Summary: Sermon for Sanctity of Life Sunday


Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Most preachers take this opportunity to preach on abortion. I am not going to do that this morning and insult your intelligence. Ya’all know that killing is wrong. But what we are going to look at this morning is how you were made. No, this isn’t Health 101 or sex -ed.

Illus - label in a shirt - who’s it made by What does your label say?

I. Man is a creation of God

Man was created:

A. According to God’s design

1. He got Himself a contractor, engineer, and had them design this new model. That’s not what happened

B. Under God’s inspection

C. By God’s Power

1. He created the universe out of nothing.

2. He created man out of dust

II. Man is a wonderful creation of God

This is manifest:

A. In his body

1. The way your body works is a miracle of nature

2. illus. - heart

a. typical life - 76 yrs

b. beats nearly 2.8 billion times

c. pumps over 179 million qts

3. illus. - muscles

a. not fewer than 446

4. illus. - human chromosome - 40 billion bits of information(quote Carl Sagin)

B. In his rational soul

1. Most know right from wrong

2. Having a yearning for God

C. In the union of soul and body

III. Because man is a wonderful creation of God, he should celebrate the praise of his creator

A. Man as a creation of God presents many and remarkable illustrations of the wisdom, power and goodness of his creator, and these should excite his wonder, admiration, gratitude and praise

B. The highest praise we can offer to our Creator is to fulfill His design in our creation. He who most completely embodies and most clearly expresses the will of God presents to Him the truest and highest worship