Summary: Today would be an amazing day to start your own journey of faith. People may ask, why believe. But why not? We have all the evidence we need. Claim it today!

“Have Faith!”

Hebrews 11

So, what’s Christmas really all about? It is about learning to wait. The prophets spoke of the coming of Christ yet there was a very long waiting period. Seven hundred years after the prophets spoke – Jesus was born. Most of us don’t want to even wait 7 minutes for something we want. Christmas is about hope and anticipation. We all look forward to the Christmas season. Kids anticipate what Christmas morning will look like. We know that Jesus is our blessed hope and he has now arrived. Christmas is about contentment and joy. Happiness is about getting everything we want. Contentment is about wanting everything we already have. In other words, we are content with what we have. For three weeks in December those who have been by topics. I have preached on waiting, hope, contentment and joy.

Let me give you one more this morning. Christmas is about our faith – a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A Gallup Poll was done in 2019 to ask Americans whether they celebrate Christmas or not. In case you are not aware, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not, 7th day Adventists do not and the Church of God does not. And there are many other groups as well. But 93% of Americans do. Now here’s the thing – we are told that 93% celebrate Christmas but only 50% of Americans claim Jesus as their Savior. Half of our nation is believed to be lost. It’s interesting to me that many believe in Christmas but not in Christ. You literally cannot say the word Christmas without saying Christ. Christmas is about our faith. It is a matter of faith.

In Hebrews chapter 11 we find what is often termed as the Hall of faith. Some try to leave Christ out of Christmas by saying Xmas. But X is actually the Greek symbol for Christ. Try as hard as you like but Christ will always be a part of Christmas. In fact, it is all about Him. The writer of Hebrews begins this passage by telling us this. In the NLT, Hebrews 11 says this. Hebrews 11: 1-3.

This destroys the theory behind evolution. I will come back to that topic. The prophets spoke of their faith; Jesus taught on faith many times. The Apostles did as well. Jesus said:

• If you have faith you can say to this mountain, be moved and it will be done. Matthew 17: 20

• A blind man shouted at Jesus and said I want to see again. Jesus said, receive your sight. Your faith has made you well.

• Faith is not a part of life. Faith is our life.

• Jesus said don’t be afraid, just believe & this man will be healed.

So here are some important facts we need to understand. h.

1. Our faith is evidence of something greater. When attorneys go to court it is critical to provide, not only evidence but to provide enough evidence. Josh MacDowell wrote a great book titled “Evidence that demands a verdict.” And in the Book, this is the question he asks: if you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? What evidence would you give? When I was in high school, I thought for several years I wanted to be an attorney. I became very familiar with a variety of legal terms, watched Perry Mason regularly and then for two years I studied political science in college. But God had something else for me. One thing I did was, our youth group started asking this question and we decided to form a courtroom at church where we would call various adults to the stand, in church and ask them a series of questions to see if they could offer enough evidence to prove they were actually Christians. We were young and full of zeal and probably ask things we shouldn’t have asked but that didn’t seem to stop us. Again, let me ask you, if you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence in your life to convict you? What would you offer as evidence? Would you say….

• I gave to the church when I could.

• I went to church.

• I tried to help people.

• I was baptized. Let’s face it. Infants are baptized all over the world. That practice has been going on for many years. But it doesn’t prove your faith. It only proves the faith of your parents and their good intentions.

While all of these, matter; and all are important, the writer reminds us there is only 1 thing that is actually evidence and that is your faith. Nothing matters more. We often refer to faith as saving faith because that is exactly what it actually is. It is the evidence of things not seen. Believing that what we now see, did not come from anything that can be seen. Whenever we say that we believe, that God created the world we are taking a leap of faith. We can see the universe all around us but we cannot see the one who made it. So, for some they choose to buy into evolution. Evolution has in fact become a replacement for faith for many. In my estimation it takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in Jesus. Many scientists want us to believe that this entire universe including all of mankind, all started with one cell. Mankind, every animal, every race of people, male, female – all from one cell. Then the 2nd part of that theory is that 540 million years ago in a sudden burst of activity a variety of animals were also created.

One thing we agree on is that science says that 252 million years ago 95% of all animals were destroyed including marine life. They perished in the blink of an eye. They believe this was due to some type of explosion. We do not agree on the timetable but certainly know that God did in fact destroy the earth through a massive flood leaving only Noah and his family. Believing what evolutionists teach that there was a big bang and it produced all of this is to believe that millions of years ago there was an alphabet factory; millions of each letter – the factory exploded and out came a dictionary. As we say in Arkansas; Hogwash. Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth. Genesis tells us God created a flood. This book is not a science book but it does tell us how God created this universe. Faith is believing that what we now see, did not come from anything else that can be seen.

2. Our faith is an example to others. We could lock in here and talk for the rest of the day – but you probably wouldn’t stay and we also have another service tonight. But here is it says.

* Abel. He was known for giving the right offering.

* Enoch went to heaven without dying. First astronaut.

* Noah built an ark in a desert and it had never rained before.

* Abraham and Sarah – he was 100 and she was 90 and God told them they would have a baby. Here’s what the scripture says their response was. And Sarah, were both very old at this time and Sarah was long past the age of having children. Scripture says when she heard this, she laughed. After all it does seem kind of funny that a man who was 100 and a woman who was 90 could have a baby. From a scientific standpoint we would say that could never happen. Listen, God is not bound to the rules of the universe; the rules of the universe are bound to him. The universe did not create God. In the beginning God was.

The writer goes on to say/name at least 10 others here; men and women and also mentions the people of Israel. He then says it would take much too long to recount all of the stories of faith from the past and in this passage. Note here. The writer only speaks of the stories of the Old Testament. Imagine all the stories of the New Testament being added in as well. Lazarus walking out of the grave. Blind men suddenly seeing. Multitudes of events like this and many more – in fact John declares in chapter 21: 25 – after he has told his view of the Gospel – the last writer, he says this: Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. All of these serve as examples for our faith. Someone asks you why you believe, our answer should be why not? How could you not believe? Look at all of what God has done! But there are not only these examples but there is also your example. Think of the powerful things God has done in your life and mine that are simply unexplainable. They serve as examples to us and examples to others. I think of people right here today who have experienced God‘s healing power and the people you know who have. All of us have at least one story like that we could share.

* I think of Augusta Lee. A true woman of faith. After surgery the doctor told me she had 30 days to live. Told her and she said, “Well, I just better ask my father, about that.” And six years later, here she is.

* I think of my own sweet daughter-in-law, diagnosed with deadly cancer; they told my son to go home and prepare their 5 children for the death of their mother because shoe would be gone in less than 90 days. My son was absolutely devastated. We were as well. God said, I’m in charge here. After a 14-hour surgery, God healed and, 6 years ago and she’s still here. Stories like these increase our faith. Here is one way to look at faith.

Faith is like a spiritual muscle. The more we use it; the stronger it gets. All of these stories are examples to help our faith grow. Jesus said our faith should be like a mustard seed. Can you see it? I have a mustard seed taped to my finger but you don’t even notice it. In this passage Jesus was telling us several important facts regarding our faith. 3 things.

1. Faith has to start somewhere. Even if it is small, like a mustard seed, God will use it – in fact he says he will use it to move mountains and cast them into the sea.

2. A mustard seed is not intended to remain small. Nor is it to be put up on the shelf. Neither is your faith. Seeds are made to be placed in the ground where they can take root and grow. The Mustard tree can grow as tall as 20–30 feet and the branches are even more impressive. Your faith and mine starts small but it is not intended to remain small.

3. As faith grows, we can expect to do even greater things. Jesus put it this way. “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the father.” What does that mean?? At the time, the work of Jesus was confined to a specific area. We now preach all over the world. No internet or radio or tv then. Jesus reached many people. The Apostles reached even more. Acts tells us that on the day of Pentecost there were 3000 saved. Then 2000 more were saved. 5000. This was definitely many more than Jesus ever saw being saved. Now, this same Jesus is the one who still saves – but he chooses to involve us. These are the greater things he is referring to.

All of this happened because of something that seemed very small. A little baby was born. It was a difficult time in history. But a baby changed history completely. The only ones who saw that coming were the prophets. Around the world and certainly across the United States, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus tomorrow morning. For some of us we will feel alone because someone we deeply care for is now gone. For some, it will be chaos as kids tear open gifts that have taken many hours of work to pay for and wrap and they will do it in a matter of minutes. We will take a big sigh and say, well another Christmas is behind us. But it’s not because it will never be behind us. Christmas is always in front of us. We can celebrate the birth of this king EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Today would be an amazing day to start your own journey of faith. People may ask, why believe. But why not? We have all the evidence we need. Claim it today!