Summary: Heaven is a glorious place that you do not want to miss.

Well Good Morning Church! We are so excited that you have decided to join us here this morning. What a blessing to be here worshiping the Lord together!

This morning, we are concluding a sermon series on the End times and we are talking about heaven.

Now, I have done a lot of funerals in my time here as the pastor. In fact, over the coarse of the last three to four years, I have done upwards of 30 plus. During these funerals, I love to preach about heaven because it really gives people hope, as it should.

D.L. Moody described our hope of heaven this way. “What has been, and is now, one of the strongest feelings in the human heart? Is it not to find some better place, some lovelier spot, than we have now? It is for this that men are seeking everywhere; and they can have it if they will; but instead of looking down, they must look up to find it. As men grow in knowledge, they vie with each other more and more in making their homes attractive, but the brightest home on earth is but an empty barn, compared with the mansions in the skies.”

There is a book that I have really enjoyed and if you have not read it, I would encourage you. It is called “Heaven is for Real.” It is based on the true story of Colton who experienced a sudden illness. While on vacation Colton became sick all of the sudden. Colton started throwing up and eventually becomes lethargic. The family rushed Colton to the hospital and his symptoms keep getting worse. After examination, it was revealed that Colton’s appendix ruptured and the toxins were released into his system. Colton eventually recovers which was considered a miracle by most. While traveling to a family event, Colton started talking about his visit to heaven while he was in surgery. Colton talked to them about angels and the heavenly thrown of God. Colton goes on to say that he met his grandfather there. Colton also tells of a painting that a girl who had a vision had done and confirmed that painting was accurate of Jesus. Dave will put that picture on the screen for us.

• Tech team – show picture Akaine Kramarik (Jesus picture)

In general, every human being has an internal longing for the eternal. It seems to have been built right into the fabric of our conscience. We all equally have a longing for something greater than what we experience in this broken sin-sickened world. We all to seem naturally to have a sense that this world isn’t what it should be; that there is something better waiting; that somewhere, someday we will find a more pleasant existence on a distant shore. A hope for Heaven, it seems, has been written, and etched into every heart.

I. Reserved for the Elect

A. Who is heaven for?

a. With that said, the question becomes “ Who Heaven is for?

b. Really, this is a question for the ages. Ever since time began, man has asked “Why am I here?” , What is the purpose?, Where do I go when I die?, etc.

c. The bible gives us a tremendous amount of insight into this topic and is very clear as to who heaven is for.

d. It is for those whose faith, who hope, and life is in Jesus Christ.

e. The bible tells us in Colossians 3:1-3 NKJV 3 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

B. Heavenly living

a. If you have your bibles, turn with me to the book of John 14:2-4 NKJV 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

b. Heaven is a wonderful place! It is a real place! It is perfect in every way and fashion! Heaven is where God the Father and Jesus are presently residing!

c. Let me say this, heaven is not too crowded to accept new citizens; in fact, heaven accepts people from all around the world every single day.

d. Every bible believing Christian is received regardless of their ethnicity, regardless of the social and economic status!

e. They are greeted at the gates by their Savior!

C. A mansion waiting

a. Once our feet land on the other shores, Jesus has made this tremendous promise, this declaration if you will, that He will have a place for us!

b. Powerful! A heavenly home where Jesus is the architect, engineer, general builder, and interior designer.

c. He has given attention to every single detail of your heavenly home!

d. Our heavenly mansion will be absolutely stunningly beautiful! Pristine in every way!

D. An eternity with Jesus

a. Jesus death was stinging no doubt to those early disciples that spent so much time with Him.

b. However, there was a purpose behind it and this purpose was brought out in verse three of our text this morning which says: 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

c. Jesus who predicted His own death also made promises of His second coming.

d. Not only did He promise to come back but that we will be with Him forever once He does come back.

II. Facts about heaven

A. New world

a. I can remember when I was on my honey moon and Charity and I were at the beach and I had gotten some snorkeling gear.

b. I was there literally swimming with the fishes. It was like I had just entered an entire new world.

c. Seeing all the different kinds of marine life. It was so peaceful. So quite. There was not a noise.

d. While swimming, I saw some sea turtles and I was able to get so close to touch one on their back.

e. My eyes were opened to a breathtaking world and I really just wanted to just stay down underwater and enjoy the scenery.

B. Our first glimpse

a. As believers, our first glimpse into heaven will be an un-believable experience.

b. It will be like none other than anything that we have ever experienced before in our life.

c. Our eyes will be opened to the sights and sounds of heaven!

d. There will be lots of areas to explore in which we will have eternity to do it.

C. Our old lives are gone

a. In heaven our lives on earth will seem like a distant memory.

b. Every tear that we shed, every disappointment that we ever experienced, every pain will be wiped away at a moment’s notice.

c. We will not miss anything about our old lives. We will be completely at peace without the threat of that peace being taken away.

d. Every struggle will be gone! Every hurt will be healed! Every trauma cancelled! Every single need will be met!

D. Temptation gone

a. In heaven, we will not experience temptation ever again because in heaven there is no sin.

b. It is a perfect place where God’s holiness rules and reigns!

c. There will be nothing to tempt us to do evil or do the wrong thing.

d. Heaven is a place that is build and full of love and peace! Therefore, we will respect each other’s rights perfectly.

E. Work to do

a. Growing up, I enjoyed watching cartoons and some of these cartoons would show their thoughts and ideas of heaven. I remember watching a cartoon and one of the characters of the cartoon died and they were sitting on a cloud in heaven and playing on a harp.

b. This is what I thought we would be doing in heaven.

c. However that is not the case, the bible teaches us that God will have things for us to do in heaven.

d. In the book of Genesis chapter two, God created Adam and Eve for a purpose, and that was to take care of the garden of Eden.

e. God Himself is a worker, He did not create the world and then say: “Well it is time for me to retire.”

f. No, He did not say that, in fact, He is still at work even today.

g. Jesus said in John 5:17 NKJV - 17 But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”

h. Work brings a sense of satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment that enriches our lives.

i. In heaven, we will be assigned task to perform and given duties to tend to and we will take delight in those duties.

j. I remember talking to Gloria Glowinski and she said pastor “ I have never worked a day in my life.” Now she is a successful business women, she wasn’t saying she never did anything, but she enjoyed what she did and so it didn’t seem like work.

F. Eyes opened

a. In heaven our eyes will be completely opened and we will be able to see the bigger picture.

b. The vibrant colors, the celestial river running through the city.

c. We will walk on streets that are paved with gold.

d. We will see God in a more beautiful light, we will experience His Presence in a deeper way.

e. Everything will be flawless! There are no construction crews running around cleaning up after everybody.

G. Feast

a. There will be special food in heaven. Now, I have had some heavenly meals here on earth, but none of those will compare to the food of heaven.

b. The bible tells us that in Revelation 22:2 NKJV2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

c. Food will not be essential for life in heaven, but it will be something that we eat to enjoy.

d. In fact, there will be a really big feast called the Marriage supper of the lamb and every citizen in heaven will be invited to come.

H. Remember each other

a. In heaven, we will remember each other.

b. All those that have gone before us, will remember us.

c. A good friend of mine, a pastor at a church in Ashland Wisconsin passed away a couple of years ago and he was such a wonderful guy.

d. We would go to brewers games together and hang out. I look forward to the day to seeing him again .

e. We will never grow board of heaven, we will have places to go, people to see and fellowship with, we will be in the very presence of the creator.

f. I sure hope they have some golf coarses that I can play on. Since there is no frustration in heaven, I imagine you get a hole in one every time.

I. Emotions

a. This brings us to the question, “Will we have emotions in heaven?”

b. I believe that the answer is yes, but not in their present form.

c. Remember, we will be getting a glorified body an upgrade if you will.

d. We understand that God has emotions and so I believe that our emotions will be transformed.

e. Emotions will not drive us or control us like they do now. They will be no less passionate, but they will be less passive.

f. The emotion of joy will overtake us and overflow through our glorified bodies.

J. Many more

a. There are many other questions that we could really delve into such as: Will people wear clothes in heaven? Will there be time in heaven? What will your age be in heaven? What language will be spoken? Will their be music? Will there be privacy? And we could go on…

b. We will save these questions for another time.

III. Treasures in Heaven

A. Treasures

a. This leads us to our third point this morning about treasure in heaven.

b. This treasure is not that diamond tennis bracelet that means so much to you or that diamond encrusted Rolex presidential watch.

c. Jesus said in Matthew 6: 19-21 NKJV- 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

d. While we cannot take any earthly possessions into heaven, we can take one thing with us. That is souls!

e. Our treasure will be our relationships with those that we lead to the Lord.

B. Linked to heart

a. This treasure will be linked to your heart. So, what does your heart long for this morning?

b. Jesus taught that no one can serve two master. You cannot serve God and money.

c. Our hearts will be mastered by one or the other. But not both of them.

d. That leads us to a parable that Jesus taught!

C. Parable

a. This parable is found in Matthew 19: 16- 22 16 Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” 17 So He said to him, Why do you call Me good? [f]No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” 18 He said to Him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ 19 ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” 20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

b. Now let me say this, Jesus is not against people owning things, but it is when these things own you.

c. Being so focused on your success and your possessions can distract you from what is truly important in life.

d. Our commitment to God should outweigh a yearning for being wealthy.

D. Helping the poor

a. A key aspect of storing up treasures in heaven is having the right heart in all that we do for the Lord.

b. Having the proper motives are key. When we have the right heart, we will want to help those that are poor and those in need.

c. The early church were so committed that they sold their possessions and distributed those in need.

d. Paying for those that cannot pay you back.

E. Seeking God

a. Another way that we build up treasure in heaven is when we take time to seek God.

b. Matthew 6:33 NKJV -33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

c. Pursuing Jesus above all other things and surrendering everything to Him.

d. Having a heavenly mindset will free you from earthly cares and possessions.

F. Living a simple life

a. Do not focus on earthly treasures and pursuits, rather choose to live simply and enjoy the simple things in life.

b. Our identity cannot be wrapped up in the things that we own, rather, it should be in Christ.

c. Gaze your eyes on eternal things, focus on serving God in the calling that He has placed on your life.

d. Be faithful to Him and the ministry that God has you part of.

G. Bold

a. Live your life without fear and boldly share your faith with others. This hope that lives inside of you is living and not dead.

b. Live your life in such a manner that will honor God and will cause others to want more of God in their lives.

c. Not being afraid what others can do to the body, not afraid of persecution or suffering for the Lord.

d. Taking risk and stepping out in faith like the widow in Mark 12 who gave all she had even though she was in poverty.


As we wrap up our time here today, we can all look and wait in anticipation of heaven. It is a beautiful place, a glorious place, a place that you will not want to miss. We will have things to do and people to fellowship with. I have lots of questions for some that have gone before me. I would love to ask Peter what it was like to walk with Jesus during His earthly ministry. Or ask Elijah what was it like to call fire down from heaven and to stop the rain for three years. To live in a place where the Presence of God dwells is something beautiful and exciting and something we look forward to. Let me encourage you to keep fighting the good fight of faith. Using your time, talents, and treasure to further the kingdom of God.

I want to close with a poem that was written by one of my favorite poets M.S. Lowndes entitled Sojourners:

The end is drawing near

When we will meet our Lord

And enter our eternal rest

From life’s many stressful chores

I’m mindful more than ever

To be focused on things above,

Not on things that will pass away,

Untouched by God’s precious love

For they are external and material,

The fleeting desires of the flesh,

For all of this will soon be gone

And is only second best

For we are only passing through,

Sojourners through this life

We know this world is not our home,

But it’s waiting above with Christ

For what we have, we’ve been given,

Our possessions are only on loan,

For we can’t take it when we die

When we stand before God’s throne

We have but only a small glimpse

Of what heaven would be like,

To be wrapped in God’s loving arms

And walk in His glorious light

And it’s there, with God, in heaven above,

Our treasures should be stored,

For one day we will leave this world

To be at home with our Lord.