Summary: What can we do in order for God's blessings to spring anew in our lives?


This is the first week of Spring

- Spring is a time synonymous with new life…with renewal…and with new life

- Seeds which had laid dormant in the ground during the difficult months of winter, begin to germinate in new beautiful flowers and plants…

- Animals give birth during Spring, so it’s a time of new life…

- Birds that had flown away to warmer regions during winter arrive at Spring and their songs fill the air…

- The weather begins to warm up…

- The air seems crisper and clearer…

- Our Heavenly Father above created these seasonal changes so that life on Earth would go on and would be abundant…

- Spring is a busy time for the farmer; Rain falls and nourishes the earth as he sows his crops….

- Spring brings about a refreshing of the earth….

- I can go on talking about the physical and natural aspects of Spring, but our purpose this morning is to focus on the spiritual and the eternal

- As our text indicates today, today is a time for renewal

- And as we stand here on the first Sunday of Spring, God is speaking to us about new beginning because we are entering a new season

- A new season with God is when He prepares to launch us to a new level

Summary: What can we do in order to allow God’s new things to "burst forth" in our life?

Exegesis: The faith and hope of God’s people was at such a low point during their Babylonian captivity that they constantly needed assurance that things would eventually turn around for them. Throughout the book of Isaiah these assurances are often repeated over and over again using different word pictures to describe God’s love for them. Going back to the beginning of the chapter, the Lord spoke to His people by saying, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire you will not be burned...for I am the Lord, YOUR God” (verses 1,2). In many ways he assures them that He will find a way to break the power of the oppressors over them. They had a hard time believing it.

In today’s section of scripture he uses different word pictures to reassure them that changes are about to take place.

Today, let’s see what we can get out of this scripture that will help us move forward in our walk with the Lord.

1. Looking to the Past:

Isaiah reminds the people of the great things God did for their forefathers when He brought them out of Egypt. He is saying, “He will make it His business to do it again for you.” He is the Holy One of Israel and He is able to do it. Although this generation was in a different situation, the Lord could make a way in the wilderness as well as a way through the Red Sea. The same power of God that can make a way through the sea can make a way in our wilderness as well. Sometimes we are able to believe that God can do SOME things but that He CAN’T or WON’T do other things in our lives. We think, “I don’t see how he can possibly do this because it is a problem of long standing. I can’t SEE HOW it can work out. It is important for us to look to the past to see that God was able in similar circumstances to handle the big problems as well as the small ones. To realize that He can handle the impossible situations as well as the easy ones. His Word is true and he knows how to handle our troubles. Take a look at some of the previous problems you faced in your life. You thought you would never get out of your “Egypt,” or your “Babylon”--but God made a way. He has all authority to make good on His promises. You can see that He kept His promises to you.

STORY: Our Thinking vs. God’s Promises

A few decades ago two shoe salesmen were sent to Nigeria to survey the country for the possibility of building a shoe factory. The first man came back and said, “Few people here wear shoes so there is little need to build a new shoe factory in Nigeria.” The second came back and said, “This is the greatest opportunity we have ever had. Everybody I saw needs a good pair of shoes.” Isn’t it interesting? They both had the same facts available to them, but they had entirely different conclusions.

In a similar way, we are faced daily with various facts—a difficult circumstance, a temptation, a problem—and the way we interpret those facts and act on them is crucial to our faith. There are two ways to filter and interpret things: According to our thinking or according to God’s promises.

We see the facts and conclude, “We can’t,” and all the while God is saying, “You can!” Let me give you some examples of how our thinking is often in contradiction to God’s promises.

We think, “It’s impossible”… God says, “All things are possible” (Luke 18:27)

We think, “I’m too tired” … God says, “I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28-30)

We think, “Nobody really loves me” … God says, “I love you” (John 3:16).

We think, “I can’t go on” … God says, “My grace is sufficient for you” (II Cor. 12:9).

We think, “I can’t do it” … God says, “You can do all things through Christ” (Phil. 4:13).

We think, “I can’t manage” … God says, “I will supply all your needs” (Phil. 4:19).

We think, “I’m afraid” … God says, “I have not given you a spirit of fear” (II Timothy 1:17).

We think, “I’m worried & frustrated” … God says, “Cast all your cares onto me” (1 Peter 5:7).

We think, “I don’t know what to do” … God says, “I’ll give you wisdom” (I Cor. 1:30).

We think, “I feel all alone” … God says, “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Heb. 13:5).

When we don’t believe the promises of God, like Israel, we lose out on his blessings; remember the 10 spies. On the other hand, taking God at his Word and believing His promises is the most exciting and satisfying way to live. Is there a promise you need to claim today? Is there some area where you’re thinking is in contradiction to God’s promises? If so, repent (have a change of mind) and believe God’s promises. It will make all the difference.

Remember: When God speaks we can believe it!!!

2. Forgetting the Past:

Sometimes we forget things so easily while at other times we hang on to things far too long. Isaiah is telling the people, “Look back to how the Lord has helped you in the past, but don’t DWELL on the past.

`Have you known people who are living their present lives in the past? They talk about the “good old days” or some people talk as if they are still living at the time when they were in the Vietnam War. These days--whether good or bad--are very vivid in their minds. If you are “STUCK” in a particular time period of your past, you have difficulty seeing the new things that God is wanting to “spring forth” today. It is better just to forget some things that are hindering your life from “springing forth” with new things.

There comes a time when you have to stop dwelling on the past. Look ahead for new miracles that will overshadow the old ones. In verse 18 Isaiah tells them, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! NOW it springs up; do you not perceive it?”

What he is saying is don’t FORGET the former things both good and bad ones. They are there not only to show you how God brought you out of your Egypt and your Babylon, but also to help you to make better decisions in the future. You learn what works and what doesn’t work. He is saying, “Do not DWELL on the past to such a degree that you can’t think of anything else. You are fretting and stewing over things you can’t do anything about. You cannot see how God is wanting to work in the present. Recalling the past answers to prayer gives you hope for your future. Dwelling on past problems and difficulty doesn’t necessarily solve anything. It just creates a hindrance to what God is wanting to do in the present.

STORY: Back when electricity was first being introduced in a little Scottish village almost everybody in a particular church switched from propane lanterns to electricity just as soon as it could be hooked up. However, the oldest couple in the congregation couldn’t get their electricity because they were waiting for the poles to go up and the wires to be strung. They continued using the propane lanterns.

The day finally arrived for them to bring electricity to their home. Everyone came for the festive event. The man waited for it to get extra dark and then told his wife to go turn on the switch. When she did, the light filled the room and everyone rejoiced. The man grinned from ear to ear, picked up the propane lamp and said, “It sure makes lighting my lamps easier.” And with that he lit a lamp and his wife turned off the electricity.

Are you still hanging on to the past when you could be living in the present? What “former” things from your past do you have difficulty forgetting? It could be things that people have said to you that hurt your feelings. It could be things that happened to you on the job, in your family or even at church. These things have kept you living in captivity. Your captivity could stem from habits and addictions that you have had a difficult time letting go of and freeing yourself from. God is saying to you today, “I am wanting to do a new thing in your life. I am wanting it to SPRING FORTH now; not tomorrow.” Bishop Ellis: ‘right now!!!”

What we identify as impossible barriers in our lives are no problem for the Lord. He had the same power to deal with rivers, mountains, or the barren desert. Why do you think that He can’t handle your problems? Embellish!!!

3. Moving On to New Things:

V. 19 says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah brings the people to realize that spring is ready to burst forth in their lives. The hard winter is finally over for them. He is saying to them that “God IS doing a new thing right now. It IS springing up right now.”

A few verses earlier in Isaiah 42:9 he says, “the former things have taken place and new things I DECLARE before they spring into being. I announce them to you.” Now he is saying, “it IS time. It IS springing up right now.”

God wants us to look ahead to new miracles in our life that will overshadow the old ones. It’s time to DECLARE that spring is here. Answers to prayer are BEGINNING to happen. Many of you have prayed for a long time about things and you haven’t seen any answers yet to your prayers. You might be tempted to be discouraged and be ready to give up hope. The people in Isaiah’s time probably felt this way too.

Mark 4:26-28 gives us a picture of how things grow in the natural realm. It gives an image of the SILENT but CERTAIN gradual growth of events in God’s timing. The parable of the growing seed tells us that the seed is planted--it sprouts and grows though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain--first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel...” Our prayers are like this, accomplishing their work even when we can’t see anything happening.

Isaiah goes on to say the new thing that God is doing shall “Spring forth” giving an indication of its RAPIDITY. Once God begins to answer our prayers, it can happen very quickly. The Lord will do a new thing and it will not be inferior in any way to the things of old.

The spring of the year brings the rebirth of nature--new beginnings. The crocus breaks through the ground with purple blooms, the bright yellow daffodils open up in a blast of color after the drabness of winter. The dogwoods and redbuds bloom and birds begin to sing. Our spiritual life is renewed very much the same way.

“Do you not perceive it,” asks Isaiah? Begin to be more open and perceptive to God’s work in your life. Be on the lookout for indications of spring. Don’t dwell on the past. Begin to thank Him IN ADVANCE for doing a “new thing” in your life. EXPECT new miracles to “spring forth and burst out” this season.


I’m reminded of the poem by Clay Harrison entitled "Miracles:"

"Miracles can be large or small

according to God’s Plan.

And they need no explanation

for the unbelieving man.

The heavens declare His Glory;

the harvest proclaims His Love.

With the faith of a mustard seed

we’ve seen His Star above.

The rose gives way to winter

and lies beneath the snow

To resurrect in Springtime

when all the rivers flow.

The spider spins a mighty web

perfect in every way,

And the colors of a rainbow

can chase the gloom away.

The birds fly south each winter

with faith beneath their wings,

And the lullaby of Summer

is sweet when the robin sings.

Some say there are no miracles;

some say there is no God,

But, as for me, I do believe

with every bursting pod!"

Finally, brethren, if there is to be an increase, we must learn to patiently wait for God to move in His own time.

When we look back on the year that has past we should happily praise God for his presence in our lives; providing our daily bread.

I don't know what you think about it, but I'm glad that in the days ahead, I can count on God to be a "nick of time" God rather than a "tomorrow" God.

When I'm down and out I'm glad to know that God won't wait until tomorrow to lift me up!

When my body is racked with pain and I need relief, I'm glad to know that God won't wait until tomorrow to soothe my aching body

When I'm sick, I'm glad that God won't wait until tomorrow to restore my health.

I'm glad God won't wait until tomorrow to hear and answer my prayer!

I'm glad God won't wait until tomorrow to build me up where I'm torn down!

When we were weak, but God didn't wait turning our weakness into strength.

When we were defeated, God didn't wait, He started turning our defeats to victory.

When we were discouraged, God didn't wait, He started turning our discouragement to hope.

When we were lonely, God didn't wait, He started turning our loneliness into comfort

When we were troubled, God didn't wait, He started turning our troubles into peace of mind.

In the year ahead we have the confidence of knowing that the God we serve won't let us down. He'll do what needs to be done and he'll do it on time.

He won't wait until tomorrow, but in the fullness of time, what He has for us will find its way to us.

If we increase our faith this year we can do the impossible!

If we increase our faith this year we can reach the unreachable!

If we increase our faith this year we can achieve the impossible!

The faith we need has been secured for you by a God who loves you. I know it’s true because John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.

This faith has been assured to you by a savior who said in John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

This is the faith that has been declared to you by a savior who promised us that no weapon formed against you shall prosper as long as you stay in the will of God.

This is the faith that was proven to you on an old rugged cross on Calvary's Hill!

This is the faith that was proven with nail scarred hands, a wounded side and a bowed down head!

This is the faith that was proven Early Sunday morning when he arose from the grave!

I'm so glad that God won't wait until tomorrow, but every day my blessings will be right on time.