Summary: To lead the people to understand how to let God guide them with a humble, reverent and believing attitude.

Unit 16 – Deliverance From Egypt

Lesson 45 – Moses and the Burning Bush – Exodus 3-4

Preparation for the Teacher

1. Aim: To lead the people to understand how to let God guide them with a humble, reverent and believing attitude.

2. Explanation of the Aim: Some people struggle to know the will of God for their life because they fail to approach Him with the right attitude. When the Lord called Moses he is serving as a humble shepherd in Midian. Sometimes God calls us to be in high places and at other times in modest places of service. We must allow God to change us as well as how we serve Him according to His will.

3. The Bible Story: The life of Moses is divided into three forty year periods. The first forty he spent as a prince in Pharaoh’s court, the second as a shepherd in Midian, the third as a king in Jeshurun. God sometimes allows conditions to get harder so He can do greater things in and through us. Do not assume that you will always remain in one type of ministry. When God first calls Moses, he is tending sheep. The Lord always calls active not lazy people. Even though it might seem that Moses was not trained for this activity God wanted to develop meekness and contentment in a man who would one day lead Israel out of Egypt and toward the promised land. Never think you are too big to do a small work for God.

4. Prepare to Teach: The INTRODUCTION asks the people the question: “What are some of the ways that God guides us? (The Bible, godly counsel, prayer, godly experience, godly relationships, wisdom, love, glory to God, evangelism, peace, fruitfulness etc) Find out how the people can know what is the best decision for their future career? How can one know they are really in the center of the will of God? The BIBLE STORY teaches how Moses not only learned about God’s will but also about His Holy attributes. God learned to tell the Egyptian Pharaoh that the great I AM (One of God’s name that describes His eternal power and unchangeable character in a world where values, morals and laws constantly change we always find stability and security in our Lord) had sent him. The MEANING FOR OUR LIVES gives the people an opportunity to make applications from the lesson. Ask the people how the Lord guided a reluctant Moses? Why is it wrong to give God excuses for failing to do His will as Moses tried to do? What are some of the criteria by which a person can know they are in the will of God?

CLASS TIME (Begin With Prayer)


Ask the people the question: “What are some of the ways that God guides us?” (The Bible, godly counsel, godly relationships, godly experience, obedience, trust, prayer, wisdom, love, glory to God, evangelism, peace, fruitfulness etc) Find out how the people can know what is the best decision for their future career? How can one know if they are really at the center of the will of God?

The Bible Story

It is important to note that God appears first to Moses when he is serving as a humble shepherd in Midian. God may call us people from the most humble places of service when they are least expecting a major change in their lifestyles. We always need to be prepared for God to direct us in whichever way He wants us to go. The Lord begins to guide Moses by revealing more of His holy attributes to Moses. When Moses asks God, “If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ they won’t believe me. They will ask, ‘Which god are you talking about? What is his name? Then what should I tell them.” (Ex. 3:13) Then the Lord said, I AM THE ONE WHO ALWAYS IS. Do not be discouraged if the people around you does not know God or understand how He is directing you. God wanted Moses to know that the holy God is unchangeable, stable and fully capable to provide whatever is needed for godly people to accomplish His will in and through them. We can count on God to be completely dependable even though other people and our circumstances may constantly change. Help people to first gain great power through the praise of God and His attributes before trying to teach them about making decisions concerning God’s will. Because Moses was alone in a remote place he could focus all of his attention on God and His directives. Being alone, is a good friend to our communion with God. When we are humble enough to admit our weaknesses, than God can be made strong through His all sufficient grace working through us.

To his great surprise, Moses saw a bush burning without fire to kindle it. The bush burned, and yet did not burn away. The Lord may use unexpected sources to spark our attention, but He mainly speaks to us through His word. Fire is an emblem, in Scripture, of the Divine holiness and justice, also of the afflictions and trials with which God proves and purifies his people. Moses recognized that God’s light and life could never be extinguished.

When God called Moses, he answered immediately. Many people fail to know the will of God because they are distracted with many other activities, but not Moses. When God told Moses to take off his shoes it was a test to see if Moses had a reverential, humble and obedient attitude in little things before greater revelation would be given to him. By taking off his shoes Moses showed great respect and submission. Let us come to God in quietness, humility and fearful reverence and not in with a flippant attitude. God can choose the weak of this world to shame the wise.

It is instructive that Moses hid his face, as if both ashamed and afraid to look upon God. The more we see of God, and his grace, and covenant love, the more cause we will see to worship him with reverence and godly fear. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” (Matt. 5:8)

As God is calling Moses he is fully aware of the afflictions of the people of Israel. God knows the sorrow, pain and misery of people. He is eager to see all the hurting people of the world rescued from their suffering. God hears the cry of those who seek Him with all their heart and if they search for Him they will find Him through a saving relationship through Jesus Christ the Lord. The Bible says, “He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. He also hears their cry and saves them.” (Psa. 145:19) The Lord knows about the oppression we endure. No person or government is higer or greater than the Almighty God. The Lord promises speedy deliverance by methods out of the common ways of providence. Those whom God, by his grace, delivers out of a spiritual Egypt, he will bring to a heavenly Canaan. We simply have to follow the criteria for knowing His will found in the Bible, prayer, godly counsel, godly relationships, godly experience, evangelism, discipleship, peace, service and fruitfulness according to our spiritual gifts.

When Moses is willing to admit that he is weak, but God’s strength is sufficient, then he is ready to do the Lord’s will. The problem with many people is that they try to serve the Lord with their own strength and fail every time. God’s will done in God’s way will not lack God’s support, said Hudson Taylor, the famous founder of the China Inland Mission. Do not be too hasty that you run in front of God’s will. Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19)

Moses was told that the misunderstanding people like Pharaoh, could not stand in the way of God’s will. Likewise, we must be prepared in advance to realize that the complaints of people will not prevail against one who is in the will of God. The Lord has plenty of resources available to Him that we may not be aware of. The hand of God is able to lead the way through any Red Sea experience. This is a great encouragement as no matter how difficult the task we can be assured that God’s redemption is near at hand. Let us be busy in doing what responsibilities God gives us today so that we will be ready for where He leads tomorrow.

Memory Verse: God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM has sent you. This is what you are to say to the Israelites. I am has sent you.” (Ex. 3:14)

The Meaning for Our Lives

Give the people an opportunity to make applications from the lesson. Ask the people how the Lord guided a reluctant Moses? Why is it wrong to give God excuses for failing to do His will as Moses tried to do? What are some of the criteria by which they can know they are in the will of God with their decisions?


Song: I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you utilize the necessary criteria for discovering the will of God for your life?

At Home: Ask your parents how they find the will of God for their decisions?