Summary: A stewardship sermon on what God expects of us.

Luke 19:11-27



Little Cajun lady called the police with the complaint that a man next door was indecently exposing himself. Cops arrive. She brings them into her bathroom and said, "Would you look at that! A man indecently exposes himself." The officer looked out the window and saw a man next door in his bathroom shaving, but all he could see was his head, neck, and shoulders. He said ma’am I can’t arrest him; all I see is his head, neck and shoulders." She said, "Oh no, no, stand up on this box and you’ll get a much better view." [comedian Justin Wilson]

Many times we just can’t see what Jesus is trying to show us. And how He helps us to see it is to tell a parable. He creates a word picture, a story to better illustrate the truth He wants us to learn. In our text today, the people have a big misunderstanding about the Kingdom of God. They just can’t see it. This crowd following Jesus to Jerusalem is on a collision course with deep disappointment. Knowing Jerusalem was going to be the capital of God’s Kingdom, they believed that as soon as Jesus arrived there, He’d set up the Kingdom. This would free them from Roman rule.

So Jesus had to correct their misconception. In vs.12 He begins the story of a nobleman who goes to a far country. Now "far country" means he is going to be gone for a while. And the reason he is going is to receive the rule. Then he will return. Now I know you are already ahead of me. We know this is a picture of Jesus returning to the Father to sit at the right hand-receive the Kingdom if you will. And then He’ll return. But catch this. This story parallels a historical fact. The Herod’s in that day would have to go to Rome in order to receive their rule. The people would go before Augustus Caesar and protest and in fact say (vs.14), we will not have this man reign over us. Jesus’ listeners now understand what He’s talking about. In essence He is saying, "I’m going to My Father; you occupy till I come, and this is what I expect out of you. With this same story, God wants to clear up any misconceptions you and I have when it comes to stewardship and the Kingdom of God. We are entrusted to manage the affairs of the Kingdom while He’s away.

So what does Jesus expect of us. 2 Expectations: He expects……..



TREASURE- Notice in vs.13 (in this story) he gave each one a treasure. Each received a pound, or a mina. This was a Greek coin worth about 100 days wage. The master had given each one some working capital w/ which to do business. Now catch this. This mina does not just represent money or spiritual gifts alone. Each one given equal-one apiece. As children of God, what do we all have equally? The gift of salvation!!! Let’s get the whole picture. It’s not just this gift or that gift, or tithes. It’s your salvation; therefore you are to invest all of you, your time, talents, gifts, money…all of it into the kingdom of God. Some say ‘I’ll just give of my time.’ Others say, ‘I’ll give my tithes but don’t ask me to serve.’ It’s not one or the other. It’s both. Like both wings on the airplane-you’ve got to have both. As a child of God, when it comes to the kingdom of God, we’ve got to quit thinking in terms of calculation. We must think in terms of submission. Submit to the King. It’s all His. Quit thinking in terms of calculation. [Ex.]—If you make $500 a week, how much is God’s? Don’t answer too fast. 500 is God’s. Some of you were calculating the 10%. NO! All of it is God’s. The air you breathe, the strength you have, the money you’ve got, the spiritual gifts…all of it is to be used to glorify God, and building up the kingdom of God.

TASK-Now note the task He gave—vs.13b "occupy till I come" "do business till I come".

This word means to do business. To get busy; to work for gain; to trade. This is the only time in the NT this word is used. While we wait expectantly; we’re to work effectively. While we wait w/ expectation, we work w/ devotion. We have this dual assignment and we must do both faithfully.

Now, what is the task? Well, what was and still is the King’s task? Answer vs.10. Seek and save that which is lost. (II Cor.5:20—we are the King’s ambassadors.) Our task is to be a witness.

Acts 1:8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. You are a witness. Whether positively or negatively you are a witness.

So, He expects investment. .take this treasure(salv.) & utilize all resources to do the task.



In other words, He expects a yield upon His return. (no pun intended). Just as the Herod’s would return from Rome, Jesus will return from heaven and that will be a day of reckoning, a day of accountability. When He returns He will inquire of us on how we advanced the Kingdom-vs.15.

The Bible is very clear-Jesus will return and render judgment. (II Cor.5:10) and Matthew 16:27

For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

When He returns, He finds 3 groups of people: 3 Crowds:



Notice these earned 10 times and 5 times as much. 1000% and 500%. They were rewarded exactly as they labored. These had been faithful and responsible with what they were entrusted with. As a result they were rewarded accordingly and note this mean extra responsibility. Did you know God gives added responsibilities to those who are faithful? That’s why Christians who are faithful to the TASK grow. That’s why churches faithful to the TASK grow. Are you faithful to the task? God has given you so much and He expects you to use it to build up the Kingdom. Are you? What more does God want you to do? Don’t shun extra responsibilities as a curse. NO! Accept them as a reward. Can you say that you are in the faithful crowd today?


vs.20. This slave did nothing. Just wrapped it up in a napkin, hid it, and did his own thing. That is so true of many today. They have no vision, no sense of responsibility to the Lord. No concern for the growth of the Kingdom. Say, "well I didn’t do anything wrong…" No, but you didn’t do anything right either. It’s not the sin of commission; it’s not even the sin of omission. You know what it is. It is the sin of NO MISSION!!! Not on mission for God. That’s the problem w/ a lot of churches and Christians. Not only did he absolutely refuse do a thing, he also tried to justify it.

vs.21—He accused the Lord of being too hard, too demanding. He felt if he committed himself to the master he’d lose out on too much pleasure and comforts of life. Oh my friends we are living in the last days when men are lovers of themselves, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—(Paul writing pastor Timothy saying this is what’s in your church in last days.)

If this servant really feared the master he’d done something w/ the money. Know what the truth of the matter is? He didn’t really expect the king to come back. Want to know why we have so many Christians in the neglectful crowd? They really don’t expect Him to return. If they did, they would be about the Master’s business. Result: Lost Reward.


Who is in this crowd? The one who rejects Christ and His reign over them.(vs.14) "Whoever will not be ruled by the grace of Christ, will inevitably be ruined by the wrath of Christ."[Matthew Henry] First, He came as the Savior. Then He returns as the Judge. False professors and Christ rejecters will be cast away. Which crowd are you in?


CONCL. (read article Difference Between Job & Ministry)

"Some people have a JOB in the church; others involve themselves in a MINSTRY.

What’s the difference? If you are doing it just because no one else will, it’s a JOB.

If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it’s a MINISTRY. If you quit because someone

criticized you, it was a JOB. If you keep on serving, it’s a MINISTRY. If you’ll do

it only as long as it does not interfere with your other activities, it’s a JOB. If you are

committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it’s a

MINISTRY. If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it was JOB.

If you stay with it even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it’s a MINISTRY.

It’s hard to get excited about a JOB. It’s almost impossible not to be excited about

a MINISTRY. If your concern is success, it’s a JOB. If your concern is faithfulness,

it’s a MINISTRY. An average church is filled with people doing JOB’s. A great and

growing church is filled with people involved in MINISTRY. Where do you fit in?

If God calls you to a MINISTRY, don’t treat it like a JOB. If you have a JOB, give

it up and find a MINISTRY. God does not want us feeling stuck with a JOB, but

excited and faithful to Him in a MINISTRY. [The Messenger, Silk Hope Baptist, vol.35 no.1]

Are you faithful? Which crowd are you in? Maybe you are in the third crowd-the hateful. Christ is

your Savior and Lord. Listen the Lord doesn’t want your gift first. The first thing He wants to do is to give you His gift-His Son-Eternal Life. Come receive that precious gift today.

Royce Hendry, Sand Hill Baptist 12/30/00