Summary: The experiences of the Prophet Jonah are like some Christians in the Church today. The lessons we can learn from this message are valuable and give certain direction for the Will of God in our life.

Jonah was an established Prophet in the days of Jeroboam king of judah..2-kings.14:24-27.Jonah like many people today are remembered for what he did not do, instead of what he could have done.Many people like Jonah are called of God and obey his will. However, many are called of God and do not obey. Jonah will, and did, discover the costs and sufferings from the Lord for not being obedient in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s look at a few things we can learn from Jonah’s experience.

1. The Call of Jonah..vs.1

a. a personal call...word came unto jonah...

b. a powerful call...the Word of the Lord...

c. a purpose in the call..Go

2. The Cry of

a. a pointed Nineveh..

b. a preparation

c. a public cry... in the city before all..

3. The Choice of Jonah..1:3

a. the chastening choice..1:17

b. the comfortable choice..or satisfied with current status of things...beware!

c. the Christ choice...philip.2:13

The call of God is one YOU KNOW, the cry you have will have an effect on others and yourself, the choice you make will affect others around you and bring the chastening of God in your life. What can you learn from this situation.