Summary: Even in the face of persecution and life's challenges, how different could we live if we chose to be faithful only to Christ? Even though the 1st century church faced incredible difficulties, God was still faithful to them, and we can learn from that right now!

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 17

The Church’s growth and its political persecution

Acts 11:19 – 12:18

Dismiss children for nursery (under 4) and children’s church (ages 4-7)


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last time we examined what could be called the “Gentile Pentecost”

-- It was moment in the 1st century when the Gospel was opened to all (GR: pas)

-- Most (nearly all) believers at this time were Jewish converts; legalism

-- Peter’s testimony of grace and repentance led many to hear/accept Jesus

-- And in accepting Jesus, they were baptized – despite fellow Jewish objections

- Today we have a few encouraging points to cover, all with a similar theme

-- The theme is FAITH … being faithful and trusting God to lead the Church

-- But more than that – this could even be a subtitle for all of us to lean in to

-- Question: “Do you believe that God will do what He says He will do?”

-- What we’ll dive into today spotlights the importance of our answer!

- Read Acts 11:19 – 12:18 / Pray

- TR: Let’s start with a great foundation for building a church …

Point 1 –What happens when a church grows in faith?

- Look at what happens as believers begin to be faithful: (19-21)

-- Not only were Jews preached to, but Gentiles as well, and many came to Christ

-- Why? Because the power of God was with them, they were faithful to tell

-- APP: For you and me, there can be no other job to strive to do today!

- Tie in: Last week we examined how our prejudices can hinder us

-- But, when we get out of our own way, God begins to do something amazing

-- He allows His word to be shared through us, because we become messengers!

- As the church is faithful something else happens: they are nourished (22-24)

-- Consider it – our obedience brings from God others to witness and participate

-- Want to grow the church? Here’s the recipe: BE the church!

-- CHALL: Do we do the things we must do to grow the church?

-- FACT: Being the church is what causes it to church to grow, to reach others!

- Casting Crowns wrote a great song in 2018 called, “Only Jesus”

-- “I don't want to leave a legacy, I don't care if they remember me, Only Jesus”

- Sad truth: Any pastor is just a human, just one man with all kinds of flaws

-- But together … this church has dozens of capable witnesses to share Jesus

-- IMP: It is not about bringing people to Seasons (NO!), but to Jesus Christ!

-- The ministry of the Church is to preach, which is what Antioch is showing us

- Even Barnabas, a faithful man, heard about it and was sent to investigate

-- Look at what happened (re-read v23) … He stayed and worshiped with them

-- APP: He shared in their joy, worshiped with them & contributed to the mission!

-- Imagine that: going to a church and plugging in where God has put you!

- Seeing this growth, Barnabas went to Tarsus to bring Saul into this! (v25)

-- He knew that this was exactly what was needed, additional staff to minister

-- This is where growth and training of others begins to become very important!

-- As the church expands, it needs others to be involved and to share the load

- EX: Jesus taught in Matthew 4:19, “Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

-- Are we doing that? Are we following and seeing others led to Him?

-- Are we focused on sharing what we know so others can see Him as well?

- Bonus: In v26 we see an incredible revelation … we are called Christians!

-- Greek: Christianos; a Christian

- It’s an identity that we were given, amplifying what our life signifies!!!

-- 1 Peter 2:21, “For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.”

- Even with challenges ahead, the ministry of the Church is being birthed (v29-30)

-- How? Reaching out to others in a famine, sharing Christ, caring for one another

-- Look at it this way: How many songs we sing will not be important in Heaven

-- How many sermons we listen to, or services we offer, is not what makes us great

-- It is what we did with the knowledge we have to lead others to Him that matters!

- TR: Being faithful is a critical calling, just like the church in Antioch

-- If it brings others to Christ, not to themselves, is what signifies a great church!

-- However, with success will always come challenges -- and even, persecution …

Point 2 – Examining the first political attack on the church

- Time check here: This is about 10 years since the death of Stephen (ref Acts 7)

-- God stopped the persecution of Saul, but the societal dislike still existed

-- Matter of fact, it was simply waiting for the right leader to revive it

- Enter King Herod Agrippa … and his goal is simple:

• Keep the Jews quiet/happy so they would be faithful to Rome

• Solidify his own place of authority with Rome to gain more power

- What he does is launch an attack on the Church, the “opposers” of Rome

-- RE: Rome wants total obedience and control over the region

-- So what Herod does is lead the effort in persecution, reviving people’s hate

-- Greek: kakoó; treat badly; embitter; to make angry

- His challenge: How do you force people to obey and fear you? Kill some!

-- The Jews loved the idea of James being martyred, and even arresting Peter

-- Why? Because it was them who caused the troubles with Rome

-- They are the leaders of this rebellion against their government & need to go

-- RE: How they lived is 100% in opposition to Rome’s “Obey us only or else”!

- Killing James and arresting Peter is a show of force; testimony of fear/power

-- Now, James has gone home to receive his reward, and I’m sure it’s AWESOME

-- But Peter is sent to jail (again), this time with dedicated guards to watch him

- Four squads of four guards: that’s 16 guards, four at a time, in rotating shifts

-- Consider it: His arms were chained to a guard for even more security of Peter!

-- This happens during the Passover, so lots of “visitors” would be in town

-- So for extra security Herod has his guard quadrupled to secure him

- The plan is to “try him” (read: execute him) after the Passover

-- So, the church gets to praying … praying for his release and his protection

- TR: But something is about to happen here that we MUST pay attention to!

Point 3 – How we respond to God really matters!

- First must get this: There is a pattern of deliverance as God works (4 things)

1) There is prayer: fervent and focused prayer of Believers (v5)

-- Greek: ektenós; intently, fervently

-- The church takes up the mantle to pray with the intention of God to move

-- Why? Because they know this is how to engage God; ask for His help

2) There is confidence – they are praying specifically - Greek: proseuché; prayer

-- The church was praying specifically for Peter’s release from prison (v5)

-- What they wanted was their brother to be free, so they went at it earnestly!

3) There is the result of God’s work and the believer’s obedience

-- Don’t miss this, Peter was being rescued – but he had a role to play in this

-- Peter was called to get up & follow the angel; could not do this on his own (v9)

-- Obedience in faith means he had to respond to God’s movement

4) There is God’s Will that is accomplished

-- God destined that Peter would be delivered (v11)

-- May ask, why not James? Simple: James’ work was finished; Peter’ was not!

-- If God wills it – it will happen, and this is what Peter recognized / obeyed!

-- Knowing that God was still in the business of working – what does he do?

- He goes to share the results with the believers, gathered at Mary’s house (v12)

-- Note: This is Mary, the mother of John Mark (gospel of Mark)

-- She was prob a widow, a very godly woman, and had space for them to meet

-- She is also the aunt of Barnabas (ref Colossians 4:10); close knit family

- Do you see what happened when he knocked? They don’t believe it (read v15)

-- They are convinced this is somehow the ghost of Peter knocking at the door

-- For some reason he needs them to open the door to let him in …

-- Peter’s persistent knocking finally gets the door opened so he can tell them …

- But (p.) here is where I want us to land for today … & challenge you on this:

- What were they praying for? What happened? And what did they do?

-- Ask yourself: “Do YOU believe what you pray for will be answered?”

-- When you ask God to move, are you believing He will accomplish His will?

-- AND … do we rejoice when God answers, even when it is not what we want?

- They didn’t, and here we see one of the saddest responses the church could have

-- In Acts 3 we saw amazement when God showed up - to heal a man - at church

-- Yet here, the believers are asking God to intervene, and they don’t believe it

-- They disbelieve and refuse to believe that their prayers have been answered


- Discipleship moment: What is your faith dwelling in today?

• Are you casting your cares on Him – or keeping yourself in control?

• When God does not answer your prayers – are you being faithful to Him?

• Are you struggling with sin – but continuing to rely on yourself for strength?

• Do you want more of God – but refuse to follow and obey/do what He says?

- This is what the church experienced here, (KEY) but God was still faithful!

-- They prayed, God responded, and their response was doubt … it’s just sad!

-- This is where we have opportunity today to lean in – to live FOR Him!

- What if, today, we got serious about God and obeyed what He said to do?

-- How could our lives be affected and changed for the Kingdom right now?

-- Are you serving? Are you giving? Are you worshiping? Are you praying?

-- Living a life of faith, even in prayer, means believing He will do His will

-- Which means that when we pray, we are asking for His will to be done!

- How different could life be if we chose to live for only Him today?

- Pray