Summary: This sermon deals with Christians being able to state why it is they are Christians.

Who Am I

9:30 1/23/93 Romans 1:16 Exodus 3:4-14 1 Peter 3:8-16


Our sermon for this day is on knowing "Why I Am A

Christian." Let us pray...O God we ask for the Power of the

Holy Spirit to fall and to anoint and illumine Your word, Oh God,

that the Holy Spirit may make it real in our hearts and evident

in our lives. We ask this in Jesus’s name Amen.


If someone wanted to know who you were, how do you think you

would go about explaining who you are, and where would you start?

Would you begin with your race, your age, your education, your

family, your citizenship, or your relationship with Jesus Christ.

We need to know who we are, so that we can understand why it is

that we do, what we do. Back in the 70’s everybody was out

trying to find themselves. In the 80’s everybody was out trying

to please themselves, and we’re not sure what the 90’s will bring

but hopefully for the church it will bring an understanding of

why it is we are Christians.


Yes, we are more than our professions in life be it school

teacher, assembly worker, cook, counselor, housewife, house hus

band or whatever. We are more than the many different roles we

are called to play. Psychologists tell us it’s important to know

who we are . While it is important to know "who we are," I think

it is more important for us to know "why we are." Why are you a

schoolteacher, a factory worker, a secretary, a counselor, a cook

, a doctor or a student. And equally as important if not more

so, "Why are you a Christian."


Saints, knowing who you are will give you a sense of identi

ty. Knowing why you are, on the other hand will give your iden

tity integrity. The word integrity comes from a Latin word which

means a condition of being complete or whole. Integrity is

knowing why you are who you are. The mark of identity for most

of us is that of being a Christian. When we tell others we are

Christians, that should give them insights into the way they can

expect us to act in certain situations, if integrity is a part of

our identity as Christians.


In 1 Peter 3:15, The apostle Peter instructed the Chris

tians in Asia Minor saying, "And always be ready to give a de

fense to everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is

in you." Saints, the word defense here, comes from the same

Greek word that we get the term apology from. Peter is saying,

be ready to give an apology for the hope that is in you. Give an

apology? Is Peter suggesting that we apologize for our faith? Of

course not! The word apology is a legal term. It means to

develop a defense as an attorney might in a court of law. It

means to give a reason or explanation.


Could you defend the reason you are a Christian today? If it

were a crime to be a Christian and you were arrested for being a

Christian, would there be enough proof to guarantee you a jail

sentence, or would you have to be set free for insufficient

evidence? Why are you a Christian? If someone were to ask you

that question this morning, what would you tell them? Well my

parents were Christians. I want to go to heaven. My friends are

Christians. What would you say?


My friends let us quickly share with you, a few good reasons

to be a Christian. The first is that "we need the Lord." Notice

where the need is. It’s not that God needs us, but that we need

the presence of God in our lives. From the moment we come into

the world, we need the Lord. You know when we come into the

world, we come in with a condition. A condition that theologians

call original sin. Original sin means we all originate out of a

sinful world which taints us from the word go.


Nobody ever has to teach us to be selfish. Nobody teaches us

to lie. Nobody teaches us to steal. Nobody teaches us to want

what we belongs to others. It’s all built into us from the

beginning. We all tend to make ourselves the center of the

universe right from the start. If a baby is hungry, he or she

could care less about what is going on, that baby is going to let

everyone within listening range know, that somebody better do

something for him or her or the situation is going to get worse.


When we grow up making ourselves the center of the universe,

then we’re lost to God who is the creator and origin of the

universe. To be lost means to be out of the place that God has

in purpose for our lives. God desires that all of us be found

inside Jesus Christ. It was in our lostness that God comes to

find us and God pursues us until we find Him.


In Christianity, we have the distinct privilege of knowing

intimately and personally, the God who is not far from each one

of us. It is God’s will for us to live in Jesus, move in Jesus,

and stay in Jesus. This means knowing the presence of God in our

day to day interactions with each other. We can sense that God’s

Spirit is working in us to act and react in certain ways.


Jesus is in us. We are in Him. He surrounds, undergirds,

and sustains us through all of life’s experiences. We have God’s

undivided attention, for the Scriptures says our God never sleeps

nor slumbers, and Psalms 33:18 says "the eyes of the LORD are on

those who fear him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing

love." My friends, the Christian faith is unparalleled in what

it offers to the human family.


The major difference between Christianity and other world

religions is that the other religions approach God based on how

good one has been, but in Christianity the only basis for ap

proaching God is on how good God has been. You see we know that

we are the pits and can’t be expected to do good without Jesus in

our hearts. God has done the work of making us righteous, by so

loving the world and giving Jesus Christ as a payment for our



Praise God, the Christian faith does not disappoint. It does

produce what it promises. What does the Christian faith promise?

It promises to put us in a right relationship with God. It

promises to give us victory over our personal sins. Christian

faith promises to put us in right relationship to others. God

has come in Christ to show us how to love and respect one another

and to live free of a spirit of revenge toward those who have

wronged us.


The Christian faith offers us the fruits of the spirit:Gala

tians 5:22-2 says But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,

peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, {23} gentle

ness and self-control. The Christian faith promises to fulfill

our most basic human needs. God’s promises fills the pages of

the Bible. They are everywhere and God is faithful to do as He

promises. The Christian faith will help us to know God’s forgive

ness, to learn to be forgiving, and to experience victory over



Saints, we can’t stress enough that the Christian faith

produces what it promises. It meets all our needs, and it pre

pares us for life here and also gives us hope in the world to

come. Don’t give up because you’re not getting everything you

want right now. Hebrews 10:23 says "Let us hold unswervingly to

the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Praise

God. These are just a few reasons as to why I am/ you are a

Christian. Saints are we able to give an account? Are we able to

give an apology? Are we able to give a reason or explanation for

the hope this is within us? Are we able to boldly and intelli

gently answer the question, "why am I a Christian."


The apostle Paul once declared, "For I am not ashamed of the

gospel of Jesus Christ." Paul might not have been, but most of

us are. How much of Jesus do we want others to see in us at

school, at work, at a party, or at the game? Do those around us

know that we are Christians, or is it one of our guarded and

protected secrets? Some believers almost apologize for not

participating in sin with their friends rather than taking a

stand saying Jesus has called me to something different.


Saints, if we know all the promises that God offers us

through salvation in Jesus Christ, why is there little boldness

these days about the Christian faith? One problem is that

sadly, most folks do not realize the real, heavenly, eternal

transaction that took place the day they were saved. But saints

there is a change that takes place in a life that comes into

contact with Jesus. Jesus changes our lives. Jesus changes us

on the inside and its soon seen on the outside.


Zaccheus was a wealthy and corrupt man in the Bible. One

day he realized that he was lost. His relationship to God was

practically non-existent, and there was no way he would be knock

ing on heaven’s door. But one day Jesus came by, and after he

met Jesus, there was a change in Zaccheus on the inside and the

outside. You can’t know Jesus without being changed by Him. When

Jesus gave Zaccheus the opportunity to enter the family of God,

Zaccheus seized the moment immediately. He wasn’t saved 5

minutes without realizing he need to change his life-style.


After cheating people and being concerned with only his own

pleasure for years we find in Luke 19:8-10, But Zacchaeus stood

up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of

my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of

anything, I will pay back four times the amount." {9} Jesus said

to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this

man, too, is a son of Abraham. {10} For the Son of Man came to

seek and to save what was lost." People, none of us deserve the

presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. It is by God’s grace that

we can even become Christians. Jesus says, you did not chose Me,

but I chose you. Can you say Praise God? God chose us.


God’s way works. God will transform people by the power of

the Holy Spirit. This is our hope today. It is the power of the

gospel to transform lives and change the values by which we live

in this society. Brothers and sisters, we are engaged in spirit

ual warfare. We have the weapons and the opportunity as the

church to Jesus Christ to present a moral and spiritual message

to a sick and needy nation. The answers will not come from the

executive, judicial or legislative arms of government. The

answers can only come from a church that’s being faithful to the

word of God. Our hope for change is found in Jesus Christ and

Jesus Christ alone.


Saints, this hope will not be realized unless the church

becomes what God has called us to be. Tragically, in our time we

have been conformed to the world, molded as one of society’s

institutions, another organization, another bureaucracy. But, my

friends, the church of Jesus Christ is not just another organiza

tion. It is a living organism. It is the dwelling place of the

living God and the living witness of a whole new kingdom. The

apostle Peter said to the church in 1 Peter 2:9, "You are a

chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation." The promise of

Almighty God is that God will come and actually take up residence

among His chosen people.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ centers around the fact that the

Spirit of God lives in the midst of his people. Not only do we

need to know who we are, we also need to know what we are. We

find in 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your body is a

temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received

from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.

Therefore honor God with your body." We are who and what we are

because of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.


Saints have you come to realize what distinguishes God’s

people. Christianity is not just another religion, it’s not just

another book of proverbs, and its not just a creed by which

people live. Our distinguishing factor as Christians is that the

Creator of the universe has chosen to dwell in our midst and to

call us out be God’s holy nation, a separate people, a kingdom of

his own choosing. This means that we must first pay loyalty to

the kingdom of God above all else. There is no greater challenge

to the church of Jesus Christ today, than to be what God intends

it to be.-- God’s visible presence on earth as the holy nation of

God’s own chosen people.


How are to become this? As we become anything else and

that’s only by God’s grace. We are being called to lose our

lives for Christ’s sake and thereby be turned into a holy nation.

You see, we must be willing to work to display God’s grace to the

world. "Who am I" is not nearly as an important question as,

"who is God calling me to be." When God called Moses in our Old

Testament reading today, it wasn’t that important as to who Moses

was or what Moses could do. The real issue was, "who was the

God" that was sending Moses to do this awesome task. When we see

who God is calling us to be, we may think its impossible. But we

serve a God who spends time day after day delighting in making

the impossible possible.


Friends, what is our role in becoming what God desires for

us to be and discovering who we are. First we must discern the

false values of our culture and clearly reject them. Saints our

culture bombards us with messages--wrong messages about life. For

example the world says, seek to be served rather than serve.

Look out for number 1, yourself above all else and seek to rise

to the top regardless of the cost. Of course the gospel of Jesus

Christ is the exac t opposite of this. It says we must be willing

to lose ourselves. Jesus tells us to bear one another burdens

and be concerned not only about ourselves, but also about others.


The second thing we must do is take our stand upon the holy

and true word of God. Is the Bible your lamp determining which

way you are going, or do you determine yourself what is right and

what is wrong. So many Christians are taking the way of destruc

tion which led to the downfall of the nation of Isreal. The

Bible says of them, "each one of them was doing what was right in

his or her own eyes." We will not do what the Bible says, if we

don’t know what the Bible says to do.


The third thing we must do is take the message of Jesus

Christ to the people. Jesus did not wait for Zaccheus to come to

the church. Jesus went into his home to share the news of God’s

salvation. Jesus went to the where the sick, the lame, and the

hurting were. He went among the outcasts and the lepers. He did

not set up an office and say, "come into the temple so that I can

tell you the good news." He went out and lived with the people,

identified with them and was in fellowship with their suffering.

Are we willing to take this message of Jesus Christ on our jobs,

at school or wherever God sends us.


"Who are we", we are called to be the children of God. As

Christians we have a responsibility. The church has been called

to proclaim a message of hope, healing and reconciliation to God.

Our proclamation to the society should be that there is a power

ð 7 3 Šin Jesus Christ that can change our lives and gives us strength

to overcome the struggles in our lives. God gives us many

choices. Yet God hold us responsible for the choices that we

make in life.


Jesus presented people with the most difficult of choices to

make in like. He spoke not of self fulfillment and self actual

ization, but rather of discipline, denial and commitment. If

anyone comes to me and does not deny him or herself, he or she

cannot be my disciple. What kind of world would this be if

every Christian seriously took the call to be a true follower of

Jesus Christ? What the world can be, my friend, is limited only

the Christian’s imagination. What the world will be, is limited

only by the Christian’s commitment to carry out the will of God.

Let us pray. Lord, God, we would choose to stand with

those who have chosen to be responsible. That we may grow up

into our responsibility, and discover who You are calling us to

be as individuals and a church. May we take our proper place,

the place you have called us to take in your kingdom, that we

may be used of you. That we may truly be used to bless and bring

others into the fullness of life for which Christ died. In his

name we pray amen.