercy, goodness and love for sinners”.

In Ephesians 3:6 Paul states that every believer possesses the “mystery” of the gospel? What is the “mystery” that we possess. The mystery is that “God’s love, grace, mercy and forgiveness is a free gift for the Gentiles, not just the Jews, His chosen people.” His message of love and forgiveness is therefore the “light” which can not be hidden under a basket. It is the gospel to be taken into the whole world.

As pastor’s in the circuit we are reading the book “How to Win the West” back to Jesus, His words, values and salvation to a culture that doesn’t want to talk about and out dated word called sin, nor attend an out dated organization called the “Church”. In this post Christian culture people are marching to agree with Hamas, it is ok to annihilate Jewish people. Just this week some people are trying to justify the words of Osma ben Ladan that 9/11 was justified. ? Is this good?

Remember the 1st century world was a pagan world. 1st century Rome when unwanted babies are placed along side the road for animals to devour or for slavers to pick up. We are slowly understanding that as Christians we are living in a “post Christian world”, no that much different than the 1st century, so we argue and vote over the ethics of abortion….16 weeks or 9 months ok. The real issue is the "value of life".

(quote of Terry McAuliffe an American businessman and politician who served as the 72nd governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018.)

That is why when Jesus began His ministry in Galilee, Matthew quotes Isaiah: “Galilee of the Gentiles the people living in darkness have seen a great light;” What is the darkness? It is a people living in a land with no morals, “a land in which everyone does what is right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25)

Colleen just read the book “The Orphan Train” where unwanted orphans were placed on a train and sent west…between 1870 and 1929. It was an attempt to find homes for orphans and so the train stopped in towns for people to take the orphan. But human nature being what it is…. Many children were abused and used as slaves. It was an idea that failed. This is a world of darkness. Post Christian America is where the New Jersey Governor and State will not allow a Roman Catholic couple to "adopt" an orphaned child. Why? Because their religion might cause "harm" to the child. A land of darkness.

Post Christian America is a land that says sex is for negotiation over a week end martini not commitment …. it is a land where marriage is not necessary and thus a father does not have to be in the home. Relationships become transactional. The result will be and is one of “loneliness”, feeling used, and emptiness.

We have seen how the results of good intentions from the “Great Society” to help the poor have shelter, are on display in the streets of Chicago and other cities where men have abandoned personal responsibility making personal freedom their “idol”. These are cities living in darkness. This is post -Christian America where people are living in the land of the shadow of death, (those who believe there is nothing eternal when the heart beat and brain wave cease) For people with no hope “a light has dawned.”

That light is Jesus. The message is clear: “Jesus came to earth…He took on flesh and blood. He shared our humanity so that by His death He would defeat Satan who holds people in the grip and fear of death.” (Hebrews 2:14) The Kingdom of Heaven has arrived. Jesus has risen from the death. He has given to us “the gift of forgiveness, the free gift of eternal life” (Eph. 2:8, Romans 5:1-6)

In the parable of the talents, Jesus is saying: “Do not hide the “message of the kingdom” under a basket. Let your light shine.” The “message of the kingdom” is to love our fellowman, that’s why Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. There is judgment for those who were not prepared for the return of the bridegroom, the wedding banquet door will be closed. There is judgment for the servant who buries the “talent”, the message of God’s offer of grace, love and mercy and eternal life.

How can we “engage” neighbors who go to work, enjoy their weekend, invest in their children’s weekend and Sunday sports, but believe they do not need salvation or they lack any sense of what we call “sin”? Think about it. Why would a visitor come to a Lutheran or Catholic Church to speak the words… I’m a sinner when they don’t believe they are? For years now I seldom have used the word “sin” or “justification” in my sermons… I have used the words “broken ethics”. People know about broken ethics… how can they fix them? Is the question.

Here is a suggestion. In stead of standing with a mega phone or a sign that says “judgment” is coming, “repent”, again using “church” words in a “non churched” culture don’t resonate. So how can we share the “pearl of great price”, the most outrageous “talent” Jesus and His values.

This week at work around the coffee pot or break room, or on a chair watching a soccer game your children share with their children begin a discussion with these questions:

1. Why be good? Why teach your children to be good?

2. What is good?

3. Who is good? Why?

4. How can we be good in daily life? Try it and let’s report back