Summary: Do you live according to God’s will or the world’s ways? This message helps us know the difference.

James 3:13-17 " Two Ways To Live"

By Pastor Mark Hiehle

Do you live your life with certainty or with confusion? Are you sure of what is right and what is wrong? Is there anything today that does not change?

Instead of black and white, does everything seem gray and is the line of

distinction blurred? For some, maybe you today, this describes your life. There is a constant question of how to live your life because nothing is

consistent or "feels right." Life is constantly changing, with no absolutes to guide you.

Are there really absolutes? Truths that never change? Markers that are firm, solid and stable? The answer is "yes." There are absolutes that are reliable and never change. Truth that you can count on. Where do you find such truth that stands the test of time, technology and tumultuous life? In a book that has never, and will never be proven false or flawed, for the author is God. Within His Word, the Bible, all we need to know of God, life and eternity is disclosed. Truth, from the creator of life and the life to come. What are some of the trues found in His Word that are markers for guiding our lives today? Consider just a few:

God never changes and His love is forever

God does not want anyone to perish

People are free to choose or reject God’s love

Sin always has a price which must be paid

Jesus died to take away your sin

There are just two kinds of people - those who are saved from their sin or

those still in their sin

There are just two ways to live - by God’s wisdom or

by the world’s wisdom

With these trues, there is no room to sit on the fence. You can not straddle the line with one foot on both sides. Those are absolutes that you and I have to make a choice concerning and if we say we don’t want to choose, we have already made a choice. How do you live your life - by God’s wisdom or the World’s wisdom?

James begins to deal with how to live our lives by asking the question, "Who is wise and understanding among you?" No one wants to be seen as foolish or unwise. We all want to be perceived as intelligent and "in the know." James tells us that there are two kinds of wisdom. Wisdom that comes from God and wisdom that comes from the world. How can you tell the difference? By the fruit that is evidenced. Those that follow the mind of the world and apply its wisdom to their lives, experience bitter envy, strife, selfish ambition, discord and pride. Throughout the Bible we are admonished to not stand in judgement over one another as a judge but we are to be careful observers, as fruit inspectors. Jesus instructed his disciples that false teachers would be known by the fruit they produce, so be very observant (Matt 7:15-23). We see the result of worldly wisdom in the newspapers everyday. War, murder, abuse, injustice, stealing, lying, conflict, divorce, crime and every evil imaginable. All of these deeds were done with someone thinking they were justified in their behavior. I just heard this week a politician defend himself by saying that what He said was not false by how he defined the term false. Since when are we allowed to define the meaning of words by our own standards? But, that is where we are at today. Words are redefined for personal advantage and the world buys into it. Selfish, sensual and of the devil, that is the worlds wisdom.

What is Godly wisdom like? James gives us eight characteristics of the fruit of godly wisdom. First of all it is Pure. Pure in motive, clean and unblemished. It is not by accident that James says "first" of all, pure. Without purity, the other seven characteristics are unattainable. In order to start with purity, there must be a cleansing. Scripture states that our finest deeds done apart from God, are nothing more than filthy rags in His sight (Isaiah 64:6). We must be cleansed, just as Isaiah’s lips were touched by the hot coal from the alter and as the disciple’s feet were washed by Jesus. God’s wisdom will only come to us if we are clean vessels which He can fill. Yes, God uses cracked pots but they are clean pots for they have been washed by the blood of Jesus and by the washing of the Word.

Next, peace loving is mentioned by James. There are two kinds of peace and both are referred to here. Just as the cross is the symbol of that which paid the price for our freedom from sin, it enables us to have peace with God and peace with others. The vertical beam of the cross points to heaven. As Jesus died on the cross he made it possible for us to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. The horizontal beam reaches out to others and so by the grace provided to us through the cross, we can forgive and have relationships with others based upon the peace we have with God.

Once we have a pure heart and we are at peace with God and others, then we can experience the wisdom of God that allows us to be considerate and submissive. To be considerate means that you balance justice with mercy. You can put yourself into the other persons position and understand the many facets of the situation. This takes wisdom from on high but God grants this kind of wisdom to the pure, peaceable person. Harold Fickett Jr. told a story of a hard working widow who had four small children. She became ill and was unable to pay her rent as she faithfully had done before. The landlord had every right to have her leave the apartment but he understood her plight and had empathy for her. Knowing that the circumstance she faced was beyond her control, the landlord had compassion and allowed her to stay in the apartment. In addition, he helped her work out her problems as he tempered justice with mercy. The landlord went the second mile for he was given wisdom. The world demands justice and rightly so, it makes sense. The landlord could have been burned and been taken advantage of. What would have happened if God did not consider mercy over judgement? Our sin demanded death, " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23). Because God’s heart and desire is to give life and to bless, we know He always has our best interests in mind. Therefore, wisdom leads us to submit our will to God’s will for it is always best. Obedience is based upon trusting that God knows not only our past and present but also our future. Following God with complete obedience is that which is wise in the eyes of God. This is the real difficulty for most believers, submitting to God’s wisdom and Lordship. Just as there could never be a resurrection without a crucifixion so there can not be obedience to God’s will without a death to self will. There must be a death to the stubborn, egotistical "got to have it my way" mind set and attitude if Godly wisdom will be given. The wise person surrenders and lets God be God in every area of life.

The fifth and sixth characteristics of God’s wisdom is seen as being full of mercy and good fruit. During the revolutionary war, there was an order that anyone found asleep at their post would be punished by death. A young soldier was brought before his commanding officer with the charge of sleeping, while on duty. The boy was sentenced to be shot the next morning. The boys’ mother heard of her son’s fate and she immediately appealed to her son’s commanding officer. "Please sir," she pleaded. " Please spare his life". " He was found asleep at his post" the commander shouted. "He deserves to die". "I’m not asking for justice sir, but mercy". Seeing the mother’s grief and pain, the commander pardoned the boy and reinstated him. The commanders heart was moved and he put his compassion to work and extended mercy. Godly wisdom shows itself in Christlikeness towards others.

Finally, James lists being impartial and sincere as wisdom. Integrity and honesty is the hallmark of Godliness and true wisdom. True wisdom is the same in private as it is in public. Hypocrisy is never from God. Those that profess to be something they are not never are models of Godliness. Those who have Godly wisdom are not out to please people, but God. They do not look for the acclaim of others but the approval of God. People- pleasers, are following the world’s mind for success. Godly wisdom knows that the greatest reward is not a standing ovation and applause but the voice of God saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Verse 18 is a very probing statement, "Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." There is a difference between a peacemaker and a peace keeper. A peace maker strives to look honestly at a situation and allow truth to direct people to do what is right before God and each other. Why? So that growth may occur and healthy relationships can be achieved. A peace keeper is concerned with not stirring the waters or offending anyone. Just keep things from getting tense, is their focus. The problem with a peace keeper is that nothing ever gets resolved and nothing ever changes. Truth is never told and sin is never exposed. Behavior is never confronted and real growth never occurs. With the mind set of, "Just keep the peace," relationships and even churches become dysfunctional and eventually an explosion takes place. All because of fear. Fear to confront and bring truth to light. Why do people fear true peace making? Because of the reality that most people follow the world’s wisdom and when truth is revealed, they turn carnal and employ the ways of the world which lead to the fruit of worldly thinking: strife, discord, factions, gossip, slander, disorder and dissension. But, when true peace and Godly wisdom is sought, there is humility, consideration, submission and mercy extended which leads to a harvest of righteousness.

Are you wise? Are you wise according to the world or according to God? Do you employ the world’s wisdom or do you follow Godly wisdom? Let’s take a few moments right now and ask God to help us inspect our fruit.