Summary: Golgotha has never been known as a place of beauty

Who is Jesus?

Our poems our songs everything about him

Is He just a revolutionary hero? Or he is something more?

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village.

• He only lived 33 years

• He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty and then for three years was an itinerant preacher.

• He never had servants yet they called Him master

• He never had a degree yet they called him teacher

• He had no medicines yet they called him master

• He never had ary, yet kings feared him

• He won no military battles, yet he conqured the world

• He never owned a home.

• He never wrote a book.

• He never held an office.

• He never went to college. He never had any formal education

• He never traveled more than 100 miles from the place where He was born.

• He never did one of those things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but himself….

• He committed no crime, yet they crucified him

• He was buried in a tomb, yet he lives today. His name is Jesus


"While still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against him.

• His friends ran away.

• One of them denied Him.

• He was turned over to His enemies.

• He went through the mockery of a trial.

• He was nailed on a cross between two thieves.

• While he was dying his executors gambled for the only piece of property he had on earth - His coat.

• When he was dead, He was taken down and laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

"Twenty long centuries have come and gone and today He is the centerpiece of the human race and the leader of the column of progress.

Some says he was a mad man. Was he?

Some say he was a revolutionary. Was he a revolutionary?

During his ministry he changed men’s lives. but he never led any revolution in Rome.

Some say he was an evil man. He was a devil.

What was he. ?

That’s the question that I want to ask you this evening?

Who is Jesus?

Our greatest philosophers write about him

Our greatest historians write about him.

Our greatest poem and plays about him.

Jesus was completely human.

• He was a representative of man. Because bible says he was identified and numbered with transgressors.

• We know he was hungry, he as thirsty, he was tired.

• We know that he had joyous of friendship.

• He wept at the tomb of a loved ones.

• We know that he had all the characteristics of all man.

And very interestingly Bible says he never committed sin.

• He was a man just like you. But he was more than that.

• He claimed to be the unique only begotten incarnated son of God.

Infact he claimed about his existence. Scripture says, in the beginning there was the word , and word was with God.

Before time began, He existed.

• He said before Abraham I am, and I am into an eternal existence.

• No wonder they got angry.

• No wonder they stones at him ,

• No wonder they tired to kill him,

• No wonder they identically did crucified him.

He stood and said I am God. Was He?

Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of the living God.

Birth was not his beginning, it was is incarnation. He took the form of a human body.

Because he always existed. The bible says, everlasting to everlasting he was God. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

In other words the LOGOS, the word of God, the eternal God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ and lived like a man among us. He was God, in the flesh,

• And the ethics that he talked, never ever a man speak like that man.

• In ten commandments Moses said thou shall not murder. But Jesus said, I tell you, if you have hated in your heart against your brother without because you are already guilty.

• He lifted man’s ethics to the highest place and demanded that we live that kind of life.

• He himself lived that kind of life.

You know they bought only 3 charges against him to crucify.

1. Number one:- They said this man love sinners

2. Number two:- They said, He healed on sabbath Day.

3. Number three: - They said He claimed to be the son of God.

Look at Jesus, did ever a man die like Jesus.

• The lightening splashed, thunder roar and earth began to shake .

• and even the soldiers confessed that this must be the son of God.

• They first took of his clothes, then they took the long leather thrones with steel pellets on the end and beat him black and blue until he gets tired.

• Then they put a crown of thrones on his head.

• They laughed at him and spit on him. And they mocked him.

• With one snap of his fingers 72housands of angels are ready to come to his rescue. But He kept silent

• Then they put him on cross and nailed him.

• You know what he said, forgive them they do not know aht they do. Forgive them. That’s how he confronted the violence of his day. And then on the cross he said my God why thou has forsaken me? Then he dropped his head and said it is finished.

What dd he means?

• He meant your plan of salvation is finished.

• God can forgive you of all your sins, because Jesus has finished Gods plan for your salvation.

• God looks upon you as you are the only person in the universe.

Why Jews Missed Jesus..?

They were looking for a Lion,

• He came as a Lamb, and they missed Him.

They were looking for a Warrior,

• He came as a Peacemaker, and they missed Him.

They were looking for a King,

• He came as a Servant, and they missed Him.

• They were looking for Liberation from Rome,

• He submitted to the Roman cross, and they missed Him.

They were looking for a fit to their mold,

• He was the mold maker, and they missed Him.

Lets not miss Jesus..


MATHEW 27:51-57

I am directing your attention to Mathew 27:51-57

Golgotha has never been known as a place of beauty. Three times in theBible you find the word Golgotha, Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22 and John 19:17. Only once in the Bible do you find the word Calvary in Luke 23:33.

This place Golgotha was not a pleasant place

When we read the 4 gospels , you find the account of these incidents. 4 people writing about one person Jesus.

When you read the gospel of Luke chapter 23, that does not say that Jesus lead to Golgotha, it says he was lead to Calvary

Many times you hear about the word Calvary, many churches carry those names Calvary, such as Calvary, church, Calvary mission, Calvary Methodist , Calvary Methodist, Calvary Baptist church. Its very popular name.

but very seldom, where you ever hear the name Golgotha Baptist church or Ag church., Methodist church, Pentecostal church. In reality the both words means the same thing. The place of a skull.

The difference is, Calvary is translated from Latin, and Golgotha is translated from Arabic and Hebrew. But Calvary and Golgotha, both are synoptic, they mean the same identical thing, The place of a skull.

In the planet universe, God had so much place for his son to die. Why would God chosen a place of skull.

If you study the place of skull or Golgotha, or Calvary, it was 10 miles out side city walls of Jerusalem. That place is a prophetical place. Writer tells in Hebrews that, Jesus has to die outside the city of Jerusalem.

• Though he suffered in the city,

• though he was condemned in the city,

• though he was mocked in the city,

• though he was rejected in the city

plan of God would have been never been full filled if Jesus would have died in the walls of city called the place of Jerusalem.

Golgotha located in the southern summit of the mount of Olives. It is the tallest mountain which is faced to Jerusalem. To this day it is the highest point.

When Jesus suffered five mock trials that day, it was then cross that laid on his back and he was sentenced to go outside the city., headed for a place called skull.

Golgotha was place where they used to conduct capital punishment. When Jesus was lead out of the city two male factors also went with him. thieves and robbers

When they got to the top of the hill, they did not have the badges of son of god, when the cross was laid on the bloody Golgotha’s hill side, Jesus willingly laid upon the cross, it was Jesus said his disciples, I willingly lay my life down, I got the power to lay my life down I also got the power to bring it back the life again. I am the resurrection.

The angels were silent on Calvary

God the father was silent in Calvary

The heavens were silent in Calvary

Disciples were chased out from Calvary

I. Plants and flowers did not grow on Golgotha, but the Rose of Sharon showed His beauty there.

A. (Song 2:1) I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.

II. Golgotha always meant sure death, but to a believer it is the beginning of life

III. Golgotha became a great battleground

A. The battle between good and evil, the battle for the souls of men

B. Justice and grace met that day on Golgotha

A. Golgotha it was a place of Death,

B. Golgotha it was the Place of Dump

• Jesus was consider as trash he was not considered as a good man, they thought he walked among the garbage people,

• Destitute, blinds, lepers, prostitutes, according to Jews, Jesus used to be around the trash

• Everybody though it’s a complete trash but I tell you, trash transformed to treasure.

C. Golgotha is a place of Deliverance

I would like to talk about 5 supernatural things happened during crucifixion. All of them are self explanatory.

There is no explanation for those incidents

I. FIRST SUPERNATURAL THINGS HAPPENED DURING CRICIFIXION- The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom

Why is it so important?

This curtain means a lot to Jewish people.

It has a long history. Goes all the ay to moses. A big tradition. This is very important to jewish heart.

It is a part of their religion. It is this curtain that separated people from entering into the presence of God.

Even anybody wants to know what’s happening behind the curtain, no one was permitted to go there

Because this curtain was very religious secret things in the lives of Jews

• Once a year the high priest lifted a corner of this heavy curtain in entered into the Holy of Holies, carrying sacrificial blood which he sprinkled on the mercy seat, and made supplication for the people of Israel. The thick veil separated depraved humanity from the holiness of God. It hung there solemnly declaring to the world, "Thus far, but no further."

• The Talmud informs us that the heavy veil was 60 feet long and 30 feet and was composed of 72 squares woven of thick fabric. Therefore, no man's hand tore it down; it did not fall apart from natural decay; It was as if the great hand of the LORD God ripped it apart. It was torn in two equal pieces, down the middle, "from the top to the bottom."

• When did the tearing of the veil take place? It was torn in two pieces at the precise moment Jesus died on the cross. At the precise moment that Jesus died the veil was torn from top to bottom.

• This was the time of the evening sacrifice in the Temple. At the very moment Jesus died on the cross as the Lamb of God, the priests were in the Holy Place, in front of the veil, engaged in their priestly duties. God meant for the priests to see His hand upon the events.

• Jesus Christ is the only way into presence of a holy God

• Access to the presence of the LORD God was now available to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

• The presence of the LORD God was thrown open to all mankind.

• Our sin problem had been resolved by the payment of the price of our redemption.

• Sin had been dealt with by our real High Priest who had entered into the true Holy of Holies and made the perfect sacrifice for sin.

• Jesus removed every possible obstruction and we now have an intimate fellowship with a holy God.

Everything about the system screamed, “Stay away,” “Don’t come near,” “You are not qualified to come on your own.”

The moment Jesus died, that separation has been taken off

• We got the access to enter the holy of holies

• We got the access to enter the presence of God

• To see what god is doing for his people.

• To see gods holy presence over there.

The best thing over here is:- Jesus dd not tell let happen like that, Jesus even didn’t say a single word that, let the curtain be torn.

Because it was the original plan of God,

• Religion has come to an end, that was the plan of God

When curtain was torn into two pieces, I believe, when the priest came to celebrate the sabbath that after noon, they saw this curtain was torn into pieces.

They were astonished,

You need to understand something here:- that temple was always opened was never closed. There were temple police to guard the temple, priests were serving there in different divisions always there with alternative roles.

Always people used to be there in the temple.

And infornt of those people, they saw theses curtain been torn.

How did it happen?

Bible clearly says that, there was no human hand behind this action. From top to bottom it got toned, not from bottom to top, it it happened from bottom to top, people will say that, it has done by humans

God did it from top to bottom.

• He torn the Religion on that day

• He torn the act of sacrifice on that day

• He torn the tradition on that day

• He torn the separation on that day

• He torn the groupism on that day

• He torn the classification on that day

On that day he appointed a new group of priests

Until that day there was Levite who are separated for priestly works to serve God

Priests were only selected and taken from tribe of Levi, And they were sanctified by the blood of the lamps.

But here comes another priesthood,

all who walks in the power of the blood of Jesus, who was anointed by the blood of Jesus Christ, who are separated by the blood of Jesus Need to understand this:-

• we are no more under Levite priesthood,

• we are Royal priesthood.

• we are sanctified with better blood

• we are anointed by a better blood

• we are delivered by a better blood

Religion come to an end when Jesus died on the cross. And thats why that curtain was torned.

This was the first supernatural miracle happened when Jesus died.

Religious system ends and a new priesthood was established

# A Barrier Removed

Everything about the Jewish temple reminded people to stay away

Everything about the whole system screamed, “Stay away,” “Do not come near,” “You are not qualified to come on your own.”

# A Road opend

The road to heaven is open to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Hebrews 10:19-20 says that “we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body.”

I have wondered what it would be like to gain an audience with the Queen of England.

To enter the fabled halls of Buckingham Palace.

To be escorted by the Royal Guards with their spangled uniforms.

To sit in the inner chamber and be greeted by the Queen.

To have her say, “What can I do for you?”

To know she has the power to grant my request.

Meeting the Queen would indeed be a privilege. But it is not likely to happen. The Queen is a Very Important Person, and I am not even a British subject

But in the eyes of God I have standing through the blood of Jesus to enter the throne room of heaven. That’s what Hebrews 10 means when it says that Jesus opened a way for us through the curtain. By his death on the cross, he tore down the wall that stood between God and us.

Now we can go directly to God anytime, as long as we go in the name of Jesus, claiming nothing but the blood of Jesus as the only ground of admission.

#A Hope Confirmed

Not only is there a barrier removed and a road opened, the tearing of the curtain means that our hope of eternal life has been confirmed by God himself.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:19, 20).

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

A new sacrifice was introduced to the universe. What is that new sacrifice.?

Rom 12;1- I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, We are the sacrifice of God.


Earthquakes are not good news.

The universe system got shaken.

Jesus death shook the world

• It shook the earth

• Even now his death is shaking families

• Even now his death is shaking individual

• Even now his death is shaking world

• Even now his death is shaking communities

• Even now his death is shaking cast

Dear brothers and sister, Jesus never said, let the earth be shaken. It happened in the moment he laid his life on the cross

The cross has the power to shake the mankind

• The cross has the power to shake the every unshakable things

• The cross has the power to shake emperors

• The cross has the power to shake kingdoms

• The cross has the power to shake government systems

• There is nothing that cross can shake in this world

• Nations has been shaking by this cross

Even today, where there is gopel is preached, God is shaking the people and nation

• Shakes the individuals

• Shakes the communities

• Shakes nations

Bible declares that, Gospel has the power to shakes the individuals

Death of jesus shakes the world, even the foundation of the world

The earthquake at Sinai reminded men they could not approach God on their own.

The earth shook beneath the cross, as if to say, “At last the curse is being lifted!” (Romans 8:22-23).

What the law could not do, Christ did for us when he died in our place, paying a debt he did not owe

At Mount Sinai the law condemned but could not save.

At Mount Calvary Christ died that condemned men might be saved


It is not easy split a rock

And you know when the death happened, when the death of son of man happened, there is power released with that death.

The bible says the gospel has th power to do that.

What is gospel all about. Gospel is about the death of jesus. There is a power in that death

• There is a power in that blood

• There is a power

Here you see the symbolic of that power

The rocks are split

Every hard, hearted, stoney hearts are going to be split by the power of God

This morning prophetically I declare to the church:-

• The Rocks that stands against your life is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rocks that stands against you ministry is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rock that stands against your progress is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rocks that stand against your children is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rocks that stand against your business is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rocks that stand against your studies is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rocks that stand against your bad chracor is going to split by the power of His blood.

• The rocks that stand against your life is going to split by the power of His blood.

Its going to be .. it is going to be

Jesus didn’t say, let the Rock be split. He didn’t say anything. It happened.

Wherever this gospel goes this miracle will happen. There will be miracles


What is the tomb represents?

• Some of the buried dreams of your life, is going to have a resurrection

• You thought that my dreams are not happened, you buried them. But the bible says: But those tombs are going to get opend. Thos tombs are going to open today.

Wherever gospel of jesus enters, there tombs are going to open

You remember when Jesus went to Bethany, he asked his sisters, where did you laid him? In other words where is the tomb? Where is his tomb, I have come to open it

Remove the stones, he has come to open this morning

Tombs are going to be broken

Many shells contain life inside it. Life is covered by the shells, because of the shell life cannot come out.

This morning God is god to break those shells and open the life in it, the spirit of God is confirming with its word, the tombs are going to be open. A supernatural miracle,


Make sure, whose tombs are going to be open. Bible very clearly says:-tombs of the saints. If you are living in holiness, don’t expect miracle to happen. Don’t expect that my tomb will be opened. Bible very clearly says, the saints tomb will be was not only opnend it was raised.

How do you know that they were raised. Bibile says:- they appeared to the people in the temple. V53 says they came out of the tomb and after jesus resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

There is resurrection for you.if you have lived a hly life, if you are living according to the word of god, dear brother and sisters, death cannot hold you for long time. There is a resurrection, there is a supper natural resurrection for you.


This day s the supernatural day of Gods day

Some will say that I have seen with my own eyes

I expereiced the shaking of the earth

I have seen those big rocks being splited

I saw the tombs being opened.

I saw the resurrected saints in the holy city

this is the day of supernatural

Expect a supernatural thing in your life, don’t expect anything less than that.

Expect a supernatural things, tell God that in the rest of my life I am expecting a day of supernatural things, which God alone can do.

I am expecting those things

“If you confess with you mouth Jesus and Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Rom. 10:9

It’s that simple. Yet so profound. The most powerful story ever told