Summary: How can we be among those God listens to?

Clout With God

Exodus 33

1. Isn’t it wonderful to have clout?

2. "Clout" is a slang term for "influence." It makes you feel special.

3. My sister is a winsome person, and provided me with a lot of clout.

4. 11 years old--Brookfield zoo...manure truck...Olga

5. Job at Aldens...

6. But there is a higher form of clout, Influence upon God...

7. God knows what He is going to do..."Anthropapetheia"- condescension

---Jews..."Derech Benai Adam" Way of the sons of man...

8. God translates His feelings/dealings into understandable human ways

Question: How did Moses get such clout? How can we

influence God?

I. The Background

1. God had delivered the Israelites out of Egypt....seen many miracles...

2. God lead them to the mountain, where God gave them the 10 C’s...

3. After Moses shared the 10C’s, the mountain smoked, lightning,

thunder, etc.

4. Then more laws given..."Everything the Lord has said we will do..."

5. The leaders of Israel are given a vision of God...Read: 24:9-11

6. The people see a flame burning above the mountain....

7. Moses goes up to the mountain to receive more Law...gone for 40 days

8. People, impatient: Aaron & idol, rose to "play..." not all, but majority

let it happen...those who should have held the people accountable

joined in the sin (esp. Aaron)....but not the Levites (who were silent?)

9. God tells Moses.... God says He is going to destroy all the people...

Moses prays .... (reputation)...persuades God...

10. Moses smashes tablets, tells people to kill the offenders, only Levites

obey .... Aaron spared ... grinds up idol, makes people drink...

11. God sends a plague, many die....

12. Chapter 33 Begins With a Subdued People....

(1.) God says an angel, not HIS angel (i.e., His presence) would now lead

them.... God can place emotional distance between us...

----too many believers are worried about "going to heaven" and not

knowing God....

-----I John 1:9 and confession...

----Did you know sometimes God get raging mad at us, too?

----You might feel unimportant, but you cause God to rejoice or burn


----Christians who read only the NT do not know God very well...

(2.) The Israelites are somber...when Moses prays at the special tent, they

followed...humbled, for a while....(convinced against will/miracles/wrath)

--they know they have LOST something...(closeness)

(3.) Moses doesn’t want God to lead "from a distance..."

II. Moses Had Clout With God Because He Wanted To

Know God as He Is

1. Most of us would rather make some adjustments to God... or we want

to be close to Him, but not too close...

2. He was teachable, wanting more...& a distant rltshp. was not enough

---READ 12-16--

3. He was never satisfied with His knowledge of God...

(1) most of us aim our discontent toward material things, our job,

families/friends or church.... few of us realize the real source of our


(2) Charlie Chan...married...large family... all other problems seem


(3) Also true when wrapped up knowing & serving God...

(4) Marylu: we’ll get the rewards in heaven, they’re missing out...

4. He boldly wanted to see more of God....

(1) Revelation of God....not only "I Am" but now, "I will have mercy..."

(2) The eternal, omnipotent God is also a FREE Sovereign...

(3) What Moses saw...(John 1:18)

Proposition: So how can we have a level of clout with God?

Seek Him for Who He is, not just for what He can do for us.

Be discontent when there is distance between You. Learn of

Him thru His Word. And recognize some of our level of

clout is out of our hands.... He will have mercy upon Whom

He will have mercy!