Summary: Jacob significantly changed his life because he listened when God told him to "Get up!" and go to Bethel.

Hello, everyone! Today, we will discuss a topic that's always relevant - change. But not just any change; we're talking about the profound transformation that can occur when we let God's love in. Our guide for this conversation is a story from the Bible, the tale of a man named Jacob. Jacob significantly changed his life because he listened when God told him to "Get up!" and go to Bethel. We'll delve into Jacob's story and draw three steps to help us make positive changes.

I. Learning to Break Free from Our Past

Our journey toward deep, meaningful change starts when we listen to the spiritual message telling us to "Get up!" and travel to our own special place - our personal Bethel, which can be seen as our safe space where we connect with God on a deep level. This crucial first step is inspired by Jacob's obedience when he went to Bethel, drawn there by God's powerful voice. To break free from the grip of our past, we need to open our hearts to God's message and find our unique spiritual haven.

The story of the Prodigal Son in the Bible illustrates this idea perfectly. Full of youthful confidence, the younger son leaves his loving Father, believing he can make a better life for himself. However, his high hopes quickly disappear, leaving him alone and desolate. But in his despair, he finds a glimmer of hope; he decides to go home, humbly seeking his father’s mercy. Instead of the expected punishment, he is welcomed with open arms and joy - a sign of his Father's unending love. This story is a powerful reminder that no matter how far we have strayed or what mistakes we have made, it's never too late to turn back to God, our eternal Father.

J.P. Morgan wisely stated, "The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." This quote captures the heart of our spiritual journey - it begins with a determined decision to leave our current path, marked by mistakes and regrets, and to step onto a new path lit by God's grace and love.

This decision doesn't come from a simple awareness of our mistakes but is driven by God's powerful guidance, leading us toward the righteous path we previously overlooked.

The story of Augustine of Hippo's journey of transformation is a perfect example of this spiritual change.

Augustine, a man caught in the trap of worldly pleasures, was always looking for satisfaction but never found it. Mistakes marked his life, and he was rarely sober. Despite his bad behavior, he couldn't ignore the feeling of emptiness, a void within his soul. His mother's earnest prayers and God's incredible grace eventually led to Augustine's transformation. The scriptures in Romans offered the spiritual nourishment that permanently changed his life's course. After discovering God's profound love at his own personal Bethel, Augustine's life took a dramatic turn for the better. His story is a beacon of hope, reminding us that no matter how lost or trapped in darkness we may feel, the bright light of God's love can always find us, guide us, and light our path toward redemption.

II. Letting Go of Negative Influences

The second important step in our journey toward transformation involves letting go of those things that might harm our connection with God. We can learn from Jacob's family, who gave up their foreign gods before starting their spiritual journey to Bethel. We must also identify and discard those influences that take us away from our divine calling.

Take the story of Gideon in Judges 6:25-27, for instance. Following God's instructions, Gideon knocked down the altar of Baal and the Asherah pole—idols that had held his people in spiritual bondage. His obedience to this tough command teaches us a valuable lesson. It shows us that idols or negative influences block our path to God and weaken our commitment to Him.

There's a danger in not giving up our idols. We can mistakenly think that our idols might have met our needs. But our God, in His wisdom, often lets us try out all other options, which ultimately fail us. When God is getting ready to use His transformative power in our lives, He makes sure we start our spiritual journey with hearts free of hidden idols.

By bravely removing these idols from our lives, we make room for God's transformative power to work, cultivating a strong and steady relationship with Him.

The command in Exodus 20:3 still rings true today, "You shall have no other gods before me." This verse echoes through time, urging us to put our relationship with God above any earthly distraction. As we cleanse our lives of harmful influences, we let the power of God's love work within us, remolding us from the inside out and strengthening our bond with Him.

III. Setting Out on Spiritual Renewal

Our transformation journey's third and critical stage requires thorough inner and outer cleansing. This mirrors what Jacob's family did when they purified themselves before their pilgrimage to Bethel. We are also invited to cleanse our hearts, which includes acknowledging our missteps, asking for God's forgiveness, and making a deep commitment to align our actions with our dedication to God.

Consider the life-changing story of Zacchaeus, a tax collector notorious for his wrongdoings. His encounter with Jesus led to a sincere confession of his sins and a promise to correct his wrongs. Zacchaeus's story highlights the transformative power of a meeting with Jesus—it can profoundly change our hearts and inspire us to modify our behaviors.

I often use an analogy to emphasize the need for complete commitment. Imagine this—you've finally bought your dream home, and on the closing day, you complete all the paperwork. However, to your surprise, the previous owner keeps the rights to a small room in the attic. Like the homebuyer would refuse to go through with such a deal, many Christians hesitate to start their spiritual journey without entirely giving their lives to God.

John MacArthur's words ring true here: "The Christian life is not adding Jesus to one's own way of life but surrendering that personal way of life for His and being willing to pay whatever cost that may require." This powerful quote invites us to surrender fully, leave behind our old ways, and willingly accept the path Jesus laid for us, no matter the cost.

The verse from 2 Corinthians 5:17 beautifully captures this idea: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." As we submerge ourselves in God's grace, we are reborn, with the old replaced by the new. This verse suggests that one can't truly be 'in Christ' unless the old self has completely passed away, allowing us to enter God's presence as a brand-new creation.

So, let's commit to this spiritual cleansing, shedding our old selves and welcoming our new selves, molded in the likeness of Christ.


Let's wrap up with a reminder that God's love is always there for us, regardless of our circumstances. Augustine of Hippo transformed his life because he heeded God's call, and we can do the same. Let's gather the courage to answer God's call to "Arise!" and find our unique sanctuary to feel a deeper connection with God and transform.