Summary: Maundy Thursday - our hearts are drawn to the table of communion, a symbol of Christ's ultimate sacrifice and love for us.

2024-03-28 Maundy Thursday Communion:

Finding Peace in Betrayal - A Maundy Thursday Reflection


As we gather on this sacred Maundy Thursday evening, our hearts are drawn to the table of communion, a symbol of Christ's ultimate sacrifice and love for us.

In Psalm 55, we find solace and guidance amidst the turmoil of betrayal, reflecting on the depth of Christ's sacrifice as we partake in communion.

Psalm 55:1-2 (NLT): "Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles."

In the opening verses of Psalm 55, we see David pouring out his heart to God in prayer. He does not hold back his emotions but lays them bare before the Lord.

David's example reminds us that it is okay to bring our struggles and burdens to God in prayer. He invites us to cry out to God, knowing that He hears our cries and cares deeply for us.

In Psalm 55, David pours out his heart to God, lamenting the betrayal he faces from a close friend. Despite the pain and turmoil, David finds refuge in the Lord, trusting in His faithfulness and care.

This psalm echoes the sentiments of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He faced the betrayal of Judas and the impending agony of the cross.

Just as David found solace in God amidst betrayal, Jesus surrendered His burdens to the Father, ultimately offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.

Point 1: Trusting in God's Faithfulness

Psalm 55:22 (NLT): "Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."

Psalm 55:22 reminds us to cast our burdens upon the Lord, trusting in His faithfulness to sustain us. In times of betrayal and turmoil, we can find refuge in God's unfailing love and care.

As we partake in communion, we are reminded of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, where He bore our burdens and offered us redemption. This trust in God's faithfulness empowers us to find peace and strength amidst life's trials.

Psalm 37:5: "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

In this verse, King David urges us to place our trust in the Lord completely.

When we commit our ways to Him, we acknowledge His sovereignty over our lives.

We surrender our plans, worries, and desires to His perfect will, knowing that He is faithful to guide and sustain us through every circumstance.

Isaiah 26:3: "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"

Isaiah reassures us that when we trust in God and focus our minds on Him, He grants us a peace that surpasses understanding.

This peace isn't dependent on our circumstances but stems from our unwavering confidence in the Almighty.

As we fix our gaze upon Him, our hearts are steadied, and our souls find rest in His presence.

Point 2: Surrendering Our Struggles

Just as Jesus surrendered His will to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, we are called to surrender our struggles and burdens to God.

Communion serves as a tangible reminder of Christ's sacrificial love and His invitation for us to lay down our burdens at the foot of the cross.

As we partake in the bread and wine, we symbolically surrender our worries, fears, and anxieties to God, trusting in His sovereignty and provision.

Matthew 11:28-30: "Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.'"

Here, Jesus extends an invitation to all who are burdened and weary, promising them rest for their souls.

He invites us to exchange our heavy loads for His light yoke, symbolising the freedom and peace found in surrendering to His will.

By submitting to Him, we find rest not only for our bodies but for our spirits as well.

1 Peter 5:7: "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

Peter echoes the sentiment of trust and surrender found throughout Scripture. He encourages us to cast all our anxieties upon the Lord, for He cares deeply for us.

This verse reminds us of God's intimate concern for every aspect of our lives and invites us to entrust our concerns to His loving care.

Point 3: Finding Peace in Communion

Communion is not only a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice but also a source of spiritual nourishment and peace for our souls.

As we partake in the elements, we are invited into a deeper communion with God, tangibly experiencing His presence and grace.

During life's storms and betrayals, communion offers us a glimpse of God's unending love and the promise of eternal life through Christ.

John 6:35: "Jesus replied, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.'"

Jesus identifies Himself as the ultimate source of sustenance and satisfaction. Just as bread nourishes our physical bodies, He nourishes our souls, providing fulfilment and satisfaction that can only be found in Him.

This verse underscores the importance of seeking spiritual nourishment through a relationship with Christ.

John 14:27: "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid."

In His final discourse with His disciples, Jesus promises them His peace—a peace that transcends worldly circumstances.

This peace originates from Him alone and offers serenity amidst life's storms.

By trusting in Him, we can experience a profound sense of peace that remains unshakeable even in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Psalm 55 and the significance of communion on this Maundy Thursday, let us surrender our burdens to the Lord, trusting in His faithfulness and finding peace in His presence.

May I encourage you on the importance of trusting in God's provision, finding peace in His presence, and surrendering your burdens to Him.

As we anchor our faith in Him and fix our gaze upon His promises, we discover true rest and contentment for our souls.

Let us, therefore, cast all our cares upon the Lord, knowing that He sustains us with His unfailing love and grace.

May we embrace the sacrificial love of Christ and extend that love to others, even in the face of betrayal and hardship.


As we gather tonight for our Maundy Thursday Communion Service, we come to remember and reflect on the profound significance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

It's a time to pause and contemplate the transformative power of communion, where we partake of the bread and the cup, symbols of Christ's body and blood, given for us.

Remembering Christ's Sacrifice

Luke 22:19-20 (NLT) - "He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, 'This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.' After supper he took another cup of wine and said, 'This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you.'"

In these verses, Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper, instructing His disciples to partake in remembrance of Him.

He takes bread, blesses it, and gives it to His disciples, symbolizing His body given for them.

Then He takes the cup, representing the new covenant sealed with His blood.

Through this act, Jesus initiates a ritual of remembrance, urging His followers to partake in communion regularly to remember His sacrificial death and the establishment of a new covenant between God and humanity.

Communion serves as a tangible reminder of Christ's sacrificial love and the new covenant established through His blood.

Charles H. Spurgeon reminds us, "The ordinance of the Lord's Supper was never intended to be a dead thing which we go through as a matter of form; but it is intended to be a living thing."

Experiencing Spiritual Renewal

1 Corinthians 11:26 (NLT) - "For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes."

Paul reiterates the significance of communion in this verse, emphasising its role as a proclamation of Christ's death.

Each time believers partake in communion, we declare the Lord's sacrificial death until His return.

It serves as a solemn reminder of Christ's atoning work on the cross and anticipates His second coming.

Communion is more than a mere ritual; it's a spiritual act of proclamation. As we partake, we declare Christ's death and resurrection, experiencing spiritual renewal and refreshment in our souls.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, "Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. At the end all his disciples deserted him. On the cross he was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes."

Embracing Unity and Fellowship

1 Corinthians 10:16-17 (NLT) - "When we bless the cup at the Lord’s Table, aren’t we sharing in the blood of Christ? And when we break the bread, aren’t we sharing in the body of Christ? And though we are many, we all eat from one loaf of bread, showing that we are one body."

Paul highlights the communal nature of communion in these verses. As we partake in the bread and cup, we participate in the body and blood of Christ, symbolising our union with Him.

As we take communion together, we affirm our common faith in Christ and our bond as members of His body, the Church.

Let us remember the profound significance of the bread and cup.


We will eat the bread as we receive it with reverence and gratitude, remembering Christ's sacrificial death.

We will retain the cup to drink together as we thank Jesus for the new covenant established through His blood.

May this act of communion unite us as one body, proclaiming the Lord's death until He returns.

Call to Action:

As we leave this communion service tonight, let us carry with us the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.

May we carry the spirit of unity and remembrance into our daily lives, living as faithful witnesses of Christ's redeeming love.

Let us seek opportunities to extend grace and forgiveness to those who have wronged us, reflecting the love of Christ in our words and actions.

May the transformative power of communion continue to work in our hearts and lives, drawing us closer to God and shaping us into vessels of His love and grace.

As we conclude our Maundy Thursday Communion Service, let us remember the transformative power of communion.

Let us carry the memory of Christ's sacrifice in our hearts, experiencing spiritual renewal and unity with fellow believers.

May this communion service inspire us to live lives worthy of the Gospel, proclaiming Christ's love and grace to a world in need.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.