Summary: We all know the greatest love story is found in John 3:16. There are also many others in the Bible. A few are less talked about than others. There is one that is not considered very much, and for sure, it is hardly ever imitated or emulated.


No butterflies in the stomach or cupids' arrows flying here.

God is still looking for someone to espouse the vow of rescuing the perishing; even those who claim that they do not want to be saved.

Text to read: Hosea 2:16,17; 3:1-5

We get thrilled over love stories like Romeo and Juliet, or even our personal adventures of conquering our sweetheart, but the Word of God tells us of a prophet who he called to not only preach about or to, a woman of low life morals, but God called Hosea to actually be an illustrated sermon. It wasn't going to end in 30 or even 45 minutes; but Hosea was going to spend some years in this challenge that God commanded him to do.

Yes, I believe that this happened to show us a type of wayward, backslidden people and nations (specifically Israel). I also believe that this was an actual historical event to teach us the importance of endurance and persistence in seeking the lost. As well, it allows us to understand the personal sacrifice and laying aside of personal ambitions to save those whom God loves while the world and even the church (at times) has deemed as worthless and undeserving.

Hymn: Lord Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart and Love that Soul Through Me

In Hosea 2:16, God explains a little about the end result of the matter, if Hosea follows through to the end with his assignment. (also, Israel)

Two terms: Ishi and Baali

Ishi = beloved husband

Baali = master, as in reference to idol worship

Historic reference: the norther kingdom of Israel was in a time of peace and financial upswing, yet they were in deep moral decline. 4 lesser-known kings had served only a few months each, and the fibers of society were falling apart.

In the midst of all the turmoil, a man of God arises. Hosea is a young man with a heart to serve the Lord and do his bidding.

God begins to show him his burden for Israel. Despite His never-ending love and faithfulness, God is dealing with a people who are set on their backslidings and adulterous ways.

So, God decides to have Hosea understand His burden.

The name Hosea is a derivative of the name Joshua, Yeshua, and Jesus' name is aligned with that name.

Now, this love story is not one filled with romantic details, but it is a true love story. It is a show of commitment, faithfulness to the call, and patience.

Marriage is one man and one woman for life----without exceptions.

Could God still be calling those who "love without limits" to be able to save the despicable and destitute? I believe that He still does.

Hosea finds a beautiful young lady named Gomer. She had her worldly ways and all, but God told Hosea to marry her and show her unconditional love.

They marry and things seem to okay at the beginning.

I. Keeping Vow when Passion Cools

Gomer becomes restless and has desires for her former way of life. She was known to be a flirty woman with low morals.

Hosea and Gomer have their first child. They name him Jezreel. That is the same name of a battle sight in the Old Testament. This is probably an indication of the present state of marriage.

How often is the church like Gomer? The passion cools off and it is evident in our relationship with the Lord. Other interests of life begin to take higher priority.

II. God Pleads for a Faithful Wife (church)

In marriage, there is no room for other lovers. God is a jealous God.

Despite the pleadings of God and Hosea, Gomer wonders out and commits unfaithful acts.

Hosea continues faithful, regardless of the actions of his wife. Oh, that we could get ahold of that concept.

Neither should our love and commitment wane when everything goes the opposite of what we have worked and prayed for.

*Even more so, God is looking for faithful children, who will not let up in pursuing the unfaithful. THIS IS OUR CALLING.

III. God recognizes Feigned (pretended) Love (more commonly called Lip Service)

Hosea 1:6 tells of a second child born to Gomer. Her name was Lo-ruhama, which means "not beloved" (no mercy).

Then in 1:8,9 another child is born. His name was Lo-ammi; which means --"not related to me".

The marriage relation has become chaotic, to say the least.

At this point, Gomer becomes absent more frequently from the home.

We can only surmise about the times that Hosea went out looking for his wayward wife and bringing her back home to nurse her.

I'm sure that Hosea had a lot of extra work around the home and caring for his children.

Be advised that your continued committal will probably cause you extra hardships. STAY WITH IT.

IV. Both Parties Suffer

Gomer suffered at the hands of evil men, even to the point of becoming an abused slave.

Hosea agonized over the fact that she ran off to the dangers of corrupt men, even though he offered her protection and love.

The feelings and hurts do not change the commitment that came with the vows that were made and especially the calling of God.

Hosea was allowed to feel a little of what God feels every time His people go out and relish in the activities of this world that move them farther away.

Some would wonder why Gomer didn't come running back home once she realized that she was getting into deep trouble.

Possibly, she was already a slave and could not escape. Or, it could be, that she had stooped so low, and felt that she would never be forgiven.

V. The Auction Block

The came a day that Hosea decided to go on a search hunt for his beloved Gomer. He showed up at a slave auction looking for her. There he saw her, barely recognizable, led to the auction block to be sold. Her beauty was long gone, and the scars were evident, as she stood there waiting for the bidding to take place.

Leviticus 27:4

And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels.

The Bible tells us that he purchased her for 15 pieces of silver, plus a homer and a half of barley. The law stated that the price would be at least 30 pieces of silver.

What was lacking in money, Hosea emptied the cupboards of the family kitchen to make up the difference. The family was left without groceries, but Gomer was coming back home.

Hosea was legally her husband, and now he had purchased her.

God created us, then He also purchased us by His blood.

VI. God Gives Restoration

By way of a deeper study of chapter 3, it is evident that the vows were renewed.

God can take what looks impossible and turn it around.

*It appears, at times, that God is not saving souls like in days gone by. Could it be that He is not finding the Hoseas, who are more interested in reaching that one lost soul, than they are about their personal reputation.

Yes, God is interested in Israel. He is also interested in that soul whom He has put on your heart. He is waiting on you!

He is looking for more people like Hosea, who can love souls without limitations.