Summary: Throughout this study we have seen God’s plan for humanity, even His plan for sin and death’s defeat. But, what we do with it is our choice … what will you choose to believe?

Alpha and Omega, Part 49, Revelation Part 26

The Alpha, The Omega, and The End

Revelation 21:1-23 and 22:1-21

Dismiss children for nursery (under 4) and children’s church (ages 4-7)

CHANGE: No Wednesday night for adults this week – enjoy holidays!

Christmas Eve service: Sunday morning at 10:30 and Sunday night at 6:30


- Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation

-- REM: Redemption of sin is granted through Jesus; and yes, we have a choice

-- Today is our final message in the Alpha and Omega series (thank you!!)

- Last week, we saw the final destruction of Satan and of his wickedness

-- It was the revelation of the death of sin, the death of the burden of sin

-- We also saw the 2nd death – this will be the eternal separation of unbelievers

--- It is a place originally created for Satan and his fallen angels, but,

--- That also exists for those who willingly choose to deny Christ’s salvation

- Today, we will conclude our series with the BEST NEWS ever!

-- It is a glimpse into what is to come, and what we must look forward too!

-- FACT: From Creation to Revelation, God has had a plan for each of us!

- Read Revelation 21 and 22 / Pray

Point 1 – The new Heavens and the new Earth

- What John reveals to us is truly, a sight to behold

-- It must be what we remember is coming – in good times and in bad times

-- It is what God always intended us to have … perfection x 1,000,000

- All that we know is remade by God’s authority – to reveal His glory (v1)

-- Glorious in its splendor, it is (again) another gift from Him for His creation

-- Consider: No more sickness, disasters, suffering, pain, or disappointment

- It is the new city of God, a place where the very presence of God dwells (v2)

-- This is the pinnacle of Heaven, where He is, where His children are welcomed

- If He is there, and we are there, we will have eternal fellowship with Him (v3)

- Why does this matter? B/C it is the perfection of all things (v4-6)

-- There shall be no more death, no more sorrow, no more suffering

-- Why? Because God has recreated our universe, and we are forever His

-- Even death (and it’s curse for sin) has no power there! Check this out:

-- 1 Cor 15:26, “And the last enemy to be destroyed is death.”

- His statement is declarative, “It is finished” … He has overcome/renewed all

-- We can find strength in this because He has never lied or let us down!

-- Jesus called this out: Matthew 5:18, “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved.” Its Purpose: To show us our need for a Savior!

- FACT: Believers are promised to be the citizens in this place (v6-7)

-- He proclaims for us: He is the Alpha and Omega, He has done all these things

-- For you and me, there can be no greater truth to understand than this!

- SEE: God gives a warning (again) to those who would reject Salvation (v8)

-- Reminiscent of Rev 20 (whole bible really) is a truth that not everyone gets in

-- The lie of the enemy is that we all have time – that we don’t need to repent

-- It is why John, even from the glory of Heaven, is sure to write this down

- TR: What does John say about eternity to come?

Point 2 – The Description of the New Jerusalem

- Don’t miss this, John is then granted one more vision of eternity (v9-10)

-- Taken in the Spirit, He is shown the future of humanity’s eternity

- Talk about the good stuff! Let’s walk through God’s city for a moment:

-- The city itself shines like a sparkling stone – like the most precious crystal

-- The glory of God shines throughout the city – His presence illuminates it

- What does this light look like? Well, some have seen it firsthand!

-- Luke 2:9, “Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. (reaction) They were terrified”

-- APP: But here, there is no terror – just reverence/love for who He is!

- It’s walls are secure – providing us a perfect place to reside with Him

-- Security of a where we will be with Him – eternally safe and welcome (v12)

-- This is the representation of the walls being broad and high – protection

- God’s Holy City is represented as a perfect cube w/ 12 gates / 3 gates per side

-- Each gate is named after one of the 12 tribes of Jerusalem (place of honor)

-- Signifies that entrance is ONLY through promises of God - His established way

- Don’t miss: From every direction the entrance is open to all who accept invite

-- But the key to entry is through the Gospel (signified by the Apostles names)

-- REM: It is the Disciples who went into the Earth to proclaim the Gospel first!

-- City is represented and measured in terms that John could describe to us

- EXPLAIN: 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles wide, and 1,500 miles tall!

-- Consider the size: From Prattville, AL to Phoenix, AZ is ~1,500 miles

-- This is a total of 2,250,000 square miles or (3B) 3,375,000,000 cubic miles!

-- Why? To house the inhabitants of all those who will dwell there forever!

- The city is made of the most precious stones that exist (v18-21)

-- The crystal walls sparkle in jasper – a crystal-like rock that is green in color

-- They reflect the glory of God as His presence shines throughout it

-- Built upon each layer is another stone that’s purpose is to reflect God’s glory

-- The gates are made of a pearl – with streets of pure gold as asphalt!

- In this most spectacular city, I want to be sure you don’t miss one point:

-- The worship is solely focused on God and the Lamb (Jesus) (re-read Rev 21:22)

-- APP: There will not be a need to go to church because He is the living temple

-- He is the focus of the worship of its residents; amplified: He is all that matters!

- In this place, we will be made perfect, having the perfect knowledge with God

-- BIG: There will be no more unbroken fellowship because of our sin!

• No more going days without worship or being in His presence (like today)

• We will not need the light of the sun for life – Jesus will be our light

• Nothing that represents sin we will be there (v26; cast out)

• Only those who know Christ, written in Book of Life, will be present

- TR: The presence of God will be our focus – and we will be complete

-- Like to pause on that thought – just to reflect (thankfulness, worship, Christmas)

Point 3 – In Summary … Eleven Truths from Revelation

- Please see the CLARITY of God … He does NOT leave us without answers!

-- APP: When you struggle … the answers of what are ahead are all here!

-- Verses 6-21 of Ch 22 can be considered a foundational roadmap for each of us!

-- Just like we have the Gospels (words in red), consider these as its reinforcement!

1. The message is trustworthy and true (see v6)

2. The message will bring a blessing to the person who studies and obeys (see v7)

3. The message stirs worship (see v8-9)

4. The message is to be read by all (see v10-11)

5. The message focuses on the Lord’s return and judgment to come (see v12-13)

6. The message tells us who will be accepted by the Lord (see v14)

7. The message tells us who will be rejected by the Lord (see v15)

8. The message is proclaimed by Jesus Christ (see v16)

9. The message offers the greatest invitation ever extended to man (see v17)

10. The message must not be tampered with (see v18-19)

11. The message closes with the greatest of all assurances (see v20-21)

- Jesus has promised that He will return, promises that He is coming soon!

-- GR: tachu; quickly, speedily

-- GR: amén; verily, truly, so let it be!

-- Truly, what more could you possibly want or need to face today & tomorrow?


- What we have unpacked this year is the beginning and the end of our story

-- However, it is NOT the end of eternity – see this: Rev 22 is a NEW beginning!

-- Key: We will always exist, but the question is where? Where will you be?

-- We have seen God’s plan for humanity, even His plan for sin’s final defeat

-- But what we do with it is our choice … what will you choose to believe?

- Pray