Summary: Paul starts his gospel presentation at a surprising point: the wrath of God. Is it justified? If so, why?

- Last week’s sermon was Paul’s introduction, which gave a summary. Now we are starting to work through what Paul shares as an explanation of the gospel.


- Romans 1:18a.

- The first four words are “the wrath of God.”

- Are we guilty? Are we deserving of punishment?

- This is a crucial question and one that most modern people would answer “no” to. They would say some variety of “I’m a good person” or “I’m no worse than anyone else” or “My good and bad balance out pretty well” or similar things.

- At most, we might accept that there are some people who deserve punishment and judgment – your mass murderers, terrible people like Hitler, those that abuse children, etc. But not me.

- Paul, though, is arguing that wrath is justified. Where does he get that from?


1. The existence of God and the truth of God are obvious.

- Romans 1:18b-20.

a. The existence of God is obvious.

- v. 19.

b. In nature, God’s existence and power are obvious.

- v. 20a.

c. This means every person can know this, whether or not they’ve ever read a Bible.

- v. 20b.

2. In rejecting God, man settled into futility and darkness.

- Romans 1:21-23.

a. Through nature, they could have known God.

- v. 21a.

b. Choosing that, their thinking became futile and their hearts dark.

- v. 21b.

c. They claimed wisdom but it didn’t work that way.

- vv. 22-23.

3. Since that’s what they wanted, God gave them over to it.

- Romans 1:24-32.

a. God gave them over to their heart desires.

- vv. 24-27.

b. God gave them over to a depraved mind.

- vv. 28-32.

4. All of this wipes out our excuses.

- Romans 2:1-27; Romans 3:1-8.

a. We are all guilty because we all do such things.

- vv. 1-4.

b. God’s judgment will be fair and that’s bad news.

- vv. 5-11.

- Bad news for the Gentiles (vv. 12-16).

- Bad news for the Jews (vv. 17-27).

- Avoid 3:1-8 for simplicity’s sake.

5. What God wants is “of the heart, by the Spirit.”

- Romans 2:28-29.

a. God is looking for a changed heart, not outward image.

- vv. 28-29.

6. That all leads to an important conclusion: we are all sinners.

- Romans 3:9-20.

a. We are all (Jews and Gentiles) are under sin.

- vv. 9-19.

b. The Jews were given the Law not to save them but to make us all more aware of our true situation.

- v. 20.