Summary: With the story of Mary and Martha, God teaches us spiritual priorities.

About seventy years ago a fascinating interview took place between a Mr. Charles Schwab, then president of Bethlehem Steel Company, and Ivy Lee a motivational speaker and self-help advisor. Lee was a confident, aggressive man who through perseverance had acquired this interview with Schwab, one of the most powerful men in the world. During the conversation, Lee proposed that if Schwab would follow his advice, the entire company would become more prosperous.

Schwab answered: “If you can show me a way to be able to accomplish more with the time I have, it’ll be my pleasure to listen. In fact, if it works, I’ll pay you whatever you ask within reason.”

So Lee gave Schwab a blank piece of paper and told him: “Write down the most important things that you have to do tomorrow.”

Schwab did so.

“Now,” Lee continued, “number them according to their importance.”

Again Schwab obliged.

“Tomorrow morning, start with number one. Then go on to number two and so forth... Don’t worry if you haven’t completed the list by the end of the day. At least you will have accomplished the most important projects. Do this every day. Afterwards, if you are convinced of its value, have your men follow the same system. Test it for as long as you would like, and then send me a check for what you think this advice was worth.”

The two men shook hands and Lee left the president’s office. A few weeks later, Charles Schwab sent Ivy Lee a check for $25,000, an astronomical figure in those days. He said it was the best lesson he had ever learned in his long career in business.

En the cold world of business there are few things as important for success as setting priorities and living according to them. This is no less true in our spiritual lives. And so this morning we are going to talk about priorities. We are going to see that according to Jesus, there is only one thing necessary and that he wants us to live in that one thing. So let’s see that one thing necessary by reading our text for this morning as it is found in Luke chapter 10...

I. The one thing necessary

In the movie “City Slickers”, Billy Crystal plays a man who is completely disillusioned with his life. And so his friends take him on an adventure to a cattle ranch to “rediscover his smile.” At the ranch, Crystal’s character meets the cattle boss, a tough and hornery cowboy, a man of few words. During their adventure, the cattle boss tells Crystal that to find happiness, you need only one thing... but then he died before he could tell him what that one thing was.

Here in the text for this morning, Christ tells us that there is only one thing needful. But he never says explicitly what that one thing is. But if we look closely at the story in our text for this morning, I bettcha we can figure out what that one thing is.

A woman named Martha had invited our Lord to eat at her house. But while she was getting everything ready, her sister Mary sat down at Jesus’ feet to listen to what he said. There it is. The one thing that we need. Mary chose to listen to God’s Word. God’s Word is the one thing needful.

But why is God’s Word so important? Well, mainly because it tells us who we are. In this world, it’s a special person who really knows him or herself. It’s hard for us to look honestly at ourselves in the mirror. The world is full of people who think that they are “all that” when they really aren’t. And at the other extreme, there are many people who suffer from low self-esteem, anorexia, bolemia who do not see who they really are when they look in the mirror. But the Bible, God’s Word, helps us to know ourselves better. When we look into the mirror of God’s Word, first of all we see that we are people with very poor priorities. Jesus tells us that we should seek first the Kingdom of God, or in other words, that God and his Word should be priority number one in our lives. But in our daily life, what place does God really have? If what we do during the day reflects our priorities, where does that leave God? Do you set aside time each day to study and meditate on God’s Word? Do you thank him every morning for the new day that he has given you, for your family, for your house, for your work? Do you have family devotions? Do you even talk with your family about God? In your conversations with co-workers, friends, classmates, do your mention that God is important to you? Sadly even I as a pastor cannot answer very well these questions. We are people of very poor priorities. And due to our choices in life, we deserve God’s punishment.

But let’s look again at that mirror of God’s Word, because even though we are ugly sinners, we shouldn’t have low self-esteem, because God doesn’t see us that way. No, in his Word, he gives us the confidence about who we really are. Through faith in Jesus, we are God’s perfect children. Christ came to this world and kept the entire law as our substitute. Jesus always maintained good priorities. That’s why we find him so often in the temple or the synagogue, among the people preaching the Good News of the Gospel. And by his death on the cross, that perfection becomes ours. God now sees us as perfect because he has given us Jesus’ perfection as a gift. That’s why God’s Word is so necessary, because it teaches us that road to heaven. The road who is Jesus Christ our Lord.

But since we now know that, why keep studying the Bible? You ever think about that? If we have faith, if we know of Jesus’ love, why do we need to keep coming to church and studying God’s Word? Well, God’s Word is still necessary for two reasons: first of all because now that we want to thank God for our salvation and live for him, we need a guide to tell us how. Throughout history there have existed people who, thinking that they were serving God, have done terrible things (for example the inquisition). By nature we don’t know exactly what God wants us to do to thank him. We need his Word which is a lamp that guides us on the right road.

And besides that, God’s Word is our spiritual food. It recharges our batteries. Without God’s Word, we are left without the strength to fight against our spiritual enemies. Without God’s Word, we find ourselves without comfort in the midst of the many tragedies of this world.

So my friends, there is one thing needful: the story of our Salvation, God’s Word. It tells us who we are by nature and also who we are through faith in Jesus. Through this Word, the Holy Spirit gives and strengthens faith. God’s Word is the light to show us the path to heaven, the path who is Jesus Christ. Then it shows us the road on which God wants us to travel to thank him. As the Psalmist wrote, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

II. How do we live in the one thing needful?

But now that we know what the one thing needful is, how do we use it? How do we live in God’s Word? Well, we see in the story Mary and Martha. Our text tells us that Martha: was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. Just imagine. God himself is visiting. The house is a mess. The food isn’t ready. The table is dirty. God is sitting in your living room and your sister refuses to help! Now understand, Martha wasn’t wrong in that she wanted to give her Savior a delicious supper. But really, it’s a question of priorities. What is the one thing needful? Mary chose that one thing. She sat at Jesus’ feet to hear God’s Word.

So, now I ask those of you who have been going to church for years. For years you have been seated at Jesus’ feet. So, at the present, how are your priorities? Does God and his Word still have first place in your lives? Be careful because the devil is going to tempt you to think that you know it all, so why keep studying? He’s going to tempt us to sit in front of the television, to sit in front of the computer, to stay sleeping in our beds instead of sitting at the feet of Jesus. And you know, our services and Bible Classes here in church aren’t the only opportunities that you have to sit at Jesus’ feet. Every time you study God’s Word at home, you sit at the feet of your Savior. So I encourage you, especially parents, to study God’s Word at home with your children. Read them Bible Stories when they are little. Talk to them as they get older about the way to heaven who is Jesus and about the path which God wants them to follow in order to thank for their salvation. You have the responsibility to train and instruct your children in God’s Word. It is not the responsibility of the Church or the pastors. We are here to help, but it is your responsibility to sit your children at the feet of their Savior.

And for those of you who haven’t been going to church for very long, those who may be visiting us for the very first time this morning: I ask you as well, “How are your priorities?” You are right now seated at the feet of Jesus Christ. But what about tomorrow? What about Tuesday? It’s time to change priorities. A change in priorities made all the difference in Charles Schwab’s business. A change in spiritual priorities will make all the difference in your lives.

Because there is only one thing needful. This Word teaches us about our sins and our need for a Savior. And then it shows us that Savior, Jesus Christ. Through this Word, God gives and strengthens faith. So continue studying, learning, growing. Continue to sit at the feet of Jesus Christ. As Paul wrote to young Timothy, I know say to you: But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you have learned it, and how from infancy you have know the holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Let’s sit at the feet of our Savior every day of our lives. Amen.