Summary: The illustration is a fictional story about "knowing the day of our death". Jesus knew why He was going to Jerusalem. The disciples believe the "kingdom" of the Son of Man, Daniel 7 is about to be fulfilled. Jesus turns Daniel upside down. Service!

In Jesus Holy Name March 21, 2024

Text: Mark 10:43b-45 Redeemer

“Kingdom Power: Politics or Service”

Years ago I heard or read a fictional story about a man who wanted to make a lot of money in the stock market. But there were just too many variables. There were charts to understand, RSI, Daily Volume, PE Ratio, and of course earnings needed to be evaluated.

According to the fictional story, the man wished aloud, "What wouldn't I give to see the paper one year from now?" No sooner had he voiced his heart's desire than there was a puff of smoke and a genie handed him a newspaper.

When he had recovered from the shock, the man saw his wish had been granted. In truth, the paper he clutched in his greedy hands was dated a year in the future. His shaky hands found the financial page and his excited eyes scanned the market. Some stocks were down while others had made great advances.

He quickly compiled the list of big winners. Then he called a cab to take him to his stockbroker. As the blocks passed by, the man finally took time to review the rest of the paper. It was then, and only then, that he found his own picture in the paper, staring back at him from the obituaries.

(Rev. Ken Kalus sermon notes 2010)

Many of us make preparation for that future moment, but do we really want to know the day and time and way we are going to die? Probably not. Yet, we make preparation by purchasing with Life insurance or nursing home insurance. A will or trust is made. But I doubt that any of us really want to know the year, the day or the time of our death.

Jesus did. He knew. Jesus and his disciples are on His final journey to Jerusalem. The disciples think He is going to establish a political kingdom, and they are worried. It seems that Peter is the only one who carried one sword to confront the Roman legions. They were worried. They knew that all previous attempted revolts against Rome meant a major defeat for the Jews.

Jesus and His disciples are traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. On the way Jesus tells them that this will be His final trip to Jerusalem. He tells them that He will be betrayed by the chief priests and teachers of the law. They will condemn Him to death and hand Him over to the Gentiles, who will spit on Him, flog Him, mock Him, and kill Him. Three days later He will rise.

James and John, like all the Jews, knew the prophecy in Daniel chapter 7. Daniel’s prophecy stated that the Son of Man, when He came would be given power, so all nations would serve Him. The nation of Israel was waiting for a political Messiah to deliver them from their enemies. In this moment on the road to Jerusalem, “Jesus claimed the title” “Son of Man”. The prophecy in Daniel was clear. The Son of man will be “given all authority, glory and sovereign power. All people, nations and men in every language will worship”…. The King. “His kingdom will last forever.” (Daniel 7:14)

The disciples were thinking political power. That’s why John and James ask: ‘let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory’. James and John want to sit on thrones in power and glory. They, along with Judas, believed that Jesus was going to be a political king and kick out the Romans. That’s what most of the Jews in the 1st century hoped would happen. They wanted a political Messiah. (John 6)

Jewish theology of the 1st century, divided world history into 7- 1000 year periods of time. When the final 7th 1000 years was complete, the Messiah would arrive and establish the 8th and final kingdom in which the Messiah would take power and reign. Then the Jews would celebrate at the Heavenly banquet without end.

These two disciples are angling for better seats in the Kingdom. And who can blame them? Everyone wants to be somebody. So many people want to be near the center of power. Our own American elections are coming, some in Washington and elsewhere are angling for positions of power.

The obsession of Jesus was for the glory of God. The obsession of James and John was their own glory and power. They fancied themselves on golden thrones. They were dreaming of goblets filled with wine, not cups of suffering. The fishing business would soon be past history for them.

Jesus turns the prophecy of Daniel upside down. He changed the role. He had not come to be served but to serve.” If you will follow me, Jesus said: then who ever wants to become great must be a servant.”

(John Stott “The Cross of Christ” p. 287)

Kent Hunter in his book: “Who Broke My Church” has a chapter entitled “The Culture of the King”. He states that the mission of Jesus since the “Fall of Adam and Eve”, was to take the judgment (of God) and penalty for the sins of everyone in the world. Jesus is the replacement for the Old Testament sacrificial Lamb whose blood on the doorposts in Egypt spared the lives of every first-born child and animal. John the Baptist, with feet in the waters of the Jordan River was correct. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”

Napoleon Bonaparte captured an important truth when he declared: “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded empires; but upon what do these kingdoms depend? Upon force. (Political power.) Jesus alone founded his empire (kingdom) upon love;……..” Those who follow Him must be servants to their family, their community, their world.

“For God so loved the world…..” It was love for His creation that brought Jesus into His world to serve others. True authority, true leadership, arises out of servanthood. This is the culture of those who follow King Jesus. The whole Christian message is simple. Jesus said: “I came not to be served but to serve and give my life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus knew what awaited Him in Jerusalem. His disciples did not. They were still captive to the “kingdom of power”, not a “kingdom culture of service”. Jesus was aware of His final fate. He knew what would happen once they arrived in Jerusalem. He knows the depth of hatred the religious leaders had for Him and His claim, that He and God were one and the same. (John 10:30)

Jesus wanted his disciples to realize that He was not a Pawn being moved across the game board of ancient politics. On the contrary. His complete knowledge of events in Jerusalem showed that He was not only a Player in the process…. He was in control. Jesus said: “I lay down my life so I can take it up again….I will rise on the third day.” (John 10:17-18)

The disciples could not understand “Kingdom culture” even when Jesus was washing their feet at the last supper, in the upper room. Only after the resurrection did they understand “kingdom culture. “Kingdom culture” is imitating Jesus by serving in your circle of un churched friends and office acquaintances. It is trusting that Jesus is always at work in the world. He is always preparing hearts to experience a change of heart when love is combined with humble service.

Jesus may have preached to thousands… But He began with twelve normal, uneducated men. Each was invited, “Come follow me.” After His resurrection He gave them His Holy Spirit which enabled them to tell His story. When we tell His story we are to let the Holy Spirit convince the hearts and ears of those who hear about Jesus. The Holy Spirit convicts the heart of the listener, not our words.

On Easter Sunday afternoon, we are hoping many of you will be able to spend just one hour with Tao Lee at our church booth in Woodward Park. Hundreds of Hmong families gather there for BBQ and fun every Easter. We are praying specifically that Jesus will send to our booth those in whose heart He is already at work. We will share our faith and hand out a simple pamphlet that explains Christianity.

When Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome, they were surrounded by a pagan culture. Today, we are surrounded as never before by a secular, selfish culture. Our present culture wants to cancel everything and everyone. Paul wrote: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of how world works, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think and act…: (Romans 12)

When our children were young, I’m sure we told them more than 2000 times to say “Thank you”, or write a “thank you note”. As a matter of fact we tell our Grandchildren the same thing. “Here is a stamp”. We wonder if the culture of giving thanks will ever catch on. You might think we were teaching them to be polite. We were teaching Kingdom culture, the culture of being thankful, a culture of gratitude.

As Lutherans we know Ephesians 2:8-9 like the back of our hand. It is memorized. We have been saved by grace. We are not like Nicodemus who was depending on his ability to keep the commandments to earn God’s favor and to be sure of his eternal destiny. Here at Redeemer we understand Ephesians 2:10 …For this same God who generously has given us forgiveness, is the same God who has prepared good deeds in advance for us to do.”

Now the question: How will I know what “good deed” God has prepared in advance for me to do? We must listen for the voice of Jesus speaking to our heart and mind, so we can “serve” where He wants us to serve.

When Paul heard the voice of the Lord on the road to Damascus, the others around him head a sound, but no voice.” I like this story because it tells us that when we hear the voice of Jesus, He does not always tell us the rest of the story immediately. Paul was told to go to a specific house in Damascus and wait. He did not know why. Three days went by. Ananias came. He was baptized.

One of my favorite stories is in Acts 8:26-40 Read

Did the angel tell Philip why he should walk down the road? No. How far did Philip walk? I don’t know. Was he supposed to look for something? What would be the clue? After passing hundreds of pilgrims on the road either to Jerusalem or away from Jerusalem, the voice of Jesus, The Holy Spirit said: “Go stand by the that specific chariot.” He was not told why.

But upon arrival at the chariot, he heard the man reading a portion of Isaiah. Philip then asked a normal question. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip began with that passage of scripture and told him the story of Jesus. The man was baptized, and then Philip was taken away by the Spirit.

God is always at work…He wants us to serve others. He wants us to tell His story…. listen for His voice in your head, and if you feel that nudge in your heart, God is telling you who you can serve.

Closing Prayer