Summary: Part 3 of 4 in a series on marks of a healthy Christian and this one is on giving.

You Might Be A Healthy Christian If...

You See The Offering As An Opportunity To Be Obedient.

August 12, 2001 F.B.C. Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker


1. I’m going to speaking on giving today.

A. I could say how your giving allows children in Africa and Kosovo to eat.

a I could tell you how your giving allows missionaries to do minister to people all over the world.

b I’m not going to. Your giving allows my child to eat. Your giving allows me to minister to people in Chester. (If you don’t give....I don’t paid)

B I know that people don’t like to hear this message...yet I gotta do it.

a In the gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke, one verse in six deals with money. There are 29 parables that Jesus spoke, 16 of those had to do with a Christian and his money.

b I haven’t spoke on giving since the first of week of February.....its time.

*Before the service I have given someone a $100 bill to give to me during this part of the message..

*I tell the congregation that I have guests coming in from out of town and I need some cash to take them out to eat after the service.

*The person I have given the $100 to before the service raises their hand and says, "Here’s a $100 bucks pastor." and gives me the $100....I then go on preaching. This is going explained and used as the application in Point Two: C/b

2 We are looking at how you might be a healthy Christian........You See the Offering As An Opportunity to be obedient.

A I Cor. 16:1-2 is our key passage.16:1 Now about the collection for God’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. [2] On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.

a. Paul told how the believer was to give at church. (Essence of the Text in a Sentence)

b. Healthy Christians give back to God appropriately. (Essence of the Sermon In a Sentence)

B. ILet’s look at two mistakes that believers make about giving. (Transitional Sentence)

a. I hope you’ll not make the same mistake twice. (Objective)

b. What mistakes are you giving into?

c Let’s Pray.

I. Mistake 1: It’s no big deal if I don’t give.

A A very wealthy king invited all his friends to join him for dinner. (His treat) All they were asked to bring was one flask of wine. (Apparently this wasn’t a Baptist king.)

a The king was going to pour everyone’s flask into a large vat. (Interesting mix)

b On the big day, everyone gathered at the royal table and brought their flask...just like the king said. *Everyone poured their flasks into the vat, the servants poured their cups with the special dinner drink....they proposed a toast...then they all took a big gulp....of WATER.

*It seems that each guest had the same idea...if everyone is required to bring a flask of wine, no one will notice that I alone brought water instead.

*If everyone brought wine, no one would have noticed. Unfortunately, the idea was not shared by only one, but by all.

*What happened at that kings castle, happens in The Kings church.

B I Cor. 16:2 "each one of you...."

a Paul told the church at Corinth that EVERY SINGLE PERSON SHOULD GIVE.

b He understood that it took everyone to accomplish the mission of First Church Corinth. (Not 1/3, not ½, not 3/4.....each one of you!!!)

(IL) I Cor. 12:12-25 Paul wrote about how the church was like a body... "EACH ONE OF YOU HAS SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE BODY OF CHRIST." VV:18

C Your giving IS a big deal.

a Your giving has nothing to do with raising money, it has everything to do with raising you.

*The purpose of giving isn’t to get your money, possessions, tithe.

*The purpose of giving is to get you for God.

b Matt. 6:21 "For where your treasure ($) is, your heart will be also.

*Some folks say, "I’ll give more when I grow more." WRONG!

*Scripture says your money doesn’t follow your heart. Your heart follows your money!

*God doesn’t want your money (He doesn’t need it), He wants your heart. (That’s a big deal to God.)

* "Until God having your heart becomes a big deal, giving will NEVER be a big deal."

T.S: Giving is a big deal...make no mistake. Let me bring to light another mistake.

II Mistake #2: I don’t have to tithe because it’s an Old Testament thing.

A We find so much in the Old Testament we hold dear and true.

a Honor the Sabbath, marriage, monogamy, moral laws (kill, steal, lie), 10 commandments...Amen!

b Tithe? (Were under grace, not the law!)

*Tithing, to many, is an antiquated idea that is no longer expected since Jesus freed us from the laws of the Old Testament. Not consistent!

B I Cor. 16:2 "A sum of money is keeping with his income...." What Sum?

a The sum we know of is 1/10th. The Tithe is mentioned in Scripture over & over & over.

b Hebrews 7:2 "Abraham tithed 1/10th" Gen. 28:2 "Jacob gave 1/10th"

Matthew 23:23 "Jesus Commended the jews for tithing"

*Did Abraham tithe? Did Jacob tithe? Yes. Were they under the law? NO!!! Moses and the mosaic law came after Abraham and Jacob. Abe & Jake gave under Grace Too!!!

C Even though we are no longer under the law, tithing is still a discipline we practice.

a I Cor. 4:7 "...what do you have that you did not receive...?"

*Everything you have has been given to you by God.

*When we tithe, were simply giving back to God what’s His.

b Some of you are wondering about the $100 I got from Todd at the begining of the service.

*Ask Todd, "Todd, why did you give me that $100?" Todd answers, "Because It was yours to begin with pastor."

*I gave that money to Todd before the service. He gave it to me...because Todd knew it wasn’t his.

*The tithe we give is not ours to begin with...God is simply asking for us to give Him back what is His to begin with.

*The tithe was right for Abraham/Jacob under the grace of God. The tithe was right during the mosaic law. The tithe is still right under the gospel and grace of Jesus Christ.


1. Tithing is never a matter of the wallet, it’s a matter of trust. Healthy Christians give back to God appropriately. (ESS)

A. We’ve looked at two mistakes that believers make about giving.

a. It’s no big deal if I don’t give. (Everybody is a part of this body..give)

b. I don’t have to tithe because its an Old Testament thing. (No it’s an obedience thing.)

B. I hope you’ll not make the same mistake twice. (Obj.)

a The bible says that you can’t serve God and mammon (money)

b True. But healthy Christians CAN serve God with their money.

2 What mistakes are you "giving" into?

A How do you eat an elephant? (One bite at a time.)

a A little at time, all the’s like tithing with some of you.

b Some of you want to give appropriately...but your scared.

*Start a little at a consistent until you eat that elephant.

B There were six frogs sitting on a lily pad and four decided to jump off into the water. How many are left on the lily pad?

a Six. They decided to jump, but they didn’t do it.

*Some of you may decide you want to give appropriately today.....but you won’t do it.

*How many of you are gonna not only many are gonna jump?

b What mistakes are you "giving" into?