Summary: The beginning or the fall of Satan as Scriptures reveal.

Satan And His Dawning

Sermon by: Mark D. Hodges

Isaiah 14:13-14


Many famous military strategists have pointed out that if you want to win a victory it is essential to know your enemy.

Being able to predict what your enemy will do is very important.

That principal is no less true in the spiritual realm.

The better we understand our adversary, the better we will recognize his weaknesses.

Only then does he become vulnerable to us.

That is why it is important that we allow God¡¦s Word to reveal the truth about Satan. On the one hand we don’t want to glorify him, but on the other hand we want to expose him so that we can see him as he is:

„h A diluted being,

„h A defiled being, and

„h A defeated being.

To totally understand the subject of ¡§Satan,¡¨ we will begin by addressing, ¡§Satan and his Dawning.¡¨


Col. 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

We know that God created all things ¡V all things were made by God, including beings.

These created beings are categorized as either:

„h Beings from the ¡§Natural¡¨ world or

„h Beings from the ¡§Spirit¡¨ world.

The first creatures that God created to inhabit His kingdom were an order of intelligent spirit beings called angels.

God had created all spirit beings as good, but with a will to choose.

Among the Spirit World God created three great leaders:

„h Michael

Referred to the Archangel in Jude 9.

„h Gabriel

Is associated with the redemptive work of God.

Luke 1:19 I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God¡K

„h Lucifer

A. He was Perfect.

This was an awesome creature that was perfect in all his ways from the day he was created.

He was a creature that was blameless, or perfect in all of his ways.

Ezekiel 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

B. He Was Pleasing.

He was pleasing to look upon because of his beauty.

He was the most glorious of the angels as the Bible says he was ¡§perfect in beauty.¡¨

His appearance was magnificent and it was further enhanced by his dress.

His splendid personal adornment indicated that he possessed the most elevated position of God¡¦s creatures.

Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

C. He Was Prudent.

Lucifer was an intelligent creature, the Bible calling him, ¡§full of wisdom.¡¨

Wisdom in the Bible is not simply extensive academic knowledge, but the ability to apply that intelligence skillfully to produce excellent art that glorifies God.

No other of God¡¦s creatures has matched his intelligence, understanding, and skill.

D. He Was Powerful.

Not only was he beautiful and intelligent above all other created beings, he also possessed great power.

Ezekiel 28:14 says about Lucifer, ¡KThou art the anointed cherub that covereth¡K

The word anointed means ¡§one who is set apart to God for a special task.¡¨

In the Bible we find three groups of people who were anointed: prophets, priests, and kings.

„h Prophets speak God¡¦s Word to people

„h Priests carry the worship of people to God

„h Kings rule over subjects

Lucifer was the first creature ever designated as ¡§the anointed one.¡¨

He functioned as a prophet, priest, and king, leading the angels in their worship and praise of God.


Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

When Lucifer was created he was given the glorious title of ¡§Son of the Morning.¡¨

God had given Lucifer position, power, and purpose.

With his brilliance, beauty, and power, you would think that he had it made.

What brought about his destiny of confusion?

A. Self-Exaltation.

Lucifer began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belonged only to God.

That is when he began to try to elevate himself higher than Almighty God.

Isaiah 14:12-13 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God¡K

Even though Lucifer was a beautiful, brilliant, and power creature, he failed to recognize that he was not:

„h Sovereign

Satan rules a domain of demons, but not beyond the bounds that God established for him.

„h Omnipotent

Satan is powerful, but not all powerful (I John 4:4).

„h Omniscient

Satan does not know everything (I Peter 1:12).

„h Omnipresent

While angels can move quickly they cannot be everywhere at the same time (Daniel 9:21).

Lucifer fell because of self-exaltation, to assert his own position rather than remain in a position of service to God.

He was not content being the head of praise to God, but he wanted to be God.

He made his choice and gave up everything because of arrogance and pride.

B. Self-Destruction.

As soon as Lucifer sinned, the self-destruction began.

Not only did Lucifer rebel against God, but he led a large group of angels to rebel with him.

He began to entice and lure other angels to follow him instead of God.

The Bible reveals that about one-third of the angels followed after Satan in rebellion (Revelation 12:4).

These unholy angels then were referred to as demons, evil spirits, or unclean spirits.

Since that time, Lucifer and his demons have been roaming about the earth causing war, rape, murder, famine, terrorism and child abuse.

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Ever since Satan has come to this earth it has never been right.

That is why we have hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes.

Satan wants to rule this earth and he wants to rule God.

„h He hates for people to turn to God because he hates God.

„h He hates for Christians to serve God and ignore his temptations.

The day Lucifer rebelled against God he began to self-destruct.

God already has prepared a place for Satan and his demons.

Read Revelation 20:1-3; 7-10.


All through the scriptures we understand that titles and names indicate something about a person¡¦s character.

Satan has been given many names and these names help classify the existence and purposes of Satan.

1. Lucifer: (Isaiah 14:12)

The name means, "light-bearer." As he had fallen from His Heavenly position, he now comes as an angel of light to deceive God’s people!

2. Satan: (Zechariah 3:1; 1 Peter 5:8)

The name means "adversary".

Satan is a constant, relentless opponent.

The very word adversary or opponent should be understood that anytime, anyone (including us) opposes God’s work or what God is trying to do, they are under the influence of Satan. Satan Opposes!

Satan is your opposition that never gives up on you.

He wants to destroy the lost man and damage the saved man.

3. Devil: (1 Peter 5:8)

This name means, "slanderer."

The name devil represents that there is one devil, but many demons.

Satan loves to slander God’s people before others.

To slander is to give a malicious, false report!

Anytime you say slanderous things about someone, the devil is using you. Rebuke any person who spews forth slanderous things from their mouths.

4. A Murderer And A Liar: (John 8:44)

Satan desires to murder all believers and lie to them and about them.

5. Prince Of This World: (John 12:31)

Satan is a powerful manipulator in this world.

He is the ruler of it! It is his territory!

On judgment day, he will be cast out of this position.

Do not be deceived, Satan is a powerful ruler in this world.

6. Tempter: (Mat 4:3)

He tempted Jesus to sin.

One and only one tempts you to fail, to sin, to disobey God and it is Satan! The master tempter!

7. God Of This Age: (2 Corinthians 4:4)

He blinds the unchurched and those without Christ to be unable to see their need for Jesus and the gospel.

We must do spiritual battle with Satan for the souls of men.

Our weapons to combat him are: name of Jesus, blood of Jesus, word of God, word of testimony, and love not your life even to death.

8. Prince Of The Power Of The Air: (Ephesians 2:2)

Satan’s ground of movement is in the atmosphere surrounding the earth.

The ones without Christ walk according to this spirit.

9. The Destroyer: (Revelation 9:11)

Satan wants to destruct all he touches and destroy it totally.

He hates those who live holy lives.

He desires to destroy you, your marriage, your job, your church, all of you!

10. The Dragon: (Revelation 12:7-9)

The name dragon means that he is a fierce enemy.

Do not underestimate the violent, mean, and vicious spirit of your enemy.

Thank God there is victory in the end!

11. The Accuser: (Revelation 12:10)

This means that he is continually condemning us!

He wants you to feel guilty about sin that you may not have even committed. He accuses us before God continually.

When you feel condemned--Satan is the one who condemns you--Satan falsely accuses you.

12. The Deceiver: (Revelation 20:10)

A deceiver wants us to believe things that are not true!

He is a great con artist.

He is always trying to disguise sex, alcohol, and drugs to make people think that these things are something that they aren¡¦t.

He is a liar!


1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Understanding all these things about Satan, there are four thoughts that we should conclude with:

1) Know your enemy.

2) Recognize your enemy.

3) Do not underestimate the power of your enemy.

4) You can overcome your enemy.


„h Through the cross

„h Through the promises of the Bible

„h Through the weapons of warfare