Summary: a topical sermon examining core reasons for believing that Jesus really did rise from the dead

Islington Baptist Church April 15, 2001

Scripture readings: Acts 1:1-3; 2, I Corinthians 15

Who here knows what a legend is?

A legend is a non verifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as having in fact occurred.

“It has often happened that those who loom large in their own time engender legends. Stories or tales are reported as having happened but about which there is no historical proof.” Typically these stories and tales begin to appear in excess of 100 and generally more years after the actual person has lived—because no eyewitnesses left to dispute the tales. “These tales are told to others and endure by finding their way into songs, children’s stories, plays, books and film or television”

One example of a legend involves King Arthur. Everyone knows the grand stories of King Arthur, which first began to appear 500 years after he supposedly lived. Arthur, who may or may not have been a real king in the 500’s A.D. There are few who have not heard mention of Arthur and the knights of the Round Table or of Merlin the Magician or of Lancelot or of Arthur’s hunt for the Holy Grail. All of these tales are just that: tales, myths, fanciful descriptions. These accounts are non verifiable stories that have been handed down to us and expanded upon century after century. These are legends.

I. There are some who view the accounts of the scriptures regarding Jesus, his life, ministry, death, and resurrection as being legend, myth, fantastic tales. This is an utterly false conclusion.

The Bible’s accounts of Jesus are not in any way legends. As just mentioned, a legend is a non verifiable story that has been handed down, popularly accepted as fact, and expanded upon century after century.

-The Bible’s account of Jesus and in particular his resurrection are verifiable. Reasonable, verifiable and plenteous evidence exists to support the assertion that Jesus rose from the dead—which we shall consider today.

- contrary to legendary material, the Bible and its accounts of Jesus have not been embellished and expanded upon century after century. The Bible in terms of its content has always been static and unchanging. The N.T as we know it was complete before the end of the first century and unlike legendary stories who had no eyewitnesses to dispute what was being said—many eyewitnesses abounded who had every opportunity to dispute the scriptures testimonies regarding Jesus—and they didn’t

My goal today is this: to build a case for believing, just as the Bible attests, that Jesus indeed rose from the dead. Today we are going to consider rock solid evidence for believing that Jesus rose from the dead. The ultimate conclusions of such a goal is this: that if you are here and have not become a follower of Jesus Christ that you indeed would be moved to such a commitment.

II. When it comes to Jesus’ resurrection and reasons for believing that he did, the primary witness we have is the Bible.

The Bible resoundingly proclaims that Jesus rose from the dead and is Lord and Savior.

Now I realize this, if you are indeed a skeptic at this point your first objection is this: Why should I trust what the Bible says. Why should I believe the Bible when it speaks of Jesus and his resurrection. Is not the Bible just a legend?

The Bible and its accounts are not legends. The Bible records real and verifiable history. The Bible is the word of God and one can trust so on the grounds of the following reasons.

1. The Bible’s testimony of itself: words of God.

1000’s of times the Bible makes this assertion “These are the words of God”. In II Peter 1:20-21 it says “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophets own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” We must allow the Bible to testify regarding its origins as it is the primary witness. Imagine if you were that the Bible is on trial. Well the Bible is the star witness, it is allowed to testify.

The next question of course is: can the Bible’s testimony regarding its origins be trusted. I say to you yes.

2. Archaeology supports the Bible.

When you read the scriptures you ought to note this: the people, places, events that are detailed, as much as possible, have been completely confirmed through the work of independent archaeologists. The Bible is not a sloppy book filled with imaginary people, places and events. The Bible details real people, events, places: none which has ever been disproved. The Bible is a reliable historical document, but its more than just that: By extension I would propose to you that what the Bible teaches about Jesus is true.

3. Fulfilled prophecy

When you read the scriptures you will note that 100’s of prophecies regarding future events were proclaimed. The record of the scriptures, various historicaldocuments, and archaeology proclaim this message: the prophecies of the Bible have a 100% accuracy rate. When it comes to Jesus and his resurrection there are old Testament prophecies: prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus. In Acts 2 the apostle Peter preaches a sermon based upon exactly this line of thought. He took his Jewish hearers on a tour of OT scriptures that prophesied Jesus’ resurrection from the dead: the result: 3000 Jewish people turned in faith to Jesus Christ that day.

4. Unity of the Bible

Another reason you and I can trust the Bible and believe it to be God’s word is this: The unity of the Bible. The Bible we have was written over a period of 1600 years, in 3 languages, by over 40 different people who didn’t always have a copy of the rest of the scriptures, yet it is completely contradiction free. Such a thing occurring is a statistical and logical impossibility.

4 main reasons for trusting that the Bible is God’s word: It’s unity, It’s testimony (and since its on trial its allowed to testify regarding its origin), fulfilled prophecy, archaeology. These are rock solid, logical proofs that have withstood study, attacks and criticism.

An interesting thing to note is this: over the centuries people have tried to add other materials to the Bible. People have tried to add legendary materials and fanciful tales to the scriptures. Ie. Apocrypha. In works like this many a yarn has been spun. ie. legends about Jesus’ childhood and his turning clay birds into real birds. These attempts have all been rebuffed because the materials brought have been error filled, fanciful, and contradictory.

Bottom line is this: The Bible you are holding is God’ word. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Bible is not an ever evolving legendary tale. What the Bible says can be taken as the “Gospel truth”. You never need doubt what the Bible says no matter the subject.

Because of my confidence that this –the Bible- is God’s word, I believe wholeheartedly everything the scriptures say regarding Jesus and his resurrection. I have no doubts.

Do you see the connection: because I believe the Bible to be God’s word I hence believe everything the Bible says and teaches. On the other hand, if I doubted whether the Bible was God’s word then logically I would doubt what the Bible says about Jesus and every subject: But I don’t. The evidence for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is strong and the ever ringing testimony of the scriptures is this: Jesus rose from the dead and that he is Lord. In fact: The chief message of the Jesus’ disciples as they went out into the world was to preach Jesus as resurrected from the dead.

III. Believing that Jesus rose from the dead hinges on whether or not you believe the Bible to be from God. Yet note this: there abounds indirect or circumstantial evidence for believing that Jesus rose from the dead.

Consider this: indirect evidence is what led a jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Timothy McVeigh was guilty of killing 168 people in the Oklahoma City bombing. He was convicted because fact by fact, exhibit by exhibit, witness by witness, prosecutors used circumstantial/indirect evidence to build an airtight case against him. Timothy McVeigh may have thought he comitted the perfect crime by avoiding eyewitnesses, but he has nevertheless landed on death row due to circumstantial evidence that has proved his guilt.

History is filled with indirect evidence that backs up this proclamation: Jesus rose from the dead. For example…….

a. The Talmud

The Talmud is an important historical Jewish document that in ends up testifying about Jesus in its own way. The Talmud is very hostile to Jesus and was written by those who absolutely hated Jesus. The Talmud praises the trial, conviction, and execution of Jesus. The Talmud verifies the existence of Jesus, that he was a teacher, his trial, conviction, and crucifixion. The Talmud verifies that Jesus performed many healings and miracles. It claims that Jesus did these through sorcery, but the key evidence is that his enemies did not dispute the miracles. Note this: By this recorded attack upon Jesus and his character, his enemies have validated Jesus and his work and the scriptures record of him.

b. Josephus

One of the best known historians from the first centuries. He wrote of Jesus noting: that he was a teacher who wrought many surprising feats, won over many Jews and Greeks, was condemned under Pilate and killed, that he appeared restored after 3 days and that his followers were called Christians.

c. The testimony of the Roman governor Pliny the Younger

He had many Christians executed for their “stubbornness and unshakable obstinacy that ought not to go unpunished” “They would not recant and they worshipped and honored Christ as is he were a god”

d. The disciples dying for their belief that Jesus rose from the dead

The early church fathers have written of how the disciples died in horrible ways for their belief that Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus’ disciples were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus had risen from the dead. In Acts 1:3 it speaks of how Jesus went out of his way to prove to his disciples that he really had risen “After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the kingdom of God”

When we read the Bible’s account it is very clear that Jesus’ disciples were first of all not really even expecting Jesus to rise from the dead. In addition to this, after Jesus’ crucifixion his disciples went into hiding, fearing for there very lives. In seems that for all intents and purposes, in the minds of Jesus’ disciples, that the movement Jesus started was over. Jesus’ resurrection and appearing to them changed all that. Jesus’ disciples went from being cowards to mighty men of courage who died for preaching Jesus to the nations.

Now some may say, “lots of people have died for their beliefs”. This is true, just because you are a martyr doesn’t make what you proclaim true. Yet this must be noted: While many have died for what they have thought is true, who in their right mind do you know who will die for what they know to be a lie. The disciples were in their right minds. The Bible portrays them as level headed, rational people.

Would the disciples and other witnesses of Jesus allow themselves to be beaten, tortured, mocked, grieved, repeatedly abused for a lie? NO. The disciples had no ulterior motives either. They didn’t preach the good news of Jesus’ resurrection for money. They left everything behind and faced unimaginable abuse for this truth that they witnessed themselves: Jesus rose from the dead and he is Lord.

In addition to the disciples dying for this core belief: Jesus rose from the dead and is Lord; millions of Christians have joined them and continue to join them in death as martyrs for this same belief.

Underneath Rome lies some 900 miles of passageways where over it is estimated that over 7 million Christians, executed for their beliefs, were buried. In 400 A.D these catacombs were buried and forgotten. In 1578 they were discovered by accident. Scratched into the walls of these catacombs their lies testimony that these people died for their belief in Jesus and his resurrection.

e. The conversion of skeptics

Another evidence that points to the truthfulness of this message: Jesus rose from the dead is Lord and Savior is this: The conversion of skeptics.

Jesus’ brother James is our first example (John 7:5; Mark 3:21). He didn’t become a follower of Jesus until after Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus’ resurrection proved to him that Jesus was exactly who he claimed to be “Lord and only Savior”. James went from being a skeptic to a committed follower of Jesus Christ and church history records that he died for his faith.

Saul is our second example. For a time Saul’s purpose in life was to persecute Christians and to have them imprisoned, beaten, and sometimes killed. Saul, for a time lived to force Christians to recant of their faith in Jesus Christ. An special encounter with the risen Jesus on the Damascus road changed all that and what did Saul become? He became Paul the greatest evangelist the world has ever known and inspired author of 12 or13 of our NT books.

f. Key changes within Jewish social structures

Within 5 weeks of Jesus’ resurrection over 5000 Jewish men had become followers of Jesus Christ. When these men, and who knows how many women and children turned to Christ within those first 5 weeks, they stopped going to the temple to offer animal sacrifices for their sins, they no longer affirmed that to be an a good member of God’s community that you had to keep the law of Moses, they changed their day of worship to the first day of the week- Sunday.

The only explanation for such changes in such a number of people is something the magnitude of Jesus’ resurrection. For centuries their enemies had tried to exterminate them and assimilate them yet as a people they had resisted and clung to Sabbath worship, animal sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, and the law of Moses. Suddenly 5000 men no longer did that. Jesus’ resurrection is the only possible explanation.

g. The existence of the church

The existence of the church today, stands as circumstantial evidence to the assertion that Jesus rose from the dead and is Lord.

The book of Acts details the birth, spread, growth, story of the church

What has been the main testimony of the church: Jesus is Lord and that he rose from the dead

So far I have posited that ……

1. The Bible’s accounts of Jesus and his resurrection are not fanciful tales

2. The Bible’s testimony regarding Jesus and his resurrection can be trusted.

3. We have also noted that plenty, and what ought to be convincing, indirect evidence exists that points to the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

IV. Believing from the heart that Jesus is Lord and rose from the dead is a condition for the forgiveness of sins and salvation. Such a belief is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work.

It is only by the Spirit that one can confess that Jesus is Lord. It is only by the Spirit that one can do as the scriptures call.

The Holy Spirit is at work in the world today. Perhaps today…….

What is the call of the scriptures: to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and as Romans 10:9 says “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord.” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”


V. The question remains: So what? Which leads to this thought: The implications of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

1. Jesus is who he claimed to be : God, Lord

2. Death is not the end

3. We will ourselves be physically resurrected from the dead

4. Death and sin have been triumphed over by Christ

5. You, if you are not a follower of Jesus ought to turn in faith and repentance to him

6. We ought to be vibrant, bold Christians who are eager, just like the early disciples, to spread the joyous word: Jesus lives.