Summary: This sermon deals with the basis for rejecting homosexuality as a lifestyle acceptable within the Scriptures.

Jesus is our model for the acceptance of other people.

Jesus invited people from all walks of life to come follow him.

He loved and he welcomed many. Yet Jesus’s words and demands

offended a lot more than they attracted, because Jesus would not

tolerate sin. He gave a stinging rebuke to the Pharisees and

scribes for their sins of oppression and pride, he scolded the

man he had recently healed at the pool of Bethesda for turning

back to sin, and after forgiving the woman caught in adultery, he

told her go and sin no more.

Jesus tells us that one cannot be his disciple unless one is

willing to forsake all, even his or her own life in order to

follow Him. The challenge to forsake everything is the same and

is yet very different for each of us, for we all have different

relationships, desires, lusts and passions some of which have

been with us since birth. On the day of Pentecost, when asked

what should they do to be saved, Peter replied, repent and be

baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Homosexuality is discussed directly in the Old and New

Testament, and in both places it is referred to as sin. Chris

Glooser, one of the leaders in the Homosexual movement of our

denomination ignored this at our clergy meeting by saying,

"homosexuality was so insignificant that Jesus did not even

mention it in his teachings." Jesus does not mention rape,

incest, kidnapping or wife abuse, yet we would not argue that his

silence on the issues indicated approval of the actions. Jesus

affirmed his position on homosexuality by his open declaration

and admission of the Old Testament to be the word of God. Jesus

7 3 ��viewed the Word of God as as absolute standard for all behavior.

"He asked the religious leaders of his day, "why do you trans

gress the commandment of God because of your traditions."

The strongest condemnation of the practice of homosexuality

is not found in some obscure, insignificant book of the New

Testament. It is found in the book of Romans; a book which is the

core of Christianity and gives us the doctrine of justification

by faith. The Romans passage illustrates that the practice of

homosexulity spread because of a rejection or the true worship of

God. Romans 1:21-27 "For although they knew God, they neither

glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking

became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. {22} Al

though they claimed to be wise, they became fools {23} and ex

changed the glory of the immortal God for images made to look

like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. {24} There

fore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to

sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one anoth

er. {25} They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped

and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever

praised. Amen{26} Because of this, God gave them over to shameful

lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural

ones. {27} In the same way the men also abandoned natural rela

tions with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men

committed indecent acts with other men, and received in them

selves the due penalty for their perversion.

Those who desire to practice homosexuality seeks to distin

guish between the wild gay lifestyle with the multiple partners,

bath houses, fisting and golden showers to the lifestyle of two

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people who want to commit similar acts but limit themselves to

each other. The Bible does not make any such disticnction. The

Old Testament states in Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a man

as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detest

able." The penalty for this violation was death. There are six

passages in the Sriptures that bear on homosexuality and it is

condemned in each of them. How can we overturn the word of God

and claim that both the Old and New Testament is in error, and

homosexuality is actually a gift from God.

The Bible teaches there is to be a separation between the

church and the world. In the world those who committ acts of

homosexuality should have the same rights as adulterers, fornica

tors, and any other sexually immoral group. The world sets its

own moral standards.

In the church however, those who practice homosexuality

should be offered the same standard of entrance into the kingdom

as any other group of sinners and that’s to repent of one’s sin

and submit to the authority of God’s word. Love demands that we

lead people out of darkness rather than encouraging others into

this lifestyle.

The church is accused of singling out homosexuality as the

worst of sins. This is not true. The reality is that this is the

only group which demands that the church accept its sin without

asking them to repent. The group cloaks its sin in all kinds of

garbs by claiming the issue is a civil rights issue very similar

to the way the church at one time treated blacks. This is an

insult to all blacks when such a comparison is made, in that

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nothing in the Bible says it is a sin to practice being Black.

Regardless of how sincere one is that the Bible teaches that

the practice of homosexuality is a sin, he or she is deemed to be

a bigot and obviously is homo-phobic and is need of repentence of

homo-phobia. This is merely an attempt to silence all opposition.

We find in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "Do you not know that the wicked

will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither

the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male pros

titutes nor homosexual offenders {10} nor thieves nor the greedy

nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the

kingdom of God. " Does this passage make us thieve-a-phobics,

adulteryphobics, swindlerphobics or slanderphobic. Are men and

women of God not to tell the truth about sin, lest they show

themselves to be bigots and manifest sinaphobia?.

No. This passage show us those who need the liberating

power of Jesus Christ to regain control of their lives. This

section also shows the power of Jesus Christ to transform people

lives in that the next verse reads 1 Corinthians 6:11 "And that

is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sancti

fied, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and

by the Spirit of our God." There were those involved in homosex

ualtiy in the Corinthian Church but they did not start a Corin

thian Gay and Lesbian Group. They yeilded themselves to the word

of God and left that lifestyle behind.

Why is it that God created sex, and why is it that sex out

side of marriage is sin. Part of the purpose of marriage is to

give us insight into the nature of the relationship between Jesus

7 3 ��Christ and the church. It is a relationship that is to be based

on purity, commitment, sacrifice, and total surrender to the word

of God. In both the Old and New Testament we find the words "For

this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united

to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." We do not

understand all that takes place in two individuals becoming one

flesh. The apostle Paul writes of this verse" This is a profound

mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church."

Without a willingness to yield themselves in obedience to

God’s word, it is impossible for two people to totally become one

flesh because God’s spirit is not involved in the process. We are

told that our bodies are not to be used to simply please our

selves, but they are to be the temples of the Holy Spirit which

resides within us, and that we should not pollute them by any

means, be it heterosexual or homosexual relationships.

This is not an issue of can homosexuals preach, teach,

counsel, love and minister in the name of Jesus as well as any

heterosexual can. Of course they can. But so can adulterers,

fornicators, child molesters, and wife abusers. All sorts of

people can quote on quote "do ministry". Jesus said that there

would be many false prophets. But Jesus never calls us to do

ministry, he calls us to follow Him. The test is not going to

be one’s capacity for ministry, but rather one’s obedience to the

word of God.

It is Jesus who says in Matthew 7:21-2 "Not everyone who

says to me, ’Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but

only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. {22}

Many will say to me on that day, ’Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy

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in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many

miracles?’ {23} Then I will tell them plainly, ’I never knew you.

Away from me, you evildoers!’

Are we willing to send people to an eternity in misery just

so that we can boast of being inclusive. Jesus was not driven by

a desire to be inclusive. His focus was to do His Father’s will

in total obedience regardless of the cost. The church cannot

afford to sacrifice truth and obedience to the word of God under

the guise of compassion. We hear a lot about the pain of homo

sexuals who feel as though the church has turned them away.

When will we start to hear and listen to the pain of those

who feel as though the church is pushing them out because of

their commitment to the inscripturated word of God. When I

became a Presbyteian, I believed in the Presbyterian Church’s

commitment to the teachings of the Scripture, and to the Bible

being the Word of God. Yet because of the loud voices of the few,

the denomination seems more willing to please those whose lives

are contrary to the word, than to stand with those who want to

preserve the truth of God’s word. Why is the pain of the one who

chooses to live contrary to the word of God more valid than the

pain of those who feel they are being forced to compromise the

word of God in order to condone sin within the church. I too

grieve at the prospect of being forced out of the Presbyterian

church over this issue.

If my brothers and sisters who seek to practice homosexual

ity are genuine in their concern for the unity of the body of

Christ, let them pick up their crosses and follow Jesus as all

7 3 ��the rest of us are commanded to do. We all have desires and

passions that need to be crucified daily. Simply calling them

God’s gifts, does not make them any less sinful. As Christians

we have control over our desires for pleasure. That’s why Christ

died and rose again on our behalf. Nothing is to be in control

of our lives except the desire to obey the word of God.

We as Presbyterians are making a decision to be guided by

the Bible in terms of sexuality, or by the wisdom of this world.

If we start to pick and choose which sins in the Bible we like

and which we do not, we will no longer have any impact on this

world for Jesus Christ. For whatever the world approves, will

eventually be approved by the church. Jesus did not seek an all

inclusive church. He said to sit down and count the cost before

becoming his disciple.

When a church or presbytery ordains a person, it does so

for the entire denomination. We have a constitution so that each

church is to held to the same standard. Being a Presbyterian

should have the same validity and testimony for Jesus Christ in

Ohio as it does in Georgia, Texas, California, New York and Iowa.

Those who desire to participate in homosexual acts are free

to enter the kingdom of God on the same basis as everyone else.

That is with a faith in Jesus Christ, and a repentance of sin.

Jesus loved, accepted, and protected the woman caught in adul

tery. The church is called to do the very same thing. Yet his

final words to the woman were, "neither do I condemn you, go and

sin no more." Let the church be a beacon of light for those who

want to leave any sinful lifestyle. Let us offer all people the

power of Jesus Christ to bring healing in their lives, to set

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them free from sin, and to be made a new creation in Christ
