Summary: Based on Acts 2:42-47 - Challenges the hearers to realize what Jesus' advent means for the Church.


FBCF – 12/24/23

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Churches get a lot of airtime this time of year.

- Christmas cantatas – “Carols by Candlelight” at FBCJ

- Kids’ programs w/ shepherds & angels & Mary & Joseph

- Live nativity scenes

- Christmas Eve services everywhere – midnight mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC

And while the church buildings & facilities are beautiful all adorned w/ lights, greenery, poinsettias, & candles, even more beautiful are the people inside those buildings, people for whom Jesus came into the world to die. THAT is the real message of Christmas. THAT is the real reason for celebrating Christmas. Those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior know why we are celebrating Christmas.

- The world may acknowledge that Dec. 25 is when we celebrate Jesus’ b’day.

- But it doesn’t mean any more to them than celebrating George Washington’s b’day on Feb 22; Abraham Lincoln’s on Feb. 12; & Elvis’ on Jan 8.

And while the Bible does not tell us that Dec. 25 was the exact date of Jesus’ birth, one thing we do know: JESUS WAS BORN!

- He was born as the Savior of the world.

- He came into the world to atone for our sins.

- He died on the cross.

- He was resurrected to eternal life.

- He ascended back to the Father & sent the promised Holy Spirit to us.

- He’s alive today, & as Hebrews 7:25 tell us: “He lives forever to intercede w/ God on [our] behalf” (NLT).

- And He’s coming again! (next week’s sermon)

THIS is what we celebrate today as the Church. Zechariah 2:10 – “Shout & be glad” b/c our Lord said, “…I am coming, & I will live among you.” That’s exactly what He did. So, today: We ARE the Church, so let’s celebrate Jesus w/ the Church – w/ each other!

EXPLANATION – Acts 2:42-47

Day of Pentecost – Holy Spirit has come – Church has been born. These verses come after Peter’s powerful sermon to all the people who had gathered in amazement – v. 12 (kinda like when the shepherds told everyone about Jesus’ birth!). God’s work always brings amazement!

Look at what the Church immediately started doing as the Holy Spirit took hold of their lives:

- They had teaching & preaching – Devoted themselves (“persisted”) to apostles’ teaching – They paid attention to it & applied it to their lives – v. 42a

- They had fellowship – Persisted in fellowship (koinonia – closely associated; sharing w/ each other; doing life together) – v.42b

- They had the ordinances – “breaking of bread” – Lord’s Supper & a fellowship meal – v. 42b

- They had prayer times – individual & corporate – Devoted to prayer – v. 42b

- They had the movement of God in their midst – Saw miracles happen – were in awe of God’s work in their midst (v. 43)

- They had ministry – They constantly & consistently took care of each other (v. 44-45)

- They had corporate worship – They worshiped God together – (“praising God” – v. 47a)

- They had growth – numerical & spiritual – As they shared & lived out the Gospel, God grew the Church (v. 47b)

So, when we talk about “Making Much of JESUS” around here, & we talk about BEING the church that God wants & requires us to be, these are the things WE - & when I say “WE”, I mean ALL of us – must do to accomplish that. But the good news is that we don’t have to try to do them in our own strength – we will fail every time if we try to do that. We do these things in the strength of the Lord within us. The very fact that Jesus came into the world & saved us is what gives us the strength to BE the Church HE wants us to be!

APPLICATION – The Church was birthed to celebrate & serve Jesus.

Let’s look back at Isaiah’s prophecy & see how the coming of Jesus has equipped & empowered the Church.

Isaiah 9:6 – “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (NKJV)


- “wonderful” – lit means “incomprehensible”

- The Messiah will be “full of wonder!”

- We use the word in normal conversation to say something is nice or pleasant or likable.

- When you use it to describe Jesus, you’re saying He’s mind-boggling!

- “Counselor” – used in ancient times to portray a wise king who gives valuable, wise counsel to his people.

- He gives guidance, direction, insight that is good for his people.

Having Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor means that we can count on Him to give us the plan for His Church.


Not only will He give us the plan, but we can also count on Him to give us the power we need to carry out that plan. After all, He is the “Mighty God.”

- Acts 1:8


If there’s anything that we know about a good father, it is that he will always make sure his children have what they need. He is the provider for his family.


Peace – Wartime – Opposing armies would declare ceasefire on Christmas Day. No shooting, bombing, trying to kill each other on that day. Then next day, go back to killing each other again.

As strange as that custom has been, it’s a small testimony to the purpose for which Jesus came into the world – to bring peace.

Jesus came to bring His peace into our lives. His desire & His plan is for peace in our lives & in His Body, the Church.


- Fruit of Spirit - "love, joy, PEACE"

- Ephesians 4:3 – “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (NIV)