Summary: This is a message for sanctity of human life sunday, but it is more than a sermon @ abortion. It is a message about choosing to follow God's path and recognizing that each path has a distinct destination.

“Which way?”

Sanctity of human life Sunday 2024

Matthew 7:13-14

This is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday:

• We join with thousands of churches across America in

• upholding the value of all human life

• from the moment of conception to the moment of death.

This day is significant because it is the:

• Sunday is closest to January 22.

• On that day in 1973, the Supreme Court

• handed down its infamous Roe v. Wade

• decision that legalized abortion on demand

In 2022 Roe vs. Wade was overturned:

- the legal issue has been returned to the States to decide

- yet the real problem is not a legal problem

- the real problem is a nation that is largely

- unconcerned with what God wants…

God’s word tells us that:

- He created us in the womb

- that babies are created in the image of God

- that all human life is valuable to God

- that God hates the shedding innocent or blamelesss blood

What could be more innocent:

- than a child

- living inside its mother’s womb

I think it goes without saying:

o that abortion is a difficult issue to talk about.

o It is difficult because it is almost impossible to find someone

o who is neutral on the subject.

It is the most emotionally divisive issue in America today.

Americans are deeply divided on the morality of abortion.

• There are some people who would simply.

• rather not hear about it or think about it or talk about it. And

• especially at Church….

Abortion is a hot topic and many:

• would literally fight over their position.

• But for the Christian,

• There can be no room for debate…

God has spoken…..

o Life is sacred.

o Life is a gift from God.

o Children are a blessing from the Lord.

While some will say:

- it is my body and therefore my choice

- that is simply false

That body you live in belongs to God:

- God is your creator

- therefore we all must give an account to the Lord

The odds are that someone here:

- has had an abortion

- and I want you to hear me clearly

- God loves you, He is not mad at you

- God offers forgiveness and healing

I am a strong believer that abortion:

- leaves one dead and

- leaves one wounded.

If you are wound:

- know that God loves you

- know that WE love you

Today’s message is:

- about choosing the path that leads to life

- the path that leads to eternal life

- God’s path

God’s path is contrary to:

- the wisdom of this world

- won’t make you popular

- will likely get you mocked

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.”

- Matthew 7:13-14 (NLT)

Most people have already decided:

- they have no interest in knowing or doing

- What God desires

- they plan to walk their own way and not walk where God leads…

Today I want to talk to the people:

- who want to walk with God

- who desire to please God

- who are considering following God

And while the topic of this message:

- is about the value of pre-born babies

- the pattern is the same for everyone

- and so anyone can look at this outline and find value

1. The WIDE path of EXPEDIENCY

Those who approve of killing the unborn:

- often say it is just a matter of choice

- yet abortion is of the conclusion

- of a series of bad choices….

Some who are considering abortions:

- decided to have sex outside of marriage

- often with someone they barely know

- they have decided not to use protection

- they have decided against adoption

- they have stepped outside God’s path

And they arrive at the abortion choice:

- as if they are the victim

- of someone else’s choices

- when in fact their own choices brought them to this crisis

Sometimes the mother is:

- truly a victim

- who simply cannot feed and care for one more child

- she has done all she knows and is just between a rock and a hard place

- she is literally drowning as it is

In both the cases:

- abortion becomes a matter of expediency

- and honestly the situation is a real crisis

- and the stakes are high…

The Dictionary defines “expedient”:

• As a practical and convenient action

• Although possibly immoral or improper

Sin seems to always be about expediency:

- taking a short-cut to where we want to be

- to fill a need or felt need

- regardless of who it hurts

- regardless of if it pleases God

Expediency trades God’s path for the path of destruction…

- it does not matter who you are

- we have all taken the easy road

- and have turned our backs on God way

In short, we are all guilty of sin…

“For everyone has sinned;

we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

- Romans 3:23 (NLT)

We often take the wide road of expediency:

- because it is easier in the short term

- to live the life we want now

- to have the short-term ease and pleasure…

Adam and Eve:

- knew God told them not to eat the forbidden fruit

- but they ate it anyway…defying their creator

- because they thought God was holding out on them...

The reality for Adam and Eve:

- is that sin has a cost

- and their choice to leave God’s path

- cost them everything….

The path to Hell is well worn and crowded:

- only a few will take the narrow path

- it takes more discipline and effort

- One road leads to heaven and One road leads to Hell

All paths do not lead to the say destination….

“There is a way that seems right to a man,

But its end is the way of death.”

Proverbs 14:12 (NKJV)

If you follow God’s path:

- you might be called a bigot or misogynist

- you might be mocked by the wisdom of man

- you will face persecution….

The upside is:

- you will be in heaven for eternity with God

- and you will not burn in Hell for eternity.

- when picking a path, always consider where the path leads..


Everyone I know is:

- in a battle,

- just getting out of a battle

- or probably getting ready to go into battle

When you get up close and personal:

- you will discover that other people.

- are struggling in life

- and you can relate be life is HARD.

Many people are:


- they can go one way

- or they can go another way

- often, they are just ready to throw in the towel and quit.

Many people would:

- travel down the path of righteousness

- if someone would go with them

- maybe a prayer, hug, or a pat on the back would change their path

Imagine a story:

- of a man in a rowboat

- in the middle of a lake

- sees a child screaming, choking and drowning.

Now imagine the man in the rowboat:

- has a life preserver

- but instead of throwing out the life preserver

- to the one who is one breathe away from drowing

- instead of helping, the man yells

“Hey, you the one drowning in the lake, stop drowning!”

You see:

- often instead of rescuing the perishing

- we are guilty of being hateful to the perishing

- we can do better.

Feb. 17th 10-noon “Changing Footprints”

- it’s going to be work

- sorting shoes

- serving

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”

- James 1:27 (NLT)

Taking God’s path:

- means difficulty, sacrifice and often pain

- it isn’t easy to live like we ought to live

The reality is that for a woman considering an abortion:

- she may have to drop out of school

- she may be in the middle of a divorce or breakup

- she may not have a family to help her

- she may not have a bed or home

- it maybe she is the victim of assault

- it could be she has more children than she can support already…

I imagine:

- whatever the case may be

- she feels alone and desperate

- she wants to do the right thing but knows that price is high….

Having a baby:

- can mean working more hours on a job

- on top of taking care of a baby

- on top of being lonely

- on top of setting aside dreams

- on top of emotion turmoil, depression, and anxiety

- on top of feeling like this could be the end of the world….

I think we need to acknowledge:

- that carrying a baby 9 months

- including pain, sickness, exhaustion

- is a big deal

That is standard procedure:

- for every woman who grows a baby inside her…

- even under the best circumstances.

- it is not easy for anyone

Can we praise women:

- who pay the price

- to bring another life into this world?

- and to support them?

Let me ask a series of pointed questions:

- do you want women to choose life?

- what are you doing to make that easier for them to do?

- are you supporting any “Crisis pregnancy centers?


- if we want women in crisis

- to choose life.

- can we at least help them with some diapers and formula?

- can we help them get a baby bed or a car seat?

I think it’s important:

- to look ourselves in the mirror

- get off our high horse of judgment

- and help these women do the right thing

These women in a crisis pregnancy:

- will choose life for their babies

- in a high percentage of times

- if they get to a Crisis pregnancy center

- get to see ultrasound of their baby

- and hear words of help and hope…

Consider this text from Psalm 82:3-4

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of

the oppressed and the destitute.4 Rescue the poor and helpless;”

The child is in need:

- the mother can give birth

- but she will be better at her job

- if we help her….

If we are really “PRO-LIFE”:

- then we need to be “pro-mother”

- we need to be “pro-baby”

- we need to be willing to help those in need.

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.”

- Matthew 7:13-14 (NLT)

3. The NARROW path of GOD.

“Thus says the LORD: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’”

- Jeremiah 6:16 ESV

In the days of Jermiah in the Old Testament:

- Hardly any people listened to God’s spokesman

- people were in the habit of ignoring God

- they were quick to listen to a false message promising prosperity

- but they rejected the one true God….

Do you believe in gravity?

- you can deny gravity

- you can believe gravity

- if jump out of an airplane, you will splat

You see:

- denying or rejecting truth

- does not change truth

- it makes you a fool

The narrow path of God that leads to eternal blessings:

- is a path not many will choose

- it is also a path people say they choose, but do not walk

- they talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk

In regard to:

- abortion or any other sin

- from lust, to coveting, to homosexuality

- to theft, to gossip to any sin

You will find people:

- who will support that sin

- who will say it’s ok to live in that matter

- you can find professors and Dr.’s who will tell you sweet lies

There motto is:

“do whatever feels good to you”

Those who follow God’s path:

- and live wholeheartedly for Christ

- those who live and give all you’ve got

- to God’s kingdom,

- with great faith and sincerity…

Those people:

- are a rare breed

- they find they are in the minority

- not many people actually walk that path

It is important to understand the times we live in:

- we live in days where good is called evil and evil is called good

- we live in days where God is ignored, and Sin is praised

- we live in days where FOOLS think they are WISE

- we live in days where the path to Hell is full

- we live in days where the path to heaven is sparsely populated.

“When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. 38 In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. 39 People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes.”

- Matthew 24:37-39 (NLT)

When Noah and his wife:

and three sons and their wives

entered the Ark, the rest of humanity “did not know”

that a flood was coming that would “take them all away.”

The Flood was worldwide and inescapable:

o They were totally distracted by the things of this world and

o died in the greatest catastrophe the world had ever known.


Remember that:

- Noah built a giant Ship,

- called an Ark?

- It was made to save the people

- but only 8 souls got on it, the rest Died

Noah preached 120 years:

- a message of repentance

- a message calling people back to God

- but their ears did not listen.

Everyone could have been saved:

- but only 8 got on the saving boat

- the rest partied until it was too late…

- truly the road to Hell was 10 packed 50 lanes wide.

Jesus is coming back:

- soon,

- to reward the righteous

- to punish the wicked

- to right all wrongs and bring justice

The flood is coming:

- and Jesus is our Ark

- He is our saving vessel

- and we need to get on board

No matter your past:

- none is too good, that they do not need saving

- None is too bad, that Jesus cannot save them

CROSS…humiliation, pain, suffering, our behalf, our sin His sacrifice

Today, we have an infinitely greater Ark: The Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus said,

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved” (John 10:9)

Do you know Him as your Savior? Trust Him today.