Summary: The Holy Spirit is God's power and presence within you. When you receive His gifts, your life will be changed. Today I want to talk about spiritual gifts. A genuine sign of being a Christian is the strong desire to identify your spiritual gifts and to them to help others.

The Holy Spirit Series #3

Understanding Spiritual Gifts

Dr. Marty Baker / April 21, 2024 / 1 Corinthians 12:7

Welcome to Stevens Creek Church. I am so glad that you are here today. I want to welcome all of you in our Grovetown Campus and in our South Campus and all of those watching online.

Today, we are continuing our series on The Holy Spirit. In this series, we're diving into the Bible to uncover the truth about the Holy Spirit. Too many people misunderstand the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.

In this series, Pastor Dave and I want to clear up any confusion and show how the Holy Spirit plays an active, transformative role in our lives. Here's the big idea:

The Holy Spirit is God's power and presence within you. When you receive His gifts, your life will be changed.

Today I want to talk about spiritual gifts. A genuine sign of being a Christian is the strong desire to identify your spiritual gifts and to them to help others.

I know there is a lot of confusion about spiritual gifts. Some folks even believe that these gifts are a thing of the past, and that what happened in the Bible doesn't happen today. They call this belief Cessationism—the idea that miracles and spiritual gifts stopped after the early church.

But let me tell you, we do not believe that. We stand firm in the belief that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There’s not a single verse in the Bible that suggests these gifts have an expiration date.

In fact, Jesus himself said: "Greater works than these shall you do, because I am going to the Father."

Jesus didn’t perform miracles just to be remembered as historical footnotes. No, He was paving the way for us. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower us so that we can make a difference in our community.

What are spiritual gifts?

A spiritual gift is a special God-given ability given to every believer, so that together, we can advance His purposes in this world.

Here’s the foundational scripture for today’s message:

1 Corinthians 12:7

A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.

Spiritual gifts are ordinary abilities that God touches, God anoints or God empowers and as a result, something extraordinary takes place.

We see this in the life of Moses in the Old Testament.

God used something ordinary in his life to do something extraordinary.

Exodus 4:1-2

Moses answered, "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ’The LORD did not appear to you’?" Then the LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied."

At this point, Moses was 80 years old and tending sheep in the Midean wilderness. He encountered God in a burning bush where God gave him his marching orders to lead the nation of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Like most of us, Moses initially protested. He wanted to duck out and let somebody else do the work.

God promised Moses supernatural power. He provided it through an ordinary old shepherd’s staff. If you read the story in the first few chapters of Exodus you’ll see how that stick was empowered. It turned into a snake and then back to a stick again. It struck the Nile River and turned the waters of Egypt into blood. It summoned disgusting swarms of frogs and then gnats.

Most amazing of all, that simple staff stretched out over the Red Sea parted the waters and allowed the Israelites to escape the Egyptian army. It was just a stick, but with God’s power added to it, that staff performed wonders.

In the same way, God has given ordinary people, like you and me, extraordinary abilities through spiritual gifts. He empowers you with these abilities to accomplish His will on this earth. Now, all of God’s empowerments do not result in miraculous feats of nature, but in their way, they point to the greatness of God.

God has given you gifts and He wants you to do three things with them. First of all, he wants you to open them.

What does God want me to do with my gifts?

1. Discover the gift that God has given you.

What kind of gift do you have? Seriously most of us have never taken the time to try to figure them out. Every single believer has at least one. You have been given a spiritual gift from God.

William and Darlene Fishburn: South Campus

When it comes to using your spiritual gift, I think about people like William and Darlene Fishburn. They came to a point in their lives where they went “all in” … they said, “God, we will do whatever you want us to do.” Sometime later God led them to our South Campus. When they walked through the doors, they found a place where they could use their gifts.

They have the gift of hospitality and they started serving on the first impressions team. Their goal is to make everyone feel welcome; they show God’s love by making people feel valued and comfortable.

Some people are nervous when they walk into a church. William and Darlene make them feel at home. Some time ago, I was at the South Campus and Darlene told me, “Pastor Marty, I know that you have other campuses, but I need you to know this: The South Campus is the cool campus.” I think that I will always remember that.

Gina Castle: Dream Center

Also, from serving at our South Campus Dream Center, I think about Gina Castle. She uses her gift of evangelism to share the love of Christ in our food pantry. Gina offers hope to the hopeless and encouragement to those who need help.

In the last few weeks, a man came to get food at the Dream Center without any shoes. Gina served him. He left with a bag of groceries, a new set of clothes and wearing shoes that were his size.

You have been given a spiritual gift from God. Have you opened it?

Some time ago, I found a Christmas present that someone gave us the previous year. It has never been used. We had a gift that we essentially had not opened. We have not used this gift.

Many of you have been given gifts by God and you have not opened them. It’s time to open up the gift and claim it. You may not realize what you have inside.

When you open the Bible you will find a wide range of gifts listed on its pages. All of the gifts are equally important. Some of the gifts may be more visible than others, but all work together to strengthen God’s work on this earth.

The Bible gives us several lists that contain spiritual gifts. These gifts can be divided into at least three categories.

Categories of Spiritual Gifts

A. Motivational Gifts

Romans 12:6-8

6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;

7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;

8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

These spiritual gifts are often called "Motivational Gifts" because they reflect the natural ways people are inspired or motivated to serve. He begins with:

• Prophecy: This gift involves speaking God’s truth powerfully and persuasively to encourage others.

• Serving: People with this gift enjoy helping others.

• Teaching: This gift is about explaining the Bible and Christian beliefs clearly so others can understand and apply them.

• Encouraging: This involves motivating people to improve and grow stronger in their faith and personal lives.

• Giving: Those with the gift of giving share what they have joyfully, often giving more than expected.

• Leadership: This gift helps some to guide and direct others through different tasks or spiritual growth.

• Mercy: People with this gift feel deep sympathy for those suffering and show kindness to help them feel better.

These gifts encourage believers to find their own unique ways to live out their faith and help others, which strengthens the whole church. Next, you will see the …

B. Ministry Gifts

Ephesians 4:11

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,

This verse focuses on how God gave different roles to different people in the church to help it grow and be strong.

• Apostles: Leaders who are sent to new places to share God’s message.

• Prophets: People who receive messages from God to share with others.

• Evangelists: People who are gifted in sharing the gospel with non-believers.

• Pastors: Leaders who take care of people and guide a church.

• Teachers: People who are skilled in explaining and applying the Bible in a way that helps people grow.

Ephesians 4:12

12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

This is often called the five-fold ministry. This provides a solid foundation for spiritual growth. Using spiritual gifts builds unity, enhances worship, improves outreach, and supports people as they grow in their faith.

Next, you will see the …

C. Manifestation Gifts

We see manifestation gifts in 1 Corinthians 12. These gifts are commonly called the charismatic gifts. You know these gifts as gifts of healing, faith, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, tongues and the interpretation of tongues and miracles.

God uses many of these gifts to empower the church to grow and help people. If you grew up in a church that taught these passed away with the last of the Apostles, I have good news for you. They have not. God is still in the miracle working business and he uses His gifts to help people.

Speaking of helps, in 1 Peter, he mentions practical gifts like the gift of hospitality and the gift of helping others.

In 1 Peter, we see gifts like hospitality and the gift of helps.

Have you ever considered that you have been given a spiritual gift?

How do I discover my spiritual gifts?

Two ways. By examining and by experimenting. By examining my Christian life and by experimenting with different kinds of service.

Look back on your life of service and ask yourself, “What have I enjoyed doing? Where have I seen results? What has God blessed? Where have people been impacted?”

Look back on your life of service and ask yourself, “What have I enjoyed doing? Where have I seen results? What has God blessed? Where have people been impacted?”

If you don't have anything to look back on, then you need to experiment with different kinds of ministries and service. Once you discover your gift, then develop it.

Jim Butz: Grovetown Campus

I think about Jim Butz at our Grovetown campus. Jim has the spiritual gift of administration. This gift involves the ability to organize, manage, and coordinate people and resources effectively. People with this gift work to make sure that operations run smoothly and efficiently within a church or ministry setting. Jim uses his gift on our parking team at Grovetown.

Our church is growing rapidly and people, like Jim, speak peace to chaos. On Easter, our Grovetown campus has over 750 people in the church. I see the parking team as front-door evangelist. They are helping people as they take their next step of faith. So, be nice to our parking team.

For most of us, when we see our gift, we know it. We know it because God wired us up that way. We sense, “I was made for this.” Here’s the next step.

2. Develop the gift that God has given you.

These gifts are given to you in raw form. You must shape it and develop it.

The Bible teaches us the importance of developing our spiritual gifts. In 1 Timothy, we see these words:

1 Timothy 4:14

Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received…

A lot of you already know what you're good at. You know how God's gifted you. But you're not using it for the Lord. You're neglecting your spiritual gift.

2 Timothy 1:6

… fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.

He is saying to develop the gift. Just because you're gifted in an area doesn't mean it's easy. I'm gifted to communicate but it's not easy preparing messages week after week. It takes work. When I think about hard working volunteers...

Paul Savage: Augusta Campus

I think about Paul Savage at our Augusta Campus. Paul has the gift of hospitality. Paul uses his gift to cook, to prepare food for the volunteers who serve at the Augusta Campus.

When you cook for others in the church or for anyone who needs it, you are helping to bring people together and make them feel comfortable. It's a way to meet their physical needs and also make them feel supported emotionally and spiritually. Paul serves our volunteers, but he also serves in our Student Ministry and on big events like Christmas and Easter.

As Paul started serving, he realized that he was good at this. As he developed his gift, the Lord opened the door for Paul to start a catering business. He never dreamed that following a prompting to serve the church would lead him to a new career.

Discover the gift that you have been given. Secondly, I want you to develop it.

3. Use the gift that God has given you.

God wants you to do is use it. Use your gift.

1 Peter 4:10

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

God wants you to use it and the church is the place to discover and develop and use your gift. When I look around The Creek, I see people using their gifts all over the place.

Right now there are over a thousand people here at Stevens Creek who have discovered their gift and are actively involved in a ministry.

Many of them are behind the scenes and you'll never even know them. But they're what makes this church run to benefit everybody in the community.

What motivates somebody like that to keep on living, serving, helping, wor king, and ministering when nobody applauds them. What gives them the motivation? What keeps them keeping on? They're gifted to do it!

You just have to know from experience when you're gifted to do something and you do it, it gives you joy. It’s satisfying. Its fulfilling. That's the way God meant for it to be.

Here’s the bottom line. I need you to look for opportunities to serve. You were placed on this earth to do good works. You were designed to make a difference. God created your life to matter.

This afternoon at 6:00PM at the Augusta Campus, we are having a Launch Team Meeting for our new campus in North Augusta. We are preparing our teams for our September 8th launch.

I want you to serve somewhere. When we send people to the new campus; there will be ministry needs at your campus. If we are going to Love God, Love People and Serve the World, we need you.

For years, people have been looking for ways to extend our lives here on this earth. Some of us worry about how long we are going to live, but the truth of the matter is that it does not matter how long you live, but how you live.

You are called to contribute, not just consume. We are all meant to give something back. The Bible says we're created to serve, gifted to serve, shaped to serve and yes we are even commanded to serve.

God has given each one of you gifts and abilities that he wants to use for his purposes. One day we will stand before him and give an account of our lives. The Bible says, "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful."

Folks this is serious business. One day there's going to be a final exam. I want, as your pastor, for you to be able to give the right answer. Let me give you a pop quiz.

When you stand before God, I believe that He will ask you two questions:

Questions on Your Final Exam…

• Why should I let you into heaven?

The first question focuses on your relationship with

Jesus Christ. The only way that you will get into heaven is that your sins have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ. Have you asked Jesus Christ to lead your life? Have you been saved?

In a few minutes, I am going to pray for you. Get ready. God is going to do something amazing in your life. Next, God will ask you …

• What did you do with what I gave you?

This is a question of stewardship. What did you do with the resources: your time, your talent and your treasures. What did you do with the gifts that he gave you. It’s time to put them into practice.

Closing Prayer